16 research outputs found

    Detecting Popularity of Ideas and Individuals in Online Community

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    Research in the last decade has prioritized the effects of online texts and online behaviors on user information prediction. However, the previous research overlooks the overall meaning of online texts and more detailed features about users’ online behaviors. The purpose of the research is to detect the adopted ideas, the popularity of ideas, and the popularity of individuals by identifying the overall meaning of online texts and the centrality features based on user’s online interactions within an online community. To gain insights into the research questions, the online discussions on MyStarbucksIdea website is examined in this research. MyStarbucksIdea had launched since 2008 that encouraged people to submit new ideas for improving Starbuck’s products and services. Starbucks had adopted hundreds of ideas from this crowdsourcing platform. Based on the example of the MyStarbucksIdea community, a new document representation approach, Doc2Vec, synthesized with the users’ centrality features was unitized in this research. Additionally, it also is essential to study the surface-level features of online texts, the sentiment features of online texts, and the features of users’ online behaviors to determine the idea adoption as well as the popularity of ideas and individuals in the online community. Furthermore, supervised machine learning approaches, including Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest, with the adjustments for the imbalanced classes, served as the classifiers for the experiments. The results of the experiments showed that the classifications of the idea adoption, the popularity of ideas, and the popularity of individuals were all considered successful. The overall meaning of idea texts and user’s centrality features were most accurate in detecting the adopted ideas and the popularity of ideas. The overall meaning of idea texts and the features of users’ online behaviors were most accurate in detecting the popularity of individuals. These results are in accord with the results of the previous studies, which used behavioral and textual features to predict user information and enhance the previous studies\u27 results by providing the new document embedding approach and the centrality features. The models used in this research can become a much-needed tool for the popularity predictions of future research

    Nowcasting user behaviour with social media and smart devices on a longitudinal basis: from macro- to micro-level modelling

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    The adoption of social media and smart devices by millions of users worldwide over the last decade has resulted in an unprecedented opportunity for NLP and social sciences. Users publish their thoughts and opinions on everyday issues through social media platforms, while they record their digital traces through their smart devices. Mining these rich resources offers new opportunities in sensing real-world events and indices (e.g., political preference, mental health indices) in a longitudinal fashion, either at the macro (population)-, or at the micro(user)-level. The current project aims at developing approaches to “nowcast" (predict the current state of) such indices at both levels of granularity. First, we build natural language resources for the static tasks of sentiment analysis, emotion disclosure and sarcasm detection over user-generated content. These are important for opinion monitoring on a large scale. Second, we propose a general approach that leverages textual data derived from generic social media streams to nowcast political indices at the macro-level. Third, we leverage temporally sensitive and asynchronous information to nowcast the political stance of social media users, at the micro-level using multiple kernel learning. We then focus further on the micro-level modelling, to account for heterogeneous data sources, such as information derived from users' smart phones, SMS and social media messages, to nowcast time-varying mental health indices of a small cohort of users on a longitudinal basis. Finally, we present the challenges faced when applying such micro-level approaches in a real-world setting and propose directions for future research

    Text Mining Methods for Analyzing Online Health Information and Communication

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    The Internet provides an alternative way to share health information. Specifically, social network systems such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and disease specific online support forums are increasingly being used to share information on health related topics. This could be in the form of personal health information disclosure to seek suggestions or answering other patients\u27 questions based on their history. This social media uptake gives a new angle to improve the current health communication landscape with consumer generated content from social platforms. With these online modes of communication, health providers can offer more immediate support to the people seeking advice. Non-profit organizations and federal agencies can also diffuse preventative information in such networks for better outcomes. Researchers in health communication can mine user generated content on social networks to understand themes and derive insights into patient experiences that may be impractical to glean through traditional surveys. The main difficulty in mining social health data is in separating the signal from the noise. Social data is characterized by informal nature of content, typos, emoticons, tonal variations (e.g. sarcasm), and ambiguities arising from polysemous words, all of which make it difficult in building automated systems for deriving insights from such sources. In this dissertation, we present four efforts to mine health related insights from user generated social data. In the first effort, we build a model to identify marketing tweets on electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) and assess different topics in marketing and non-marketing messages on e-cigs on Twitter. In our next effort, we build ensemble models to classify messages on a mental health forum for triaging posts whose authors need immediate attention from trained moderators to prevent self-harm. The third effort deals with models from our participation in a shared task on identifying tweets that discuss adverse drug reactions and those that mention medication intake. In the final task, we build a classifier that identifies whether a particular tweet about the popular Juul e-cig indicates the tweeter actually using the product. Our methods range from linear classifiers (e.g., logistic regression), classical nonlinear models (e.g., nearest neighbors), recent deep neural networks (e.g., convolutional neural networks), and ensembles of all these models in using different supervised training regimens (e.g., co-training). The focus is more on task specific system building than on building specific individual models. Overall, we demonstrate that it is possible to glean insights from social data on health related topics through natural language processing and machine learning with use-cases from substance use and mental health

