106 research outputs found

    The Slowdown or Race-to-idle Question: Workload-Aware Energy Optimization of SMT Multicore Platforms under Process Variation

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    Two widely used approaches for reducing energy consumption in multithreaded workloads are slowdown (using DVFS) and race-to-idle. In this paper, we first demonstrate that most energy-efficient choice is dependent on (1) workload (memory bound, CPU bound etc.), (2) process variation and (3) support for Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT). We then propose an approach for mapping application threads on SMT multicore systems at run-time, to minimize energy consumption. The proposed approach interfaces with the OS and hardware performance counters to characterize application threads. This characterization captures the effect of process variation on execution time and identifies the break-even operating point, where one strategy (slowdown or race-to-idle) outperforms the other. Thread mapping is performed using these characterized data by iteratively collapsing application threads (SMT) followed by binary programming-based thread mapping. Finally, performance slack is exploited at run-time to select between slowdown and race-to-idle, based upon the break-even operating point calculated for each individual thread. This end-to-end approach is implemented as a run-time manager for the Linux operating system and is validated across a range of high performance applications. Results demonstrate up to 13% energy reduction over all state-of-the-art approaches, with an average of 18% improvement over Linux

    Performance and power optimizations in chip multiprocessors for throughput-aware computation

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    The so-called "power (or power density) wall" has caused core frequency (and single-thread performance) to slow down, giving rise to the era of multi-core/multi-thread processors. For example, the IBM POWER4 processor, released in 2001, incorporated two single-thread cores into the same chip. In 2010, IBM released the POWER7 processor with eight 4-thread cores in the same chip, for a total capacity of 32 execution contexts. The ever increasing number of cores and threads gives rise to new opportunities and challenges for software and hardware architects. At software level, applications can benefit from the abundant number of execution contexts to boost throughput. But this challenges programmers to create highly-parallel applications and operating systems capable of scheduling them correctly. At hardware level, the increasing core and thread count puts pressure on the memory interface, because memory bandwidth grows at a slower pace ---phenomenon known as the "bandwidth (or memory) wall". In addition to memory bandwidth issues, chip power consumption rises due to manufacturers' difficulty to lower operating voltages sufficiently every processor generation. This thesis presents innovations to improve bandwidth and power consumption in chip multiprocessors (CMPs) for throughput-aware computation: a bandwidth-optimized last-level cache (LLC), a bandwidth-optimized vector register file, and a power/performance-aware thread placement heuristic. In contrast to state-of-the-art LLC designs, our organization avoids data replication and, hence, does not require keeping data coherent. Instead, the address space is statically distributed all over the LLC (in a fine-grained interleaving fashion). The absence of data replication increases the cache effective capacity, which results in better hit rates and higher bandwidth compared to a coherent LLC. We use double buffering to hide the extra access latency due to the lack of data replication. The proposed vector register file is composed of thousands of registers and organized as an aggregation of banks. We leverage such organization to attach small special-function "local computation elements" (LCEs) to each bank. This approach ---referred to as the "processor-in-regfile" (PIR) strategy--- overcomes the limited number of register file ports. Because each LCE is a SIMD computation element and all of them can proceed concurrently, the PIR strategy constitutes a highly-parallel super-wide-SIMD device (ideal for throughput-aware computation). Finally, we present a heuristic to reduce chip power consumption by dynamically placing software (application) threads across hardware (physical) threads. The heuristic gathers chip-level power and performance information at runtime to infer characteristics of the applications being executed. For example, if an application's threads share data, the heuristic may decide to place them