3,083 research outputs found

    Estudio de vigilancia tecnológica sobre TV White Spaces, enfocado a la conectividad en zonas rurales en Colombia

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    The development of this research is aimed at knowing the most important aspects of TV White Spaces (TVWS) technology, operation, architecture, use cases, regulation and implementations in Colombia and in various parts of the world, as a starting point for evolution. of wireless communications in the rural sector. The first step to know the current state of technology, the technological surveillance process (VT) is adopted, of which the planning, search and capture, and analysis and organization phases are applied. In the first planning phase, it is found that there is no existing study of technological surveillance of TVWS technology in Colombia and that we make way for factors that we can achieve with this study, such as early anticipation of technological changes, minimization of associated technological risks. to innovation and to expose the early detection of opportunities and technological cooperation. Next, it exposes the existing needs in Colombia and the critical surveillance factors of the TVWS, such as the technology that reduces this gap of non-connectivity. As a general conclusion to this entire process of technological surveillance, it is to make known and recommend the use in Colombia of the base station-client architecture with georeferenced equipment that resolves which channels are available and achieves connectivity over long distances, overcoming interference and demonstrating advantages over other wireless technologies with reference to costs, infrastructure, uses, laws and regulations. It is disclosed that MESH topologies such as some of the existing wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G) can be implemented in a hybrid way with TVWS technology for rural sectors with houses far from each other, where implementation with other technologies becomes unfeasible.La elaboración de esta investigación va dirigida a conocer los aspectos más importantes de la tecnología TV White Spaces (TVWS), como la operación, arquitectura, casos de uso, regulación e implementaciones en Colombia y en diversas partes del mundo, punto de partida en la evolución de las comunicaciones inalámbricas en el sector rural. Se adopta el proceso de vigilancia tecnológica (VT), aplicando las fases de planeación, búsqueda y captación, y análisis y organización, empezando con el estado actual de la tecnología TVWS. En la primera fase de planificación se encuentra que no existe en Colombia ningún estudio existente de vigilancia tecnológica en la tecnología TVWS y que da paso a factores que se alcanzan con este estudio, tales como la anticipación temprana de cambios tecnológicos, la minimización de riesgos tecnológicos asociados a innovación y a exponer la detección temprana de oportunidades y de cooperación tecnológica. Seguidamente se exponen las necesidades existentes en Colombia y los factores críticos en la vigilancia de la tecnología TVWS, evidenciando que esta tecnología reduce la brecha de la no conectividad. Como conclusión general a todo este proceso de vigilancia tecnológica es dar a conocer y recomendar el uso en Colombia de la arquitectura estación base–cliente con equipos georreferenciados que resuelven que canales están disponibles y logran conectividad a largas distancias, superando interferencias y demostrando ventajas sobre las demás tecnologías inalámbricas con referencia al costo, infraestructura, usos, legislaciones y regulaciones. Se da a conocer que las topologías MESH como algunas de las tecnologías inalámbricas existentes (Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G) se pueden implementar de manera hibrida con la tecnología TVWS para sectores rurales con viviendas distanciadas entre sí, en donde la implementación con otras tecnologías se vuelve inviable

    A Study of the Marketing Analysis concerning Mind the Gap: A Wall-Bed Space Saving Platform

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    The purpose of this thesis is to conduct a marketing analysis on the capstone project concerning the product titled Mind the Gap. The thesis will explore the potential industries that could be entered and marketing strategies that would be implemented if the Mind the Gap product was mass produced and either sold online or through brick and mortar locations. Outlined in this research is an analysis of the competitive landscape, potential target markets, situational aspects concerning this product, and the resulting recommended marketing mix. The Mind the Gap is centered around a practical and efficient process which has a goal of solving the issue of frustrating gaps that form between a college student’s bed and the wall of their dorm room. This issue causes the student’s personal items to fall through the gap onto the floor, allowing the items to be temporarily misplaced or lost. The product is designed to completely eliminate or minimize this issue and save the potential consumer time, money, and frustration. In addition, the product provides the choice of additional beneficial amenities as well, in the form of a cup holder and charging station. Concerning the consumer target markets that should be focused on when commercializing the product, data suggests that the Dorms to Diplomas and Metro Renters markets are the optimal choices. The resulting marketing mix recommendations should be provided contingent on the characteristics of both demographics

    Needs assessment of school and community physical activity opportunities in rural West Virginia: the McDowell CHOICES planning effort

