52 research outputs found

    Sistem Kontrol Swarm untuk Flocking Wahana NR-Awak Quadrotor dengan Optimasi Algoritma Genetik

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    Quadrotor merupakan wahana udara nir-awak jenis lepas landas atau pendaratan vertikal berbentuk silang dan memiliki sebuah rotor pada setiap ujung lengannya dengan kemampuan manuver yang tinggi. Swarm quadrotor yang terdiri dari sekumpulan quadrotor akan menjadi suatu swarm yang baik, sesuai dengan kriteria swarm oleh Reynold yaitu dapat menghindari tumbukan, menyamakan kecepatan, dan pemusatan swarm. Pengontrolan swarm quadrotor memiliki tingkat kerumitan yang tinggi karena melibatkan banyak agen. Riset pengembangan swarm quadrotor masih belum banyak dilakukan dan masih membuka peluang untuk meneliti dengan metoda lain yang lebih baik dalam menghasilkan swarm. Makalah ini mengusulkan pengontrolan swarm quadrotor yang terdiri dari dua tingkat lup kontrol. Lup pertama adalah pengontrol sistem model swarm untuk membangkitkan lintasan swarm dan lup kedua merupakan pengontrol pada quadrotor untuk melakukan penjejakan lintasan swarm. Pengontrol pertama menggunakan pengontrol proporsional derivatif (PD), sedangkan pengontrol kedua menggunakan regulator linier kuadratik (RLK). Pengontrol yang dirancang memiliki parameter yang banyak, sehingga pemilihan parameter yang optimal sangat sulit. Pencarian parameter optimal pada pengontrol model swarm quadrotor membutuhkan teknik optimasi seperti algoritma genetik (AG) untuk mengarahkan pencarian menuju solusi yang menghasilkan kinerja terbaik. Pada makalah ini, penalaan dengan optimasi AG hanya dilakukan pada pengontrol PD untuk menghasilkan lintasan swarm terbaik, sedangkan matrik bobot RLK dilakukan secara uji coba. Hasil simulasi swarm pada model quadrotor menunjukkan parameter , . , dan  yang diperoleh menggunakan AG menghasilkan pergerakan swarm yang baik dengan kesalahan RMS pelacakan 0,0094 m terhadap fungsi obyektif. Sedangkan ketika parameter ,  dan  dicari menggunakan AG, tidak berpengaruh banyak dalam memperbaiki hasil simulasi swarm quadrotor. AbstractThe quadrotor is a type of take-off or vertical landing unmanned aerial vehicles with a cross shape and has one rotor at each end of its arm with high maneuverability. A quadrotor swarm consisting of a group of quadrotors leads to a good swarm, according to Reynold's swarm criteria, which accomplishes collision avoidance, velocity matching, and flock centering. Quadrotor swarm control has a high level of complexity because it involves many agents. Research on the development of quadrotor swarm has received insignificant attention and it still opens opportunities to research other methods that are better at producing swarm. The paper proposes the control of a quadrotor swarm consisted of two levels of control loops. The first loop controls the swarm model system to generate the swarm trajectory and the second loop is the controller on the quadrotor to track the swarm path. The first controller uses a proportional derivative controller (PD), while the second controller uses the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The controller that is designed has many parameters, so the optimal parameter selection is very difficult. The search for optimal parameters in the swarm model controller requires optimization techniques such as the genetic algorithm (GA) to direct the search for solutions that produce the best performance. In this paper, tuning with the optimization of GA is only done for the PD controller in order to produce the best swarm trajectory, while the weight matrices of the LQR are done on a trial error basis. Swarm simulation results of a quadrotor model system show the parameters , . , and  obtained using GA produce a good swarm movement with RMS error 0.0094 m of the objective function. Whereas when parameters ,  and  are searched using GA, it does not have much effect in improving the quadrotor swarm simulation results

    Robot Collection and Transport of Objects: A Biomimetic Process

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    Animals as diverse as ants and humans are faced with the tasks of collecting, transporting or herding objects. Sheepdogs do this daily when they collect, herd, and maneuver flocks of sheep. Here, we adapt a shepherding algorithm inspired by sheepdogs to collect and transport objects using a robot. Our approach produces an effective robot collection process that autonomously adapts to changing environmental conditions and is robust to noise from various sources. We suggest that this biomimetic process could be implemented into suitable robots to perform collection and transport tasks that might include – for example – cleaning up objects in the environment, keeping animals away from sensitive areas or collecting and herding animals to a specific location. Furthermore, the feedback controlled interactions between the robot and objects which we study can be used to interrogate and understand the local and global interactions of real animal groups, thus offering a novel methodology of value to researchers studying collective animal behavior

    Controlling Robot Swarm Aggregation through a Minority of Informed Robots

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    Self-organised aggregation is a well studied behaviour in swarm robotics as it is the pre-condition for the development of more advanced group-level responses. In this paper, we investigate the design of decentralised algorithms for a swarm of heterogeneous robots that self-aggregate over distinct target sites. A previous study has shown that including as part of the swarm a number of informed robots can steer the dynamic of the aggregation process to a desirable distribution of the swarm between the available aggregation sites. We have replicated the results of the previous study using a simplified approach, we removed constraints related to the communication protocol of the robots and simplified the control mechanisms regulating the transitions between states of the probabilistic controller. The results show that the performances obtained with the previous, more complex, controller can be replicated with our simplified approach which offers clear advantages in terms of portability to the physical robots and in terms of flexibility. That is, our simplified approach can generate self-organised aggregation responses in a larger set of operating conditions than what can be achieved with the complex controller.Comment: Submitted to ANTS 202

    Flocking algorithm for autonomous flying robots

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    Animal swarms displaying a variety of typical flocking patterns would not exist without underlying safe, optimal and stable dynamics of the individuals. The emergence of these universal patterns can be efficiently reconstructed with agent-based models. If we want to reproduce these patterns with artificial systems, such as autonomous aerial robots, agent-based models can also be used in the control algorithm of the robots. However, finding the proper algorithms and thus understanding the essential characteristics of the emergent collective behaviour of robots requires the thorough and realistic modeling of the robot and the environment as well. In this paper, first, we present an abstract mathematical model of an autonomous flying robot. The model takes into account several realistic features, such as time delay and locality of the communication, inaccuracy of the on-board sensors and inertial effects. We present two decentralized control algorithms. One is based on a simple self-propelled flocking model of animal collective motion, the other is a collective target tracking algorithm. Both algorithms contain a viscous friction-like term, which aligns the velocities of neighbouring agents parallel to each other. We show that this term can be essential for reducing the inherent instabilities of such a noisy and delayed realistic system. We discuss simulation results about the stability of the control algorithms, and perform real experiments to show the applicability of the algorithms on a group of autonomous quadcopters
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