122 research outputs found

    Expanding an extended finite state machine to aid testability

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    The problem of testing from an extended finite state machine (EFSM) is complicated by the presence of infeasible paths. This paper considers the problem of expanding an EFSM in order to bypass the infeasible path problem. The approach is developed for the specification language SDL but, in order to aid generality, the rewriting process is broken down into two phases: producing a normal form EFSM (NF-EFSM) from an SDL specification and then expanding this NF-EFSM

    Automatic Test Generation for Space

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) uses an engine to perform tests in the Ground Segment infrastructure, specially the Operational Simulator. This engine uses many different tools to ensure the development of regression testing infrastructure and these tests perform black-box testing to the C++ simulator implementation. VST (VisionSpace Technologies) is one of the companies that provides these services to ESA and they need a tool to infer automatically tests from the existing C++ code, instead of writing manually scripts to perform tests. With this motivation in mind, this paper explores automatic testing approaches and tools in order to propose a system that satisfies VST needs

    Integrating testing techniques through process programming

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    Integration of multiple testing techniques is required to demonstrate high quality of software. Technique integration has three basic goals: incremental testing capabilities, extensive error detection, and cost-effective application. We are experimenting with the use of process programming as a mechanism of integrating testing techniques. Having set out to integrate DATA FLOW testing and RELAY, we proposed synergistic use of these techniques to achieve all three goals. We developed a testing process program much as we would develop a software product from requirements through design to implementation and evaluation. We found process programming to be effective for explicitly integrating the techniques and achieving the desired synergism. Used in this way, process programming also mitigates many of the other problems that plague testing in the software development process

    On the testability of SDL specifications

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    The problem of testing from an SDL specification is often complicated by the presence of infeasible paths. This paper introduces an approach for transforming a class of SDL specification in order to eliminate or reduce the infeasible path problem. This approach is divided into two phases in order to aid generality. First the SDL specification is rewritten to create a normal form extended finite state machine (NF-EFSM). This NF-EFSM is then expanded in order to produce a state machine in which the test criterion may be satisfied using paths that are known to be feasible. The expansion process is guaranteed to terminate. Where the expansion process may lead to an excessively large state machine, this process may be terminated early and feasible paths added. The approach is illustrated through being applied to the Initiator process of the Inres protocol

    Розробка мережевого програмного забезпечення технологією Джава для моніторингу технічного стану магістральних газопроводів

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    Для падежной эксплуатации магистральных газопроводов необходимо иметь информацию об их техническом состоянии в реальном времени. Эффективным инструментом при эксплуатации газопроводов является разработка сетевого программного обеспечения с возможностью пересмотра информации о техническом состоянии в конкурентном режиме через общедоступный веб-интерфейс. В статье показан подход к проектированию и реализации такого программного обеспечения, которое построено с учетом существующих современных методов и средств, в частности Универсального языка моделирования и системы тестирования клиент-серверной части программы, и может надеж-но эксплуатироватьсяFor reliable exploitation of main gas pipelines if is necessary to have the real-time information about their technical state. During exploitation of gas pipelines development of network software is an effective instrument with possibility of revision the information of technical slate in the competition mode through a popular web interface. In the article approach is rotined to planning and realization of such software that can be. reliably exploited. Moreover, it is built according la existent modern methods and facilities, in particular by both the Universal Modelling Language and an approach of testing of client - server part of software

    The Theory of Software Testing

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    Software testing is the process of testing bugs in lines of code of a program that can be performed by manual or automation testing. The theory of software testing involves problem definitions of testing such as test team, failure after testing, manual testing, uncertainty principle, participation, and incorrect test case selection. This article shows the details of a critical part of software testing, which is how to test the performance of new software and the entire system. The outcome of this article is the whole picture of three phases for software testing as follows: preliminary testing, testing and user acceptance testing

    Test Sequence Generation for Java7 Fork/Join Using Interference Dependence

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    Test sequence generation through code is mainly done by using some sort of a flow graph viz. Control Flow Graph (CFG), Concurrent Control Flow Graph (CCFG), Event Graph etc. Approaches that use UML also need flow graph as an intermediate representation for final test sequence generation. In the present approach, a Flow Graph for a new concept i.e. Java7 Fork/Join is constructed and hence, by traversing the graph, test sequences are generated on the basis of all path and all node coverage criteria considering interference dependence. Further, interference dependencies are also represented in the form of a directed graph to aid the analysis of Java7 fork/join programs

    Testing Data Transformations in MapReduce Programs

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    MapReduce is a parallel data processing paradigm oriented to process large volumes of information in data-intensive applications, such as Big Data environments. A characteristic of these applications is that they can have different data sources and data formats. For these reasons, the inputs could contain some poor quality data that could produce a failure if the program functionality does not handle properly the variety of input data. The output of these programs is obtained from a number of input transformations that represent the program logic. This paper proposes the testing technique called MRFlow that is based on data flow test criteria and oriented to transformations analysis between the input and the output in order to detect defects in MapReduce programs. MRFlow is applied over some MapReduce programs and detects several defect