350 research outputs found

    Mobihealth: mobile health services based on body area networks

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    In this chapter we describe the concept of MobiHealth and the approach developed during the MobiHealth project (MobiHealth, 2002). The concept was to bring together the technologies of Body Area Networks (BANs), wireless broadband communications and wearable medical devices to provide mobile healthcare services for patients and health professionals. These technologies enable remote patient care services such as management of chronic conditions and detection of health emergencies. Because the patient is free to move anywhere whilst wearing the MobiHealth BAN, patient mobility is maximised. The vision is that patients can enjoy enhanced freedom and quality of life through avoidance or reduction of hospital stays. For the health services it means that pressure on overstretched hospital services can be alleviated

    Runtime adaptive iomt node on multi-core processor platform

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    The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) paradigm is becoming mainstream in multiple clinical trials and healthcare procedures. Thanks to innovative technologies, latest-generation communication networks, and state-of-the-art portable devices, IoTM opens up new scenarios for data collection and continuous patient monitoring. Two very important aspects should be considered to make the most of this paradigm. For the first aspect, moving the processing task from the cloud to the edge leads to several advantages, such as responsiveness, portability, scalability, and reliability of the sensor node. For the second aspect, in order to increase the accuracy of the system, state-of-the-art cognitive algorithms based on artificial intelligence and deep learning must be integrated. Sensory nodes often need to be battery powered and need to remain active for a long time without a different power source. Therefore, one of the challenges to be addressed during the design and development of IoMT devices concerns energy optimization. Our work proposes an implementation of cognitive data analysis based on deep learning techniques on resource-constrained computing platform. To handle power efficiency, we introduced a component called Adaptive runtime Manager (ADAM). This component takes care of reconfiguring the hardware and software of the device dynamically during the execution, in order to better adapt it to the workload and the required operating mode. To test the high computational load on a multi-core system, the Orlando prototype board by STMicroelectronics, cognitive analysis of Electrocardiogram (ECG) traces have been adopted, considering single-channel and six-channel simultaneous cases. Experimental results show that by managing the sensory node configuration at runtime, energy savings of at least 15% can be achieved

    Optimized Biosignals Processing Algorithms for New Designs of Human Machine Interfaces on Parallel Ultra-Low Power Architectures

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    The aim of this dissertation is to explore Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) in a variety of biomedical scenarios. The research addresses typical challenges in wearable and implantable devices for diagnostic, monitoring, and prosthetic purposes, suggesting a methodology for tailoring such applications to cutting edge embedded architectures. The main challenge is the enhancement of high-level applications, also introducing Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, using parallel programming and specialized hardware to improve the performance. The majority of these algorithms are computationally intensive, posing significant challenges for the deployment on embedded devices, which have several limitations in term of memory size, maximum operative frequency, and battery duration. The proposed solutions take advantage of a Parallel Ultra-Low Power (PULP) architecture, enhancing the elaboration on specific target architectures, heavily optimizing the execution, exploiting software and hardware resources. The thesis starts by describing a methodology that can be considered a guideline to efficiently implement algorithms on embedded architectures. This is followed by several case studies in the biomedical field, starting with the analysis of a Hand Gesture Recognition, based on the Hyperdimensional Computing algorithm, which allows performing a fast on-chip re-training, and a comparison with the state-of-the-art Support Vector Machine (SVM); then a Brain Machine Interface (BCI) to detect the respond of the brain to a visual stimulus follows in the manuscript. Furthermore, a seizure detection application is also presented, exploring different solutions for the dimensionality reduction of the input signals. The last part is dedicated to an exploration of typical modules for the development of optimized ECG-based applications

    BodyCloud: a SaaS approach for community body sensor networks

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    Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) have been recently introduced for the remote monitoring of human activities in a broad range of application domains, such as health care, emergency management, fitness and behaviour surveillance. BSNs can be deployed in a community of people and can generate large amounts of contextual data that require a scalable approach for storage, processing and analysis. Cloud computing can provide a flexible storage and processing infrastructure to perform both online and offline analysis of data streams generated in BSNs. This paper proposes BodyCloud, a SaaS approach for community BSNs that supports the development and deployment of Cloud-assisted BSN applications. BodyCloud is a multi-tier application-level architecture that integrates a Cloud computing platform and BSN data streams middleware. BodyCloud provides programming abstractions that allow the rapid development of community BSN applications. This work describes the general architecture of the proposed approach and presents a case study for the real-time monitoring and analysis of cardiac data streams of many individuals

