23 research outputs found

    SNPeffect 4.0: on-line prediction of molecular and structural effects of protein-coding variants

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    Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are, together with copy number variation, the primary source of variation in the human genome and are associated with phenotypic variation such as altered response to drug treatment and susceptibility to disease. Linking structural effects of non-synonymous SNVs to functional outcomes is a major issue in structural bioinformatics. The SNPeffect database (http://snpeffect.switchlab.org) uses sequence- and structure-based bioinformatics tools to predict the effect of protein-coding SNVs on the structural phenotype of proteins. It integrates aggregation prediction (TANGO), amyloid prediction (WALTZ), chaperone-binding prediction (LIMBO) and protein stability analysis (FoldX) for structural phenotyping. Additionally, SNPeffect holds information on affected catalytic sites and a number of post-translational modifications. The database contains all known human protein variants from UniProt, but users can now also submit custom protein variants for a SNPeffect analysis, including automated structure modeling. The new meta-analysis application allows plotting correlations between phenotypic features for a user-selected set of variants

    A review of bioinformatics model and computational software of next generation sequencing

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    In the past decade it has become increasingly the effort for researcher to surpass the bioinformatics challenges foremost in next generation sequencing (NGS). This review paper gives an overview of the computational software and bioinformatics model that has been used for next generation sequencing. In this paper, the description on functionalities, source type and website of the program or software are provided. These computational software and bioinformatics model are differentiating into three types of bioinformatics analysis stages including alignment, variant calling and filtering and annotation. Besides, we discuss the future work and the development for new bioinformatics tool to be advanced

    Deriving a mutation index of carcinogenicity using protein structure and protein interfaces

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    With the advent of Next Generation Sequencing the identification of mutations in the genomes of healthy and diseased tissues has become commonplace. While much progress has been made to elucidate the aetiology of disease processes in cancer, the contributions to disease that many individual mutations make remain to be characterised and their downstream consequences on cancer phenotypes remain to be understood. Missense mutations commonly occur in cancers and their consequences remain challenging to predict. However, this knowledge is becoming more vital, for both assessing disease progression and for stratifying drug treatment regimes. Coupled with structural data, comprehensive genomic databases of mutations such as the 1000 Genomes project and COSMIC give an opportunity to investigate general principles of how cancer mutations disrupt proteins and their interactions at the molecular and network level. We describe a comprehensive comparison of cancer and neutral missense mutations; by combining features derived from structural and interface properties we have developed a carcinogenicity predictor, InCa (Index of Carcinogenicity). Upon comparison with other methods, we observe that InCa can predict mutations that might not be detected by other methods. We also discuss general limitations shared by all predictors that attempt to predict driver mutations and discuss how this could impact high-throughput predictions. A web interface to a server implementation is publicly available at http://inca.icr.ac.uk/

    MILAMP : multiple instance prediction of amyloid proteins

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    Amyloid proteins are implicated in several diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, prion diseases, etc. In order to characterize the amyloidogenicity of a given protein, it is important to locate the amyloid forming hotspot regions within the protein as well as to analyze the effects of mutations on these proteins. The biochemical and biological assays used for this purpose can be facilitated by computational means. This paper presents a machine learning method that can predict hotspot amyloidogenic regions within proteins and characterize changes in their amyloidogenicity due to point mutations. The proposed method called MILAMP (Multiple Instance Learning of AMyloid Proteins) achieves high accuracy for identification of amyloid proteins, hotspot localization and prediction of mutation effects on amyloidogenicity by integrating heterogenous data sources and exploiting common predictive patterns across these tasks through multiple instance learning. The paper presents comprehensive benchmarking experiments to test the predictive performance of MILAMP in comparison to previously published state of the art techniques for amyloid prediction. The python code for the implementation and webserver for MILAMP is available at the URL: http://faculty.pieas.edu.pk/fayyaz/software.html#MILAMP

    Predictive analysis of Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) missense mutations in psychiatric disorders: Análise preditiva das mutações missense da Triptofano Hidroxilase 2 (TPH2)

