18 research outputs found

    Comparison of openEHR and HL7 FHIR standards

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    Health informatics is characterized by the need tosecurely store, process and transmit large amounts of sensitivemedical data while ensuring interoperability with other systems.Among many standards used in such systems there are two whichhave gained interest in recent years and cover most of thoseneeds: openEHR and HL7 FHIR. In this paper, both standardsare discussed and compared with each other. The architecture ofboth systems, the similarities and differences, methods of datamodeling and ensuring interoperability were presented

    The emergence of openness in open source projects : the case of openEHR

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    The meaning of openness in open source is both intrinsically unstable and dynamic, and tends to fluctuate with time and context. We draw on a very particular open-source project primarily concerned with building rigorous clinical concepts to be used in electronic health records called openEHR. openEHR explains how openness is a concept that is purposely engaged with, and how, in this process of engagement, the very meaning of open matures and evolves within the project. Drawing on rich longitudinal data related to openEHR we theorise the evolving nature of openness and how this idea emerges through two intertwined processes of maturation and metamorphosis. While metamorphosis allows us to trace and interrogate the mutational evolution in openness, maturation analyses the small, careful changes crafted to build a very particular understanding of openness. Metamorphosis is less managed and controlled, whereas maturation is representative of highly precise work carried out in controlled form. Both processes work together in open-source projects and reinforce each other. Our study reveals that openness emerges and evolves in open-source projects where it can be understood to mean rigour; ability to participate; open implementation; and an open process. Our work contributes to a deepening in the theorisation of what it means to be an open-source project. The multiple and co-existing meanings of ‘open’ imply that open-source projects evolve in nonlinear ways where each critical meaning of openness causes a reflective questioning by the community of its continued status and existence

    MULTI-X, a State-of-the-Art Cloud-Based Ecosystem for Biomedical Research

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    With the exponential growth of clinical data, and the fast development of AI technologies, researchers are facing unprecedented challenges in managing data storage, scalable processing, and analysis capabilities for heterogeneous multisourced datasets. Beyond the complexity of executing data-intensive workflows over large-scale distributed data, the reproducibility of computed results is of paramount importance to validate scientific discoveries. In this paper, we present MULTIX, a cross-domain research-oriented platform, designed for collaborative and reproducible science. This cloud-based framework simplifies the logistical challenges of implementing data analytics and AI solutions by providing pre-configured environments with ad-hoc scalable computing resources and secure distributed storage, to efficiently build, test, share and reproduce scientific pipelines. An exemplary use-case in the area of cardiac image analysis will be presented together with the practical application of the platform for the analysis of ~20.000 subjects of the UK-Biobank database

    How can Increased Electronic Health Record Interoperability be Achieved through the use of APIs?

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    This paper investigates how application programming interfaces can be used to improve the interoperability (or shareability) of health records. Electronic health records store health information that originates from various sources like prescription order systems, medical devices and even other EHRs. An API helps these disparate systems exchange information with one another. APIs can improve data sharing by using secure standards like FHIR. Having all off this integrated and usable data can aid in the clinical decision process. This would also allow patients to have a more comprehensive look at their health data in patient portals.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Modern Information Systems

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    The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters. This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies of the information systems' development

    Terveystaltio- ja potilaskertomusjärjestelmien yhteentoimivuus

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    Tämä työ tutkii, miten terveystaltio- ja potilaskertomusjärjestelmien yhteentoimivuutta voidaan parantaa. Tutkielman lähtökohtana on, että nykyisillä standardeilla ja terveystiedon mallinnusratkaisuilla on mahdollista edistää yhteentoimivuutta sen eri tasoilla. Työssä tutustutaan terveystaltio- ja potilaskertomusjärjestelmiin ja näiden järjestelmien välisessä yhteentoimivuudessa esiintyviin ongelmiin. Yhteentoimivuuteen liittyvien ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi käydään läpi erilaisia standardeja ja mallinnusratkaisuja, joiden käyttöä arvioidaan järjestelmien välisessä tiedonvaihdossa. Tutkielman tuloksena on, että nykyisillä standardeilla ja mallinnusratkaisuilla voidaan parantaa terveystaltio- ja potilaskertomusjärjestelmien perustason, rakenteellisen tason ja osittaisen semanttisen tason yhteentoimivuutta

    Desarrollo y evaluación de una aplicación Web estandarizada para el almacenamiento e intercambio de Historiales Clínicos Electrónicos (HCEs) en oftalmología: TeleOftalWeb

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    El objetivo de la presente Tesis es el desarrollo, puesta en marcha y evaluación de la aplicación Web, TeleOftalWeb, en sus cuatro versiones, destinada al almacenamiento e intercambio de Historiales Clínicos Electrónicos (HCEs) y retinografías. Cada una de las versiones está desarrollada con diferentes modelos de bases de datos (BDs): dbXML 2.0 más MySQL 5.0, eXist 1.1.1 más MySQL, Xindice 1.2. más MySQL 5.0 y Oracle 10g. A su vez, se estudiarán los estándares de HCE más relevantes entre ellos: Health Level 7 (HL7) y Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine (DICOM). Los resultados de la investigación han sido publicados en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Report (JCR), entre ellas Journal of Medical Systems. Mediante el empleo de TeleOftalWeb por oftalmólogos del Instituto de Oftalmobiología Aplicada (IOBA) de la Universidad de Valladolid se comprueba su correcto funcionamiento con la inserción de más de 1000 HCs y más de 2000 retinografías.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemátic