9 research outputs found

    Context-aware Security for Vehicles and Fleets: A Survey

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    Vehicles are becoming increasingly intelligent and connected. Interfaces for communication with the vehicle, such as WiFi and 5G, enable seamless integration into the user’s life, but also cyber attacks on the vehicle. Therefore, research is working on in-vehicle countermeasures such as authentication, access controls, or intrusion detection. Recently, legal regulations have also become effective that require automobile manufacturers to set up a monitoring system for fleet-wide security analysis. The growing amount of software, networking, and the automation of driving create new challenges for security. Context-awareness, situational understanding, adaptive security, and threat intelligence are necessary to cope with these ever-increasing risks. In-vehicle security should be adaptive to secure the car in an infinite number of (driving) situations. For fleet-wide analysis and alert triage, knowledge and understanding of the circumstances are required. Context-awareness, nonetheless, has been sparsely considered in the field of vehicle security. This work aims to be a precursor to context-aware, adaptive and intelligent security for vehicles and fleets. To this end, we provide a comprehensive literature review that analyzes the vehicular as well as related domains. Our survey is mainly characterized by the detailed analysis of the context information that is relevant for vehicle security in the future

    Security of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical system (CPS) innovations, in conjunction with their sibling computational and technological advancements, have positively impacted our society, leading to the establishment of new horizons of service excellence in a variety of applicational fields. With the rapid increase in the application of CPSs in safety-critical infrastructures, their safety and security are the top priorities of next-generation designs. The extent of potential consequences of CPS insecurity is large enough to ensure that CPS security is one of the core elements of the CPS research agenda. Faults, failures, and cyber-physical attacks lead to variations in the dynamics of CPSs and cause the instability and malfunction of normal operations. This reprint discusses the existing vulnerabilities and focuses on detection, prevention, and compensation techniques to improve the security of safety-critical systems

    Modèles algorithmes et méthodologie pour la conception de systèmes de sécurité physique basés sur des microcontrôleurs protégés des attaques cyber-physiques

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    Un moyen d'assurer la sécurité de systèmes basés sur des micro-contrôleurs (mCS) est de considérer une approche de génération à partir de spécifications. Malheureusement, les approches existantes souffrent d'inconvénients, et le but de la méthodologie présentée dans cette thèse est de les éviter dans le cas particulier des mCS pour la sécurité physique (mCS-Sec). Les principaux résultats de ce travail sont le développement de modèles, d'algorithmes, et d'une méthodologie originale de création de mCS-Sec, et leur implémentation. L'applicabilité de la méthode a été évaluée sur un système de robot de surveillance d'une zone. Dans ce cas, notre évaluation a montré que l'approche développée satisfaisait toutes les contraintes imposées, tout en offrant certains avantages par rapport aux solutions existantes. Nous pensons que cette approche permettra de réduire le nombre de faiblesses et les problèmes d'architecture dans les mCS, ce qui en réduira la surface d'attaque.One of the possible ways to ensure the security of microcontroller-based systems is the implementation of security by design approach. Unfortunately, existing approaches are not without drawbacks, that is why this thesis is aimed at developing the new one. Moreover, among all possible systems, in this work, only physical security systems were chosen as an area of the application. The main findings of the work are containing original models, algorithms, methodology and software implementation. Their correctness was checked on a system of mobile robots for perimeter monitoring. The evaluation of the developed solution showed that it satisfies all requirements while having advantages over commercial and scientific analogues, which means that the goal of this work was reached. It is assumed that the use of the developed solution will help to reduce the number of weak places and architectural defects in microcontroller-based systems, thereby significantly reducing their attack surface

