74 research outputs found

    Implementing an FPGA system for real-time intent recognition for prosthetic legs

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of a cyber physical system (CPS) for neural-machine interface (NMI) that continuously senses signals from a human neuromuscular control system and recognizes the user's intended locomotion modes in real-time. The CPS contains two major parts: a microcontroller unit (MCU) for sensing and buffering input signals and an FPGA device as the computing engine for fast decoding and recognition of neural signals. The real-time experiments on a human subject demonstrated its real-time, self-contained, and high accuracy in identifying three major lower limb movement tasks (level-ground walking, stair ascent, and standing), paving the way for truly neuralcontrolled prosthetic legs

    Optimized Biosignals Processing Algorithms for New Designs of Human Machine Interfaces on Parallel Ultra-Low Power Architectures

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    The aim of this dissertation is to explore Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) in a variety of biomedical scenarios. The research addresses typical challenges in wearable and implantable devices for diagnostic, monitoring, and prosthetic purposes, suggesting a methodology for tailoring such applications to cutting edge embedded architectures. The main challenge is the enhancement of high-level applications, also introducing Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, using parallel programming and specialized hardware to improve the performance. The majority of these algorithms are computationally intensive, posing significant challenges for the deployment on embedded devices, which have several limitations in term of memory size, maximum operative frequency, and battery duration. The proposed solutions take advantage of a Parallel Ultra-Low Power (PULP) architecture, enhancing the elaboration on specific target architectures, heavily optimizing the execution, exploiting software and hardware resources. The thesis starts by describing a methodology that can be considered a guideline to efficiently implement algorithms on embedded architectures. This is followed by several case studies in the biomedical field, starting with the analysis of a Hand Gesture Recognition, based on the Hyperdimensional Computing algorithm, which allows performing a fast on-chip re-training, and a comparison with the state-of-the-art Support Vector Machine (SVM); then a Brain Machine Interface (BCI) to detect the respond of the brain to a visual stimulus follows in the manuscript. Furthermore, a seizure detection application is also presented, exploring different solutions for the dimensionality reduction of the input signals. The last part is dedicated to an exploration of typical modules for the development of optimized ECG-based applications

    Deep learning and feature engineering techniques applied to the myoelectric signal for accurate prediction of movements