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    Background McDowell CHOICES (Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools) Project is a county wide endeavor aimed at increasing opportunities for physical activity (PA) in McDowell County, West Virginia (WV). A comprehensive needs-assessment laid the foundation of the project. Methods During the 6 month needs assessment, multiple sources of data were collected in two Town Hall Meetings (n = 80); a student online PA interest survey (n = 465); a PA and nutrition survey among 5th (10–11 years) and 8th graders (13–14 years) with questions adapted from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (n = 442, response rate = 82.2%); six semi-structured school and community focus groups (n = 44); school site visits (n = 11); and BMI screening (n = 550, response rate = 69.7%). Results One third of children in McDowell County meet the national PA minimum of 60 minutes daily. At least 40% of 5th and 8th graders engage in electronic screen activity for 3 hours or more every day. The prevalence of obesity in 5th graders is higher in McDowell County than the rest of WV (~55% vs. 47% respectively). SWOT analyses of focus group data suggest an overall interest in PA but also highlight a need for increase in structured PA opportunities. Focus group data also suggested that a central communication (e.g. internet-based) platform would be beneficial to advertise and boost participation both in current and future programs. Schools were commonly mentioned as potential facilities for public PA participation throughout the county, both with regards to access and convenience. School site visits suggest that schools need more equipment and resources for before, during, and after school programs. Conclusions An overwhelming majority of participants in the McDowell CHOICES needs assessment were interested to participate in more PA programs throughout the county as well as to improve opportunities for the provision of such programs. Public schools were widely recognized as the hub of the communities and provide the best venue for PA promotion for both students and adult citizens, and can potentially serve as a platform for change in rural communities such as McDowell County

    Walley School Community Arts Center Feasibility Study: Appendices

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    Having a large capacity (over 300 seats) in Walley School demands a major investment in space and cost. Taking this into consideration, the business planning team conducted research and spoke with several individuals in an attempt to inventory and assess the community’s auditorium capabilities. Our research on existing auditorium spaces uncovered many interesting things. We found that there are over 15 existing auditorium spaces available within a 17-mile radius from the Walley School building available for public use

    Consulting to social entrepreneurship initiatives - using business skills to help solve social problems: ERG: a sustainable approach

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsEscolinha de Rugby da Galiza is a Social Entrepreneurship project from Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Cascais that uses an innovative approach to social integrate children from the community of Fim do Mundo. Through the study and analysis of this project, it was identified the need to improve the sustainability approach currently used. A set of proposals were developed to diversify its sources of donations and generate its own revenues in order to guarantee its longterm sustainability

    $16.7 Million To Save One Reputation: How Starbucks Responded Amidst a Racial Sensitivity Crisis

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    In April of 2016, two black men were sitting in a Starbucks store (Gayle, 2018) when an employee claimed they had to leave since they had not made a purchase. The two men refused to leave the store, which prompted the Starbucks barista to call the Philadelphia Police, claiming that the two men were trespassing. A viral video showed the two men being arrested and caused a public out roar. After the public started several protests at multiple Starbucks locations, the chain decided to take serious action and closed over 8,000 stores for a day to run a racial bias training for their employees on May 29, 2018 (Rusche, 2018)

    Avec Orima - Designing the brand identity

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    The thesis is a document in building the brand image for the authors’ own start-up Avec Orima. It is motivated by the need to take the company from the planning stage to the next very first step of implementing the business – designing the company’s brand identity. The thesis focused on the process of designing the brand identity. The process began with analysing the company and Finnish target market to have the insights on what the company stands for and wants to achieve. The study then continued to examine the competition in Finnish market and identify the points of differences, in order to establish the brand positioning. Upon understanding the Avec Orima brand and what it stands for, the thesis study integrated the brand identity strategy with design skills to create the basic elements of Avec Orima’s visual brand identity – logotype, typography, colours, look and feel, and imagery. Using a sample of 57 people, the authors collected data from a survey. Also, data from market research was presented. As predicted, the results justify the authors’ points on the existing behaviours, trends and rising demands in Finnish market. The authors conclude that, despite a limitation in existing customer behaviours at the moment, there are rising awareness and demand for such a service provider like Avec Orima. This conclusion is the foundation for all further studies, which are based on theoretical data, in defining the company, then brand positioning and brand identity design

    Le Cocoon-coworking: innovative business plan

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    Over the past few years, the labour world has changed in many ways. One of the components that changed, is workers. They now tend more and more to re-evaluate their needs, what they expect from their work and from their personal life, and to change the balance between the two to give more space to their personal life. In a world where digital grows exponentially every day, new ways of working as well as new types of jobs tend to emerge to respond to the changes of the workers - and of the companies and the jobs they offer. The aims of this paper are first to analyse and develop the new ways of working, their reasons, and the concept of coworking that responds to the above-mentioned aspects. Second, to go deeper into the coworking dimension by proposing an innovative project and its strategies and implementation, that respond in addition to the growing concern of citizens about themselves and about our planet.Nos últimos anos, o mundo do trabalho mudou em diversos aspetos. Um dos principais elementos que mudou foram os próprios trabalhadores. Hoje em dia, os trabalhadores tendem cada vez mais a reavaliar as suas necessidades, o que esperam do seu trabalho e da sua vida pessoal, e a procurar o equilíbrio, tentado dar mais espaço à vida pessoal. Por força do crescimento exponencial do digital, surgem novas formas de trabalho. Mas também novos tipos de trabalho tendem a surgir para responder às mudanças dos trabalhadores - e das empresas e dos empregos que estas oferecem. Os objetivos deste plano de negócios são, em primeiro lugar, analisar as novas formas de trabalhar, as suas razões e o conceito de "coworking", enquanto resposta aos aspetos acima mencionados. Em segundo lugar, aprofundar a dimensão do "coworking", propondo um projeto inovador (e respetiva estratégia e implementação) alinhado com a crescente preocupação dos cidadãos sobre si mesmos e sobre o nosso planeta

    Heritage and the High Street: conference report

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