    Asian Perceptions of Gulf Security

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    Gulf stability is coming to play a larger role in the foreign policy calculus of many states, but the evolving role of Asian powers is largely under-represented in the International Relations literature. This volume addresses this gap with a set of empirically rich, theory driven case studies written by academics from or based in the countries in question. The underlying assumption is not that Asian powers have already become important security actors in the Gulf, but rather that they perceive the Gulf as a region of increasing strategic relevance. How will leaders in these countries adjust to an evolving regional framework? Will there be coordinated efforts to establish an Asian-centered approach to Gulf stability, or will Asian rivalries make the region a theater of competition? Will US–China tensions force alignment choices among Asian powers? Will Asian states balance, bandwagon, hedge, or adopt some other approach to their Gulf relationships? These questions become even more important as the western boundaries of Asia increasingly come to incorporate the Middle East. The book will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of International Relations, Security Studies, and International Political Economy, as well as area specialists on the Gulf and those working on foreign policy issues on each of the Asian countries included. Professionals in government and non-government agencies will also find it very useful

    Asian Perceptions of Gulf Security

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    Gulf stability is coming to play a larger role in the foreign policy calculus of many states, but the evolving role of Asian powers is largely under-represented in the International Relations literature. This volume addresses this gap with a set of empirically rich, theory driven case studies written by academics from or based in the countries in question. The underlying assumption is not that Asian powers have already become important security actors in the Gulf, but rather that they perceive the Gulf as a region of increasing strategic relevance. How will leaders in these countries adjust to an evolving regional framework? Will there be coordinated efforts to establish an Asian-centered approach to Gulf stability, or will Asian rivalries make the region a theater of competition? Will US–China tensions force alignment choices among Asian powers? Will Asian states balance, bandwagon, hedge, or adopt some other approach to their Gulf relationships? These questions become even more important as the western boundaries of Asia increasingly come to incorporate the Middle East. The book will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of International Relations, Security Studies, and International Political Economy, as well as area specialists on the Gulf and those working on foreign policy issues on each of the Asian countries included. Professionals in government and non-government agencies will also find it very useful

    SEPAD - Security Evaluation Platform for Autonomous Driving

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    The development and evaluation of security solutions for autonomous vehicles is a challenging task. Many researchers have no access to real vehicles to implement and test their solutions. In addition, vehicle E/E architectures of different brands or even model series of one car manufacturer differ significantly. Also, vehicles maybe the source of physical hazards, e.g., an exploding airbag. To enable researchers to develop, implement, and evaluate new security solutions for autonomous vehicles, we propose a new security evaluation platform called SEPAD and a dedicated development process for testing security mechanisms with it. SEPAD allows to model realistic E/E architectures where the developed security solutions can be integrated and evaluated without causing safety risks for the researcher or other road users

    Experiencias pedagógicas e innovación educativa. Aportaciones desde la praxis docente e investigadora

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    Este libro recoge las principales aportaciones al IV Congreso Internacional Virtual sobre Innovación Pedagógica y Praxis Educativa-Innovagogía 2018, organizado por el Colectivo Docente Internacional Innovagogía y AFOE Formación, que tuvo como preámbulo el II Seminario de Innovación Docente: nuevas perspectivas y temas emergentes, celebrado en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla (España). En el Congreso están implicados tanto profesionales individuales como organizaciones e instituciones de ámbito internacional, preocupadas por la innovación, la práctica educativa y formativa de calidad. Está dirigido a profesorado, personal técnico y profesionales de la Educación de cualquier etapa y en todos sus ámbitos: maestros, docentes de secundaria, bachillerato y formación profesional, profesorado universitario, profesionales del trabajo y la educación social, formación ocupacional y permanente, animación sociocultural, tiempo libre, y animación juvenil, entre otros profesionales. Los trabajos incluidos recogen reflexiones y experiencias de un total de 540 participantes de 17 nacionalidades diferentes, pertenecientes a más de 100 entidades, 78 de ellas universidades. Las líneas temáticas en las que se insertan inciden en las buenas prácticas y aportaciones docentes e investigadoras sobre la praxis educativa en los niveles universitarios y no universitarios, hablan del impacto de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la educación y la formación, así como de la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, sostenibilidad medioambiental, cooperación para el desarrollo, estudios de género e igualdad, educación y formación de personas adultas. Estamos seguros que la amplitud, diversidad y profundización de las distintas aportaciones ofrecerá nuevas pistas y numerosas ideas para orientar la labor socio-educativa de los distintos colectivos profesionales involucrados.Facultad Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Educación y Psicología SocialVersión del edito