15 research outputs found

    Accelerating Linear Algebra and Machine Learning Kernels on a Massively Parallel Reconfigurable Architecture

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    abstract: This thesis presents efficient implementations of several linear algebra kernels, machine learning kernels and a neural network based recommender systems engine onto a massively parallel reconfigurable architecture, Transformer. The linear algebra kernels include Triangular Matrix Solver (TRSM), LU Decomposition (LUD), QR Decomposition (QRD), and Matrix Inversion. The machine learning kernels include an LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) cell, and a GRU (gated Recurrent Unit) cell used in recurrent neural networks. The neural network based recommender systems engine consists of multiple kernels including fully connected layers, embedding layer, 1-D batchnorm, Adam optimizer, etc. Transformer is a massively parallel reconfigurable multicore architecture designed at the University of Michigan. The Transformer configuration considered here is 4 tiles and 16 General Processing Elements (GPEs) per tile. It supports a two level cache hierarchy where the L1 and L2 caches can operate in shared (S) or private (P) modes. The architecture was modeled using Gem5 and cycle accurate simulations were done to evaluate the performance in terms of execution times, giga-operations per second per Watt (GOPS/W), and giga-floating-point-operations per second per Watt (GFLOPS/W). This thesis shows that for linear algebra kernels, each kernel achieves high performance for a certain cache mode and that this cache mode can change when the matrix size changes. For instance, for smaller matrix sizes, L1P, L2P cache mode is best for TRSM, while L1S, L2S is the best cache mode for LUD, and L1P, L2S is the best for QRD. For each kernel, the optimal cache mode changes when the matrix size is increased. For instance, for TRSM, the L1P, L2P cache mode is best for smaller matrix sizes (N=64,128,256,512N=64, 128, 256, 512) and it changes to L1S, L2P for larger matrix sizes (N=1024N=1024). For machine learning kernels, L1P, L2P is the best cache mode for all network parameter sizes. Gem5 simulations show that the peak performance for TRSM, LUD, QRD and Matrix Inverse in the 14nm node is 97.5, 59.4, 133.0 and 83.05 GFLOPS/W, respectively. For LSTM and GRU, the peak performance is 44.06 and 69.3 GFLOPS/W. The neural network based recommender system was implemented in L1S, L2S cache mode. It includes a forward pass and a backward pass and is significantly more complex in terms of both computational complexity and data movement. The most computationally intensive block is the fully connected layer followed by Adam optimizer. The overall performance of the recommender systems engine is 54.55 GFLOPS/W and 169.12 GOPS/W.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Using reconfigurable computing technology to accelerate matrix decomposition and applications

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    Matrix decomposition plays an increasingly significant role in many scientific and engineering applications. Among numerous techniques, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) are widely used as factorization tools to perform Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction and pattern recognition in image processing, text mining and wireless communications, while QR Decomposition (QRD) and sparse LU Decomposition (LUD) are employed to solve the dense or sparse linear system of equations in bioinformatics, power system and computer vision. Matrix decompositions are computationally expensive and their sequential implementations often fail to meet the requirements of many time-sensitive applications. The emergence of reconfigurable computing has provided a flexible and low-cost opportunity to pursue high-performance parallel designs, and the use of FPGAs has shown promise in accelerating this class of computation. In this research, we have proposed and implemented several highly parallel FPGA-based architectures to accelerate matrix decompositions and their applications in data mining and signal processing. Specifically, in this dissertation we describe the following contributions: • We propose an efficient FPGA-based double-precision floating-point architecture for EVD, which can efficiently analyze large-scale matrices. • We implement a floating-point Hestenes-Jacobi architecture for SVD, which is capable of analyzing arbitrary sized matrices. • We introduce a novel deeply pipelined reconfigurable architecture for QRD, which can be dynamically configured to perform either Householder transformation or Givens rotation in a manner that takes advantage of the strengths of each. • We design a configurable architecture for sparse LUD that supports both symmetric and asymmetric sparse matrices with arbitrary sparsity patterns. • By further extending the proposed hardware solution for SVD, we parallelize a popular text mining tool-Latent Semantic Indexing with an FPGA-based architecture. • We present a configurable architecture to accelerate Homotopy l1-minimization, in which the modification of the proposed FPGA architecture for sparse LUD is used at its core to parallelize both Cholesky decomposition and rank-1 update. Our experimental results using an FPGA-based acceleration system indicate the efficiency of our proposed novel architectures, with application and dimension-dependent speedups over an optimized software implementation that range from 1.5ÃÂ to 43.6ÃÂ in terms of computation time


