190 research outputs found

    Genetic Programming Hyper-heuristics for Job Shop Scheduling

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    Scheduling problems arise whenever there is a choice of order in which a number of tasks should be performed; they arise commonly, daily and everywhere. A job shop is a common manufacturing environment in which a schedule for processing a set of jobs through a set of machines needs to be constructed. Job shop scheduling (JSS) has been called a fascinating challenge as it is computationally hard and prevalent in the real-world. Developing more effective ways of scheduling jobs could increase profitability through increasing throughput and decreasing costs. Dispatching rules (DRs) are one of the most popular scheduling heuristics. DRs are easy to implement, have low computational cost, and cope well with the dynamic nature of real-world manufacturing environments. However, the manual development of DRs is time consuming and requires expert knowledge of the scheduling environment. Genetic programming (GP) is an evolutionary computation method which is ideal for automatically discovering DRs. This is a hyper-heuristic approach, as GP is searching the search space of heuristic (DR) solutions rather than constructing a schedule directly. The overall goal of this thesis is to develop GP based hyper-heuristics for the efficient evolution (automatic generation) of robust, reusable and effective scheduling heuristics for JSS environments, with greater interpretability. Firstly, this thesis investigates using GP to evolve optimal DRs for the static two-machine JSS problem with makespan objective function. The results show that some evolved DRs were equivalent to an optimal scheduling algorithm. This validates both the GP based hyper-heuristic approach for generating DRs for JSS and the representation used. Secondly, this thesis investigates developing ``less-myopic'' DRs through the use of wider-looking terminals and local search to provide additional fitness information. The results show that incorporating features of the state of the wider shop improves the mean performance of the best evolved DRs, and that the inclusion of local search in evaluation evolves DRs which make better decisions over the local time horizon, and attain lower total weighted tardiness. Thirdly, this thesis proposes using strongly typed GP (STGP) to address the challenging issue of interpretability of DRs evolved by GP. Several grammars are investigated and the results show that the DRs evolved in the semantically constrained search space of STGP do not have (on average) performance that is as good as unconstrained. However, the interpretability of evolved rules is substantially improved. Fourthly, this thesis investigates using multiobjective GP to encourage evolution of DRs which are more readily interpretable by human operators. This approach evolves DRs with similar performance but smaller size. Fragment analysis identifies popular combinations of terminals which are then used as high level terminals; the inclusion of these terminals improved the mean performance of the best evolved DRs. Through this thesis the following major contributions have been made: (1) the first use of GP to evolve optimal DRs for the static two-machine job shop with makespan objective function; (2) an approach to developing less-myopic DRs through the inclusion of wider looking terminals and the use of local search to provide additional fitness information over an extended decision horizon; (3) the first use of STGP for the automatic discovery of DRs with better interpretability and semantic validity for increased trust; and (4) the first multiobjective GP approach that considers multiple objectives investigating the trade-off between scheduling behaviour and interpretability. This is also the first work that uses analysis of evolved GP individuals to perform feature selection and construction for JSS

    Optimization of telescope scheduling - Algorithmic research and scientific policy

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    The use of very expensive facilities in Modern Astronomy has demonstrated the importance of automatic modes in the operation of large telescopes. As a consequence, several mathematical tools have been applied and developed to solve the (NP - hard) scheduling optimization problem: from simple heuristics to the more complex genetic algorithms or neural networks. In this work, the basic scheduling problem is translated into mathematical language and two main methods are used to solve it: neighborhood search methods and genetic algorithms; both of them are analysed. It is shown that the algorithms are sensitive to the scientific policy by means of the definition of the objective function ( F) and also by the assignment of scientific priorities to the projects. The definition of F is not trivial and requires a detailed discussion among the Astronomical Community

    Automatic Design of Dispatching Rules for Job Shop Scheduling with Genetic Programming