in fewer cores to favor inter-thread data sharing and communication. In such case, the number of active cores decreases, which is a good opportunity to switch off the unused cores to save power. It is increasingly harder to find bulletproof (micro-)architectural solutions for the bandwidth and power scalability limitations in CMPs. Consequently, we think that architects should attack those problems from different flanks simultaneously, with complementary innovations. This thesis contributes with a battery of solutions to alleviate those problems in the context of throughput-aware computation: 1) proposing a bandwidth-optimized LLC; 2) proposing a bandwidth-optimized register file organization; and 3) proposing a simple technique to improve power-performance efficiency.El excesivo consumo de potencia de los procesadores actuales ha desacelerado el incremento en la frecuencia operativa de los mismos para dar lugar a la era de los procesadores con múltiples núcleos y múltiples hilos de ejecución. Por ejemplo, el procesador POWER7 de IBM, lanzado al mercado en 2010, incorpora ocho núcleos en el mismo chip, con cuatro hilos de ejecución por núcleo. Esto da lugar a nuevas oportunidades y desafíos para los arquitectos de software y hardware. A nivel de software, las aplicaciones pueden beneficiarse del abundante número de núcleos e hilos de ejecución para aumentar el rendimiento. Pero esto obliga a los programadores a crear aplicaciones altamente paralelas y sistemas operativos capaces de planificar correctamente la ejecución de las mismas. A nivel de hardware, el creciente número de núcleos e hilos de ejecución ejerce presión sobre la interfaz de memoria, ya que el ancho de banda de memoria crece a un ritmo más lento. Además de los problemas de ancho de banda de memoria, el consumo de energía del chip se eleva debido a la dificultad de los fabricantes para reducir suficientemente los voltajes de operación entre generaciones de procesadores. Esta tesis presenta innovaciones para mejorar el ancho de banda y consumo de energía en procesadores multinúcleo en el ámbito de la computación orientada a rendimiento ("throughput-aware computation"): una memoria caché de último nivel ("last-level cache" o LLC) optimizada para ancho de banda, un banco de registros vectorial optimizado para ancho de banda, y una heurística para planificar la ejecución de aplicaciones paralelas orientada a mejorar la eficiencia del consumo de potencia y desempeño. En contraste con los diseños de LLC de última generación, nuestra organización evita la duplicación de datos y, por tanto, no requiere de técnicas de coherencia. El espacio de direcciones de memoria se distribuye estáticamente en la LLC con un entrelazado de grano fino. La ausencia de replicación de datos aumenta la capacidad efectiva de la memoria caché, lo que se traduce en mejores tasas de acierto y mayor ancho de banda en comparación con una LLC coherente. Utilizamos la técnica de "doble buffering" para ocultar la latencia adicional necesaria para acceder a datos remotos. El banco de registros vectorial propuesto se compone de miles de registros y se organiza como una agregación de bancos. Incorporamos a cada banco una pequeña unidad de cómputo de propósito especial ("local computation element" o LCE). Este enfoque ---que llamamos "computación en banco de registros"--- permite superar el número limitado de puertos en el banco de registros. Debido a que cada LCE es una unidad de cómputo con soporte SIMD ("single instruction, multiple data") y todas ellas pueden proceder de forma concurrente, la estrategia de "computación en banco de registros" constituye un dispositivo SIMD altamente paralelo. Por último, presentamos una heurística para planificar la ejecución de aplicaciones paralelas orientada a reducir el consumo de energía del chip, colocando dinámicamente los hilos de ejecución a nivel de software entre los hilos de ejecución a nivel de hardware. La heurística obtiene, en tiempo de ejecución, información de consumo de potencia y desempeño del chip para inferir las características de las aplicaciones. Por ejemplo, si los hilos de ejecución a nivel de software comparten datos significativamente, la heurística puede decidir colocarlos en un menor número de núcleos para favorecer el intercambio de datos entre ellos. En tal caso, los núcleos no utilizados se pueden apagar para ahorrar energía. Cada vez es más difícil encontrar soluciones de arquitectura "a prueba de balas" para resolver las limitaciones de escalabilidad de los procesadores actuales. En consecuencia, creemos que los arquitectos deben atacar dichos problemas desde diferentes flancos simultáneamente, con innovaciones complementarias