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    Today, the implementation of machine vision algorithms on embedded platforms or in portable systems is growing rapidly due to the demand for machine vision in daily human life. Among the applications of machine vision, human action and activity recognition has become an active research area, and market demand for providing integrated smart security systems is growing rapidly. Among the available approaches, embedded vision is in the top tier; however, current embedded platforms may not be able to fully exploit the potential performance of machine vision algorithms, especially in terms of low power consumption. Complex algorithms can impose immense computation and communication demands, especially action recognition algorithms, which require various stages of preprocessing, processing and machine learning blocks that need to operate concurrently. The market demands embedded platforms that operate with a power consumption of only a few watts. Attempts have been mad to improve the performance of traditional embedded approaches by adding more powerful processors; this solution may solve the computation problem but increases the power consumption. System-on-a-chip eld-programmable gate arrays (SoC-FPGAs) have emerged as a major architecture approach for improving power eciency while increasing computational performance. In a SoC-FPGA, an embedded processor and an FPGA serving as an accelerator are fabricated in the same die to simultaneously improve power consumption and performance. Still, current SoC-FPGA-based vision implementations either shy away from supporting complex and adaptive vision algorithms or operate at very limited resolutions due to the immense communication and computation demands. The aim of this research is to develop a SoC-based hardware acceleration workflow for the realization of advanced vision algorithms. Hardware acceleration can improve performance for highly complex mathematical calculations or repeated functions. The performance of a SoC system can thus be improved by using hardware acceleration method to accelerate the element that incurs the highest performance overhead. The outcome of this research could be used for the implementation of various vision algorithms, such as face recognition, object detection or object tracking, on embedded platforms. The contributions of SoC-based hardware acceleration for hardware-software codesign platforms include the following: (1) development of frameworks for complex human action recognition in both 2D and 3D; (2) realization of a framework with four main implemented IPs, namely, foreground and background subtraction (foreground probability), human detection, 2D/3D point-of-interest detection and feature extraction, and OS-ELM as a machine learning algorithm for action identication; (3) use of an FPGA-based hardware acceleration method to resolve system bottlenecks and improve system performance; and (4) measurement and analysis of system specications, such as the acceleration factor, power consumption, and resource utilization. Experimental results show that the proposed SoC-based hardware acceleration approach provides better performance in terms of the acceleration factor, resource utilization and power consumption among all recent works. In addition, a comparison of the accuracy of the framework that runs on the proposed embedded platform (SoCFPGA) with the accuracy of other PC-based frameworks shows that the proposed approach outperforms most other approaches

    Asynchronous and Multiprecision Linear Solvers - Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Numerics for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing

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    Asynchronous methods minimize idle times by removing synchronization barriers, and therefore allow the efficient usage of computer systems. The implied high tolerance with respect to communication latencies improves the fault tolerance. As asynchronous methods also enable the usage of the power and energy saving mechanisms provided by the hardware, they are suitable candidates for the highly parallel and heterogeneous hardware platforms that are expected for the near future

    Methoden und Werkzeuge zum Einsatz von rekonfigurierbaren Akzeleratoren in Mehrkernsystemen