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    Psychiatric disorders are syndromes characterized by cognitive disturbance and behavioral dysfunction, which affect over 800 million people worldwide. It is considered a major public health problem responsible for severe distress with significant impairment in social and working relationships. In the United States and Canada, psychiatric disorders are considered the main cause of disability in young individuals, in addition to being a key factor underlying suicide. Missense mutations in tryptophan hydroxylase 2 enzyme (TPH2) are associated with the development of psychiatric disorders. TPH2 catalyzes the first step of serotonin biosynthesis, a neurotransmitter that plays a central role in the regulation of emotional behavior and cognition. These mutations lead to TPH2 dysfunction with impaired enzymatic activity, which ultimately results in abnormally low levels of serotonin in the brain. Despite the importance of missense mutations in TPH2 to the development of psychiatric disorders, most of them have not yet been characterized, so their effects are still unknown. In this study, we characterized the impact of missense mutations in TPH2 using prediction algorithms and evolutionary conservation analysis. We also used a penalty system to prioritize the most likely harmful mutations of TPH2 by combining the predictive analyses, evolutionary conservation, literature review, and alterations in physicochemical properties upon amino acid substitution. Three hundred and eighty-four missense mutations of TPH2 were compiled from the literature and databases. Our predictive analysis pointed to a high rate of deleterious and destabilizing predictions for the TPH2 mutations. These mutations mainly affect conserved and, possibly, functionally important residues. Among the uncharacterized mutations of TPH2, variants V295E, R441C T311P, Y281C, R441S, S383F, P308S, Y281H, and E363G received the highest penalties, thus, being the most likely deleterious and, consequently, important targets for future investigation. Our findings may guide the design of clinical and laboratory experiments, optimizing time and resources

    Contribution of Selection for Protein Folding Stability in Shaping the Patterns of Polymorphisms in Coding Regions

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    The patterns of polymorphisms in genomes are imprints of the evolutionary forces at play in nature. In particular, polymorphisms have been extensively used to infer the fitness effects of mutations and their dynamics of fixation. However, the role and contribution of molecular biophysics to these observations remain unclear. Here, we couple robust findings from protein biophysics, enzymatic flux theory, the selection against the cytotoxic effects of protein misfolding, and explicit population dynamics simulations in the polyclonal regime. First, we recapitulate results on the dynamics of clonal interference and on the shape of the DFE, thus providing them with a molecular and mechanistic foundation. Second, we predict that if evolution is indeed under the dynamic equilibrium of mutation–selection balance, the fraction of stabilizing and destabilizing mutations is almost equal among single-nucleotide polymorphisms segregating at high allele frequencies. This prediction is proven true for polymorphisms in the human coding region. Overall, our results show how selection for protein folding stability predominantly shapes the patterns of polymorphisms in coding regions

    First Comprehensive In Silico

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    GalNAc-T1, a key candidate of GalNac-transferases genes family that is involved in mucin-type O-linked glycosylation pathway, is expressed in most biological tissues and cell types. Despite the reported association of GalNAc-T1 gene mutations with human disease susceptibility, the comprehensive computational analysis of coding, noncoding and regulatory SNPs, and their functional impacts on protein level, still remains unknown. Therefore, sequence- and structure-based computational tools were employed to screen the entire listed coding SNPs of GalNAc-T1 gene in order to identify and characterize them. Our concordant in silico analysis by SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PANTHER-cSNP, and SNPeffect tools, identified the potential nsSNPs (S143P, G258V, and Y414D variants) from 18 nsSNPs of GalNAc-T1. Additionally, 2 regulatory SNPs (rs72964406 and #x26; rs34304568) were also identified in GalNAc-T1 by using FastSNP tool. Using multiple computational approaches, we have systematically classified the functional mutations in regulatory and coding regions that can modify expression and function of GalNAc-T1 enzyme. These genetic variants can further assist in better understanding the wide range of disease susceptibility associated with the mucin-based cell signalling and pathogenic binding, and may help to develop novel therapeutic elements for associated diseases

    Mapping genetic variations to three- dimensional protein structures to enhance variant interpretation: a proposed framework

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    The translation of personal genomics to precision medicine depends on the accurate interpretation of the multitude of genetic variants observed for each individual. However, even when genetic variants are predicted to modify a protein, their functional implications may be unclear. Many diseases are caused by genetic variants affecting important protein features, such as enzyme active sites or interaction interfaces. The scientific community has catalogued millions of genetic variants in genomic databases and thousands of protein structures in the Protein Data Bank. Mapping mutations onto three-dimensional (3D) structures enables atomic-level analyses of protein positions that may be important for the stability or formation of interactions; these may explain the effect of mutations and in some cases even open a path for targeted drug development. To accelerate progress in the integration of these data types, we held a two-day Gene Variation to 3D (GVto3D) workshop to report on the latest advances and to discuss unmet needs. The overarching goal of the workshop was to address the question: what can be done together as a community to advance the integration of genetic variants and 3D protein structures that could not be done by a single investigator or laboratory? Here we describe the workshop outcomes, review the state of the field, and propose the development of a framework with which to promote progress in this arena. The framework will include a set of standard formats, common ontologies, a common application programming interface to enable interoperation of the resources, and a Tool Registry to make it easy to find and apply the tools to specific analysis problems. Interoperability will enable integration of diverse data sources and tools and collaborative development of variant effect prediction methods