795 research outputs found

    Computational framework for real-time diagnostics and prognostics of aircraft actuation systems

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    Prognostics and health management (PHM) are emerging approaches to product life cycle that will maintain system safety and improve reliability, while reducing operating and maintenance costs. This is particularly relevant for aerospace systems, where high levels of integrity and high performances are required at the same time. We propose a novel strategy for the nearly real-time fault detection and identification (FDI) of a dynamical assembly, and for the estimation of remaining useful life (RUL) of the system. The availability of a timely estimate of the health status of the system will allow for an informed adaptive planning of maintenance and a dynamical reconfiguration of the mission profile, reducing operating costs and improving reliability. This work addresses the three phases of the prognostic flow – namely (1) signal acquisition, (2) fault detection and identification, and (3) remaining useful life estimation – and introduces a computationally efficient procedure suitable for real-time, on-board execution. To achieve this goal, we propose to combine information from physical models of different fidelity with machine learning techniques to obtain efficient representations (surrogate models) suitable for nearly real-time applications. Additionally, we propose an importance sampling strategy and a novel approach to model damage propagation for dynamical systems. The methodology is assessed for the FDI and RUL estimation of an aircraft electromechanical actuator (EMA) for secondary flight controls. The results show that the proposed method allows for a high precision in the evaluation of the system RUL, while outperforming common model-based techniques in terms of computational time

    Computational framework for real-time diagnostics and prognostics of aircraft actuation systems

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    Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) are emerging approaches to product life cycle that will maintain system safety and improve reliability, while reducing operating and maintenance costs. This is particularly relevant for aerospace systems, where high levels of integrity and high performances are required at the same time. We propose a novel strategy for the nearly real-time Fault Detection and Identification (FDI) of a dynamical assembly, and for the estimation of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the system. The availability of a timely estimate of the health status of the system will allow for an informed adaptive planning of maintenance and a dynamical reconfiguration of the mission profile, reducing operating costs and improving reliability. This work addresses the three phases of the prognostic flow - namely (1) signal acquisition, (2) Fault Detection and Identification, and (3) Remaining Useful Life estimation - and introduces a computationally efficient procedure suitable for real-time, on-board execution. To achieve this goal, we propose to combine information from physical models of different fidelity with machine learning techniques to obtain efficient representations (surrogate models) suitable for nearly real-time applications. Additionally, we propose an importance sampling strategy and a novel approach to model damage propagation for dynamical systems. The methodology is assessed for the FDI and RUL estimation of an aircraft electromechanical actuator (EMA) for secondary flight controls. The results show that the proposed method allows for a high precision in the evaluation of the system RUL, while outperforming common model-based techniques in terms of computational time.Comment: 57 page

