430 research outputs found

    XML in Enterprise Systems: Its Roles and Benefits

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    In-Memory Databases

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá databázami pracujúcimi v pamäti a tiež konceptmi, ktoré boli vyvinuté na vytvorenie takýchto systémov, pretože dáta sú v týchto databázach uložené v hlavnej pamäti, ktorá je schopná spracovať data niekoľkokrát rýchlejšie, ale je to súčasne nestabilné pamäťové medium. Na podloženie týchto konceptov je v práci zhrnutý vývoj databázových systémov od počiatku ich vývoja až do súčasnosti. Prvými databázovými typmi boli hierarchické a sieťové databázy, ktoré boli už v 70. rokoch 20. storočia nahradené prvými relačnými databázami ktorých vývoj trvá až do dnes a v súčastnosti sú zastúpené hlavne OLTP a OLAP systémami. Ďalej sú spomenuté objektové, objektovo-relačné a NoSQL databázy a spomenuté je tiež rozširovanie Big Dát a možnosti ich spracovania. Pre porozumenie uloženia dát v hlavnej pamäti je predstavená pamäťová hierarchia od registrov procesoru, cez cache a hlavnú pamäť až po pevné disky spolu s informáciami o latencii a stabilite týchto pamäťových médií. Ďalej sú spomenuté možnosti usporiadania dát v pamäti a je vysvetlené riadkové a stĺpcové usporiadanie dát spolu s možnosťami ich využitia pre čo najvyšší výkon pri spracovaní dát. V tejto sekcii sú spomenuté aj kompresné techniky, ktoré slúžia na čo najúspornejšie využitie priestoru hlavnej pamäti. V nasledujúcej sekcii sú uvedené postupy, ktoré zabezpečujú, že zmeny v týchto databázach sú persistentné aj napriek tomu, že databáza beží na nestabilnom pamäťovom médiu. Popri tradičných technikách zabezpečujúcich trvanlivosť zmien je predstavený koncept diferenciálnej vyrovnávacej pamäte do ktorej sa ukladajú všetky zmeny v a taktiež je popísaný proces spájania dát z tejto vyrovnávacej pamäti a dát z hlavného úložiska. V ďalšej sekcii práce je prehľad existujúcich databáz, ktoré pracujú v pamäti ako SAP HANA, Times Ten od Oracle ale aj hybridných systémov, ktoré pracujú primárne na disku, ale sú schopné pracovať aj v pamäti. Jedným z takýchto systémov je SQLite. Táto sekcia porovnáva jednotlivé systémy, hodnotí nakoľko využívajú koncepty predstavené v predchádzajúcich kapitolách, a na jej konci je tabuľka kde sú prehľadne zobrazené informácie o týchto systémoch. Ďalšie časti práce sa týkajú už samotného testovania výkonnosti týchto databáz. Zo začiatku sú popísané testovacie dáta pochádzajúce z DBLP databázy a spôsob ich získania a transformácie do použiteľnej formy pre testovanie. Ďalej je popísaná metodika testovania, ktorá sa deli na dve časti. Prvá časť porovnáva výkon databázy pracujúcej v disku s databázou pracujúcou v pamäti. Pre tento účel bola využitá databáza SQLite a možnosť spustenia databázy v pamäti. Druhá časť testovania sa zaoberá porovnaním výkonu riadkového a stĺpcového usporiadania dát v databáze pracujúcej v pamäti. Na tento účel bola využitá databáza SAP HANA, ktorá umožňuje ukladať dáta v oboch usporiadaniach. Výsledkom práce je analýza výsledkov, ktoré boli získané pomocou týchto testov.This bachelor thesis deals with in-memory databases and concepts that were developed to create such systems. To lay the base ground for in-memory concepts, the thesis summarizes the development of the most used database systems. The data layouts like the column and the row layout are introduced together with the compression and storage techniques used to maintain persistence of the in-memory databases. The other parts contain the overview of the existing in-memory database systems and describe the benchmarks used to test the performance of the in-memory databases. At the end, the thesis analyses the results of benchmarks.

