52 research outputs found

    Development of underground mine monitoring and communication system integrated ZigBee and GIS

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    An automated underground mine monitoring and communication system based on the integration of new technologies is introduced to promote safety and health, operational management and cost-effectiveness. The proposed system integration considering wireless sensor network (WSN) assisted geographic information system (GIS) enables to monitor and control underground mining applications from surface office. Based on the capabilities of WSNs, ZigBee network is adapted for near real-time monitoring, ventilation system control and emergency communication in underground mine. ZigBee nodes were developed to sense environmental attributes such as temperature, humidity and gases concentration; switching ON and OFF ventilation fans; and texting emergency messages. A trigger action plan for monitored attributes above normal and threshold value limits is programmed in the surface GIS management server. It is designed to turn the auxiliary fans on remotely or automatically in orange condition and sending evacuation messages for underground miners in unsafe (red) condition. Multi-users operation and 3D visualizations are other successful achievements of the proposed system for the underground monitoring and communication

    The Internet of Things: New Interoperability, Management and Security Challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) brings connectivity to about every objects found in the physical space. It extends connectivity to everyday objects. From connected fridges, cars and cities, the IoT creates opportunities in numerous domains. However, this increase in connectivity creates many prominent challenges. This paper provides a survey of some of the major issues challenging the widespread adoption of the IoT. Particularly, it focuses on the interoperability, management, security and privacy issues in the IoT. It is concluded that there is a need to develop a multifaceted technology approach to IoT security, management, and privacy.Comment: 18 pages, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.8, No.2, March 201

    Combining Wireless Sensor Networks and Semantic Middleware for an Internet of Things-Based Sportsman/Woman Monitoring Application.

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are spearheading the efforts taken to build and deploy systems aiming to accomplish the ultimate objectives of the Internet of Things. Due to the sensors WSNs nodes are provided with, and to their ubiquity and pervasive capabilities, these networks become extremely suitable for many applications that so-called conventional cabled or wireless networks are unable to handle. One of these still underdeveloped applications is monitoring physical parameters on a person. This is an especially interesting application regarding their age or activity, for any detected hazardous parameter can be notified not only to the monitored person as a warning, but also to any third party that may be helpful under critical circumstances, such as relatives or healthcare centers. We propose a system built to monitor a sportsman/woman during a workout session or performing a sport-related indoor activity. Sensors have been deployed by means of several nodes acting as the nodes of a WSN, along with a semantic middleware development used for hardware complexity abstraction purposes. The data extracted from the environment, combined with the information obtained from the user, will compose the basis of the services that can be obtained

    Blockchain-Based Security Architecture for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in B5G/6G Services and Beyond: A Comprehensive Approach

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), previously favored by enthusiasts, have evolved into indispensable tools for effectively managing disasters and responding to emergencies. For example, one of their most critical applications is to provide seamless wireless communication services in remote rural areas. Thus, it is substantial to identify and consider the different security challenges in the research and development associated with advanced UAV-based B5G/6G architectures. Following this requirement, the present study thoroughly examines the security considerations about UAVs in relation to the architectural framework of the 5G/6G system, the technologies that facilitate its operation, and the concerns surrounding privacy. It exhibits security integration at all the protocol stack layers and analyzes the existing mechanisms to secure UAV-based B5G/6G communications and its energy and power optimization factors. Last, this article also summarizes modern technological trends for establishing security and protecting UAV-based systems, along with the open challenges and strategies for future research work.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Integrated Home Server

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    Since the advent of the microprocessor in the 1970s, the market for consumer electronics has exploded with new devices changing the way we live and do business. Today, mobile phones, cameras, PCs, iPads, mp3 players, network media players, security systems, automation and IT systems, all have common functionality and there is an increasing need for unification of access to all these devices around a common server based architecture to unlock the benefits of smart integration and to simplify access for the end user. IHS project is designed to provide to its business and home owners a unified network for all IT and electronic systems within a home or an office. This system integrates security, surveillance, access and attendance, home automation, audio and video players, File Server, Email Server, SMS Server (Texting), HTTP Proxy Server, DHCP Server, a caching DNS Server, Web Server and an internet gateway with an automatic virus scanner. In fact, it is a comprehensive system that completely governs a place wherever it is installed and provides integrated remotely accessible infrastructure for a Home or Business. Access to all home and business systems is available from any computer on the LAN, the internet and mobile phone. IHS is built around the Gateman Lifestyle Server which uses the robust Enterprise Linux Kernel CEntOS 5 and is written in Java. It can be accessed from Windows, MAC, Linux machines and i-phones as well as from any device that has a Java script enabled web browser. The device driver architecture allows additional electronic hardware to be incorporated making it relevant and extendable well into the future