    The future of Earth observation in hydrology

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    In just the past 5 years, the field of Earth observation has progressed beyond the offerings of conventional space-agency-based platforms to include a plethora of sensing opportunities afforded by CubeSats, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and smartphone technologies that are being embraced by both for-profit companies and individual researchers. Over the previous decades, space agency efforts have brought forth well-known and immensely useful satellites such as the Landsat series and the Gravity Research and Climate Experiment (GRACE) system, with costs typically of the order of 1 billion dollars per satellite and with concept-to-launch timelines of the order of 2 decades (for new missions). More recently, the proliferation of smart-phones has helped to miniaturize sensors and energy requirements, facilitating advances in the use of CubeSats that can be launched by the dozens, while providing ultra-high (3-5 m) resolution sensing of the Earth on a daily basis. Start-up companies that did not exist a decade ago now operate more satellites in orbit than any space agency, and at costs that are a mere fraction of traditional satellite missions. With these advances come new space-borne measurements, such as real-time high-definition video for tracking air pollution, storm-cell development, flood propagation, precipitation monitoring, or even for constructing digital surfaces using structure-from-motion techniques. Closer to the surface, measurements from small unmanned drones and tethered balloons have mapped snow depths, floods, and estimated evaporation at sub-metre resolutions, pushing back on spatio-temporal constraints and delivering new process insights. At ground level, precipitation has been measured using signal attenuation between antennae mounted on cell phone towers, while the proliferation of mobile devices has enabled citizen scientists to catalogue photos of environmental conditions, estimate daily average temperatures from battery state, and sense other hydrologically important variables such as channel depths using commercially available wireless devices. Global internet access is being pursued via high-altitude balloons, solar planes, and hundreds of planned satellite launches, providing a means to exploit the "internet of things" as an entirely new measurement domain. Such global access will enable real-time collection of data from billions of smartphones or from remote research platforms. This future will produce petabytes of data that can only be accessed via cloud storage and will require new analytical approaches to interpret. The extent to which today's hydrologic models can usefully ingest such massive data volumes is unclear. Nor is it clear whether this deluge of data will be usefully exploited, either because the measurements are superfluous, inconsistent, not accurate enough, or simply because we lack the capacity to process and analyse them. What is apparent is that the tools and techniques afforded by this array of novel and game-changing sensing platforms present our community with a unique opportunity to develop new insights that advance fundamental aspects of the hydrological sciences. To accomplish this will require more than just an application of the technology: in some cases, it will demand a radical rethink on how we utilize and exploit these new observing systems

    Évitement d'obstacle dans un environnement 3D dynamique

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    FREEDOM: Validated Method for the Rapid Assessment of Incipient Multimodal Faults of Complex Aerospace Systems

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    Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) methods allow to infer the health status of complex aerospace systems through a large quantity of data acquired in-flight, and evaluations of numerical models of the equipment. This results in an intensive computational procedure that can be addressed only grounding the aircraft. We introduce an original methodology to sensitively accelerate FDI by reducing the computational demand to identify the health status of the aircraft. Our scheme FREEDOM – Fast REliability Estimate and incipient fault Detection Of Multiphysics aerospace systems – proposes an original combination of a novel two-step compression strategy to compute offline a synthesized representation of the dynamical response of the system, and uses an inverse Bayesian optimization approach to infer online the level of damage determined by multiple fault modes affecting the equipment. We demonstrate and validate FREEDOM against numerical and physical experiments for the case of an ElectroMechanical Actuator (EMA) employed for secondary flight controls. Particular attention is dedicated to simultaneous incipient mechanical and electrical faults considering different experimental settings. The outcomes validate our FDI strategy, which permits to achieve the accurate identification of complex damages outperforming the computational time of state of the art algorithms by two orders of magnitude

    Автоматична система визначення координат БПЛА у багатопозиційних комплексах звукового моніторингу

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ"The purpose of the work is to develop an automatic detection system for unmanned aerial vehicles on the basis of sound information The paper deals with sensors methods and algorithms for increasing the accuracy of UAV coordinate detection based on the modified Newton method. The Newton method was studied with the aim of reducing the time of calculating coordinates. It is established that in order to obtain sufficient accuracy of coordinate detection, the Jacobi matrix must be calculated on the first three steps of the iteration. A study of parametric sensitivity of the difference-range-finding method was conducted and it was established that the relative error in detecting the arrival delay time of the signal should be within 5%, only then correct identification of the coordinates may be possible. In addition, an extremal statement of the problem of the difference-distance-finding method was investigated on the basis of the quadratic function minimization method, which allows taking into account the relative error ofdetermining the delay time of arrival of a signal on each of the stations separately by introducing a weight coefficient. The emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles with less noisy engines significantly reduced the quality of their detection and signal processing, forcing developers to look for new ways and means to increase the accuracy of detection and impedance of individual vehicles and air defense groups. In turn, passive means of sound monitoring have a significant advantage over active means, consisting mainly of the hidden work of their work. However, the exact characteristics of determining the coordinates of passive systems of the sacred location are considerably inferior to similar characteristics of the active systems. In view of the rather high errors (10% and above) of UAV coordinates measurements, the problem of increasing the accuracy of their operation remains relevant for passive sound monitoring systems