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    Scheduling is an important planning activity in manufacturing systems to help optimise the usage of scarce resources and improve the customer satisfaction. In the job shop manufacturing environment, scheduling problems are challenging due to the complexity of production flows and practical requirements such as dynamic changes, uncertainty, multiple objectives, and multiple scheduling decisions. Also, job shop scheduling (JSS) is very common in small manufacturing businesses and JSS is considered one of the most popular research topics in this domain due to its potential to dramatically decrease the costs and increase the throughput. Practitioners and researchers have applied different computational techniques, from different fields such as operations research and computer science, to deal with JSS problems. Although optimisation methods usually show their dominance in the literature, applying optimisation techniques in practical situations is not straightforward because of the practical constraints and conditions in the shop. Dispatching rules are a very useful approach to dealing with these environments because they are easy to implement(by computers and shop floor operators) and can cope with dynamic changes. However, designing an effective dispatching rule is not a trivial task and requires extensive knowledge about the scheduling problem. The overall goal of this thesis is to develop a genetic programming based hyper-heuristic (GPHH) approach for automatic heuristic design of reusable and competitive dispatching rules in job shop scheduling environments. This thesis focuses on incorporating special features of JSS in the representations and evolutionary search mechanisms of genetic programming(GP) to help enhance the quality of dispatching rules obtained. This thesis shows that representations and evaluation schemes are the important factors that significantly influence the performance of GP for evolving dispatching rules. The thesis demonstrates that evolved rules which are trained to adapt their decisions based on the changes in shops are better than conventional rules. Moreover, by applying a new evaluation scheme, the evolved rules can effectively learn from the mistakes made in previous completed schedules to construct better scheduling decisions. The GP method using the newproposed evaluation scheme shows better performance than the GP method using the conventional scheme. This thesis proposes a new multi-objective GPHH to evolve a Pareto front of non-dominated dispatching rules. Instead of evolving a single rule with assumed preferences over different objectives, the advantage of this GPHH method is to allow GP to evolve rules to handle multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously. The Pareto fronts obtained by the GPHH method can be used as an effective tool to help decision makers select appropriate rules based on their knowledge regarding possible trade-offs. The thesis shows that evolved rules can dominate well-known dispatching rules when a single objective and multiple objectives are considered. Also, the obtained Pareto fronts show that many evolved rules can lead to favourable trade-offs, which have not been explored in the literature. This thesis tackles one of themost challenging issues in job shop scheduling, the interactions between different scheduling decisions. New GPHH methods have been proposed to help evolve scheduling policies containing multiple scheduling rules for multiple scheduling decisions. The two decisions examined in this thesis are sequencing and due date assignment. The experimental results show that the evolved scheduling rules are significantly better than scheduling policies in the literature. A cooperative coevolution approach has also been developed to reduce the complexity of evolving sophisticated scheduling policies. A new evolutionary search mechanisms and customised genetic operations are proposed in this approach to improve the diversity of the obtained Pareto fronts

    A simulation based learning meachanism for scheduling systems with continuous control and update structure

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    A simulation based learning mechanism is proposed in this study. The system learns in the manufacturing environment by constructing a learning tree and selects a dispatching rule from the tree for each scheduling period. The system utilizes the process control charts to monitor the performance of the learning tree which is automatically updated whenever necessary. Therefore, the system adapts itself for the changes in the manufacturing environment and works well over time. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted for the system parameters such as monitoring (MPL) and scheduling period lengths (SPL) on a job shop problem with objective of minimizing average tardiness. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed system is considerably better than the simulation-based single-pass and multi-pass scheduling algorithms available in the literature

    A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling.

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    We describe a new hyper-heuristic method NELLI-GP for solving job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) that evolves an ensemble of heuristics. The ensemble adopts a divide-and-conquer approach in which each heuristic solves a unique subset of the instance set considered. NELLI-GP extends an existing ensemble method called NELLI by introducing a novel heuristic generator that evolves heuristics composed of linear sequences of dispatching rules: each rule is represented using a tree structure and is itself evolved. Following a training period, the ensemble is shown to outperform both existing dispatching rules and a standard genetic programming algorithm on a large set of new test instances. In addition, it obtains superior results on a set of 210 benchmark problems from the literature when compared to two state-of-the-art hyperheuristic approaches. Further analysis of the relationship between heuristics in the evolved ensemble and the instances each solves provides new insights into features that might describe similar instances