    Intrusion tolerant routing with data consensus in wireless sensor networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaWireless sensor networks (WSNs) are rapidly emerging and growing as an important new area in computing and wireless networking research. Applications of WSNs are numerous, growing, and ranging from small-scale indoor deployment scenarios in homes and buildings to large scale outdoor deployment settings in natural, industrial, military and embedded environments. In a WSN, the sensor nodes collect data to monitor physical conditions or to measure and pre-process physical phenomena, and forward that data to special computing nodes called Syncnodes or Base Stations (BSs). These nodes are eventually interconnected, as gateways, to other processing systems running applications. In large-scale settings, WSNs operate with a large number of sensors – from hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes – organised as ad-hoc multi-hop or mesh networks, working without human supervision. Sensor nodes are very limited in computation, storage, communication and energy resources. These limitations impose particular challenges in designing large scale reliable and secure WSN services and applications. However, as sensors are very limited in their resources they tend to be very cheap. Resilient solutions based on a large number of nodes with replicated capabilities, are possible approaches to address dependability concerns, namely reliability and security requirements and fault or intrusion tolerant network services. This thesis proposes, implements and tests an intrusion tolerant routing service for large-scale dependable WSNs. The service is based on a tree-structured multi-path routing algorithm, establishing multi-hop and multiple disjoint routes between sensors and a group of BSs. The BS nodes work as an overlay, processing intrusion tolerant data consensus over the routed data. In the proposed solution the multiple routes are discovered, selected and established by a self-organisation process. The solution allows the WSN nodes to collect and route data through multiple disjoint routes to the different BSs, with a preventive intrusion tolerance approach, while handling possible Byzantine attacks and failures in sensors and BS with a pro-active recovery strategy supported by intrusion and fault tolerant data-consensus algorithms, performed by the group of Base Stations

    Adaptation of the human nervous system for self-aware secure mobile and IoT systems

