32 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Full-Duplex Pipelined MAC Protocol for Multihop Wireless Networks

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    In multihop wireless networks, data packets are forwarded from a source node to a destination node through intermediate relay nodes. With half-duplex relay nodes, the end-to-end delay performance of a multihop network degrades as the number of hops increases, because the relay nodes cannot receive and transmit at the same time. Full-duplex relay nodes can reduce their per-hop delay by starting to forward a packet before the whole packet is received. In this paper, we propose a pipelined medium access control (PiMAC) protocol, which enables the relay nodes on a multihop path to simultaneously transmit and receive packets for full-duplex forwarding. For pipelined transmission over a multihop path, it is important to suppress both the self-interference of each relay node with the full-duplex capability and the intra-flow interference from the next relay nodes on the same path. In the PiMAC protocol, each relay node can suppress both the self- and intra-flow interference for full-duplex relaying on the multihop path by estimating the channel coefficients and delays of the interference during a multihop channel acquisition phase. To evaluate the performance of the PiMAC protocol, we carried out extensive simulations and software-defined radio-based experiments

    Self-stabilizing k-clustering in mobile ad hoc networks

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    In this thesis, two silent self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed algorithms are given for constructing a k-clustering of a connected network of processes. These are the first self-stabilizing solutions to this problem. One algorithm, FLOOD, takes O( k) time and uses O(k log n) space per process, while the second algorithm, BFS-MIS-CLSTR, takes O(n) time and uses O(log n) space; where n is the size of the network. Processes have unique IDs, and there is no designated leader. BFS-MIS-CLSTR solves three problems; it elects a leader and constructs a BFS tree for the network, constructs a minimal independent set, and finally a k-clustering. Finding a minimal k-clustering is known to be NP -hard. If the network is a unit disk graph in a plane, BFS-MIS-CLSTR is within a factor of O(7.2552k) of choosing the minimal number of clusters; A lower bound is given, showing that any comparison-based algorithm for the k-clustering problem that takes o( diam) rounds has very bad worst case performance; Keywords: BFS tree construction, K-clustering, leader election, MIS construction, self-stabilization, unit disk graph

    Unified Role Assignment Framework For Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are made possible by the continuing improvements in embedded sensor, VLSI, and wireless radio technologies. Currently, one of the important challenges in sensor networks is the design of a systematic network management framework that allows localized and collaborative resource control uniformly across all application services such as sensing, monitoring, tracking, data aggregation, and routing. The research in wireless sensor networks is currently oriented toward a cross-layer network abstraction that supports appropriate fine or course grained resource controls for energy efficiency. In that regard, we have designed a unified role-based service paradigm for wireless sensor networks. We pursue this by first developing a Role-based Hierarchical Self-Organization (RBSHO) protocol that organizes a connected dominating set (CDS) of nodes called dominators. This is done by hierarchically selecting nodes that possess cumulatively high energy, connectivity, and sensing capabilities in their local neighborhood. The RBHSO protocol then assigns specific tasks such as sensing, coordination, and routing to appropriate dominators that end up playing a certain role in the network. Roles, though abstract and implicit, expose role-specific resource controls by way of role assignment and scheduling. Based on this concept, we have designed a Unified Role-Assignment Framework (URAF) to model application services as roles played by local in-network sensor nodes with sensor capabilities used as rules for role identification. The URAF abstracts domain specific role attributes by three models: the role energy model, the role execution time model, and the role service utility model. The framework then generalizes resource management for services by providing abstractions for controlling the composition of a service in terms of roles, its assignment, reassignment, and scheduling. To the best of our knowledge, a generic role-based framework that provides a simple and unified network management solution for wireless sensor networks has not been proposed previously

    Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The aim of this book is to present few important issues of WSNs, from the application, design and technology points of view. The book highlights power efficient design issues related to wireless sensor networks, the existing WSN applications, and discusses the research efforts being undertaken in this field which put the reader in good pace to be able to understand more advanced research and make a contribution in this field for themselves. It is believed that this book serves as a comprehensive reference for graduate and undergraduate senior students who seek to learn latest development in wireless sensor networks

    Effective bootstrapping of Peer-to Peer networks over Mobile Ad-hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are vigorous, revolutionary communication technologies in the 21st century. They lead the trend of decentralization. Decentralization will ultimately win clients over client/server model, because it gives ordinary network users more control, and stimulates their active participation. It is a determinant factor in shaping the future of networking. MANETs and P2P networks are very similar in nature. Both are dynamic, distributed. Both use multi-hop broadcast or multicast as major pattern of traffic. Both set up connection by self-organizing and maintain connection by self-healing. Embodying the slogan networking without networks, both abandoned traditional client/server model and disclaimed pre-existing infrastructure. However, their status quo levels of real world application are widely divergent. P2P networks are now accountable for about 50 ~ 70% internet traffic, while MANETs are still primarily in the laboratory. The interesting and confusing phenomenon has sparked considerable research effort to transplant successful approaches from P2P networks into MANETs. While most research in the synergy of P2P networks and MANETs focuses on routing, the network bootstrapping problem remains indispensable for any such transplantation to be realized. The most pivotal problems in bootstrapping are: (1) automatic configuration of nodes addresses and IDs, (2) topology discovery and transformation in different layers and name spaces. In this dissertation research, we have found novel solutions for these problems. The contributions of this dissertation are: (1) a non-IP, flat address automatic configuration scheme, which integrates lower layer addresses and P2P IDs in application layer and makes simple cryptographical assignment possible. A related paper entitled Pastry over Ad-Hoc Networks with Automatic Flat Address Configuration was submitted to Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks in May. (2) an effective ring topology construction algorithm which builds perfect ring in P2P ID space using only simplest multi-hop unicast or multicast. Upon this ring, popular structured P2P networks like Chord, Pastry could be built with great ease. A related paper entitled Chord Bootstrapping on MANETs - All Roads lead to Rome will be ready for submission after defense of the dissertation

