1,734 research outputs found

    CentiJ: An RMI Code Generator

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    The CentiJ system synthesizes Java source code that funnels invocations through an RMI (Remote Method Invocation) based transport layer for distributed computation. The technique generates bridge pattern code (i.e., interfaces and proxies) that automate the creation of virtual proxies for message forwarding. We examine the tradeoffs between bridge implementations based on manual static delegation, automatic static delegation, and dynamic proxy classes. Advantages of the CentiJ technique include improved performance, type safety, transparency, predictability, flexibility and reliability. We then look at various methods for solving the disambiguation problem that arises when delegates have conflicting method signatures. Disambiguation can be automatic, semi-automatic or manual. CentiJ can automatically create a class that alters the interface to the bridge (using the adapter pattern)

    Implementation of a knowledge discovery and enhancement module from structured information gained from unstructured sources of information

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    An ontology knowledge inspection methodology for quality assessment and continuous improvement

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    Ontology-learning methods were introduced in the knowledge engineering area to automatically build ontologies from natural language texts related to a domain. Despite the initial appeal of these methods, automatically generated ontologies may have errors, inconsistencies, and a poor design quality, all of which must be manually fixed, in order to maintain the validity and usefulness of automated output. In this work, we propose a methodology to assess ontologies quality (quantitatively and graphically) and to fix ontology inconsistencies minimising design defects. The proposed methodology is based on the Deming cycle and is grounded on quality standards that proved effective in the software engineering domain and present high potential to be extended to knowledge engineering quality management. This paper demonstrates that software engineering quality assessment approaches and techniques can be successfully extended and applied to the ontology-fixing and quality improvement problem. The proposed methodology was validated in a testing ontology, by ontology design quality comparison between a manually created and automatically generated ontology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linked Data Supported Information Retrieval

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    Um Inhalte im World Wide Web ausfindig zu machen, sind Suchmaschienen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Semantic Web und Linked Data Technologien ermöglichen ein detaillierteres und eindeutiges Strukturieren der Inhalte und erlauben vollkommen neue Herangehensweisen an die Lösung von Information Retrieval Problemen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Möglichkeiten, wie Information Retrieval Anwendungen von der Einbeziehung von Linked Data profitieren können. Neue Methoden der computer-gestützten semantischen Textanalyse, semantischen Suche, Informationspriorisierung und -visualisierung werden vorgestellt und umfassend evaluiert. Dabei werden Linked Data Ressourcen und ihre Beziehungen in die Verfahren integriert, um eine Steigerung der Effektivität der Verfahren bzw. ihrer Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erzielen. Zunächst wird eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Information Retrieval und Linked Data gegeben. Anschließend werden neue manuelle und automatisierte Verfahren zum semantischen Annotieren von Dokumenten durch deren Verknüpfung mit Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt (Entity Linking). Eine umfassende Evaluation der Verfahren wird durchgeführt und das zu Grunde liegende Evaluationssystem umfangreich verbessert. Aufbauend auf den Annotationsverfahren werden zwei neue Retrievalmodelle zur semantischen Suche vorgestellt und evaluiert. Die Verfahren basieren auf dem generalisierten Vektorraummodell und beziehen die semantische Ähnlichkeit anhand von taxonomie-basierten Beziehungen der Linked Data Ressourcen in Dokumenten und Suchanfragen in die Berechnung der Suchergebnisrangfolge ein. Mit dem Ziel die Berechnung von semantischer Ähnlichkeit weiter zu verfeinern, wird ein Verfahren zur Priorisierung von Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt und evaluiert. Darauf aufbauend werden Visualisierungstechniken aufgezeigt mit dem Ziel, die Explorierbarkeit und Navigierbarkeit innerhalb eines semantisch annotierten Dokumentenkorpus zu verbessern. Hierfür werden zwei Anwendungen präsentiert. Zum einen eine Linked Data basierte explorative Erweiterung als Ergänzung zu einer traditionellen schlüsselwort-basierten Suchmaschine, zum anderen ein Linked Data basiertes Empfehlungssystem

    Semi-Supervised Named Entity Recognition:\ud Learning to Recognize 100 Entity Types with Little Supervision\ud

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    Named Entity Recognition (NER) aims to extract and to classify rigid designators in text such as proper names, biological species, and temporal expressions. There has been growing interest in this field of research since the early 1990s. In this thesis, we document a trend moving away from handcrafted rules, and towards machine learning approaches. Still, recent machine learning approaches have a problem with annotated data availability, which is a serious shortcoming in building and maintaining large-scale NER systems. \ud \ud In this thesis, we present an NER system built with very little supervision. Human supervision is indeed limited to listing a few examples of each named entity (NE) type. First, we introduce a proof-of-concept semi-supervised system that can recognize four NE types. Then, we expand its capacities by improving key technologies, and we apply the system to an entire hierarchy comprised of 100 NE types. \ud \ud Our work makes the following contributions: the creation of a proof-of-concept semi-supervised NER system; the demonstration of an innovative noise filtering technique for generating NE lists; the validation of a strategy for learning disambiguation rules using automatically identified, unambiguous NEs; and finally, the development of an acronym detection algorithm, thus solving a rare but very difficult problem in alias resolution. \ud \ud We believe semi-supervised learning techniques are about to break new ground in the machine learning community. In this thesis, we show that limited supervision can build complete NER systems. On standard evaluation corpora, we report performances that compare to baseline supervised systems in the task of annotating NEs in texts. \u

    Biomedical supervisors' role modeling of open science practices

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    Supervision is one important way to socialize Ph.D. candidates into open and responsible research. We hypothesized that one should be more likely to identify open science practices (here publishing open access and sharing data) in empirical publications that were part of a Ph.D. thesis when the Ph.D. candidates' supervisors engaged in these practices compared to those whose supervisors did not or less often did. Departing from thesis repositories at four Dutch University Medical centers, we included 211 pairs of supervisors and Ph.D. candidates, resulting in a sample of 2062 publications. We determined open access status using UnpaywallR and Open Data using Oddpub, where we also manually screened publications with potential open data statements. Eighty-three percent of our sample was published openly, and 9% had open data statements. Having a supervisor who published open access more often than the national average was associated with an odds of 1.99 to publish open access. However, this effect became nonsignificant when correcting for institutions. Having a supervisor who shared data was associated with 2.22 (CI:1.19-4.12) times the odds to share data compared to having a supervisor that did not. This odds ratio increased to 4.6 (CI:1.86-11.35) after removing false positives. The prevalence of open data in our sample was comparable to international studies; open access rates were higher. Whilst Ph.D. candidates spearhead initiatives to promote open science, this study adds value by investigating the role of supervisors in promoting open science