    Otimização do teor de corte e do sequenciamento de minas subterrâneas

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    Orientador: Priscila Cristina Berbert RampazzoDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: Métodos de lavra subterrânea são aplicados na extração de vários metais e minerais. O planejamento de métodos subterrâneos difere do planejamento de métodos de superfície pelo fato de que não é necessário extrair todas as áreas de produção dentro dos limites econômicos finais para se ter uma sequência factível, ou seja, nos métodos subterrâneos é fisicamente possível que algumas áreas permaneçam não lavradas mesmo estando dentro do limites econômicos finais. O planejamento estratégico é a área central do planejamento de longo prazo de uma mina e visa definir estratégias de escala de produção, métodos de lavra e de beneficiamento mineral, selecionar as áreas que serão lavradas e otimizar a sequência de lavra destas áreas de produção. Para garantir a viabilidade econômica do empreendimento, o planejamento estratégico deve considerar as características-chave dos empreendimentos de mineração, que são: a necessidade de capital intensivo, o longo período de retorno do investimento e o ativo (reserva) limitado. Essas características devem ser consideradas durante o processo de valoração de um empreendimento mineiro, que normalmente é feito através do cálculo do VPL, valor presente líquido. Dentre as principais alavancas do planejamento estratégico, o teor de corte utilizado na seleção dos blocos que serão lavrados e o sequenciamento de mina são os que geram maior número de opções, fazendo com que avaliações de cenários demandem muito tempo e se tornem inviáveis na prática dada a necessidade de respostas rápidas para tomadas de decisão. Neste trabalho, três diferentes modelos matemáticos são propostos para abordar, de forma conjunta, o problema da seleção dos blocos de lavra de uma mina subterrânea e a otimização do sequenciamento destes blocos. Tais modelos consideram o VPL como principal objetivo a ser maximizado e resultam no uso do teor de corte como fator que equilibra as capacidades de produção dos diferentes estágios de um sistema de mineração. A abordagem matemática adapta a modelagem clássica de problemas de sequenciamento considerando os blocos de lavra como tarefas e as atividades de escavação de galerias (desenvolvimento de acessos) e de produção de minério (lavra) como máquinas. Os modelos propostos são testados com base em casos reais, utilizando-se métodos de solução exata e um algoritmo genético. Os resultados computacionais mostram que o algoritmo genético é mais eficiente do que os métodos exatos, sobretudo para instâncias maiores, mais próximas da realidadeAbstract: Underground mining methods are used at the extraction of many metals and minerals. Underground mining planning differs from surface mining planning mainly because, in the first case, it is not necessary to extract all mining blocks within the ultimate economic limits to have a feasible sequence, i.e., it is physically possible to an underground mine to have some areas left \textit{in situ} even if they are inside the ultimate economic limits. Strategic planning is the core area of long-term mining planning and aims to define the scale of production, mining and processing methods, to select areas that will be mined, and to optimize the mining sequence. To guarantee the economic feasibility of a mining asset, strategic planners must also consider the key aspects of mining businesses, which are: capital-intensive requirements, long-term payback, and limited asset (reserves) life. These characteristics must be considered during the valuation process of a mining asset, which is normally conducted through NPV, net present value, calculations. Among the main strategic planning levers, cut-off grades (used at the selection of blocks that will be mined) and the mine sequencing are the ones that generate the greatest number of options. As scheduling multiple scenarios requires a great deal of time, this is infeasible in real situations given the need for quick responses. In this dissertation, three mathematical models are proposed to tackle, at the same time, two problems: the selection of the mining blocks in an underground mine, and the optimization of their sequence. These models consider NPV as the main objective to be maximized and result in using cut-off grades as a factor that balances the main capabilities of a mining system. The mathematical approach adapts classical scheduling models considering mining blocks as jobs; and tunnels excavation (access development) and ore production (mining) activities as machines. The proposed models are tested, with real cases, using exact-solution methods and a genetic algorithm. Results show that the genetic algorithm is more efficient than the exact methods, especially for greater instances that are similar to real problemsMestradoMatematica Aplicada e ComputacionalMestre em Matemática Aplicada e Computaciona

    Dimensionerings- en werkverdelingsalgoritmen voor lambda grids

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    Grids bestaan uit een verzameling reken- en opslagelementen die geografisch verspreid kunnen zijn, maar waarvan men de gezamenlijke capaciteit wenst te benutten. Daartoe dienen deze elementen verbonden te worden met een netwerk. Vermits veel wetenschappelijke applicaties gebruik maken van een Grid, en deze applicaties doorgaans grote hoeveelheden data verwerken, is het noodzakelijk om een netwerk te voorzien dat dergelijke grote datastromen op betrouwbare wijze kan transporteren. Optische transportnetwerken lenen zich hier uitstekend toe. Grids die gebruik maken van dergelijk netwerk noemt men lambda Grids. Deze thesis beschrijft een kader waarin het ontwerp en dimensionering van optische netwerken voor lambda Grids kunnen beschreven worden. Ook wordt besproken hoe werklast kan verdeeld worden op een Grid eens die gedimensioneerd is. Een groot deel van de resultaten werd bekomen door simulatie, waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van een eigen Grid simulatiepakket dat precies focust op netwerk- en Gridelementen. Het ontwerp van deze simulator, en de daarbijhorende implementatiekeuzes worden dan ook uitvoerig toegelicht in dit werk

    Distributed and Multiprocessor Scheduling

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    This chapter discusses CPU scheduling in parallel and distributed systems. CPU scheduling is part of a broader class of resource allocation problems, and is probably the most carefully studied such problem. The main motivation for multiprocessor scheduling is the desire for increased speed in the execution of a workload. Parts of the workload, called tasks, can be spread across several processors and thus be executed more quickly than on a single processor. In this chapter, we will examine techniques for providing this facility. The scheduling problem for multiprocessor systems can be generally stated as \How can we execute a set of tasks T on a set of processors P subject to some set of optimizing criteria C? The most common goal of scheduling is to minimize the expected runtime of a task set. Examples of other scheduling criteria include minimizing the cost, minimizing communication delay, giving priority to certain users\u27 processes, or needs for specialized hardware devices. The scheduling policy for a multiprocessor system usually embodies a mixture of several of these criteria. Section 2 outlines general issues in multiprocessor scheduling and gives background material, including issues specific to either parallel or distributed scheduling. Section 3 describes the best practices from prior work in the area, including a broad survey of existing scheduling algorithms and mechanisms. Section 4 outlines research issues and gives a summary. Section 5 lists the terms defined in this chapter, while sections 6 and 7 give references to important research publications in the area
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