7,540 research outputs found

    Single-Event Upset Analysis and Protection in High Speed Circuits

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    The effect of single-event transients (SETs) (at a combinational node of a design) on the system reliability is becoming a big concern for ICs manufactured using advanced technologies. An SET at a node of combinational part may cause a transient pulse at the input of a flip-flop and consequently is latched in the flip-flop and generates a soft-error. When an SET conjoined with a transition at a node along a critical path of the combinational part of a design, a transient delay fault may occur at the input of a flip-flop. On the other hand, increasing pipeline depth and using low power techniques such as multi-level power supply, and multi-threshold transistor convert almost all paths in a circuit to critical ones. Thus, studying the behavior of the SET in these kinds of circuits needs special attention. This paper studies the dynamic behavior of a circuit with massive critical paths in the presence of an SET. We also propose a novel flip-flop architecture to mitigate the effects of such SETs in combinational circuits. Furthermore, the proposed architecture can tolerant a single event upset (SEU) caused by particle strike on the internal nodes of a flip-flo

    Analog, hybrid, and digital simulation

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    Analog, hybrid, and digital computerized simulation technique

    Cross-Layer Optimization for Power-Efficient and Robust Digital Circuits and Systems

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    With the increasing digital services demand, performance and power-efficiency become vital requirements for digital circuits and systems. However, the enabling CMOS technology scaling has been facing significant challenges of device uncertainties, such as process, voltage, and temperature variations. To ensure system reliability, worst-case corner assumptions are usually made in each design level. However, the over-pessimistic worst-case margin leads to unnecessary power waste and performance loss as high as 2.2x. Since optimizations are traditionally confined to each specific level, those safe margins can hardly be properly exploited. To tackle the challenge, it is therefore advised in this Ph.D. thesis to perform a cross-layer optimization for digital signal processing circuits and systems, to achieve a global balance of power consumption and output quality. To conclude, the traditional over-pessimistic worst-case approach leads to huge power waste. In contrast, the adaptive voltage scaling approach saves power (25% for the CORDIC application) by providing a just-needed supply voltage. The power saving is maximized (46% for CORDIC) when a more aggressive voltage over-scaling scheme is applied. These sparsely occurred circuit errors produced by aggressive voltage over-scaling are mitigated by higher level error resilient designs. For functions like FFT and CORDIC, smart error mitigation schemes were proposed to enhance reliability (soft-errors and timing-errors, respectively). Applications like Massive MIMO systems are robust against lower level errors, thanks to the intrinsically redundant antennas. This property makes it applicable to embrace digital hardware that trades quality for power savings.Comment: 190 page

    Progress of analog-hybrid computation

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    Review of fast analog/hybrid computer systems, integrated operational amplifiers, electronic mode-control switches, digital attenuators, and packaging technique

    Embedding Logic and Non-volatile Devices in CMOS Digital Circuits for Improving Energy Efficiency

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    abstract: Static CMOS logic has remained the dominant design style of digital systems for more than four decades due to its robustness and near zero standby current. Static CMOS logic circuits consist of a network of combinational logic cells and clocked sequential elements, such as latches and flip-flops that are used for sequencing computations over time. The majority of the digital design techniques to reduce power, area, and leakage over the past four decades have focused almost entirely on optimizing the combinational logic. This work explores alternate architectures for the flip-flops for improving the overall circuit performance, power and area. It consists of three main sections. First, is the design of a multi-input configurable flip-flop structure with embedded logic. A conventional D-type flip-flop may be viewed as realizing an identity function, in which the output is simply the value of the input sampled at the clock edge. In contrast, the proposed multi-input flip-flop, named PNAND, can be configured to realize one of a family of Boolean functions called threshold functions. In essence, the PNAND is a circuit implementation of the well-known binary perceptron. Unlike other reconfigurable circuits, a PNAND can be configured by simply changing the assignment of signals to its inputs. Using a standard cell library of such gates, a technology mapping algorithm can be applied to transform a given netlist into one with an optimal mixture of conventional logic gates and threshold gates. This approach was used to fabricate a 32-bit Wallace Tree multiplier and a 32-bit booth multiplier in 65nm LP technology. Simulation and chip measurements show more than 30% improvement in dynamic power and more than 20% reduction in core area. The functional yield of the PNAND reduces with geometry and voltage scaling. The second part of this research investigates the use of two mechanisms to improve the robustness of the PNAND circuit architecture. One is the use of forward and reverse body biases to change the device threshold and the other is the use of RRAM devices for low voltage operation. The third part of this research focused on the design of flip-flops with non-volatile storage. Spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junctions (STT-MTJ) are integrated with both conventional D-flipflop and the PNAND circuits to implement non-volatile logic (NVL). These non-volatile storage enhanced flip-flops are able to save the state of system locally when a power interruption occurs. However, manufacturing variations in the STT-MTJs and in the CMOS transistors significantly reduce the yield, leading to an overly pessimistic design and consequently, higher energy consumption. A detailed analysis of the design trade-offs in the driver circuitry for performing backup and restore, and a novel method to design the energy optimal driver for a given yield is presented. Efficient designs of two nonvolatile flip-flop (NVFF) circuits are presented, in which the backup time is determined on a per-chip basis, resulting in minimizing the energy wastage and satisfying the yield constraint. To achieve a yield of 98%, the conventional approach would have to expend nearly 5X more energy than the minimum required, whereas the proposed tunable approach expends only 26% more energy than the minimum. A non-volatile threshold gate architecture NV-TLFF are designed with the same backup and restore circuitry in 65nm technology. The embedded logic in NV-TLFF compensates performance overhead of NVL. This leads to the possibility of zero-overhead non-volatile datapath circuits. An 8-bit multiply-and- accumulate (MAC) unit is designed to demonstrate the performance benefits of the proposed architecture. Based on the results of HSPICE simulations, the MAC circuit with the proposed NV-TLFF cells is shown to consume at least 20% less power and area as compared to the circuit designed with conventional DFFs, without sacrificing any performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Reports on Hybrid-computer Hardware