    Performance evaluation of an RDB and an ORDB: A comparative study using the BUCKY benchmark

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    This paper highlights the functionality of object-based database systems by comparing the performance of relational database (RDB) and object-relational database (ORDB) systems. The study focuses on assessing the efficiency of database systems based on query processing and object complexity. We conducted an experiment that includes running the queries on the RDB and ORDB that were used in the BUCKY benchmark and implemented on Oracle 11g. The findings of this research show that the performance of both database systems depends on various factors, such as the size and type of databases, the schema and query structures, the number of tuples scanned in tables, indexes as well as the environment, in which the experiment was carried out

    10381 Summary and Abstracts Collection -- Robust Query Processing

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    Dagstuhl seminar 10381 on robust query processing (held 19.09.10 - 24.09.10) brought together a diverse set of researchers and practitioners with a broad range of expertise for the purpose of fostering discussion and collaboration regarding causes, opportunities, and solutions for achieving robust query processing. The seminar strove to build a unified view across the loosely-coupled system components responsible for the various stages of database query processing. Participants were chosen for their experience with database query processing and, where possible, their prior work in academic research or in product development towards robustness in database query processing. In order to pave the way to motivate, measure, and protect future advances in robust query processing, seminar 10381 focused on developing tests for measuring the robustness of query processing. In these proceedings, we first review the seminar topics, goals, and results, then present abstracts or notes of some of the seminar break-out sessions. We also include, as an appendix, the robust query processing reading list that was collected and distributed to participants before the seminar began, as well as summaries of a few of those papers that were contributed by some participants

    S2ST: A Relational RDF Database Management System

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    The explosive growth of RDF data on the Semantic Web drives the need for novel database systems that can efficiently store and query large RDF datasets. To achieve good performance and scalability of query processing, most existing RDF storage systems use a relational database management system as a backend to manage RDF data. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a Relational RDF Database Management System. Our main research contributions are: (1) We propose a formal model of a Relational RDF Database Management System (RRDBMS), (2) We propose generic algorithms for schema, data and query mapping, (3) We implement the first and only RRDBMS, S2ST, that supports multiple relational database management systems, user-customizable schema mapping, schema-independent data mapping, and semantics-preserving query translation

    Integration of multi lifecycle assessment and design for environment database using relational moddel concepts

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    Multi-lifecycle Assessment (MLCA) systematically considers and quantifies the consumption of resources and the environmental impact associated with a product or process. Design challenges posed by a multi-lifecycle strategy are significantly more complex than traditional product design. The designer must look forward in time to maximize the product\u27s end-of-life yield of assemblies, parts and materials while looking backward to the world of existing products for feedstock sources for the current design. As MLCA and DEE share some common data items, such as, part geometry, material and manufacturing process, it is advantageous to integrate the database for MLCA and DEE. The integration of CAD/DEE and MLCA database will provide not only to designers but also for dernanufacturer and MLCA analyst to play an active role in achieving the vision of sustainability. The user of MLCA software has to provide a significant amount of information manually about a product for which the environmental burdens are being analyzed, which is an error prone activity. To avoid the manual work and associative problems, a MLCA-CAD interface has been developed to progranmtatically populate the MLCA database by using the Bill of Material (BOM) information in the CAD software. This MLCA-CAD interface provides a flow of information from design software (DEE/CAD) to MLCA software

    A Framework for the Automatic Physical Configuration and Tuning of a Mysql Community Server

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    Manual physical configuration and tuning of database servers, is a complicated task requiring a high level of expertise. Database administrators must consider numerous possibilities, to determine a candidate configuration for implementation. In recent times database vendors have responded to this problem, providing solutions which can automatically configure and tune their products. Poor configuration choices, resulting in performance degradation commonplace in manual configurations, have been significantly reduced in these solutions. However, no such solution exists for MySQL Community Server. This thesis, proposes a novel framework for automatically tuning a MySQL Community Server. A first iteration of the framework has been built and is presented in this paper together with its performance measurements

    GeNS : the genomic name server

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaOs desenvolvimentos científicos vindo do campo da biologia molecular dependem em grande parte da capacidade de análise de resultados laboratoriais por parte de aplicações informáticas. Uma análise completa de uma experiência requer, tipicamente, o estudo simultâneo dos resultados obtidos a par com dados disponíveis em várias bases de dados públicas. Fornecer uma visão unificada deste tipo de dados tem sido um problema fundamental na investigação ao nível de bases de dados desde o aparecimento da Bioinformática. Esta dissertação apresenta o GeNS, um data warehouse híbrido com uma abordagem simples e inovadora que pretende resolver diversos problemas de integração de dados biológicos. ABSTRACT: The scientific achievements coming from molecular biology depend greatly on the capability of computational applications to analyze the laboratorial results. A comprehensive analysis of an experiment requires, typically, the simultaneous study of the obtained results with data that is available from distinct public databases. Being able to provide a unified view of this data has been a fundamental problem in database research since the dawn of Bioinformatics. This dissertation introduces GeNS, a hybrid data warehouse that presents a simple, yet innovative approach to address several biological data integration issues