36 research outputs found

    Representations for generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices over a Banach space

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    In this paper we give expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of a (2,2,0) operator matrix and a 2×22\times2 operator matrix under certain circumstances, which generalizes and unifies several results in the literature

    Expressions for the g-Drazin inverse of additive perturbed elements in a Banach algebra

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    AbstractWe study additive properties of the g-Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra A. In our development we derive a representation of the resolvent of a 2×2 matrix with entries in A, which is then used to find explicit expressions for the g-Drazin inverse of the sum a+b, under new conditions on a,b∈A. As an application of our results we obtain a representation for the Drazin inverse of a 2×2 complex block matrix in terms of the individual blocks, under certain conditions

    New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate additive properties of generalized Drazin inverse of two Drazin invertible linear operators in Banach spaces. Under the commutative condition of PQ=QP, we give explicit representations of the generalized Drazin inverse (P+Q)d in term of P, Pd, Q and Qd. We consider some applications of our results to the perturbation of the Drazin inverse and analyze a number of special cases

    Some additive results on Drazin inverse

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    In this paper, we investigate additive results of the Drazin inverse of elements in a ring R. Under the condition ab = ba, we show that a + b is Drazin invertible if and only if aa^D(a+b) is Drazin invertible, where the superscript D means the Drazin inverse. Furthermore we find an expression of (a + b)^D. As an application we give some new representations for the Drazin inverse of a 2 × 2 block matrix.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11361009), the Guangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2013GXNSFAA019008), and Science Research Project 2013 of the China-ASEAN Study Center (Guangxi Science Experiment Center) of Guangxi University for Nationalities.Liu, X.; Qin, X.; Benítez López, J. (2015). Some additive results on Drazin inverse. Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities. 30(4):479-490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11766-015-3333-4S479490304A Ben-Israel, T N E Greville. Generalized Inverses, Theory and Applications, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2003.S L Campbell, C D Meyer. Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations, Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program), Boston, MA, 1979.N Castro-González, J J Koliha. Additive perturbation results for the Drazin inverse, Linear Algebra Appl, 2005, 397: 279–297.N Castro-González, E Dopazo, M F Martínez-Serrano. On the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators and its application to operator matrices, J Math Anal Appl, 2008, 350: 207–215.N Castro-González, M F Martínez-Serrano. Expressions for the g-Drazin inverse of additive perturbed elements in a Banach algebra, Linear Algebra Appl, 2010, 432: 1885–1895.N Castro-González, J J Koliha. New additive results for the Drazin inverse, Proc Roy Soc Edinburgh Sect A, 2004, 134: 1085–1097.M Catral, D D Olesky, P van den Driessche. Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix, Electron J Linear Algebra, 2009, 18: 98–107.J L Chen, G F Zhuang, Y Wei. The Drazin inverse of a sum of morphisms, Acta Math Sci Ser A Chin Ed, 2009, 29(3): 538–552.D S Cvetković-Ilić, D S Djordjević, Y Wei. Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra, Linear Algebra Appl, 2006, 418, 53–61.D S Cvetković-Ilić. A note on the representation for the Drazin inverse of 2 × 2 block matrices, Linear Algebra Appl, 2008, 429: 242–248.C Deng. The Drazin inverses of sum and difference of idempotents, Linear Algebra Appl, 2009, 430: 1282–1291.C Deng, Y Wei. Characterizations and representations of the Drazin inverse of idempotents, Linear Algebra Appl, 2009, 431: 1526–1538.C Deng, Y Wei. New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse, J Math Anal Appl, 2010, 370: 313–321.D S Djordjević, P S Stanimirović. On the generalized Drazin inverse and generalized resolvent, Czechoslovak Math J, 2001, 51(126): 617–634.D S Djordjević, Y Wei. Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse, J Aust Math Soc, 2002, 73: 115–125.D S Djordjević, V Rakočević. Lectures on Generalized inverses, University of Niš, 2008.E Dopazo, M F Martínez-Serrano. Further results on the representation of the Drazin inverse of a 2 × 2 block matrices, Linear Algebra Appl, 2010, 432: 1896–1904.M P Drazin. Pseudo-inverses in associative rings and semiproup, Amer Math Monthly, 1958, 65: 506–514.R E Hartwig, G R Wang, Y Wei. Some additive results on Drazin inverse, Linear Algebra Appl, 2001, 322: 207–217.R E Hartwig, X Li, Y Wei. Representations for the Drazin inverse of a 2×2 block matrix, SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl, 2006, 27: 757–771.Y Liu, C G Cao. Drazin inverse for some partitioned matrices over skew fields, J Nat Sci Heilongjiang Univ, 2004, 24: 112–114.J Ljubisavljević, D S Cvetković-Ilić. Additive results for the Drazin inverse of block matrices and applications, J Comput Appl Math, 2011, 235: 3683–3690.C D Meyer ffixJr, N J Rose. The index and the Drazin inverse of block triangular matrices, SIAM J Appl Math, 1977, 33(1): 1–7.L Wang, H H Zhu, X Zhu, J L Chen. Additive property of Drazin invertibility of elements, arXiv: 1307.1816v1 [math.RA], 2013.H Yang, X Liu. The Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices and its applications, J Comput Appl Math, 2011, 235: 1412–1417


