80,876 research outputs found

    Effect of periodic backwash in the submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system

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    The submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) is an attractive solution in treating wastewater; however it faces membrane fouling although to a less extent. In this study, different adsorbents and resins were investigated in order to find a substitute to the powdered activated carbon (PAC); The effect of new backflush was also studied in further reducing the membrane fouling. The SMAHS led to 72–86% dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal. A detailed study on the transmembrane pressure development led to a conclusion that there is a critical flux and this value is around 16 l/h.m2 for the wastewater studied

    Mapping the ionised gas around the luminous QSO HE 1029-1401: Evidence for minor merger events?

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    We present VIMOS integral field spectroscopy of the brightest radio-quiet QSO on the southern sky HE 1029-1401 at a redshift of z=0.086. Standard decomposition techniques for broad-band imaging are extended to integral field data in order to deblend the QSO and host emission. We perform a tentative analysis of the stellar continuum finding a young stellar population (<100Myr) or a featureless continuum embedded in an old stellar population (10Gyr) typical for a massive elliptical galaxy. The stellar velocity dispersion of sigma_*=320\pm90 km/s and the estimated black hole mass log(M_BH/M_sun)=8.7\pm0.3 are consistent with the local M_BH-sigma_* relation within the errors. For the first time we map the two-dimensional ionised gas distribution and the gas velocity field around HE 1029-1401. While the stellar host morphology is purely elliptical we find a highly structured distribution of ionised gas out to 16 kpc from the QSO. The gas is highly ionised solely by the QSO radiation and has a significantly lower metallicity than would be expected for the stellar mass of the host, indicating an external origin of the gas most likely due to minor mergers. We find a rotating gas disc around the QSO and a dispersion-dominated non-rotating gas component within the central 3 kpc. At larger distances the velocity field is heavily disturbed, which could be interpreted as another signature of past minor merger events. Alternatively, the arc-like structure seen in the ionised gas might also be indicative of a large-scale expanding bubble, centred on and possibly driven by the active nucleus.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    The low-metallicity QSO HE 2158-0107: A massive galaxy growing by the accretion of nearly pristine gas from its environment?

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    [abridged] The metallicities of AGN are usually well above solar in their NLR, often reaching up to several times solar in their broad-line regions. Low-metallicity AGN are rare objects which have so far always been associated with low-mass galaxies hosting low-mass BHs (M_BH<10^6Msun). In this paper we present IFS data of the low-redshift QSO HE 2158-0107 for which we find strong evidence for sub-solar NLR metallicities associated with a massive BH (M_BH~3x10^8Msun). The QSO is surrounded by a large extended emission-line region reaching out to 30kpc from the QSO in a tail-like geometry. We present optical and near-IR images and investigate the properties of the host galaxy. The SED of the host is rather blue, indicative of a significant young age stellar population formed within the last 1Gyr. A 3sigma upper limit of L_bulge<4.5x10^10Lsun for the H band luminosity and a corresponding stellar mass upper limit of M_bulge<3.4x10^10Msun show that the host is offset from the local BH-bulge relations. This is independently supported by the kinematics of the gas. Although the stellar mass of the host galaxy is lower than expected, it cannot explain the exceptionally low metallicity of the gas. We suggest that the extended emission-line region and the galaxy growth are caused by the infall of nearly pristine gas from the environment of the QSO host. Minor mergers of dwarf galaxies or the theoretically predicted smooth accretion of cold gas are both potential drivers behind that process. Since the metallicity of the gas in the NLR is much lower than expected, we suspect that the external gas has already reached the galaxy centre and may even contribute to the current feeding of the BH. HE 2158-0107 appears to represent a particular phase of substantial BH and galaxy growth that can be observationally linked with the accretion of external material from its environment.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of the growth and rupture rates of small abdominal aortic aneurysms: implications for surveillance intervals and their cost-effectiveness.