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    Hybrid computer and differential analyzer design and development for university instruction progra

    On Borrowed Time -- Preventing Static Power Side-Channel Analysis

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    In recent years, static power side-channel analysis attacks have emerged as a serious threat to cryptographic implementations, overcoming state-of-the-art countermeasures against side-channel attacks. The continued down-scaling of semiconductor process technology, which results in an increase of the relative weight of static power in the total power budget of circuits, will only improve the viability of static power side-channel analysis attacks. Yet, despite the threat posed, limited work has been invested into mitigating this class of attack. In this work we address this gap. We observe that static power side-channel analysis relies on stopping the target circuit's clock over a prolonged period, during which the circuit holds secret information in its registers. We propose Borrowed Time, a countermeasure that hinders an attacker's ability to leverage such clock control. Borrowed Time detects a stopped clock and triggers a reset that wipes any registers containing sensitive intermediates, whose leakages would otherwise be exploitable. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our countermeasure by performing practical Correlation Power Analysis attacks under optimal conditions against an AES implementation on an FPGA target with and without our countermeasure in place. In the unprotected case, we can recover the entire secret key using traces from 1,500 encryptions. Under the same conditions, the protected implementation successfully prevents key recovery even with traces from 1,000,000 encryptions

    Programmable CMOS Analog-to-Digital Converter Design and Testability

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    In this work, a programmable second order oversampling CMOS delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC) design in 0.5µm n-well CMOS processes is presented for integration in sensor nodes for wireless sensor networks. The digital cascaded integrator comb (CIC) decimation filter is designed to operate at three different oversampling ratios of 16, 32 and 64 to give three different resolutions of 9, 12 and 14 bits, respectively which impact the power consumption of the sensor nodes. Since the major part of power consumed in the CIC decimator is by the integrators, an alternate design is introduced by inserting coder circuits and reusing the same integrators for different resolutions and oversampling ratios to reduce power consumption. The measured peak signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the designed second order delta-sigma modulator is 75.6dB at an oversampling ratio of 64, 62.3dB at an oversampling ratio of 32 and 45.3dB at an oversampling ratio of 16. The implementation of a built-in current sensor (BICS) which takes into account the increased background current of defect-free circuits and the effects of process variation on ΔIDDQ testing of CMOS data converters is also presented. The BICS uses frequency as the output for fault detection in CUT. A fault is detected when the output frequency deviates more than ±10% from the reference frequency. The output frequencies of the BICS for various model parameters are simulated to check for the effect of process variation on the frequency deviation. A design for on-chip testability of CMOS ADC by linear ramp histogram technique using synchronous counter as register in code detection unit (CDU) is also presented. A brief overview of the histogram technique, the formulae used to calculate the ADC parameters, the design implemented in 0.5µm n-well CMOS process, the results and effectiveness of the design are described. Registers in this design are replaced by 6T-SRAM cells and a hardware optimized on-chip testability of CMOS ADC by linear ramp histogram technique using 6T-SRAM as register in CDU is presented. The on-chip linear ramp histogram technique can be seamlessly combined with ΔIDDQ technique for improved testability, increased fault coverage and reliable operation

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing
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