177 research outputs found

    A Review on Software Performance Analysis for Early Detection of Latent Faults in Design Models

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    Organizations and society could face major breakdown if IT strategies do not comply with performance requirements. This is more so in the era of globalization and emergence of technologies caused more issues. Software design models might have latent and potential issues that affect performance of software. Often performance is the neglected area in the industry. Identifying performance issues in the design phase can save time, money and effort. Software engineers need to know the performance requirements so as to ensure quality software to be developed. Software performance engineering a quantitative approach for building software systems that can meet performance requirements. There are many design models based on UML, Petri Nets and Product-Forms. These models can be used to derive performance models that make use of LQN, MSC, QNM and so on. The design models are to be mapped to performance models in order to predict performance of system early and render valuable feedback for improving quality of the system. Due to emerging distributed technologies such as EJB, CORBA, DCOM and SOA applications became very complex with collaboration with other software. The component based software systems, software systems that are embedded, distributed likely need more systematic performance models that can leverage the quality of such systems. Towards this end many techniques came into existence. This paper throws light into software performance analysis and its present state-of-the-art. It reviews different design models and performance models that provide valuable insights to make well informed decisions

    Reliability prediction in model driven development

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    Evaluating the implications of an architecture design early in the software development lifecycle is important in order to reduce costs of development. Reliability is an important concern with regard to the correct delivery of software system service. Recently, the UML Profile for Modeling Quality of Service has defined a set of UML extensions to represent dependability concerns (including reliability) and other non-functional requirements in early stages of the software development lifecycle. Our research has shown that these extensions are not comprehensive enough to support reliability analysis for model-driven software engineering, because the description of reliability characteristics in this profile lacks support for certain dynamic aspects that are essential in modeling reliability. In this work, we define a profile for reliability analysis by extending the UML 2.0 specification to support reliability prediction based on scenario specifications. A UML model specified using the profile is translated to a labelled transition system (LTS), which is used for automated reliability prediction and identification of implied scenarios; the results of this analysis are then fed back to the UML model. The result is a comprehensive framework for addressing software reliability modeling, including analysis and evolution of reliability predictions. We exemplify our approach using the Boiler System used in previous work and demonstrate how reliability analysis results can be integrated into UML models

    Model-driven timing analysis of embedded software

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    New data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management

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    Real-time resource management is the core and critical task in real-time systems. This dissertation explores new data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management. At first, novel data structures, i.e., a class of Testing Interval Trees (TITs), are proposed to help build efficient scheduling modules in real-time systems. With a general data structure, i.e., the TIT* tree, the average costs of the schedulability tests in a wide variety of real-time systems can be reduced. With the Testing Interval Tree for Vacancy analysis (TIT-V), the complexities of the schedulability tests in a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems can be effectively reduced from 0(m²nlogn) to 0(mlogn+mlogm), where m is the number of processors and n is the number of tasks. Similarly, with the Testing Interval Tree for Release time and Laxity analysis (TIT-RL), the complexity of the online admission control in a uni-processor based real-time system can be reduced from 0(n²) to 0(nlogn), where n is the number of tasks. The TIT-RL tree can also be applied to a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems. Therefore, the TIT trees are effective approaches to efficient real-time scheduling modules. Secondly, a new utility accrual model, i.e., UAM+, is established for the resource management in real-time distributed systems. UAM+ is constructed based on the timeliness of computation and communication. Most importantly, the interplay between computation and communication is captured and characterized in the model. Under UAM+, resource managers are guided towards maximizing system-wide utility by exploring the interplay between computation and communication. This is in sharp contrast to traditional approaches that attempt to meet the timing constraints on computation and communication separately. To validate the effectiveness of UAM+, a resource allocation algorithm called IAUASA is developed. Simulation results reveal that IAUASA is far superior to two other resource allocation algorithms that are developed according to traditional utility accrual model and traditional idea. Furthermore, an online algorithm called IDRSA is also developed under UAM+, and a Dynamic Deadline Adjustment (DDA) technique is incorporated into IDRSA algorithm to explore the interplay between computation and communication. The simulation results show that the performance of IDRSA is very promising, especially when the interplay between computation and communication is tight. Therefore, the new utility accrual model provides a more effective approach to the resource allocation in distributed real-time systems. Thirdly, a general task model, which adapts the concept of calculus curve from the network calculus domain, is established for those embedded real-time systems with random event/task arrivals. Under this model, a prediction technique based on history window and calculus curves is established, and it provides the foundation for dynamic voltage-frequency scaling in those embedded real-time systems. Based on this prediction technique, novel energy-efficient algorithms that can dynamically adjust the operating voltage-frequency according to the predicted workload are developed. These algorithms aim to reduce energy consumption while meeting hard deadlines. They can accommodate and well adapt to the variation between the predicted and the actual arrivals of tasks as well as the variation between the predicted and the actual execution times of tasks. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of these algorithms in energy saving