    Resource Management for Edge Computing in Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Die große Anzahl an GerĂ€ten im Internet der Dinge (IoT) und deren kontinuierliche Datensammlungen fĂŒhren zu einem rapiden Wachstum der gesammelten Datenmenge. Die Daten komplett mittels zentraler Cloud Server zu verarbeiten ist ineffizient und zum Teil sogar unmöglich oder unnötig. Darum wird die Datenverarbeitung an den Rand des Netzwerks verschoben, was zu den Konzepten des Edge Computings gefĂŒhrt hat. Informationsverarbeitung nahe an der Datenquelle (z.B. auf Gateways und Edge GerĂ€ten) reduziert nicht nur die hohe Arbeitslast zentraler Server und Netzwerke, sondern verringer auch die Latenz fĂŒr Echtzeitanwendungen, da die potentiell unzuverlĂ€ssige Kommunikation zu Cloud Servern mit ihrer unvorhersehbaren Netzwerklatenz vermieden wird. Aktuelle IoT Architekturen verwenden Gateways, um anwendungsspezifische Verbindungen zu IoT GerĂ€ten herzustellen. In typischen Konfigurationen teilen sich mehrere IoT Edge GerĂ€te ein IoT Gateway. Wegen der begrenzten verfĂŒgbaren Bandbreite und RechenkapazitĂ€t eines IoT Gateways muss die ServicequalitĂ€t (SQ) der verbundenen IoT Edge GerĂ€te ĂŒber die Zeit angepasst werden. Nicht nur um die Anforderungen der einzelnen Nutzer der IoT GerĂ€te zu erfĂŒllen, sondern auch um die SQBedĂŒrfnisse der anderen IoT Edge GerĂ€te desselben Gateways zu tolerieren. Diese Arbeit untersucht zuerst essentielle Technologien fĂŒr IoT und existierende Trends. Dabei werden charakteristische Eigenschaften von IoT fĂŒr die Embedded DomĂ€ne, sowie eine umfassende IoT Perspektive fĂŒr Eingebettete Systeme vorgestellt. Mehrere Anwendungen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich werden untersucht und implementiert, um ein Model fĂŒr deren Datenverarbeitungssoftware abzuleiten. Dieses Anwendungsmodell hilft bei der Identifikation verschiedener Betriebsmodi. IoT Systeme erwarten von den Edge GerĂ€ten, dass sie mehrere Betriebsmodi unterstĂŒtzen, um sich wĂ€hrend des Betriebs an wechselnde Szenarien anpassen zu können. Z.B. Energiesparmodi bei geringen Batteriereserven trotz gleichzeitiger Aufrechterhaltung der kritischen FunktionalitĂ€t oder einen Modus, um die ServicequalitĂ€t auf Wunsch des Nutzers zu erhöhen etc. Diese Modi verwenden entweder verschiedene Auslagerungsschemata (z.B. die ĂŒbertragung von Rohdaten, von partiell bearbeiteten Daten, oder nur des finalen Ergebnisses) oder verschiedene ServicequalitĂ€ten. Betriebsmodi unterscheiden sich in ihren Ressourcenanforderungen sowohl auf dem GerĂ€t (z.B. Energieverbrauch), wie auch auf dem Gateway (z.B. Kommunikationsbandbreite, Rechenleistung, Speicher etc.). Die Auswahl des besten Betriebsmodus fĂŒr Edge GerĂ€te ist eine Herausforderung in Anbetracht der begrenzten Ressourcen am Rand des Netzwerks (z.B. Bandbreite und Rechenleistung des gemeinsamen Gateways), diverser Randbedingungen der IoT Edge GerĂ€te (z.B. Batterielaufzeit, ServicequalitĂ€t etc.) und der LaufzeitvariabilitĂ€t am Rand der IoT Infrastruktur. In dieser Arbeit werden schnelle und effiziente Auswahltechniken fĂŒr Betriebsmodi entwickelt und prĂ€sentiert. Wenn sich IoT GerĂ€te in der Reichweite mehrerer Gateways befinden, ist die Verwaltung der gemeinsamen Ressourcen und die Auswahl der Betriebsmodi fĂŒr die IoT GerĂ€te sogar noch komplexer. In dieser Arbeit wird ein verteilter handelsorientierter GerĂ€teverwaltungsmechanismus fĂŒr IoT Systeme mit mehreren Gateways prĂ€sentiert. Dieser Mechanismus zielt auf das kombinierte Problem des Bindens (d.h. ein Gateway fĂŒr jedes IoT GerĂ€t bestimmen) und der Allokation (d.h. die zugewiesenen Ressourcen fĂŒr jedes GerĂ€t bestimmen) ab. Beginnend mit einer initialen Konfiguration verhandeln und kommunizieren die Gateways miteinander und migrieren IoT GerĂ€te zwischen den Gateways, wenn es den Nutzen fĂŒr das Gesamtsystem erhöht. In dieser Arbeit werden auch anwendungsspezifische Optimierungen fĂŒr IoT GerĂ€te vorgestellt. Drei Anwendungen fĂŒr den Gesundheitsbereich wurden realisiert und fĂŒr tragbare IoT GerĂ€te untersucht. Es wird auch eine neuartige Kompressionsmethode vorgestellt, die speziell fĂŒr IoT Anwendungen geeignet ist, die Bio-Signale fĂŒr GesundheitsĂŒberwachungen verarbeiten. Diese Technik reduziert die zu ĂŒbertragende Datenmenge des IoT GerĂ€tes, wodurch die Ressourcenauslastung auf dem GerĂ€t und dem gemeinsamen Gateway reduziert wird. Um die vorgeschlagenen Techniken und Mechanismen zu evaluieren, wurden einige Anwendungen auf IoT Plattformen untersucht, um ihre Parameter, wie die AusfĂŒhrungszeit und Ressourcennutzung, zu bestimmen. Diese Parameter wurden dann in einem Rahmenwerk verwendet, welches das IoT Netzwerk modelliert, die Interaktion zwischen GerĂ€ten und Gateway erfasst und den Kommunikationsoverhead sowie die erreichte Batterielebenszeit und ServicequalitĂ€t der GerĂ€te misst. Die Algorithmen zur Auswahl der Betriebsmodi wurden zusĂ€tzlich auf IoT Plattformen implementiert, um ihre Overheads bzgl. AusfĂŒhrungszeit und Speicherverbrauch zu messen