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    Técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões no Sinal Mioelétrico (EMG) são empregadas no desenvolvimento de próteses robóticas, e para isso, adotam diversas abordagens de Inteligência Artificial (IA). Esta Tese se propõe a resolver o problema de reconhecimento de padrões EMG através da adoção de técnicas de aprendizado profundo de forma otimizada. Para isso, desenvolveu uma abordagem que realiza a extração da característica a priori, para alimentar os classificadores que supostamente não necessitam dessa etapa. O estudo integrou a plataforma BioPatRec (estudo e desenvolvimento avançado de próteses) a dois algoritmos de classificação (Convolutional Neural Network e Long Short-Term Memory) de forma híbrida, onde a entrada fornecida à rede já possui características que descrevem o movimento (nível de ativação muscular, magnitude, amplitude, potência e outros). Assim, o sinal é rastreado como uma série temporal ao invés de uma imagem, o que nos permite eliminar um conjunto de pontos irrelevantes para o classificador, tornando a informação expressivas. Na sequência, a metodologia desenvolveu um software que implementa o conceito introduzido utilizando uma Unidade de Processamento Gráfico (GPU) de modo paralelo, esse incremento permitiu que o modelo de classificação aliasse alta precisão com um tempo de treinamento inferior a 1 segundo. O modelo paralelizado foi chamado de BioPatRec-Py e empregou algumas técnicas de Engenharia de Features que conseguiram tornar a entrada da rede mais homogênea, reduzindo a variabilidade, o ruído e uniformizando a distribuição. A pesquisa obteve resultados satisfatórios e superou os demais algoritmos de classificação na maioria dos experimentos avaliados. O trabalho também realizou uma análise estatística dos resultados e fez o ajuste fino dos hiper-parâmetros de cada uma das redes. Em última instancia, o BioPatRec-Py forneceu um modelo genérico. A rede foi treinada globalmente entre os indivíduos, permitindo a criação de uma abordagem global, com uma precisão média de 97,83%.Pattern recognition techniques in the Myoelectric Signal (EMG) are employed in the development of robotic prostheses, and for that, they adopt several approaches of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This Thesis proposes to solve the problem of recognition of EMG standards through the adoption of profound learning techniques in an optimized way. The research developed an approach that extracts the characteristic a priori to feed the classifiers that supposedly do not need this step. The study integrated the BioPatRec platform (advanced prosthesis study and development) to two classification algorithms (Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory) in a hybrid way, where the input provided to the network already has characteristics that describe the movement (level of muscle activation, magnitude, amplitude, power, and others). Thus, the signal is tracked as a time series instead of an image, which allows us to eliminate a set of points irrelevant to the classifier, making the information expressive. In the sequence, the methodology developed software that implements the concept introduced using a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) in parallel this increment allowed the classification model to combine high precision with a training time of less than 1 second. The parallel model was called BioPatRec-Py and employed some Engineering techniques of Features that managed to make the network entry more homogeneous, reducing variability, noise, and standardizing distribution. The research obtained satisfactory results and surpassed the other classification algorithms in most of the evaluated experiments. The work performed a statistical analysis of the outcomes and fine-tuned the hyperparameters of each of the networks. Ultimately, BioPatRec-Py provided a generic model. The network was trained globally between individuals, allowing the creation of a standardized approach, with an average accuracy of 97.83%

    Acquisition systems and decoding algorithms of peripheral neural signals for prosthetic applications