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn recent years, a number of trends have started to emerge, both in microprocessor and application characteristics. As per Moore's law, the number of cores on chip will keep doubling every 18-24 months. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) reports that wires will continue to scale poorly, exacerbating the cost of on-chip communication. Cores will have to navigate an on-chip network to access data that may be scattered across many cache banks. The number of pins on the package, and hence available off-chip bandwidth, will at best increase at sublinear rate and at worst, stagnate. A number of disruptive memory technologies, e.g., phase change memory (PCM) have begun to emerge and will be integrated into the memory hierarchy sooner than later, leading to non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hierarchies. This will make the cost of accessing main memory even higher. In previous years, most of the focus has been on deciding the memory hierarchy level where data must be placed (L1 or L2 caches, main memory, disk, etc.). However, in modern and future generations, each level is getting bigger and its design is being subjected to a number of constraints (wire delays, power budget, etc.). It is becoming very important to make an intelligent decision about where data must be placed within a level. For example, in a large non-uniform access cache (NUCA), we must figure out the optimal bank. Similarly, in a multi-dual inline memory module (DIMM) non uniform memory access (NUMA) main memory, we must figure out the DIMM that is the optimal home for every data page. Studies have indicated that heterogeneous main memory hierarchies that incorporate multiple memory technologies are on the horizon. We must develop solutions for data management that take heterogeneity into account. For these memory organizations, we must again identify the appropriate home for data. In this dissertation, we attempt to verify the following thesis statement: "Can low-complexity hardware and OS mechanisms manage data placement within each memory hierarchy level to optimize metrics such as performance and/or throughput?" In this dissertation we argue for a hardware-software codesign approach to tackle the above mentioned problems at different levels of the memory hierarchy. The proposed methods utilize techniques like page coloring and shadow addresses and are able to handle a large number of problems ranging from managing wire-delays in large, shared NUCA caches to distributing shared capacity among different cores. We then examine data-placement issues in NUMA main memory for a many-core processor with a moderate number of on-chip memory controllers. Using codesign approaches, we achieve efficient data placement by modifying the operating system's (OS) page allocation algorithm for a wide variety of main memory architectures

    Scaling Distributed Cache Hierarchies through Computation and Data Co-Scheduling

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform, so for systems to scale efficiently, data must be close to the threads that use it. Moreover, cache capacity is limited and contended among threads, introducing complex capacity/latency tradeoffs. Prior NUCA schemes have focused on managing data to reduce access latency, but have ignored thread placement; and applying prior NUMA thread placement schemes to NUCA is inefficient, as capacity, not bandwidth, is the main constraint. We present CDCS, a technique to jointly place threads and data in multicores with distributed shared caches. We develop novel monitoring hardware that enables fine-grained space allocation on large caches, and data movement support to allow frequent full-chip reconfigurations. On a 64-core system, CDCS outperforms an S-NUCA LLC by 46% on average (up to 76%) in weighted speedup and saves 36% of system energy. CDCS also outperforms state-of-the-art NUCA schemes under different thread scheduling policies.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1318384)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Jacobs Presidential Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (PERFECT Contract HR0011-13-2-0005

    Resource Optimized Scheduling For Enhanced Power Efficiency And Throughput On Chip Multi Processor Platforms

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    The parallel nature of process execution on Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) has boosted levels of application performance far beyond the capabilities of erstwhile single-core designs. Generally, CMPs offer improved performance by integrating multiple simpler cores onto a single die that share certain computing resources among them such as last-level caches, data buses, and main memory. This ensures architectural simplicity while also boosting performance for multi-threaded applications. However, a major trade-off associated with this approach is that concurrently executing applications incur performance degradation if their collective resource requirements exceed the total amount of resources available to the system. If dynamic resource allocation is not carefully considered, the potential performance gain from having multiple cores may be outweighed by the losses due to contention for allocation of shared resources. Additionally, CMPs with inbuilt dynamic voltage-frequency scaling (DVFS) mechanisms may try to compensate for the performance bottleneck by scaling to higher clock frequencies. For performance degradation due to shared-resource contention, this does not necessarily improve performance but does ensure a significant penalty on power consumption due to the quadratic relation of electrical power and voltage (P_dynamic ∝ V^2 * f).This dissertation presents novel methodologies for balancing the competing requirements of high performance, fairness of execution, and enforcement of priority, while also ensuring overall power efficiency of CMPs. Specifically, we (1) Analyze the problem of resource interference during concurrent process execution and propose two fine-grained scheduling methodologies for improving overall performance and fairness, (2) Develop an approach for enforcement of priority (i.e., minimum performance) for specific processes while avoiding resource starvation for others, and (3) Present a machine-learning approach for maximizing the power efficiency (performance-per-Watt) of CMPs through estimation of a workload\u27s performance and power consumption limits at different clock frequencies.As modern computing workloads become increasingly dynamic, and computers themselves become increasingly ubiquitous, the problem of finding the ideal balance between performance and power consumption of CMPs is of particular relevance today, especially given the unprecedented proliferation of embedded devices for use in Internet-of-Things, edge computing, smart wearables, and even exotic experiments such as space probes comprised entirely of a CMP, sensors, and an antenna ( space chips ). Additionally, reducing power consumption while maintaining constant performance can contribute to addressing the growing problem of dark silicon