    Towards a Comprehensive Power Consumption Model for Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Hesse M, Adams M, Hörmann T, RĂŒckert U. Towards a Comprehensive Power Consumption Model for Wireless Sensor Nodes. In: 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN). IEEE; 2016: 390-395.Energy efficiency is the most outstanding design criterion for wireless sensor nodes and especially wireless body sensors. Because a detailed measurement of the system's power consumption is not possible during the design process and often too complex for already manufactured devices, the power consumption has to be estimated. This leads to the need for a comprehensive and modular model for the power consumption of WSNs, which is proposed in this work. Due to the modular structure of the model the user is able to get a first estimate in an early stage of the design process (e.g. choose components) and to get a more accurate estimation later in the design process by lowering the abstraction level. This tackles the demanding trade-off between accuracy and usability in modeling

    Evidence-based Development of Trustworthy Mobile Medical Apps

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    abstract: Widespread adoption of smartphone based Mobile Medical Apps (MMAs) is opening new avenues for innovation, bringing MMAs to the forefront of low cost healthcare delivery. These apps often control human physiology and work on sensitive data. Thus it is necessary to have evidences of their trustworthiness i.e. maintaining privacy of health data, long term operation of wearable sensors and ensuring no harm to the user before actual marketing. Traditionally, clinical studies are used to validate the trustworthiness of medical systems. However, they can take long time and could potentially harm the user. Such evidences can be generated using simulations and mathematical analysis. These methods involve estimating the MMA interactions with human physiology. However, the nonlinear nature of human physiology makes the estimation challenging. This research analyzes and develops MMA software while considering its interactions with human physiology to assure trustworthiness. A novel app development methodology is used to objectively evaluate trustworthiness of a MMA by generating evidences using automatic techniques. It involves developing the Health-Dev ÎČ tool to generate a) evidences of trustworthiness of MMAs and b) requirements assured code generation for vulnerable components of the MMA without hindering the app development process. In this method, all requests from MMAs pass through a trustworthy entity, Trustworthy Data Manager which checks if the app request satisfies the MMA requirements. This method is intended to expedite the design to marketing process of MMAs. The objectives of this research is to develop models, tools and theory for evidence generation and can be divided into the following themes: ‱ Sustainable design configuration estimation of MMAs: Developing an optimization framework which can generate sustainable and safe sensor configuration while considering interactions of the MMA with the environment. ‱ Evidence generation using simulation and formal methods: Developing models and tools to verify safety properties of the MMA design to ensure no harm to the human physiology. ‱ Automatic code generation for MMAs: Investigating methods for automatically ‱ Performance analysis of trustworthy data manager: Evaluating response time generating trustworthy software for vulnerable components of a MMA and evidences.performance of trustworthy data manager under interactions from non-MMA smartphone apps.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201