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    During the years, neuroprosthetic applications have obtained a great deal of attention by the international research, especially in the bioengineering field, thanks to the huge investments on several proposed projects funded by the political institutions which consider the treatment of this particular disease of fundamental importance for the global community. The aim of these projects is to find a possible solution to restore the functionalities lost by a patient subjected to an upper limb amputation trying to develop, according to physiological considerations, a communication link between the brain in which the significant signals are generated and a motor prosthesis device able to perform the desired action. Moreover, the designed system must be able to give back to the brain a sensory feedback about the surrounding world in terms of pressure or temperature acquired by tactile biosensors placed at the surface of the cybernetic hand. It in fact allows to execute involuntarymovements when for example the armcomes in contact with hot objects. The development of such a closed-loop architecture involves the need to address some critical issues which depend on the chosen approach. Several solutions have been proposed by the researches of the field, each one differing with respect to where the neural signals are acquired, either at the central nervous systemor at the peripheral one,most of themfollowing the former even that the latter is always considered by the amputees amore natural way to handle the artificial limb. This research work is based on the use of intrafascicular electrodes directly implanted in the residual peripheral nerves of the stump which represents a good compromise choice in terms of invasiveness and selectivity extracting electroneurographic (ENG) signals from which it is possible to identify the significant activity of a quite limited number of neuronal cells. In the perspective of the hardware implementation of the resulting solution which can work autonomously without any intervention by the amputee in an adaptive way according to the current characteristics of the processed signal and by using batteries as power source allowing portability, it is necessary to fulfill the tight constraints imposed by the application under consideration involved in each of the various phases which compose the considered closed-loop system. Regarding to the recording phase, the implementation must be able to remove the unwanted interferences mainly due to the electro-stimulations of themuscles placed near the electrodes featured by an order of magnitude much greater in comparison to that of the signals of interest amplifying the frequency components belonging to the significant bandwidth, and to convert them with a high resolution in order to obtain good performance at the next processing phases. To this aim, a recording module for peripheral neural signals will be presented, based on the use of a sigma-delta architecture which is composed by two main parts: an analog front-end stage for neural signal acquisition, pre-filtering and sigma-delta modulation and a digital unit for sigma-delta decimation and system configuration. Hardware/software cosimulations exploiting the Xilinx System Generator tool in Matlab Simulink environment and then transistor-level simulations confirmed that the system is capable of recording neural signals in the order of magnitude of tens of μV rejecting the huge low-frequency noise due to electromyographic interferences. The same architecture has been then exploited to implement a prototype of an 8-channel implantable electronic bi-directional interface between the peripheral nervous system and the neuro-controlled hand prosthesis. The solution includes a custom designed Integrated Circuit (0.35μm CMOS technology), responsible of the signal pre-filtering and sigma-delta modulation for each channel and the neural stimuli generation (in the opposite path) based on the directives sent by a digital control systemmapped on a low-cost Xilinx FPGA Spartan-3E 1600 development board which also involves the multi-channel sigma-delta decimation with a high-order band-pass filter as first stage in order to totally remove the unwanted interferences. In this way, the analog chip can be implanted near the electrodes thanks to its limited size avoiding to add a huge noise to theweak neural signals due to longwires connections and to cause heat-related infections, shifting the complexity to the digital part which can be hosted on a separated device in the stump of the amputeewithout using complex laboratory instrumentations. The system has been successfully tested from the electrical point of view and with in-vivo experiments exposing good results in terms of output resolution and noise rejection even in case of critical conditions. The various output channels at the Nyquist sampling frequency coming from the acquisition system must be processed in order to decode the intentions of movements of the amputee, applying the correspondent electro-mechanical stimulation in input to the cybernetic hand in order to perform the desired motor action. Different decoding approaches have been presented in the past, the majority of them were conceived starting from the relative implementation and performance evaluation