22,713 research outputs found

    Rok 1920. Dzienniki Stanisławy Serafińskiej spisane na Koryznówce w Wiśniczu

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    Rok 1920 Dzienniki Stanisławy Serafińskiej spisane na Koryznówce w Wiśniczu (Dzienniki Rok 1920 Stanisława Serafińska – tytuł z okładki) opublikowane zostały z inicjatywy oddziału Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie: Muzeum Pamiątek po Janie Matejce „Koryznówka” w Nowym Wiśniczu. Są pierwszym wydaniem tego tekstu w całości i stanowią istotny przyczynek uzupełniający lukę zarówno w historii regionu, jak również w historii dziejów opisywanych rodzin. Lektura Dzienników pozwala poznać nastawienie społeczności małopolskiej do działań politycznych krajowych i międzynarodowych oraz wydarzeń z 1920 r


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    October 28, 1918 is the Czech Republic state holiday whose historical memory is a combination of Czech, Czechoslovak, and Central European 20th century history. On this date in Prague, the Czechoslovak Republic was proclaimed, and its fi rst law was passed. Th e events in Prague were part of the complex and long-lasting fall of the Habsburg monarchy and the creation of its successor states, in which national, state-forming, and ideological (e.g. Bolshevist) aspects were interwoven. Accordingly, we can speak of Czech, Slovak, (Czecho)-German, Hungarian, Polish and Rusinian October 28s. As the only state holiday (with an interruption in the period of the Nazi occupation), it was intended to act as the chief connecting and uniting holiday for the CSR state identifi cation; it was to strengthen ‘Czechoslovakism’. Its annual celebrations were associated with a series of rituals not only for the Czechs themselves but, over time and to varying degrees, also for the other nationalities living in the CSR: primarily the Slovaks and the Rusinians were seen to truly accept the ceremonial day. Th e Nazi occupying power was successful only insofar as it forced October 28, 1918 into private crypto-commemoration, while naturally it was celebrated by the resistance movement. Th e Communist regime tried to ‘rewrite’ October 28 in the spirit of social revolution, treating it as the precursor of its political victory aft er 1945 and in particular aft er 1948. It was to be commemorated as the Nationalization Day (of key industries in 1945) in direct relation with the liberation of the CSR by the Soviet Army (alone!) in 1945. Finally, the Communists att empted to force it out of the collective memory through its offi cial non-observance as a remembrance of 1918, and by designating it, in 1975-1988, as a signifi cant, but still a working, day. However, the memory of the Establishment of the Republic refused to be suppressed, as was evidenced in a particularly strong manner in the demonstrations of 1968, 1988 and, crucially, of 1989. All att empts at ‘rewriting’ this holiday in the spirit of ideologies failed in the end, although during the 1938/39 to 1989/92 period spontaneous public celebrations were successfully repressed to a signifi cant degree by means of the political manipulation of Czech/Czechoslovak history

    Physics at the University of Lviv: the first two centuries in the bibliographic aspect

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    A detailed bibliography related to physics at the University of Lviv (Leopolis, Lemberg, Lw\'ow) in 18th-19th centuries is presented. Over ninety works of various types are listed with a large share being illustrated by title or starting pages. Brief biographical accounts of the authors are given to put their works in the context of the University history

    Musicologist Józef Reiss : a perfectionist lecturer

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    Joachimo Lelewelio rinkinių kelionė iš Kurniko į Vilnių