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    In this paper, a review of a development of the Drazin inverse for the sum of two matrices has been given. Since this topic is closely related to the problem of finding the Drazin inverse of a 2x2 block matrix, the paper also offers a survey of this subject

    A weak group inverse for rectangular matrices

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    [EN] In this paper, we extend the notion of weak group inverse to rectangular matrices (called WweightedWGinverse) by using the weighted core EP inverse recently investigated. This new generalized inverse also generalizes the well-known weighted group inverse given by Cline and Greville. In addition, we give several representations of the W-weighted WG inverse, and derive some characterizations and properties.First author was partially supported by UNRC (Grant PPI 18/C472) and CONICET (Grant PIP 112-201501-00433CO). Third author was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (Grants DGI MTM2013-43678-P and Red de Excelencia MTM2017-90682-REDT).Ferreyra, DE.; Orquera, V.; Thome, N. (2019). A weak group inverse for rectangular matrices. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 113(4):3727-3740. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-019-00674-9S372737401134Ben-Israel, A., Greville, T.N.E.: Generalized Inverses: Theory and Applications, 2nd edn. Springer, New York (2003)Baksalary, O.M., Trenkler, G.: Core inverse of matrices. Linear Multilinear Algebra 58, 681–697 (2010)Baksalary, O.M., Trenkler, G.: On a generalized core inverse. Appl. Math. Comput. 236, 450–457 (2014)Bajodah, A.H.: Servo-constraint generalized inverse dynamics for robot manipulator control design. Int. J. Robot. Autom. 25, (2010). https://doi.org/10.2316/Journal.206.2016.1.206-3291Campbell, S.L., Meyer Jr., C.D.: Generalized Inverses of Linear transformations. SIAM, Philadelphia (2009)Cline, R.E., Greville, T.N.E.: A Drazin inverse for rectangular matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 29, 53–62 (1980)Dajić, A., Koliha, J.J.: The weighted g-Drazin inverse for operators. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 2, 163–181 (2007)Doty, K.L., Melchiorri, C., Bonivento, C.: A theory of generalized inverses applied to robotics. Int. J. Rob. Res. 12, 1–19 (1993)Drazin, M.P.: Pseudo-inverses in associate rings and semirings. Am. Math. Mon. 65, 506–514 (1958)Ferreyra, D.E., Levis, F.E., Thome, N.: Revisiting of the core EP inverse and its extension to rectangular matrices. Quaest. Math. 41, 265–281 (2018)Ferreyra, D.E., Levis, F.E., Thome, N.: Maximal classes of matrices determining generalized inverses. Appl. Math. Comput. 333, 42–52 (2018)Gigola, S., Lebtahi, L., Thome, N.: The inverse eigenvalue problem for a Hermitian reflexive matrix and the optimization problem. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 291, 449–457 (2016)Hartwig, R.E.: The weighted * ∗ -core-nilpotent decomposition. Linear Algebra Appl. 211, 101–111 (1994)Kirkland, S.J., Neumann, M.: Group inverses of M-matrices and their applications. Chapman and Hall/CRC, London (2013)Malik, S., Thome, N.: On a new generalized inverse for matrices of an arbitrary index. Appl. Math. Comput. 226, 575–580 (2014)Male sˇ{{\check{\rm s}}} s ˇ ević, B., Obradović, R., Banjac, B., Jovović, I., Makragić, M.: Application of polynomial texture mapping in process of digitalization of cultural heritage. arXiv:1312.6935 (2013). Accessed 14 June 2018Manjunatha Prasad, K., Mohana, K.S.: Core EP inverse. Linear Multilinear Algebra 62, 792–802 (2014)Mehdipour, M., Salemi, A.: On a new generalized inverse of matrices. Linear Multilinear Algebra 66, 1046–1053 (2018)Meng, L.S.: The DMP inverse for rectangular matrices. Filomat 31, 6015–6019 (2017)Mosić, D.: The CMP inverse for rectangular matrices. Aequaetiones Math. 92, 649–659 (2018)Penrose, R.: A generalized inverse for matrices. Proc. Cambrid. Philos. Soc. 51, 406–413 (1955)Soleimani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Soleymani, F.: Some matrix iterations for computing generalized inverses and balancing chemical equations. Algorithms 8, 982–998 (2015)Xiao, G.Z., Shen, B.Z., Wu, C.K., Wong, C.S.: Some spectral techniques in coding theory. Discrete Math. 87, 181–186 (1991)Wang, H.: Core-EP decomposition and its applications. Linear Algebra Appl. 508, 289–300 (2016)Wang, H., Chen, J.: Weak group inverse. Open Math. 16, 1218–1232 (2018)Wei, Y.: A characterization for the WW W -weighted Drazin inverse and a Crammer rule for the WW W -weighted Drazin inverse solution. Appl. Math. Comput. 125, 303–310 (2002

