14,840 research outputs found

    The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Customer Inconvenience Constraints

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    In classical routing problems, each customer is visited exactly once. By contrast, when allowing split deliveries, customers may be served through multiple visits. This potentially results in substantial savings in travel costs. Even if split deliveries are beneficial to the transport company, several visits may be undesirable on the customer side: at each visit the customer has to interrupt his primary activities and handle the goods receipt. The contribution of the present paper consists in a thorough analysis of the possibilities and limitations of split delivery distribution strategies. To this end, we investigate two different types of measures for limiting customer inconvenience (a maximum number of visits and the temporal synchronization of deliveries) and evaluate the impact of these measures on carrier efficiency by means of different objective functions (comprising variable routing costs, costs related to route durations, fixed fleet costs). We consider the vehicle routing problem with time windows in which split deliveries are allowed (SDVRPTW) and define the corresponding generalization that takes into account customer inconvenience constraints (SDVRPTW-IC). We design an extended branch-and-cut algorithm to solve the SDVRPTW-IC and report on experimental results showing the impact of customer inconvenience constraints. We finally draw useful insights for logistics managers on the basis of the experimental analysis carried out

    An efficient heuristic for the multi-vehicle one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with split loads

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    In this study, we consider the Multi-vehicle One-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split Loads (MPDPSL). This problem is a generalization of the one-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) where each load can be served by multiple vehicles as well as multiple stops by the same vehicle. In practice, split deliveries is a viable option in many settings where the load can be physically split, such as courier services of third party logistics operators. We propose an efficient heuristic that combines the strengths of Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing for the solution of MPDPSL. Results from experiments on two problems sets in the literature indicate that the heuristic is capable of producing good quality solutions in reasonable time. The experiments also demonstrate that up to 33\% savings can be obtained by allowing split loads; however, the magnitude of savings is dependent largely on the spatial distribution of the pickup and delivery points

    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Divisible Deliveries and Pickups

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    The vehicle routing problem with divisible deliveries and pickups is a new and interesting model within reverse logistics. Each customer may have a pickup and delivery demand that have to be served with capacitated vehicles. The pickup and the delivery quantities may be served, if beneficial, in two separate visits. The model is placed in the context of other delivery and pickup problems and formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. In this paper, we study the savings that can be achieved by allowing the pickup and delivery quantities to be served separately with respect to the case where the quantities have to be served simultaneously. Both exact and heuristic results are analysed in depth for a better understanding of the problem structure and an average estimation of the savings due to the possibility of serving pickup and delivery quantities separately

    A vehicle routing model with split delivery and stop nodes

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    In this work, a new variant of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is presented where the vehicles cannot perform any route leg longer than a given length L (although the routes can be longer). Thus, once a route leg length is close to L, the vehicle must go to a stop node to end the leg or return to the depot. We introduce this condition in a variation of the CVRP, the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, where multiple visits to a customer by different vehicles are allowed. We present two formulations for this problem which we call Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Stop Nodes: a vehicle flow formulation and a commodity flow formulation. Because of the complexity of this problem, a heuristic approach is developed. We compare its performance with and without the stop nodesSplit delivery vehicle routing problem, Stop node, Granular neighborhood, Tabu search

    Total order in opportunistic networks

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    Opportunistic network applications are usually assumed to work only with unordered immutable messages, like photos, videos, or music files, while applications that depend on ordered or mutable messages, like chat or shared contents editing applications, are ignored. In this paper, we examine how total ordering can be achieved in an opportunistic network. By leveraging on existing dissemination and causal order algorithms, we propose a commutative replicated data type algorithm on the basis of Logoot for achieving total order without using tombstones in opportunistic networks where message delivery is not guaranteed by the routing layer. Our algorithm is designed to use the nature of the opportunistic network to reduce the metadata size compared to the original Logoot, and even to achieve in some cases higher hit rates compared to the dissemination algorithms when no order is enforced. Finally, we present the results of the experiments for the new algorithm by using an opportunistic network emulator, mobility traces, and Wikipedia pages.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    MADServer: An Architecture for Opportunistic Mobile Advanced Delivery

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    Rapid increases in cellular data traffic demand creative alternative delivery vectors for data. Despite the conceptual attractiveness of mobile data offloading, no concrete web server architectures integrate intelligent offloading in a production-ready and easily deployable manner without relying on vast infrastructural changes to carriers’ networks. Delay-tolerant networking technology offers the means to do just this. We introduce MADServer, a novel DTN-based architecture for mobile data offloading that splits web con- tent among multiple independent delivery vectors based on user and data context. It enables intelligent data offload- ing, caching, and querying solutions which can be incorporated in a manner that still satisfies user expectations for timely delivery. At the same time, it allows for users who have poor or expensive connections to the cellular network to leverage multi-hop opportunistic routing to send and receive data. We also present a preliminary implementation of MADServer and provide real-world performance evaluations

    Ant colony optimization and its application to the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be used to find approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. It was first introduced for solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem. Since then many implementations of ACO have been proposed for a variety of combinatorial optimization. In this chapter, ACO is applied to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery (VRPPD). VRPPD determines a set of vehicle routes originating and ending at a single depot and visiting all customers exactly once. The vehicles are not only required to deliver goods but also to pick up some goods from the customers. The objective is to minimize the total distance traversed. The chapter first provides an overview of ACO approach and presents several implementations to various combinatorial optimization problems. Next, VRPPD is described and the related literature is reviewed, Then, an ACO approach for VRPPD is discussed. The approach proposes a new visibility function which attempts to capture the “delivery” and “pickup” nature of the problem. The performance of the approach is tested using well-known benchmark problems from the literature