    Semantics-Empowered Communication: A Tutorial-cum-Survey

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    Along with the springing up of the semantics-empowered communication (SemCom) research, it is now witnessing an unprecedentedly growing interest towards a wide range of aspects (e.g., theories, applications, metrics and implementations) in both academia and industry. In this work, we primarily aim to provide a comprehensive survey on both the background and research taxonomy, as well as a detailed technical tutorial. Specifically, we start by reviewing the literature and answering the "what" and "why" questions in semantic transmissions. Afterwards, we present the ecosystems of SemCom, including history, theories, metrics, datasets and toolkits, on top of which the taxonomy for research directions is presented. Furthermore, we propose to categorize the critical enabling techniques by explicit and implicit reasoning-based methods, and elaborate on how they evolve and contribute to modern content & channel semantics-empowered communications. Besides reviewing and summarizing the latest efforts in SemCom, we discuss the relations with other communication levels (e.g., conventional communications) from a holistic and unified viewpoint. Subsequently, in order to facilitate future developments and industrial applications, we also highlight advanced practical techniques for boosting semantic accuracy, robustness, and large-scale scalability, just to mention a few. Finally, we discuss the technical challenges that shed light on future research opportunities.Comment: Submitted to an IEEE journal. Copyright might be transferred without further notic

    Mining Technologies Innovative Development

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    The present book covers the main challenges, important for future prospects of subsoils extraction as a public effective and profitable business, as well as technologically advanced industry. In the near future, the mining industry must overcome the problems of structural changes in raw materials demand and raise the productivity up to the level of high-tech industries to maintain the profits. This means the formation of a comprehensive and integral response to such challenges as the need for innovative modernization of mining equipment and an increase in its reliability, the widespread introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in the activities of mining enterprises, the transition to "green mining" and the improvement of labor safety and avoidance of man-made accidents. The answer to these challenges is impossible without involving a wide range of scientific community in the publication of research results and exchange of views and ideas. To solve the problem, this book combines the works of researchers from the world's leading centers of mining science on the development of mining machines and mechanical systems, surface and underground geotechnology, mineral processing, digital systems in mining, mine ventilation and labor protection, and geo-ecology. A special place among them is given to post-mining technologies research

    Spatial combination of sensor data deriving from mobile platforms for precision farming applications