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    Vilnius University Library possesses in its collections the personal library of distinguished historian, Joachim Lelewel (1786–1861), an alumnus and a professor of the Imperial University of Vilna. It consists of books, atlases, maps and other stocks gathered by Lelewel during his exile in Paris and Brussels. In his will, Lelewel bequeathed his library to Vilnius University, should that remembrance institution be restored. The library was temporarily stored at several locations, such as the Polish School at Batignolles (Paris), and Kórnik Library after 1874. In the fall of 1919 Vilnius University was reestablished by the Polish government under the name Stefan Batory University. The institution inherited former university’s meager library which had experienced heavy losses and deprivation during the decades of the Russian rule. Bringing to Vilnius extensive assets of printed and archival records gathered by the Polish emigrants in Western Europe through the 19th century was a great opportunity for the university library as it might significantly enrich its modest possessions. Lelewel’s personal library as well as Library and Archives of the Polish Museum at Rapperswil (Switzerland) were considered as first to be transferred. This article uses archival data to reconstruct almost a four-year long (February 1922 – end of 1925) journey of the Lelewel’s library from Kórnik to Vilnius.Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekoje saugoma istoriko, Vilniaus imperatoriškojo universiteto auklėtinio ir profesoriaus Joachimo Lelewelio (1786–1861) emigracijoje sukaupta asmeninė biblioteka – knygos, atlasai bei žemėlapiai, kitas dokumentinis palikimas. Tai – vieni svarbiausių šios bibliotekos istorinių rinkinių nuo pat jų patekimo į šią atminties instituciją. Emigracijoje (Paryžiuje ir Briuselyje) J. Lelewelio kaupta ir Vilniaus universitetui, kai šis vėl atsikurs, palikta asmeninė biblioteka glaudėsi keliose vietose: Batinjolio lenkų mokyklos bibliotekoje Paryžiuje ir Kurniko bibliotekoje šalia Poznanės (nuo 1874 m.). Lenkams 1919 m. rudenį atkūrus Vilniuje Stepono Batoro universitetą, kaip galimybė praturtinti Rusijos nuskurdintą senojo Universiteto biblioteką iš karto prisiminti̇̀ XIX a. emigrantų sukaupti didieji rinkiniai – Lenkų muziejaus biblioteka Rapersvilyje ir archyvas bei Lelewelio asmeninė biblioteka. Straipsnyje, remiantis archyviniais dokumentais, rekonstruojama daugiau kaip trejus metus (nuo 1922 m. vasario pradžios iki 1925 m. gruodžio pabaigos) užtrukusi J. Lelewelio sukauptų rinkinių kelionė iš Kurniko į Vilnių

    The Impact of Stellar Migration on Disk Outskirts

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    Stellar migration, whether due to trapping by transient spirals (churning), or to scattering by non-axisymmetric perturbations, has been proposed to explain the presence of stars in outer disks. After a review of the basic theory, we present compelling, but not yet conclusive, evidence that churning has been important in the outer disks of galaxies with type II (down-bending) profiles, while scattering has produced the outer disks of type III (up-bending) galaxies. In contrast, field galaxies with type I (pure exponential) profiles appear to not have experienced substantial migration. We conclude by suggesting work that would improve our understanding of the origin of outer disks.Comment: Invited review, Book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in press 39 pages, 15 figure

    Bibliografia historii gospodarczej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: historia gospodarcza Polski \u2013 1918-1939; biografie i pami\u119tniki; informatory; prasa gospodarcza; badania nad histori\u105 gospodarcz\u105 II Rzeczypospolite

    Організація ремісничої освіти у Волинському воєводстві в 1920–1930-х роках (The education of craftmen and its organization of the Volhynian Voivodeship, 1921-1939)

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    У статті розглядається організація ремісничої освіти на території Волинського воєводства у 20-30-х рр. ХХ ст. Охарактеризовано ремісничо-промислові школи, школи-майстерні, школи професійного вдосконалення, а також професійні курси, на яких навчали ремісничій справі. Детально проаналізовано умови прийняття на навчання і укладання угоди про навчання. Розглянуто систему складання іспитів на отримання звання челядника і майстра. Відзначається, що у досліджуваний період ремісникам, які тільки починали свою фахову діяльність у якій-небудь галузі ремесла, необхідно було обов’язково пройти навчання ремеслу і отримати відповідне свідоцтво. У статті зроблено висновок про те, що ремісниче навчання на території Волинського воєводства у міжвоєнний період було розгалуженим і на своєму шляху зустрічалося з великою кількістю труднощів. (The article is devoted to the state of teaching handicraft and its organization of the Volhynian Voivodeship in the 1920–1930-s. The author characterizes handicraft-industrial schools, schools-workshops, schools of work-manship and professional courses where craftsmen were taught, and thoroughly analyzes the conditions of access to the schools and the teaching agreement concluded by the sides. The system of exams and awarding the status of an apprentice and master are considered. The author states that during the period considered in the article, a craftsman who only started his work or worked in any branch of handicraft had to study the craft and get a certain certificate. The author makes a conclusion, that teaching handicraft on the territory of the Volhynian Voivodeship in the 1920–1930-s. was complicated and faced many difficulties.

