109,617 research outputs found

    A meta-analysis of travel time reliability

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    The reliability and scheduling delay of travel time attributes have been considered as important factors in traveler’s decision making. Numerous studies have attempted to incorporate travel time reliability and scheduling delay early/late attributes into traveler’s choice models since the last decade. However, there is still a wide-ranging debate on empirical valuations, and substantial differences of estimation values are shown among studies. Our aim in this study is to investigate several unresolved issues in the empirical valuation of reliability and scheduling delay delay/late and estimate these effects by means of a multivariate statistical technique: meat-analysis. The main finding is that including all reliability and scheduling delay early/late attributes in choice model would lead to lower estimated values for these attributes. We also find that the stated preference data produce substantial lower values for the ratio between scheduling delay early/late and travel time coefficients and the possible explanation may be the misperception error together with the risk aversion attitude of travelers. Key words: travel time reliability, scheduling delay early, scheduling delay late, meta-analysis.

    A hybrid scatter search. Electromagnetism meta-heuristic for project scheduling.

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    In the last few decades, several effective algorithms for solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem have been proposed. However, the challenging nature of this problem, summarised in its strongly NP-hard status, restricts the effectiveness of exact optimisation to relatively small instances. In this paper, we present a new meta-heuristic for this problem, able to provide near-optimal heuristic solutions. The procedure combines elements from scatter search, a generic population-based evolutionary search method, and a recently introduced heuristic method for the optimisation of unconstrained continuous functions based on an analogy with electromagnetism theory, hereafter referred to as the electromagnetism meta-heuristic. We present computational experiments on standard benchmark datasets, compare the results with current state-ofthe-art heuristics, and show that the procedure is capable of producing consistently good results for challenging instances of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. We also demonstrate that the algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art existing heuristics.Algorithms; Effectiveness; Electromagnetism; Functions; Heuristic; Project scheduling; Scatter; Scatter search; Scheduling; Theory;

    Meta-heuristics for stable scheduling on a single machine.

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    This paper presents a model for single-machine scheduling with stability objective and a common deadline. Job durations are uncertain, and our goal is to ensure that there is little deviation between planned and actual job starting times. We propose two meta-heuristics for solving an approximate formulation of the model that assumes that exactly one job is disrupted during schedule execution, and we also present a meta-heuristic for the global problem with independent job durationsMeta-heuristics; Robustness; Single-machine scheduling; Uncertainty;

    Network-aware heuristics for inter-domain meta-scheduling in Grids

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    AbstractGrid computing generally involves the aggregation of geographically distributed resources in the context of a particular application. As such resources can exist within different administrative domains, requirements on the communication network must also be taken into account when performing meta-scheduling, migration or monitoring of jobs. Similarly, coordinating efficient interaction between different domains should also be considered when performing such meta-scheduling of jobs. A strategy to perform peer-to-peer-inspired meta-scheduling in Grids is presented. This strategy has three main goals: (1) it takes the network characteristics into account when performing meta-scheduling; (2) communication and query referral between domains is considered, so that efficient meta-scheduling can be performed; and (3) the strategy demonstrates scalability, making it suitable for many scientific applications that require resources on a large scale. Simulation results are presented that demonstrate the usefulness of this approach, and it is compared with other proposals from literature

    The crew-scheduling module in the GIST system

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    The public transportation is gaining importance every year basically due the population growth, environmental policies and, route and street congestion. Too able an efficient management of all the resources related to public transportation, several techniques from different areas are being applied and several projects in Transportation Planning Systems, in different countries, are being developed. In this work, we present the GIST Planning Transportation Systems, a Portuguese project involving two universities and six public transportation companies. We describe in detail one of the most relevant modules of this project, the crew-scheduling module. The crew-scheduling module is based on the application of meta-heuristics, in particular GRASP, tabu search and genetic algorithm to solve the bus-driver-scheduling problem. The metaheuristics have been successfully incorporated in the GIST Planning Transportation Systems and are actually used by several companies.Integrated transportation systems, crew scheduling, metaheuristics

    Bulk Scheduling with the DIANA Scheduler

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    Results from the research and development of a Data Intensive and Network Aware (DIANA) scheduling engine, to be used primarily for data intensive sciences such as physics analysis, are described. In Grid analyses, tasks can involve thousands of computing, data handling, and network resources. The central problem in the scheduling of these resources is the coordinated management of computation and data at multiple locations and not just data replication or movement. However, this can prove to be a rather costly operation and efficient sing can be a challenge if compute and data resources are mapped without considering network costs. We have implemented an adaptive algorithm within the so-called DIANA Scheduler which takes into account data location and size, network performance and computation capability in order to enable efficient global scheduling. DIANA is a performance-aware and economy-guided Meta Scheduler. It iteratively allocates each job to the site that is most likely to produce the best performance as well as optimizing the global queue for any remaining jobs. Therefore it is equally suitable whether a single job is being submitted or bulk scheduling is being performed. Results indicate that considerable performance improvements can be gained by adopting the DIANA scheduling approach.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. To be published in the IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, IEEE Press. 200

    An Inter-Cloud Meta-Scheduling (ICMS) simulation framework: architecture and evaluation

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    Inter-cloud is an approach that facilitates scalable resource provisioning across multiple cloud infrastructures. In this paper, we focus on the performance optimization of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) using the meta-scheduling paradigm to achieve an improved job scheduling across multiple clouds. We propose a novel inter-cloud job scheduling framework and implement policies to optimize performance of participating clouds. The framework, named as Inter-Cloud Meta-Scheduling (ICMS), is based on a novel message exchange mechanism to allow optimization of job scheduling metrics. The resulting system offers improved flexibility, robustness and decentralization. We implemented a toolkit named “Simulating the Inter-Cloud” (SimIC) to perform the design and implementation of different inter-cloud entities and policies in the ICMS framework. An experimental analysis is produced for job executions in inter-cloud and a performance is presented for a number of parameters such as job execution, makespan, and turnaround times. The results highlight that the overall performance of individual clouds for selected parameters and configuration is improved when these are brought together under the proposed ICMS framework