of their off-line version. At the end of the research, it is necessary to develop these solutions on embedded systems performing an online processing of the peripheral neural signals. However, it is often possible only by using complex hardware platforms clocked at very high operating frequencies which are not be compliant with the low-power requirements needed to allow portability for the prosthetic device. At present, in fact, the important aspect of the real-time implementation of sophisticated signal processing algorithms on embedded systems has been often overlooked, notwithstanding the impact that limited resources of the former may have on the efficiency/effectiveness of any given algorithm. In this research work it has been addressed the optimization of a state-of-the-art algorithmfor PNS signals decoding that is a step forward for its real-time, full implementation onto a floating-point Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Beyond low-level optimizations, different solutions have been proposed at an high level in order to find the best trade-off in terms of effectiveness/efficiency. A latency model, obtained through cycle accurate profiling of the different code sections, has been drawn in order to perform a fair performance assessment. The proposed optimized real-time algorithmachieves up to 96% of correct classification on real PNS signals acquired through tf-LIFE electrodes on animals, and performs as the best off-line algorithmfor spike clustering on a synthetic cortical dataset characterized by a reasonable dissimilarity between the spikemorphologies of different neurons. When the real-time requirements are joined to the fulfilment of area and power minimization for implantable/portable applications, such as for the target neuroprosthetic devices, only custom VLSI implementations can be adopted. In this case, every part of the algorithmshould be carefully tuned. To this aim, the first preprocessing stage of the decoding algorithmbased on the use of aWavelet Denoising solution able to remove also the in-band noise sources has been deeply analysed in order to obtain an optimal hardware implementation. In particular, the usually overlooked part related to threshold estimation has been evaluated in terms of required hardware resources and functionality, exploiting the commercial Xilinx System Generator tool for the design of the architecture and the co-simulation. The analysis has revealed how the widely used Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) could lead o hardware implementations highly inefficient compared to other dispersion estimators demonstrating better scalability, relatively to the specific application. Finally, two different hardware implementations of the reference decoding algorithm have been presented highlighting pros and cons of each one of them. Firstly, a novel approach based on high-level dataflow description and automatic hardware generation is presented and evaluated on the on-line template-matching spike sorting algorithmwhich represents the most complex processing stage. It starts from the identification of the single kernels with the greater computational complexity and using their dataflow description to generate the HDL implementation of a coarse-grained reconfigurable global kernel characterized by theminimumresources in order to reduce the area and the energy dissipation for the fulfilment of the low-power requirements imposed by the application. Results in the best case have revealed a 71%of area saving compared tomore traditional solutions,without any accuracy penalty. With respect to single kernels execution, better latency performance are achievable stillminimizing the number of adopted resources. The performance in terms of latency can also be improved by tuning the implemented parallelismin the light of a defined number of channels and real-time constraints, by using more than one reconfigurable global kernel in order that they can be exploited to perform the same or different kernels at the same time in a parallel way, due to the fact that each one can execute the relative processing only in a sequential way. For this reason, a second FPGA-based prototype has been proposed based on the use of aMulti-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) embedded architecture. This prototype is capable of respecting the real-time constraints posed by the application when clocked at less than 50 MHz, in comparison to 300 MHz of the previous DSP implementation. Considering that the application workload is extremely data dependent and unpredictable due to the sparsity of the neural signals, the architecture has to be dimensioned taking into account critical worst-case operating conditions in order to always ensure the correct functionality. To compensate the resulting overprovisioning of the system architecture, a software-controllable power management based on the use of clock gating techniques has been integrated in order tominimize the dynamic power consumption of the resulting solution. Summarizing, this research work can be considered a sort of proof-of-concept for the proposed techniques considering all the design issues which characterize each stage of the closed-loop system in the perspective of a portable low-power real-time hardware implementation of the neuro-controlled prosthetic device