    SYNPA: SMT Performance Analysis and Allocation of Threads to Cores in ARM Processors

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    Simultaneous multithreading processors improve throughput over single-threaded processors thanks to sharing internal core resources among instructions from distinct threads. However, resource sharing introduces inter-thread interference within the core, which has a negative impact on individual application performance and can significantly increase the turnaround time of multi-program workloads. The severity of the interference effects depends on the competing co-runners sharing the core. Thus, it can be mitigated by applying a thread-to-core allocation policy that smartly selects applications to be run in the same core to minimize their interference. This paper presents SYNPA, a simple approach that dynamically allocates threads to cores in an SMT processor based on their run-time dynamic behavior. The approach uses a regression model to select synergistic pairs to mitigate intra-core interference. The main novelty of SYNPA is that it uses just three variables collected from the performance counters available in current ARM processors at the dispatch stage. Experimental results show that SYNPA outperforms the default Linux scheduler by around 36%, on average, in terms of turnaround time in 8-application workloads combining frontend bound and backend bound benchmarks.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Adaptive Microarchitectural Optimizations to Improve Performance and Security of Multi-Core Architectures

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    With the current technological barriers, microarchitectural optimizations are increasingly important to ensure performance scalability of computing systems. The shift to multi-core architectures increases the demands on the memory system, and amplifies the role of microarchitectural optimizations in performance improvement. In a multi-core system, microarchitectural resources are usually shared, such as the cache, to maximize utilization but sharing can also lead to contention and lower performance. This can be mitigated through partitioning of shared caches.However, microarchitectural optimizations which were assumed to be fundamentally secure for a long time, can be used in side-channel attacks to exploit secrets, as cryptographic keys. Timing-based side-channels exploit predictable timing variations due to the interaction with microarchitectural optimizations during program execution. Going forward, there is a strong need to be able to leverage microarchitectural optimizations for performance without compromising security. This thesis contributes with three adaptive microarchitectural resource management optimizations to improve security and/or\ua0performance\ua0of multi-core architectures\ua0and a systematization-of-knowledge of timing-based side-channel attacks.\ua0We observe that to achieve high-performance cache partitioning in a multi-core system\ua0three requirements need to be met: i) fine-granularity of partitions, ii) locality-aware placement and iii) frequent changes. These requirements lead to\ua0high overheads for current centralized partitioning solutions, especially as the number of cores in the\ua0system increases. To address this problem, we present an adaptive and scalable cache partitioning solution (DELTA) using a distributed and asynchronous allocation algorithm. The\ua0allocations occur through core-to-core challenges, where applications with larger performance benefit will gain cache capacity. The\ua0solution is implementable in hardware, due to low computational complexity, and can scale to large core counts.According to our analysis, better performance can be achieved by coordination of multiple optimizations for different resources, e.g., off-chip bandwidth and cache, but is challenging due to the increased number of possible allocations which need to be evaluated.\ua0Based on these observations, we present a solution (CBP) for coordinated management of the optimizations: cache partitioning, bandwidth partitioning and prefetching.\ua0Efficient allocations, considering the inter-resource interactions and trade-offs, are achieved using local resource managers to limit the solution space.The continuously growing number of\ua0side-channel attacks leveraging\ua0microarchitectural optimizations prompts us to review attacks and defenses to understand the vulnerabilities of different microarchitectural optimizations. We identify the four root causes of timing-based side-channel attacks: determinism, sharing, access violation\ua0and information flow.\ua0Our key insight is that eliminating any of the exploited root causes, in any of the attack steps, is enough to provide protection.\ua0Based on our framework, we present a systematization of the attacks and defenses on a wide range of microarchitectural optimizations, which highlights their key similarities.\ua0Shared caches are an attractive attack surface for side-channel attacks, while defenses need to be efficient since the cache is crucial for performance.\ua0To address this issue, we present an adaptive and scalable cache partitioning solution (SCALE) for protection against cache side-channel attacks. The solution leverages randomness,\ua0and provides quantifiable and information theoretic security guarantees using differential privacy. The solution closes the performance gap to a state-of-the-art non-secure allocation policy for a mix of secure and non-secure applications