    A Study of User Behaviors and Activities on Online Mental Health Communities

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    abstract: Social media is a medium that contains rich information which has been shared by many users every second every day. This information can be utilized for various outcomes such as understanding user behaviors, learning the effect of social media on a community, and developing a decision-making system based on the information available. With the growing popularity of social networking sites, people can freely express their opinions and feelings which results in a tremendous amount of user-generated data. The rich amount of social media data has opened the path for researchers to study and understand the users’ behaviors and mental health conditions. Several studies have shown that social media provides a means to capture an individual state of mind. Given the social media data and related work in this field, this work studies the scope of users’ discussion among online mental health communities. In the first part of this dissertation, this work focuses on the role of social media on mental health among sexual abuse community. It employs natural language processing techniques to extract topics of responses, examine how diverse these topics are to answer research questions such as whether responses are limited to emotional support; if not, what other topics are; what the diversity of topics manifests; how online response differs from traditional response found in a physical world. To answer these questions, this work extracts Reddit posts on rape to understand the nature of user responses for this stigmatized topic. In the second part of this dissertation, this work expands to a broader range of online communities. In particular, it investigates the potential roles of social media on mental health among five major communities, i.e., trauma and abuse community, psychosis and anxiety community, compulsive disorders community, coping and therapy community, and mood disorders community. This work studies how people interact with each other in each of these communities and what these online forums provide a resource to users who seek help. To understand users’ behaviors, this work extracts Reddit posts on 52 related subcommunities and analyzes the linguistic behavior of each community. Experiments in this dissertation show that Reddit is a good medium for users with mental health issues to find related helpful resources. Another interesting observation is an interesting topic cluster from users’ posts which shows that discussion and communication among users help individuals to find proper resources for their problem. Moreover, results show that the anonymity of users in Reddit allows them to have discussions about different topics beyond social support such as financial and religious support.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Monitoring depressive symptoms using social media data

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    Social media data contains rich information about one's emotions and daily life experiences. In the recent decade, researchers have found links between people's behavior on social media platforms and their mental health status. However, little effort has been spent on mapping social media behaviors to the psychological processes underlying the psychopathological symptoms. Identifying these links may allow researchers to observe the trajectory of the illness through social media behaviors. The psychological processes examined in this thesis include affective patterns, distorted cognitive thinking and topics relevant to mental health status. In the first part of the thesis, we conducted two studies to explore methods to extract affective patterns from social media text. We demonstrated that mood fluctuations and mood transitions extracted from social media text reflect an individual’s depressive symptom level. In another study, we demonstrated that the affect from content not written by social media users themselves, such as quotes and lyrics, also reflects depressive symptoms, but the implications from these are different from content written by the users themselves. In the second part of the thesis, we identified distorted thinking from social media text. We found that these thinking patterns have a higher association with users' self-reported depressive symptom levels than affect extracted from users' text. In the last part of the thesis, we manually compiled topic dictionaries related to suicidal ideations according to the psychopathology literature. We found that users' suicidal risk levels can be estimated by using these topics. The estimation can be improved by combining these topics with results from a language model. The data-driven empirical studies in this thesis demonstrated that we can characterize the social media signals in a way that impacts our understanding of mental disorder symptoms. We blended data-driven methods such as machine learning, natural language processing and data science with theoretical insights from psychology

