5 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis of the SHERPA Air Quality Model

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    Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis was conducted on the SHERPA model, predicting air quality improvement linked to emission reduction scenarios. Major responsible of output uncertainty (PM2.5 concentration reductions in g/m3) stems from the uncertainty in the policy options followed by the uncertainty in the emissions (kTon/year) of PPM, NOX, and NH3.JRC.I.1-Modelling, Indicators and Impact Evaluatio

    Classification and Mapping of Recreation and Ecotourism Areas in West Virginia

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    Travel and tourism are recognized as the largest and fastest growing economic sector in the world. Different recreational and tourism sites can provide different types of activities based on their unique characteristics. Like any other form of tourism, the growth of ecotourism is dependent on the flow of visitors and therefore, marketing for a destination requires identifying various characteristics of the destination and preferences of stakeholders. The main aim of this dissertation is to classify and map recreation and ecotourism areas in West Virginia. The dissertation is presented in the form of three essays. The first essay classifies and maps classes of Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) in the state and examines its relationship with the travel and tourism generated revenues. Results showed that most of the areas in the state are Rural (R) followed by Semiprimitive Nonmotorized (SPNM) and Roaded Natural (RN). Visitors\u27 travel spending was significantly associated with the urban class. The second essay identifies and maps forest-based ecotourism areas in the state using six different criteria and visitors\u27 preferences. Pairwise comparison of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to compute the criteria weights from questionnaire survey of visitors. Significant variations were found in visitors\u27 preferences. Areas under Class IV and Class V of naturalness continuum of both weighted and unweighted ecotourism maps covered more than half of the state\u27s area, suggesting higher prospects for promoting forest-based ecotourism in the state. The results also indicated that each class changed in size when visitors\u27 preferences were applied. The third essay performs sensitivity analysis of the criteria weights derived from visitors and experts\u27 survey and maps the robust suitable areas for forest-based ecotourism areas in the state. Similar to essay two, pairwise comparison of AHP was used to compute criteria weights from experts. Results indicated that about one third of the state\u27s area was highly suitable and not sensitive to the variations of criteria weights. The finding of this dissertation demonstrated ROS classes and forest-based ecotourism areas in the state which could provide helpful information to the resource managers and policy makers in terms of recreation and tourism development, marketing, and promotion. Results of the study were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Geographic Data Analysis (GeoDa) software

    Sistema de evaluaci贸n de la dispersi贸n epis贸dica de contaminantes atmosf茅ricos

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    Frente a la contaminaci贸n de otros medios (aguas, suelos), en la era preindustrial se hab铆a considerado a la atm贸sfera como un medio de depuraci贸n de contaminantes suficientemente eficaz como para que, salvo en contadas excepciones, las emisiones de contaminantes a la atm贸sfera resultasen inocuas para el medio y las personas; reduci茅ndose a un problema de molestias (olores, visibilidad), sin mayores consecuencias. Esta consideraci贸n err贸nea agudiz贸 el problema de la contaminaci贸n atmosf茅rica con la introducci贸n de la m谩quina de vapor, origen de la revoluci贸n industrial, para cuyo funcionamiento comenzaron a quemarse grandes cantidades de carb贸n; a lo que hay que sumar el uso de otros combustibles f贸siles en la industria y transporte, el manejo y emisi贸n de sustancias procedentes de la industria qu铆mica, y de otras actividades humanas. A partir de ese momento, la preocupaci贸n por la calidad del aire que respiramos ha ido pareja al reconocimiento de las incertidumbres en los procesos atmosf茅ricos que afectan a los contaminantes, de car谩cter altamente no lineal y que experimentan grandes variaciones en funci贸n de la din谩mica meteorol贸gica, ya de por s铆 compleja. Estos procesos complejos, sin embargo, son los que permiten la depuraci贸n de los contaminantes en la atm贸sfera y, en consecuencia, la minoraci贸n de su impacto; por lo que se ha reconocido la necesidad de conocerlos y, cuando era posible, cuantificarlos. As铆 que, el conocimiento de los procesos atmosf茅ricos relacionados con la contaminaci贸n atmosf茅rica parti贸 inicialmente del an谩lisis de datos experimentales de campo, de una parte, y de modelos te贸ricos de los procesos atmosf茅ricos y su posible relaci贸n con la dispersi贸n f铆sica de los contaminantes. La simplicidad de las soluciones anal铆ticas de dichos modelos te贸ricos, sin embargo, dificultaba su aplicaci贸n a problemas reales