    Representations for the Generalized Drazin Inverse of the Sum in a Banach Algebra and Its Application for Some Operator Matrices

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    We investigate additive properties of the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra A. We find explicit expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of the sum a+b, under new conditions on a,b∈A. As an application we give some new representations for the generalized Drazin inverse of an operator matrix

    Rank equalities related to a class of outer generalized inverse

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    [EN] In 2012, Drazin introduced a class of outer generalized inverse in a ring R, the (b, c)-inverse of a for a,b,c is an element of R and denoted by a(parallel to(b,c)). In this paper, rank equalities of A(k)A(parallel to(B,C)) - A parallel to((B,C))A(k) and (A*)(k)A(parallel to(B,C) )-( )A(parallel to(B,C))(A*)(k )are obtained. As applications, we investigate equivalent conditions for the equalities (A*)(k)A(parallel to(B,C)) = A(parallel to(B,C))(A*)(k) and A(k)A(parallel to(B,C)) = A(parallel to(B,C))A(k). As corollaries we obtain rank equalities related to the Moore-Penrose inverse, the core inverse, and the Drazin inverse. The paper finishes with some rank equalities involving different expressions containing A(parallel to(B,C)).The authors wish to thank the editor and reviewers sincerely for their constructive comments and suggestions that have improved the quality of the paper. The second author is grateful to China Scholarship Council for giving him a scholarship for his further study in Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11771076), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (no. KYCX 0055), the Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (no. KYCX 0055). The second author is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Education Committee (No. 19KJB110005) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (No. BK20191047).Chen, J.; Xu, S.; Benítez López, J.; Chen, X. (2019). Rank equalities related to a class of outer generalized inverse. Filomat (Online). 33(17):5611-5622. https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1917611CS56115622331

    Different invertibility modifications in operator spaces and c*-algebras and its applications

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    In this thesis different modifications of invertibility in various settings and their applications are investigated. In particular, the reverse order law is considered for classes of {1,3} and {1,4}-generalized inverses in C*-algebras and particulary in the vector space of linear bounded operators on separable Hilbert spaces. The Hartwig's triple reverse order law for Moore-Penrose inverse is discussed in C*-algebra and ring with involution settings. The reverse order laws on {1,3}, {1,4}, {1,3,4}, {1,2,3} and {1,2,4}-inverses in a ring setting are investigated. This results contain improvements of some known results in C*-algebra case because the assumptions of the regularity of some elements are omitted. The generalized invertibility is applied to solving certain types of equations in rings with unit and determining the general form of solutions. Strictly, the algebraic conditions for the existence of a solution and the expression for the general solution of the system of three linear equations in a ring with a unit are discussed. Another research concerns when the linear combinations of two operators belonging to the class of Fredholm operators. Some cases where the Fredholmness of linear combination is independent of the choice of the scalars are described in detail