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    Rechensysteme mit Mehrkernprozessoren werden häufig um einen rekonfigurierbaren Akzelerator wie einen FPGA erweitert. Die Verlagerung von Anwendungsteilen in Hardware wird meist von Spezialisten vorgenommen. Damit Anwender selbst rekonfigurierbare Hardware programmieren können, ist mein Beitrag die komponentenbasierte Programmierung und Verwendung mit automatischer Beachtung der Datenlokalität. So lässt sich auch bei datenintensiven Anwendungen Nutzen aus den Akzeleratoren erzielen

    Synthesis of a parallel data stream processor from data flow process networks

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    In this talk, we address the problem of synthesizing Process Network specifications to FPGA execution platforms. The process networks we consider are special cases of Kahn Process Networks. We call them COMPAAN Data Flow Process Networks (CDFPN) because they are provided by a translator called the COMPAAN compiler that automatically translates affine nested loop programs to input-output equivalent (COMPAAN) process network specifications. The objective is to provide an effective and efficient implementation of CDFPNs in an FPGA execution platform, where our implementation is close to a one-to-one mapping of the originating CDFPN. The execution platform emerges as part of the mapping process resulting in a dedicated multi-processor execution platform for a given CDFPN specification.LIACSUBL - phd migration 201

    Architecture matérielle et flot de programmation associé pour la conception de systèmes numériques tolérants aux fautes

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    Whether in automotive with heat stress or in aerospace and nuclear field subjected to cosmic,neutron and gamma radiation, the environment can lead to the development of faults in electronic systems. These faults, which can be transient or permanent, will lead to erroneous results that are unacceptable in some application contexts. The use of so-called rad-hard components is sometimes compromised due to their high costs and supply problems associated with export rules.This thesis proposes a joint hardware and software approach independent of integration technology for using digital programmable devices in environments that generate faults. Our approach includes the definition of a Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA) able to execute entire application code but also all the hardware and software mechanisms to make it tolerant to transient and permanent faults. This is achieved by the combination of redundancy and dynamic reconfiguration of the CGRA based on a library of configurations generated by a complete conception flow. This implemented flow relies on a flow to map a code represented as a Control and Data Flow Graph (CDFG) on the CGRA architecture by obtaining directly a large number of different configurations and allows to exploit the full potential of architecture.This work, which has been validated through experiments with applications in the field of signal and image processing, has been the subject of two publications in international conferences and of two patents.Que ce soit dans l’automobile avec des contraintes thermiques ou dans l’aérospatial et le nucléaire soumis à des rayonnements ionisants, l’environnement entraîne l’apparition de fautes dans les systèmes électroniques. Ces fautes peuvent être transitoires ou permanentes et vont induire des résultats erronés inacceptables dans certains contextes applicatifs. L’utilisation de composants dits « rad-hard » est parfois compromise par leurs coûts élevés ou les difficultés d’approvisionnement liés aux règles d’exportation.Cette thèse propose une approche conjointe matérielle et logicielle indépendante de la technologie d’intégration permettant d’utiliser des composants numériques programmables dans des environnements susceptibles de générer des fautes. Notre proposition comporte la définition d’une Architecture Reconfigurable à Gros Grains (CGRA) capable d’exécuter des codes applicatifs complets mais aussi l’ensemble des mécanismes matériels et logiciels permettant de rendre cette architecture tolérante aux fautes. Ce résultat est obtenu par l’association de redondance et de reconfiguration dynamique du CGRA en s’appuyant sur une banque de configurations généréepar une chaîne de programmation complète. Cette chaîne outillée repose sur un flot permettant de porter un code sous forme de Control and Data Flow Graph (CDFG) sur l’architecture en obtenant un grand nombre de configurations différentes et qui permet d’exploiter au mieux le potentiel de l’architecture.Les travaux, qui ont été validés aux travers d’expériences sur des applications du domaine du traitement du signal et de l’image, ont fait l’objet de publications en conférences internationales et de dépôts de brevets