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    BACKGROUND: Small abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs; 3.0-5.4 cm in diameter) are usually asymptomatic and managed by regular ultrasound surveillance until they grow to a diameter threshold (commonly 5.5 cm) at which surgical intervention is considered. The choice of appropriate surveillance intervals is governed by the growth and rupture rates of small AAAs, as well as their relative cost-effectiveness. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this series of studies was to inform the evidence base for small AAA surveillance strategies. This was achieved by literature review, collation and analysis of individual patient data, a focus group and health economic modelling. DATA SOURCES: We undertook systematic literature reviews of growth rates and rupture rates of small AAAs. The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE on OvidSP, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 2009 Issue 4, ClinicalTrials.gov, and controlled-trials.com were searched from inception up until the end of 2009. We also obtained individual data on 15,475 patients from 18 surveillance studies. REVIEW METHODS: Systematic reviews of publications identified 15 studies providing small AAA growth rates, and 14 studies with small AAA rupture rates, up to December 2009 (later updated to September 2012). We developed statistical methods to analyse individual surveillance data, including the effects of patient characteristics, to inform the choice of surveillance intervals and provide inputs for health economic modelling. We updated an existing health economic model of AAA screening to address the cost-effectiveness of different surveillance intervals. RESULTS: In the literature reviews, the mean growth rate was 2.3 mm/year and the reported rupture rates varied between 0 and 1.6 ruptures per 100 person-years. Growth rates increased markedly with aneurysm diameter, but insufficient detail was available to guide surveillance intervals. Based on individual surveillance data, for each 0.5-cm increase in AAA diameter, growth rates increased by about 0.5 mm/year and rupture rates doubled. To control the risk of exceeding 5.5 cm to below 10% in men, on average a 7-year surveillance interval is sufficient for a 3.0-cm aneurysm, whereas an 8-month interval is necessary for a 5.0-cm aneurysm. To control the risk of rupture to below 1%, the corresponding estimated surveillance intervals are 9 years and 17 months. Average growth rates were higher in smokers (by 0.35 mm/year) and lower in patients with diabetes (by 0.51 mm/year). Rupture rates were almost fourfold higher in women than men, doubled in current smokers and increased with higher blood pressure. Increasing the surveillance interval from 1 to 2 years for the smallest aneurysms (3.0-4.4 cm) decreased costs and led to a positive net benefit. For the larger aneurysms (4.5-5.4 cm), increasing surveillance intervals from 3 to 6 months led to equivalent cost-effectiveness. LIMITATIONS: There were no clear reasons why the growth rates varied substantially between studies. Uniform diagnostic criteria for rupture were not available. The long-term cost-effectiveness results may be susceptible to the modelling assumptions made. CONCLUSIONS: Surveillance intervals of several years are clinically acceptable for men with AAAs in the range 3.0-4.0 cm. Intervals of around 1 year are suitable for 4.0-4.9-cm AAAs, whereas intervals of 6 months would be acceptable for 5.0-5.4-cm AAAs. These intervals are longer than those currently employed in the UK AAA screening programmes. Lengthening surveillance intervals for the smallest aneurysms was also shown to be cost-effective. Future work should focus on optimising surveillance intervals for women, studying whether or not the threshold for surgery should depend on patient characteristics, evaluating the usefulness of surveillance for those with aortic diameters of 2.5-2.9 cm, and developing interventions that may reduce the growth or rupture rates of small AAAs. FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme

    A comparative study fourth order runge kutta-tvd Scheme and fluent software case of inlet flow problems

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    Inlet as part of aircraft engine plays important role in controlling the rate of airflow entering to the engine. The shape of inlet has to be designed in such away to make the rate of airflow does not change too much with angle of attack and also not much pressure losses at the time, the airflow entering to the compressor section. It is therefore understanding on the flow pattern inside the inlet is important. The present work presents on the use of the Fourth Order Runge Kutta – Harten Yee TVD scheme for the flow analysis inside inlet. The flow is assumed as an inviscid quasi two dimensional compressible flow. As an initial stage of computer code development, here uses three generic inlet models. The first inlet model to allow the problem in hand solved as the case of inlet with expansion wave case. The second inlet model will relate to the case of expansion compression wave. The last inlet model concerns with the inlet which produce series of weak shock wave and end up with a normal shock wave. The comparison result for the same test case with Fluent Software [1, 2] indicates that the developed computer code based on the Fourth Order Runge Kutta – Harten – Yee TVD scheme are very close to each other. However for complex inlet geometry, the problem is in the way how to provide an appropriate mesh model

    Challenges in imaging and predictive modeling of rhizosphere processes

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    Background Plant-soil interaction is central to human food production and ecosystem function. Thus, it is essential to not only understand, but also to develop predictive mathematical models which can be used to assess how climate and soil management practices will affect these interactions. Scope In this paper we review the current developments in structural and chemical imaging of rhizosphere processes within the context of multiscale mathematical image based modeling. We outline areas that need more research and areas which would benefit from more detailed understanding. Conclusions We conclude that the combination of structural and chemical imaging with modeling is an incredibly powerful tool which is fundamental for understanding how plant roots interact with soil. We emphasize the need for more researchers to be attracted to this area that is so fertile for future discoveries. Finally, model building must go hand in hand with experiments. In particular, there is a real need to integrate rhizosphere structural and chemical imaging with modeling for better understanding of the rhizosphere processes leading to models which explicitly account for pore scale processes

    A Macroscopic Mathematical Model For Cell Migration Assays Using A Real-Time Cell Analysis

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    Experiments of cell migration and chemotaxis assays have been classically performed in the so-called Boyden Chambers. A recent technology, xCELLigence Real Time Cell Analysis, is now allowing to monitor the cell migration in real time. This technology measures impedance changes caused by the gradual increase of electrode surface occupation by cells during the course of time and provide a Cell Index which is proportional to cellular morphology, spreading, ruffling and adhesion quality as well as cell number. In this paper we propose a macroscopic mathematical model, based on \emph{advection-reaction-diffusion} partial differential equations, describing the cell migration assay using the real-time technology. We carried out numerical simulations to compare simulated model dynamics with data of observed biological experiments on three different cell lines and in two experimental settings: absence of chemotactic signals (basal migration) and presence of a chemoattractant. Overall we conclude that our minimal mathematical model is able to describe the phenomenon in the real time scale and numerical results show a good agreement with the experimental evidences