    A Multi-core Testbed on Desktop Computer for Research on Power/Thermal Aware Resource Management

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    Our goal is to develop a flexible, customizable, and practical multi-core testbed based on an Intel desktop computer that can be utilized to assist the theoretical research on power/thermal aware resource management in design of computer systems. By integrating different modules, i.e. thread mapping/scheduling, processor/core frequency and voltage variation, temperature/power measurement, and run-time performance collection, into a systematic and unified framework, our testbed can bridge the gap between the theoretical study and practical implementation. The effectiveness for our system was validated using appropriately selected benchmarks. The importance of this research is that it complements the current theoretical research by validating the theoretical results in practical scenarios, which are closer to that in the real world. In addition, by studying the discrepancies of results of theoretical study and their applications in real world, the research also aids in identifying new research problems and directions

    PRISM: an intelligent adaptation of prefetch and SMT levels

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    Current microprocessors include hardware to optimize some specifics workloads. In general, these hardware knobs are set on a default configuration on the booting process of the machine. This default behavior cannot be beneficial for all types of workloads and they are not controlled by anyone but the end user, who needs to know what configuration is the best one for the workload running. Some of these knobs are: (1) the Simultaneous MultiThreading level, which specifies the number of threads that can run simultaneously on a physical CPU, and (2) the data prefetch engine, that manages the prefetches on memory. Parallel programming models are here to stay, and one programming model that succeed in allowing programmers to easily parallelize applications is Open Multi Processing (OMP). Also, the architecture of microprocessors is getting more complex that end users cannot afford to optimize their workloads for all the architectural details. These architectural knobs can help to increase performance but it is needed an automatic and adaptive system managing them. In this work we propose an independent library for OpenMP runtimes to increase performance up to 220% (14.7% on average) while reducing dynamic power consumption up to 13% (2% on average) on a real POWER8 processor

    Efficient mobile computing

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    Smart handheld devices such as phones, tablets and watches are becoming more and more common rapidly. From a computer architect point of view, processor design for such computer systems is a complex problem. Since the Li-ion battery manufacturing technology is strictly limited by physical and technological limitations, the new generation of mobile processors should have a better energy efficiency to support an acceptable battery life. On the other hand, TLP of current mobile applications is measured to be mostly less than 2, which implies mobile processors should have high performance on user's demand to provide an acceptable QoE. By shrinking the chip manufacturing technology size, SoC design has been the most preferred integration approach in such applications. For example, Apple's A10, iPhone7 SoC, has more than 3 billion transistors including 4 big.LITTLE cores, 6 GPU cores and caches. Due to power-density and heat-dissipation constraints of such integration level, providing high performance on demand in an efficient way is a complex control problem. In the A10 architecture, assigning the right cores at the right time to running threads is a challenging complex control problem. The state of the art systems have control loops for controlling architectural parameters in different ways. In mobile devices controllers are heuristics-based mainly for simplicity. Considering the power-density and heat-dissipation issues in such systems, we propose an OS architecture and interface to provide an environment for improving the functionality of controllers in mobile computer systems