18 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic and Magnetic Properties of Diatomic Molecules for Non-central Potentials under the Influence of External Magnetic Fields

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    This paper studies the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of some diatomic molecules governed by Scarf and Morse non-central potentials under external magnetic and electric fields. The Schrodinger equation with Scarf and Morse non-central potentials is solved using Supersymmetric WKB quantization conditions to obtain the energy equation and wave function. The influence of the magnetic and electric fields on the energy eigenvalue was discussed. The results show that energy increases with the increasing magnetic field and decreases with the increasing electric field. Moreover, the thermodynamic and magnetic properties involving internal energy, free energy, specific heat capacity, entropy, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, and persistent current were determined by calculating the partition function. The internal energy increases linearly with the increasing magnetic field for a given temperature. Meanwhile, the specific heat capacity decreases with the increasing magnetic field. We point out that the presence of magnetic and electric fields makes the system exhibit diamagnetic behavior

    Penentuan Spektrum Energi dan Fungsi Gelombang Potensial Morse dengan Koreksi Sentrifugal Menggunakan Metode SWKB dan Operator SUSY

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    The purposes of the research are to determine the energy spectrum and wave function of Morsewith centrifugal term using SUSY quantum mechanics. The Morsewith centrifugal termpotential is type of shape invariant potential. The energy spectrum of Morsepotential with centrifugal term is obtained using Supersymmetry -WKB (SWKB) quantization formula and Supersymmetry Operator. The wave function is obtained using Supersymmetry Operator. The energy spectrum obtained using SWKB quantization formula is equal to the result obtained using Supersymmetry Operator. The ground statewave function is obtained from the property of lowering operator that annihilates the ground state wave function.The first excited state wave function is obtained by applying raising operator on the ground state wave function and so the higher level excited state wave functions obtained by operating raising operator to the nearest lower wave function. The energy spectrum obtained using SWKB quantization formula is equal to the result obtained using Supersymmetry Operator. Both energy spectrum and the wave function obtained are only approximation since the centrifugal term is approximated by exponential function. Keywords: Schrödinger equation, Morsepotential, centrifugal term, supersymmetryof quantum mechanic

    El procedimiento de la fuerza ficticia: un símil del método del potencial unidimensional equivalente en la solución del problema de Kepler

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    An alternative procedure to the equivalent one-dimensional potential method is developed to describe the qualitative characteristics of the motion of two particles under the effect of central forces, applying it to the specific case of the Kepler problem related to the otion of the planets around the sun that is, for the inversely proportional attractive force law, the square of the distance. The new treatment called ¨Fictitious Force Method¨ is implemented in the context of Classical Mechanics and differs from the equivalent one-dimensional potential method in that instead to use the fictitious potential, the fictitious force is used; from this last perspective, it is identified that one is dealing with a simile, since it is acting within the same area of knowledge, and that it refers to a new tool with geometric characteristics to obtain qualitative solutions to the cinematic effects when you have central forces between two bodies. The simile, for the particular case treated, leads to the same results of the equivalent one-dimensional potential method that provides conic sections as trajectories for the attractive force of the inverse square between the bodies, but has the advantage that the values ​​of the force can be quantified effective for some specific orbits. Like the equivalent one-dimensional potential method, the fictive force simile can be arbitrarily applied to other central force laws and, most importantly, the procedure could show its potential in other areas of Contemporary Physics, Physical Sciences and ties to Engineering.Se elabora un procedimiento alternativo al del mĂ©todo del potencial unidimensional equivalente para describir las caracterĂ­sticas cualitativas del movimiento de dos partĂ­culas bajo el efecto de fuerzas centrales, aplicándolo al caso especĂ­fico del problema de Kepler relacionado con el movimiento de los planetas alrededor del sol; es decir, para la ley de fuerza atractiva inversamente proporcional al cuadrado de la distancia. El nuevo tratamiento denominado “MĂ©todo de la fuerza ficticia” es implementado en el contexto de la Mecánica Clásica y difiere del mĂ©todo del potencial unidimensional equivalente a que en lugar de emplear el potencial ficticio  se usa la fuerza  ficticia; desde esta Ăşltima perspectiva, se identifica que se está tratando con  un sĂ­mil,  ya que se actĂşa en la misma área del conocimiento, y que se refiere a una nueva herramienta de caracterĂ­sticas geomĂ©tricas para obtener soluciones de tipo  cualitativo  a los efectos cinemáticos cuando se tienen fuerzas centrales entre dos cuerpos. El sĂ­mil, para el caso particular tratado en el presente, conduce a los mismos resultados del mĂ©todo del potencial unidimensional equivalente, que proporciona secciones cĂłnicas como trayectorias para la fuerza atractiva del cuadrado inverso entre los cuerpos, pero tiene la ventaja de que se pueden cuantificar los valores de la fuerza efectiva para algunas Ăłrbitas especĂ­ficas. Al igual que el mĂ©todo del potencial unidimensional equivalente, el sĂ­mil de la fuerza ficticia puede ser aplicado a otras leyes de fuerzas centrales de forma arbitraria y, lo más importante, el procedimiento podrĂ­a mostrar su potencialidad en otras áreas de la fĂ­sica contemporánea, ciencias fĂ­sicas y afines e ingenierĂ­as