    Slovak Priests in the Cracow Archidiocese (1920–1939)

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    The delimitation of the Polish-Czechoslovakian border on July 28th 1920, carried out under the provisions of the decision of the Conference of Ambassadors, resulted in the inclusion of the nine parishes of the Nedeca deanery, which formerly had been a part of the Spiš diocese in Slovakia, into the Second Polish Republic. In Poland, the deanery was renamed as the Spisz deanery. However, despite the revision of the political border between Poland and Czechoslovakia, until February 10th 1925 – when the concordat between the Holy See and the Second Polish Republic was signed, following which, on October 28th of the same year the Vixdum Poloniae Unitas bull was issued by Pius XI – the Slovak priests still remained within the jurisdiction of Ján Vojtaššák, the bishop of the Spiš diocese. The formal inclusion of the Spisz deanery to the Cracow archidiocese had been effected on the basis of the provisions of the bull. In consequence of the inclusion, the jurisdiction over the Spisz deanery was transferred to the Archbishop of Cracow, Adam S. Sapieha. The change notwithstanding, eleven Slovak priests remained in their parishes where the shift of the political borders found them. Six of them continued working there until the end of their lives, while four remained in the now Polish territory until their repatriation to Slovakia. In 1928, the eleventh priest, František Urvay, was reassigned to the parish of Bukowina-Podszkle in the region of Orawa. The parishes, either orphaned by or vacated by the Slovak priests, would be assigned new parish-priests, whom Adam S. Sapieha would recruit from among the Polish clergy. In August 1939, the Spisz deanery would only have one Slovak clergyman, a Trybsz-born priest, František Móš[email protected] ŚląskiAkta parafialne (APA 79 (Jurgów); APA 187/II (Łapsze Wyżne); APA 211 (Niedzica). (Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie).Diecezánsky obežník biskupstva spišškého. R. 1921, 1922, 1927, 1937, 1944.Elenchus venerabili cleri archidioceseos Cracoviensis. Sedi Apostolicae immediate subjectae pro Anno Domini 1922. Cracoviae 1922. (a všetky ročníky prameňa do roku 1939, s výnimkou roku 1932, ked' Elenchus nebol vydaný).Konkordat pomiędzy Stolicą Apostolską a Rzecząpospolitą Polską, podpisany w Rzymie dn. 10 lutego 1925 r. (Dz.U.R.P. Nr 72, poz. 501).Notificationes e Curia Principis Metropolitae Cracoviensis. A.D. 1925, Nr. IV.–V.; A.D. 1926, Nr. I.–II. (B.m.d.w.).Osobné spisy kňazov krakovskej diecézy: Pers. A 892 (Stanisław Kudelski); Pers. A 1328 (Jan Tobolak). (Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie).Pamiętnik budowy kościoła parafialnego w Jurgowie. (Archiwum Urzędu Parafialnego w Jurgowie).Pápežská bula Vixdum Poloniae Unitas, (z 25. októbra 1925). In: Notificationes e Curia Principis Metropolitae Cracoviensis. A.D. 1926, Nr. I.–II., s. 1–4.Protocollum status personalis sacerdotum Dioecesis Scepusiensis ab Anno 1848. Vol. I, II. (Archív biskupského úradu v Spišškej Kapitule).Protokół czynności Konsystorza Książęco – Biskupiego Diecezji Krakowskiej w Krakowie w roku 1925; 1927. (Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie).Schematismus Almae Dioecesis Scepusiensis pro Anno a Christo nato 1838. Leutschoviae; bez vročenia. (Navyše Schematismy z rokov: 1920, 1940).Spisz i Orawa w diecezji Krakowskiej 1919–1929. Archívna jednotka bez signatúry. (Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie).J. Ciągwa: Stan prawny na Spiszu i Orawie w latach międzywojennych. W: Studia Iuridica Silesiana. T. 11. Pod redakcją A. Lityńskiego. Katowice 1986.J. Ciągwa: Kościół Krakowski a prawa językowe mniejszości słowackiej na Spiszu w latach 1920–2005. In: Cuius regio, eius religio? II. Publikacja po Zjeździe Historyków Państwa i Prawa, Lublin, wrzesień 2006. Lublin 2008.J. Ciągwa – M. Majeríková-Molitoris: Slovenský kňaz z Tribša. In: Z minulosti Spiša. Ročenka Spišského dejepisného spolku v Levoči. Levoča 2011.Lexikón kňazských osobností Slovenska. Bratislava 2000.F. Móš: Roky 1918–1939 na severnom Spiši. Bratislava 1944.A. Sikora: Roku Pańskiego 1947. In: Pamiętnik budowy kościoła parafialnego w Jurgowie. (Archiwum Urzędu Parafialnego w Jurgowie).E. Wileńska: Jurysdykcja. In: Encyklopedia Katolicka. Tom VIII: Język – Kino. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Lublin 2000.J. Wiślicki: Konkordat. Studium prawne. Lublin 1926.B. Zubert: Inkardynacja – Ekskardynacja. In: Encyklopedia Katolicka. Tom VII: Ignoratio elenchi – Jędrzejów. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Lublin 1997.P. Zubko, M. Švárný: Spišškí biskupi. Spišská Kapitula – Spišské Podhradie 1996.57-74141577