    Deep Neural Architectures for End-to-End Relation Extraction

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    The rapid pace of scientific and technological advancements has led to a meteoric growth in knowledge, as evidenced by a sharp increase in the number of scholarly publications in recent years. PubMed, for example, archives more than 30 million biomedical articles across various domains and covers a wide range of topics including medicine, pharmacy, biology, and healthcare. Social media and digital journalism have similarly experienced their own accelerated growth in the age of big data. Hence, there is a compelling need for ways to organize and distill the vast, fragmented body of information (often unstructured in the form of natural human language) so that it can be assimilated, reasoned about, and ultimately harnessed. Relation extraction is an important natural language task toward that end. In relation extraction, semantic relationships are extracted from natural human language in the form of (subject, object, predicate) triples such that subject and object are mentions of discrete concepts and predicate indicates the type of relation between them. The difficulty of relation extraction becomes clear when we consider the myriad of ways the same relation can be expressed in natural language. Much of the current works in relation extraction assume that entities are known at extraction time, thus treating entity recognition as an entirely separate and independent task. However, recent studies have shown that entity recognition and relation extraction, when modeled together as interdependent tasks, can lead to overall improvements in extraction accuracy. When modeled in such a manner, the task is referred to as end-to-end relation extraction. In this work, we present four studies that introduce incrementally sophisticated architectures designed to tackle the task of end-to-end relation extraction. In the first study, we present a pipeline approach for extracting protein-protein interactions as affected by particular mutations. The pipeline system makes use of recurrent neural networks for protein detection, lexicons for gene normalization, and convolutional neural networks for relation extraction. In the second study, we show that a multi-task learning framework, with parameter sharing, can achieve state-of-the-art results for drug-drug interaction extraction. At its core, the model uses graph convolutions, with a novel attention-gating mechanism, over dependency parse trees. In the third study, we present a more efficient and general-purpose end-to-end neural architecture designed around the idea of the table-filling paradigm; for an input sentence of length n, all entities and relations are extracted in a single pass of the network in an indirect fashion by populating the cells of a corresponding n by n table using metric-based features. We show that this approach excels in both the general English and biomedical domains with extraction times that are up to an order of magnitude faster compared to the prior best. In the fourth and last study, we present an architecture for relation extraction that, in addition to being end-to-end, is able to handle cross-sentence and N-ary relations. Overall, our work contributes to the advancement of modern information extraction by exploring end-to-end solutions that are fast, accurate, and generalizable to many high-value domains

    Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)

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    Learning Representations of Social Media Users

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    User representations are routinely used in recommendation systems by platform developers, targeted advertisements by marketers, and by public policy researchers to gauge public opinion across demographic groups. Computer scientists consider the problem of inferring user representations more abstractly; how does one extract a stable user representation - effective for many downstream tasks - from a medium as noisy and complicated as social media? The quality of a user representation is ultimately task-dependent (e.g. does it improve classifier performance, make more accurate recommendations in a recommendation system) but there are proxies that are less sensitive to the specific task. Is the representation predictive of latent properties such as a person's demographic features, socioeconomic class, or mental health state? Is it predictive of the user's future behavior? In this thesis, we begin by showing how user representations can be learned from multiple types of user behavior on social media. We apply several extensions of generalized canonical correlation analysis to learn these representations and evaluate them at three tasks: predicting future hashtag mentions, friending behavior, and demographic features. We then show how user features can be employed as distant supervision to improve topic model fit. Finally, we show how user features can be integrated into and improve existing classifiers in the multitask learning framework. We treat user representations - ground truth gender and mental health features - as auxiliary tasks to improve mental health state prediction. We also use distributed user representations learned in the first chapter to improve tweet-level stance classifiers, showing that distant user information can inform classification tasks at the granularity of a single message.Comment: PhD thesi

    Learning Representations of Social Media Users

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    User representations are routinely used in recommendation systems by platform developers, targeted advertisements by marketers, and by public policy researchers to gauge public opinion across demographic groups. Computer scientists consider the problem of inferring user representations more abstractly; how does one extract a stable user representation - effective for many downstream tasks - from a medium as noisy and complicated as social media? The quality of a user representation is ultimately task-dependent (e.g. does it improve classifier performance, make more accurate recommendations in a recommendation system) but there are proxies that are less sensitive to the specific task. Is the representation predictive of latent properties such as a person's demographic features, socioeconomic class, or mental health state? Is it predictive of the user's future behavior? In this thesis, we begin by showing how user representations can be learned from multiple types of user behavior on social media. We apply several extensions of generalized canonical correlation analysis to learn these representations and evaluate them at three tasks: predicting future hashtag mentions, friending behavior, and demographic features. We then show how user features can be employed as distant supervision to improve topic model fit. Finally, we show how user features can be integrated into and improve existing classifiers in the multitask learning framework. We treat user representations - ground truth gender and mental health features - as auxiliary tasks to improve mental health state prediction. We also use distributed user representations learned in the first chapter to improve tweet-level stance classifiers, showing that distant user information can inform classification tasks at the granularity of a single message.Comment: PhD thesi