    Theoretical Concepts of Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum theory as a scientific revolution profoundly influenced human thought about the universe and governed forces of nature. Perhaps the historical development of quantum mechanics mimics the history of human scientific struggles from their beginning. This book, which brought together an international community of invited authors, represents a rich account of foundation, scientific history of quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics and field theory, and different methods to solve the Schrodinger equation. We wish for this collected volume to become an important reference for students and researchers

    On the structure and reactivity of large complexes of metals and metalloids. A quantum chemical study

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    In this thesis four challenging problems concerning metal- or metalloid-containing systems were studied in order to explain their properties, reactivities and selectivities. Presented applications include the analysis of the reaction paths of the dialkyl zinc additions to unsaturated aldehydes, the characterisation of unusual bonding patterns in metalloid clusters, calculations of the electronic structure of small nickel clusters as well as studies of oxygen activation by a cobalt complex

    References, Appendices & All Parts Merged

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    Includes: Appendix MA: Selected Mathematical Formulas; Appendix CA: Selected Physical Constants; References; EGP merged file (all parts, appendices, and references)https://commons.library.stonybrook.edu/egp/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics

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    Symmetry and quantum mechanics are two of the most fundamental probes we have of nature. This collection of eleven papers discusses new quantum phenomena in atoms, galaxies, and people (quantum cognition), which is a testimonial to the breadth of the influence of symmetry and quantum mechanics. The book represents an international effort of researchers from educational and research institutions in nine countries, including India, Finland, France, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States. The papers can be divided into four broad categories: Fundamentals of quantum systems, including a new derivation of the uncertainty principle from optimal stochastic control theory, a new model of energy transfer between atoms with no wave function collapse, a new asymmetric optical micro-device with the remarkable property of showing a current with no applied voltage, and a model of quantum cognition to predict the effect of irrelevant information on decision making. 2. Algebraic methods in quantum mechanics, describing an elegant derivation of hydrogen atom Stark effect matrix elements, and a new group theoretical method for the computation of radiative shifts. Teleportation and scattering, including a method to improve the information transfer in teleportation, and the use of permutation symmetry to compute scattering cross sections. Cosmology, including scalar-tensor theory applied to inflation, the characterization of new Levi-Cevita space-times, and a comprehensive analysis of gravitational dispersion forces

    Manipulating Light in Organic Thin-film Devices.

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    Optoelectronic devices based on organic semiconductors have been an active topic of research for more than two decades. While organic photovoltaic cells, organic semiconductor lasers, photodetectors and other organic electronics are still working to transition from the laboratory to commercialized products, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have found wide acceptance in small and medium, high-resolution displays, with signs of near-future adoption in TV panels and large-area lighting. The fundamentally different properties of the materials and principles of device operation offer great new possibilities in terms of energy-savings, color gamut, ease and cost of manufacturing, and novel form factors. In the first part of this thesis, we review the operation and optics of OLEDs, focusing on the problem of extracting light trapped in the high refractive index regions of the device. Since nearly 80% of generated light is lost before exiting in the forward viewing direction, detailed understanding of the underlying effects and methods to remedy the issue are necessary. We use 3D finite-element modeling to investigate techniques to outcouple light in a typical OLED. Furthermore, we demonstrate a method of fabricating an embedded dielectric grid with an ultra-low refractive index as an effective means of enhancing outcoupling. Lastly, we present progress in fabricating planarized scattering structures for light extraction. The second half of this thesis deals with the physics and applications of the strong-coupling regime in organic semiconductor microcavities, where a new quasiparticle (the polariton) emerges due to the strong interaction of light and matter. We review the progress of organic polaritonic lasers and present experimental evidence of Bose-Einstein statistics underlying their principle of operation. We show that the polariton lasing threshold in anthracene can be reduced by an order of magnitude as the temperature is decreased, in contrast to the behavior of conventional organic lasers. Additionally, we exploit the strong-coupling regime to engineer a hybrid organic-inorganic excited state at room temperature. Such photon-mediated hybridization of disparate Frenkel and Wannier-Mott excited states may allow new devices with tailored optical properties.PhDPhysicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110410/1/mishas_1.pd