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    IT systems have been deployed across several domains, such as hospitals and industries, for the management of information and operations. These systems will soon be ubiquitous in every field due to the transition towards the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT brings devices with sensory functions into IT systems through the process of internetworking. The sensory functions of IoT enable them to generate and process information automatically, either without human contribution or having the least human interaction possible aside from the information and operations management tasks. Security is crucial as it prevents system exploitation. Security has been employed after system implementation, and has rarely been considered as a part of the system. In this dissertation, a novel solution based on a biological approach is presented to embed security as an inalienable part of the system. The proposed solution, in the form of a prototype of the system, is based on the functions of the human nervous system (HNS) in protecting its host from the impacts caused by external or internal changes. The contributions of this work are the derivation of a new system architecture from HNS functionalities and experiments that prove the implementation feasibility and efficiency of the proposed HNS-based architecture through prototype development and evaluation. The first contribution of this work is the adaptation of human nervous system functions to propose a new architecture for IT systems security. The major organs and functions of the HNS are investigated and critical areas are identified for the adaptation process. Several individual system components with similar functions to the HNS are created and grouped to form individual subsystems. The relationship between these components is established in a similar way as in the HNS, resulting in a new system architecture that includes security as a core component. The adapted HNS-based system architecture is employed in two the experiments prove its implementation capability, enhancement of security, and overall system operations. The second contribution is the implementation of the proposed HNS-based security solution in the IoT test-bed. A temperature-monitoring application with an intrusion detection system (IDS) based on the proposed HNS architecture is implemented as part of the test-bed experiment. Contiki OS is used for implementation, and the 6LoWPAN stack is modified during the development process. The application, together with the IDS, has a brain subsystem (BrSS), a spinal cord subsystem (SCSS), and other functions similar to the HNS whose names are changed. The HNS functions are shared between an edge router and resource-constrained devices (RCDs) during implementation. The experiment is evaluated in both test-bed and simulation environments. Zolertia Z1 nodes are used to form a 6LoWPAN network, and an edge router is created by combining Pandaboard and Z1 node for a test-bed setup. Two networks with different numbers of sensor nodes are used as simulation environments in the Cooja simulator. The third contribution of this dissertation is the implementation of the proposed HNS-based architecture in the mobile platform. In this phase, the Android operating system (OS) is selected for experimentation, and the proposed HNS-based architecture is specifically tailored for Android. A context-based dynamically reconfigurable access control system (CoDRA) is developed based on the principles of the refined HNS architecture. CoDRA is implemented through customization of Android OS and evaluated under real-time usage conditions in test-bed environments. During the evaluation, the implemented prototype mimicked the nature of the HNS in securing the application under threat with negligible resource requirements and solved the problems in existing approaches by embedding security within the system. Furthermore, the results of the experiments highlighted the retention of HNS functions after refinement for different IT application areas, especially the IoT, due to its resource-constrained nature, and the implementable capability of our proposed HNS architecture.--- IT-järjestelmiä hyödynnetään tiedon ja toimintojen hallinnassa useilla aloilla, kuten sairaaloissa ja teollisuudessa. Siirtyminen kohti esineiden Internetiä (Internet of Things, IoT) tuo tällaiset laitteet yhä kiinteämmäksi osaksi jokapäiväistä elämää. IT-järjestelmiin liitettyjen IoT-laitteiden sensoritoiminnot mahdollistavat tiedon automaattisen havainnoinnin ja käsittelyn osana suurempaa järjestelmää jopa täysin ilman ihmisen myötävaikutusta, poislukien mahdolliset ylläpito- ja hallintatoimenpiteet. Turvallisuus on ratkaisevan tärkeää IT-järjestelmien luvattoman käytön estämiseksi. Valitettavan usein järjestelmäsuunnittelussa turvallisuus ei ole osana ydinsuunnitteluprosessia, vaan otetaan huomioon vasta käyttöönoton jälkeen. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellään uudenlainen biologiseen lähestymistapaan perustuva ratkaisu, jolla turvallisuus voidaan sisällyttää erottamattomaksi osaksi järjestelmää. Ehdotettu prototyyppiratkaisu perustuu ihmisen hermoston toimintaan tilanteessa, jossa se suojelee isäntäänsä ulkoisten tai sisäisten muutosten vaikutuksilta. Tämän työn keskeiset tulokset ovat uuden järjestelmäarkkitehtuurin johtaminen ihmisen hermoston toimintaperiaatteesta sekä tällaisen järjestelmän toteutettavuuden ja tehokkuuden arviointi kokeellisen prototyypin kehittämisen ja toiminnan arvioinnin avulla. Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen kontribuutio on ihmisen hermoston toimintoihin perustuva IT-järjestelmäarkkitehtuuri. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan ihmisen hermoston toimintaa ja tunnistetaan keskeiset toiminnot ja toiminnallisuudet, jotka mall-innetaan osaksi kehitettävää järjestelmää luomalla näitä vastaavat järjestelmäkomponentit. Nä-istä kootaan toiminnallisuudeltaan hermostoa vastaavat osajärjestelmät, joiden keskinäinen toiminta mallintaa ihmisen hermoston toimintaa. Näin luodaan arkkitehtuuri, jonka keskeisenä komponenttina on turvallisuus. Tämän pohjalta toteutetaan kaksi prototyyppijärjestelmää, joiden avulla arvioidaan arkkitehtuurin toteutuskelpoisuutta, turvallisuutta sekä toimintakykyä. Toinen kontribuutio on esitetyn hermostopohjaisen turvallisuusratkaisun toteuttaminen IoT-testialustalla. Kehitettyyn arkkitehtuuriin perustuva ja tunkeutumisen estojärjestelmän (intrusion detection system, IDS) sisältävä lämpötilan seurantasovellus toteutetaan käyttäen Contiki OS -käytöjärjestelmää. 6LoWPAN protokollapinoa muokataan tarpeen mukaan kehitysprosessin aikana. IDS:n lisäksi sovellukseen kuuluu aivo-osajärjestelmä (Brain subsystem, BrSS), selkäydinosajärjestelmä (Spinal cord subsystem, SCSS), sekä muita hermoston kaltaisia toimintoja. Nämä toiminnot jaetaan reunareitittimen ja resurssirajoitteisten laitteiden kesken. Tuloksia arvioidaan sekä simulaatioiden että testialustan tulosten perusteella. Testialustaa varten 6LoWPAN verkon toteutukseen valittiin Zolertia Z1 ja reunareititin on toteutettu Pandaboardin ja Z1:n yhdistelmällä. Cooja-simulaattorissa käytettiin mallinnukseen ymp-äristönä kahta erillistä ja erikokoisuta sensoriverkkoa. Kolmas tämän väitöskirjan kontribuutio on kehitetyn hermostopohjaisen arkkitehtuurin toteuttaminen mobiilialustassa. Toteutuksen alustaksi valitaan Android-käyttöjärjestelmä, ja kehitetty arkkitehtuuri räätälöidään Androidille. Tuloksena on kontekstipohjainen dynaamisesti uudelleen konfiguroitava pääsynvalvontajärjestelmä (context-based dynamically reconfigurable access control system, CoDRA). CoDRA toteutetaan mukauttamalla Androidin käyttöjärjestelmää ja toteutuksen toimivuutta arvioidaan reaaliaikaisissa käyttöolosuhteissa testialustaympäristöissä. Toteutusta arvioitaessa havaittiin, että kehitetty prototyyppi jäljitteli ihmishermoston toimintaa kohdesovelluksen suojaamisessa, suoriutui tehtävästään vähäisillä resurssivaatimuksilla ja onnistui sisällyttämään turvallisuuden järjestelmän ydintoimintoihin. Tulokset osoittivat, että tämän tyyppinen järjestelmä on toteutettavissa sekä sen, että järjestelmän hermostonkaltainen toiminnallisuus säilyy siirryttäessä sovellusalueelta toiselle, erityisesti resursseiltaan rajoittuneissa IoT-järjestelmissä