    High-Level Representation of Time in Diagrammatic Specification

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    AbstractThe notion of time is an important element in such systems as real-time embedded systems. Real-time systems have strict timing constraints, and their complexity is continuously increasing, making their design very challenging. This paper concerns a very high level of requirements specification used for system understanding and communication among stakeholders and as a base for development. It introduces a diagrammatic description of functional behavior of a system with nonfunctional constraints including timing plan. Specifically, this paper explores the presentation of time at this level of system description. The usability and feasibility of the proposed method are illustrated by applying it to examples

    On the effectiveness of cache partitioning in hard real-time systems

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    In hard real-time systems, cache partitioning is often suggested as a means of increasing the predictability of caches in pre-emptively scheduled systems: when a task is assigned its own cache partition, inter-task cache eviction is avoided, and timing verification is reduced to the standard worst-case execution time analysis used in non-pre-emptive systems. The downside of cache partitioning is the potential increase in execution times. In this paper, we evaluate cache partitioning for hard real-time systems in terms of overall schedulability. To this end, we examine the sensitivity of (i) task execution times and (ii) pre-emption costs to the size of the cache partition allocated and present a cache partitioning algorithm that is optimal with respect to taskset schedulability. We also devise an alternative algorithm which primarily optimises schedulability but also minimises processor utilization. We evaluate the performance of cache partitioning compared to state-of-the-art pre-emption cost analysis based on benchmark code and on a large number of synthetic tasksets with both fixed priority and EDF scheduling. This allows us to derive general conclusions about the usability of cache partitioning and identify taskset and system parameters that influence the relative effectiveness of cache partitioning. We also examine the improvement in processor utilization obtained using an alternative cache partitioning algorithm, and the tradeoff in terms of increased analysis time

    An architectural approach with separation of concerns to address extra-functional requirements in the development of embedded real-time software systems

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    AbstractA large proportion of the requirements on embedded real-time systems stems from the extra-functional dimensions of time and space determinism, dependability, safety and security, and it is addressed at the software level. The adoption of a sound software architecture provides crucial aid in conveniently apportioning the relevant development concerns. This paper takes a software-centered interpretation of the ISO 42010 notion of architecture, enhancing it with a component model that attributes separate concerns to distinct design views. The component boundary becomes the border between functional and extra-functional concerns. The latter are treated as decorations placed on the outside of components, satisfied by implementation artifacts separate from and composable with the implementation of the component internals. The approach was evaluated by industrial users from several domains, with remarkably positive results

    A methodology for software performance modeling and its application to a border inspection system

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    It is essential that software systems meet their performance objectives. Many factors affect software performance and it is fundamental to identify those factors and the magnitude of their effects early in the software lifecycle to avoid costly and extensive changes to software design, implementation, or requirements. In the last decade the development of techniques and methodologies to carry out performance analysis in the early stages of the software lifecycle has gained a lot of attention within the research community. Different approaches to evaluate software performance have been developed. Each of them is characterized by a certain software specification and performance modeling notation.;In this thesis we present a methodology for predictive performance modeling and analysis of software systems. We use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a software modeling notation and Layered Queuing Networks (LQN) as a performance modeling notation. Our focus is on the definition of a UML to LQN transformation We extend existing approaches by applying the transformation to a different set of UML diagrams, and propose a few extensions to the current UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time , which we use to annotate UML diagrams with performance-related information. We test the applicability of our methodology to the performance evaluation of a complex software system used at border entry ports to grant or deny access to incoming travelers