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    This thesis combines optical sensors on a ground and on an aerial platform for field measurements in wheat, to identify nitrogen (N) levels, estimating biomass (BM) and predicting yield. The Multiplex Research (MP) fluorescence sensor was used for the first time in wheat. The individual objectives were: (i) Evaluation of different available sensors and sensor platforms used in Precision Farming (PF) to quantify the crop nutrition status, (ii) Acquisition of ground and aerial sensor data with two ground spectrometers, an aerial spectrometer and a ground fluorescence sensor, (iii) Development of effective post-processing methods for correction of the sensor data, (iv) Analysis and evaluation of the sensors with regard to the mapping of biomass, yield and nitrogen content in the plant, and (v) Yield simulation as a function of different sensor signals. This thesis contains three papers, published in international peer-reviewed journals. The first publication is a literature review on sensor platforms used in agricultural research. A subdivision of sensors and their applications was done, based on a detailed categorization model. It evaluates strengths and weaknesses, and discusses research results gathered with aerial and ground platforms with different sensors. Also, autonomous robots and swarm technologies suitable for PF tasks were reviewed. The second publication focuses on spectral and fluorescence sensors for BM, yield and N detection. The ground sensors were mounted on the Hohenheim research sensor platform Sensicle. A further spectrometer was installed in a fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). In this study, the sensors of the Sensicle and the UAV were used to determine plant characteristics and yield of three-year field trials at the research station Ihinger Hof, Renningen (Germany), an institution of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany). Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was sown on three research fields, with different N levels applied to each field. The measurements in the field were geo-referenced and logged with an absolute GPS accuracy of ±2.5 cm. The GPS data of the UAV was corrected based on the pitch and roll position of the UAV at each measurement. In the first step of the data analysis, raw data obtained from the sensors was post-processed and was converted into indices and ratios relating to plant characteristics. The converted ground sensor data were analysed, and the results of the correlations were interpreted related to the dependent variables (DV) BM weight, wheat yield and available N. The results showed significant positive correlations between the DVs and the Sensicle sensor data. For the third paper, the UAV sensor data was included into the evaluations. The UAV data analysis revealed low significant results for only one field in the year 2011. A multirotor UAV was considered as a more viable aerial platform, that allows for more precision and higher payload. Thereby, the ground sensors showed their strength at a close measuring distance to the plant and a smaller measurement footprint. The results of the two ground spectrometers showed significant positive correlations between yield and the indices from CropSpec, NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) and REIP (Red-Edge Inflection Point). Also, FERARI and SFR (Simple Fluorescence Ratio) of the MP fluorescence sensor were chosen for the yield prediction model analysis. With the available N, CropSpec and REIP correlated significantly. The BM weight correlated with REIP even at a very early growing stage (Z 31), and with SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index) at ripening stage (Z 85). REIP, FERARI and SFR showed high correlations to the available N, especially in June and July. The ratios and signals of the MP sensor were highly significant compared to the BM weight above Z 85. Both ground spectrometers are suitable for data comparison and data combination with the active MP fluorescence sensor. Through a combination of fluorescence ratios and spectrometer indices, linear models for the prediction of wheat yield were generated, correlating significantly over the course of the vegetative period for research field Lammwirt (LW) in 2012. The best model for field LW in 2012 was selected for cross-validation with the measurements of the fields Inneres Täle (IT) and Riech (RI) in 2011 and 2012. However, it was not significant. By exchanging only one spectral index with a fluorescence ratio in a similar linear model, it showed significant correlations. This work successfully proves the combination of different sensor ratios and indices for the detection of plant characteristics, offering better and more robust predictions and quantifications of field parameters without employing destructive methods. The MP sensor proved to be universally applicable, showing significant correlations to the investigated characteristics such as BM weight, wheat yield and available N.Diese Arbeit