    7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze

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    In dem vorliegenden Tagungsband sind die Beiträge des Fachgesprächs Drahtlose Sensornetze 2008 zusammengefasst. Ziel dieses Fachgesprächs ist es, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus diesem Gebiet die Möglichkeit zu einem informellen Austausch zu geben – wobei immer auch Teilnehmer aus der Industrieforschung willkommen sind, die auch in diesem Jahr wieder teilnehmen.Das Fachgespräch ist eine betont informelle Veranstaltung der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme“ (www.kuvs.de). Es ist ausdrücklich keine weitere Konferenz mit ihrem großen Overhead und der Anforderung, fertige und möglichst „wasserdichte“ Ergebnisse zu präsentieren, sondern es dient auch ganz explizit dazu, mit Neueinsteigern auf der Suche nach ihrem Thema zu diskutieren und herauszufinden, wo die Herausforderungen an die zukünftige Forschung überhaupt liegen.Das Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze 2008 findet in Berlin statt, in den Räumen der Freien Universität Berlin, aber in Kooperation mit der ScatterWeb GmbH. Auch dies ein Novum, es zeigt, dass das Fachgespräch doch deutlich mehr als nur ein nettes Beisammensein unter einem Motto ist.Für die Organisation des Rahmens und der Abendveranstaltung gebührt Dank den beiden Mitgliedern im Organisationskomitee, Kirsten Terfloth und Georg Wittenburg, aber auch Stefanie Bahe, welche die redaktionelle Betreuung des Tagungsbands übernommen hat, vielen anderen Mitgliedern der AG Technische Informatik der FU Berlin und natürlich auch ihrem Leiter, Prof. Jochen Schiller

    Remote Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Through the Internet and IEEE 802.11

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    This dissertation focuses on real-time control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through TCP/IP/IEEE 802.11. Using the MAVLink protocol - an open-source protocol for micro air vehicles - a solution that allows the exchange, in real-time, of control messages between a UAV and a remote Control Station was implemented. In order to allow the UAV control by a remote user, the vehicle streams a real-time video feed captured by a video-camera on board. The main challenge of this dissertation is related about the designing and implementation of a fast handover solution that allows an uninterruptible communication

    Model-Predictive Control in Communication Networks

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    This dissertation consists of 8 papers, separated into 3 groups. The first 3 papers show, how model-predictive control can be applied to queueing networks and contain a detailed proof of throughput optimality. Additionally, numerous network examples are discussed, and a connection between the stability properties of assembly queues and random walks on quotient spaces is established. The next two papers develop algorithms, with which robust forecasts of delay can be obtained in queueing networks. To that end, a notion of robustness is proposed, and the network control policy is designed to meet this goal. For the last 3 papers, focus is shifted towards Age-of-Information. Two main contributions are the derivation of the distribution of the Age-of-Information values in networks with clocked working cycles and an algorithm for the exact numerical evaluation of the Age-of-Information state-space in a similar set-up

    Fast, Distributed Optimization Strategies for Resource Allocation in Networks

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    Many challenges in network science and engineering today arise from systems composed of many individual agents interacting over a network. Such problems range from humans interacting with each other in social networks to computers processing and exchanging information over wired or wireless networks. In any application where information is spread out spatially, solutions must address information aggregation in addition to the decision process itself. Intelligently addressing the trade off between information aggregation and decision accuracy is fundamental to finding solutions quickly and accurately. Network optimization challenges such as these have generated a lot of interest in distributed optimization methods. The field of distributed optimization deals with iterative methods which perform calculations using locally available information. Early methods such as subgradient descent suffer very slow convergence rates because the underlying optimization method is a first order method. My work addresses problems in the area of network optimization and control with an emphasis on accelerating the rate of convergence by using a faster underlying optimization method. In the case of convex network flow optimization, the problem is transformed to the dual domain, moving the equality constraints which guarantee flow conservation into the objective. The Newton direction can be computed locally by using a consensus iteration to solve a Poisson equation, but this requires a lot of communication between neighboring nodes. Accelerated Dual Descent (ADD) is an approximate Newton method, which significantly reduces the communication requirement. Defining a stochastic version of the convex network flow problem with edge capacities yields a problem equivalent to the queue stability problem studied in the backpressure literature. Accelerated Backpressure (ABP) is developed to solve the queue stabilization problem. A queue reduction method is introduced by merging ideas from integral control and momentum based optimization