kombiniert optische Sensoren auf einer Sensorplattform (SPF) am Boden und in der Luft bei Messungen in Weizen, um die Stickstoff-(N)-Werte zu identifizieren, während gleichzeitig die Biomasse (BM) geschätzt und der Ertrag vorhergesagt wird. Erstmals wurde hierfür der Fluoreszenzsensor Multiplex Research (MP) in Weizen eingesetzt. Die Ziele dieser Dissertation umfassen: (i) Bewertung verfügbarer Sensoren und SPF, die in der Präzisionslandwirtschaft zur Quantifizierung des Ernährungszustandes von Nutzpflanzen verwendet werden, (ii) Erfassung von Daten mit zwei Spektrometern am Boden, einem Spektrometer auf einem Modellflugzeug (UAV) und einem Fluoreszenzsensor am Boden, (iii) Erstellung effektiver Nachbearbeitungsmethoden für die Datenkorrektur, (iv) Analyse und Evaluation der Sensoren für die Abbildung der BM, des Ertrags und des N-Gehaltes in der Pflanze, und (v) Ertragssimulation als Funktion von Merkmalen unterschiedlicher Sensorsignale. Diese Arbeit enthält drei Artikel, die in international begutachteten Fachzeitschriften publiziert wurden. Die erste Veröffentlichung ist eine Literaturrecherche über SPF in der Agrarforschung. Ein detailliertes Kategorisierungsmodell wird für eine allgemeine Unterteilung der Sensoren und deren Anwendungsgebiete herangenommen, die Stärken und Schwächen bewertet, und die Forschungsergebnisse von Luft- und Bodenplattformen mit unterschiedlicher Sensorik diskutiert. Außerdem werden autonome Roboter und für landwirtschaftliche Aufgaben geeignete Schwarmtechnologien beschrieben. Die zweite Publikation fokussiert sich auf Spektral- und Fluoreszenzsensoren für die Erfassung von BM, Ertrag und N. In der Arbeit wurden die Bodensensoren auf der Hohenheimer Forschungs-SPF Sensicle und der Sensor auf dem UAV in dreijährigen Feldversuchen auf der Versuchsstation Ihinger Hof der Universität Hohenheim in Renningen für die Bestimmung von Pflanzenmerkmalen und des Ertrags eingesetzt. Auf drei Versuchsfeldern wurde Winterweizen ausgesät, und in einem randomisierten Versuchsdesign unterschiedliche N-Düngestufen angelegt. Die Sensormessungen im Feld wurden mit einer absoluten GPS Genauigkeit von ±2,5 cm verortet. Die GPS Daten des UAVs wurden mittels der Nick- und Rollposition lagekorrigiert. Im ersten Schritt der Datenanalyse wurden die Sensorrohdaten nachbearbeitet und in Indizes und Ratios umgerechnet. Die Bodensensordaten wurden analysiert, und die Ergebnisse der Korrelationen in Bezug zu den abhängigen Variablen (DV) BM-Gewicht, Weizenertrag, verfügbarer sowie aufgenommener N dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikant positive Korrelationen zwischen den DVs und den Sensicle-Sensordaten. Für die dritte Publikation wurden die Sensordaten des UAV in die Auswertungen miteinbezogen. Die Analyse der UAV Daten zeigte niedrige signifikante Ergebnisse für nur ein Feld im Versuchsjahr 2011. Ein Multikopter wird als zuverlässigere Luftplattform erachtet, der mehr Präzision und eine höhere Nutzlast ermöglicht. Die Sensoren auf dem Sensicle zeigten ihren Vorteil bedingt durch einen kürzeren Messabstand zur Pflanze und eine kleinere Messfläche. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Sensicle-Spektrometer zeigten signifikant positive Korrelationen zwischen dem Ertrag und den Indizes von CropSpec, NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) und REIP (Red-Edge Inflection Point). Auch FERARI und SFR (Simple Fluorescence Ratio) des MP-Sensors wurden für die Analyse des Ertragsvorhersagemodells ausgewählt. Mit dem verfügbaren N korrelierten CropSpec und REIP hochsignifikant. Das BM-Gewicht korrelierte bereits ab einem sehr frühen Wachstumsstadium (Z31) mit REIP und im Reifestadium (Z85) mit SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index). REIP, FERARI und SFR zeigten hohe Korrelationen mit dem verfügbaren N, insbesondere im Juni und Juli. Die Ratios und Signale des MP Sensors sind vor allem ab Z85 gegenüber dem BM-Gewicht hochsignifikant. Durch eine Kombination von Fluoreszenzwerten und Spektrometerindizes wurden lineare Modelle zur Vorhersage des Weizenertrags erstellt, die im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode für das Versuchsfeld Lammwirt (LW) im Jahr 2012 signifikant korrelierten. Das beste Modell für das Feld LW im Jahr 2012 wurde für die Kreuzvalidierung mit den Messungen der Versuchsfelder Inneres Täle (IT) und Riech (RI) in den Jahren 2011 und 2012 ausgewählt. Sie waren nicht signifikant, jedoch zeigten sich durch den Austausch nur eines Spektralindexes mit einem Fluoreszenzratio in einem ähnlichen linearen Modell signifikante Korrelationen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt erfolgreich, dass sich die Kombination verschiedener Sensorwerte und Sensorindizes zur Erkennung von Pflanzenmerkmalen gut eignet, und ohne den Einsatz destruktiver Methoden die Möglichkeit für bessere und robustere Vorhersagen bietet. Vor allem der MP-Fluoreszenzsensor erwies sich als universell einsetzbarer Sensor, der signifikante Korrelationen zu den untersuchten Merkmalen BM-Gewicht, Weizenertrag und verfügbarem N aufzeigte