    Acquisition systems and decoding algorithms of peripheral neural signals for prosthetic applications

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    During the years, neuroprosthetic applications have obtained a great deal of attention by the international research, especially in the bioengineering field, thanks to the huge investments on several proposed projects funded by the political institutions which consider the treatment of this particular disease of fundamental importance for the global community. The aim of these projects is to find a possible solution to restore the functionalities lost by a patient subjected to an upper limb amputation trying to develop, according to physiological considerations, a communication link between the brain in which the significant signals are generated and a motor prosthesis device able to perform the desired action. Moreover, the designed system must be able to give back to the brain a sensory feedback about the surrounding world in terms of pressure or temperature acquired by tactile biosensors placed at the surface of the cybernetic hand. It in fact allows to execute involuntarymovements when for example the armcomes in contact with hot objects. The development of such a closed-loop architecture involves the need to address some critical issues which depend on the chosen approach. Several solutions have been proposed by the researches of the field, each one differing with respect to where the neural signals are acquired, either at the central nervous systemor at the peripheral one,most of themfollowing the former even that the latter is always considered by the amputees amore natural way to handle the artificial limb. This research work is based on the use of intrafascicular electrodes directly implanted in the residual peripheral nerves of the stump which represents a good compromise choice in terms of invasiveness and selectivity extracting electroneurographic (ENG) signals from which it is possible to identify the significant activity of a quite limited number of neuronal cells. In the perspective of the hardware implementation of the resulting solution which can work autonomously without any intervention by the amputee in an adaptive way according to the current characteristics of the processed signal and by using batteries as power source allowing portability, it is necessary to fulfill the tight constraints imposed by the application under consideration involved in each of the various phases which compose the considered closed-loop system. Regarding to the recording phase, the implementation must be able to remove the unwanted interferences mainly due to the electro-stimulations of themuscles placed near the electrodes featured by an order of magnitude much greater in comparison to that of the signals of interest amplifying the frequency components belonging to the significant bandwidth, and to convert them with a high resolution in order to obtain good performance at the next processing phases. To this aim, a recording module for peripheral neural signals will be presented, based on the use of a sigma-delta architecture which is composed by two main parts: an analog front-end stage for neural signal acquisition, pre-filtering and sigma-delta modulation and a digital unit for sigma-delta decimation and system configuration. Hardware/software cosimulations exploiting the Xilinx System Generator tool in Matlab Simulink environment and then transistor-level simulations confirmed that the system is capable of recording neural signals in the order of magnitude of tens of μV rejecting the huge low-frequency noise due to electromyographic interferences. The same architecture has been then exploited to implement a prototype of an 8-channel implantable electronic bi-directional interface between the peripheral nervous system and the neuro-controlled hand prosthesis. The solution includes a custom designed Integrated Circuit (0.35μm CMOS technology), responsible of the signal pre-filtering and sigma-delta modulation for each channel and the neural stimuli generation (in the opposite path) based on the directives sent by a digital control systemmapped on a low-cost Xilinx FPGA Spartan-3E 1600 development board which also involves the multi-channel sigma-delta decimation with a high-order band-pass filter as first stage in order to totally remove the unwanted interferences. In this way, the analog chip can be implanted near the electrodes thanks to its limited size avoiding to add a huge noise to theweak neural signals due to longwires connections and to cause heat-related infections, shifting the complexity to the digital part which can be hosted on a separated device in the stump of the amputeewithout using complex laboratory instrumentations. The system has been successfully tested from the electrical point of view and with in-vivo experiments exposing good results in terms of output resolution and noise rejection even in case of critical conditions. The various output channels at the Nyquist sampling frequency coming from the acquisition system must be processed in order to decode the intentions of movements of the amputee, applying the correspondent electro-mechanical stimulation in input to the cybernetic hand in order to perform the desired motor action. Different decoding approaches have been presented in the past, the majority of them were conceived starting from the relative implementation and performance evaluation of their off-line version. At the end of the research, it is necessary to develop these solutions on embedded systems performing an online processing of the peripheral neural signals. However, it is often possible only by using complex hardware platforms clocked at very high operating frequencies which are not be compliant with the low-power requirements needed to allow portability for the prosthetic device. At present, in fact, the important aspect of the real-time implementation of sophisticated signal processing algorithms on embedded systems has been often overlooked, notwithstanding the impact that limited resources of the former may have on the efficiency/effectiveness of any given algorithm. In this research work it has been addressed the optimization of a state-of-the-art algorithmfor PNS signals decoding that is a step forward for its real-time, full implementation onto a floating-point Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Beyond low-level optimizations, different solutions have been proposed at an high level in order to find the best trade-off in terms of effectiveness/efficiency. A latency model, obtained through cycle accurate profiling of the different code sections, has been drawn in order to perform a fair performance assessment. The proposed optimized real-time algorithmachieves up to 96% of correct classification on real PNS signals acquired through tf-LIFE electrodes on animals, and performs as the best off-line algorithmfor spike clustering on a synthetic cortical dataset characterized by a reasonable dissimilarity between the spikemorphologies of different neurons. When the real-time requirements are joined to the fulfilment of area and power minimization for implantable/portable applications, such as for the target neuroprosthetic devices, only custom VLSI implementations can be adopted. In this case, every part of the algorithmshould be carefully tuned. To this aim, the first preprocessing stage of the decoding algorithmbased on the use of aWavelet Denoising solution able to remove also the in-band noise sources has been deeply analysed in order to obtain an optimal hardware implementation. In particular, the usually overlooked part related to threshold estimation has been evaluated in terms of required hardware resources and functionality, exploiting the commercial Xilinx System Generator tool for the design of the architecture and the co-simulation. The analysis has revealed how the widely used Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) could lead o hardware implementations highly inefficient compared to other dispersion estimators demonstrating better scalability, relatively to the specific application. Finally, two different hardware implementations of the reference decoding algorithm have been presented highlighting pros and cons of each one of them. Firstly, a novel approach based on high-level dataflow description and automatic hardware generation is presented and evaluated on the on-line template-matching spike sorting algorithmwhich represents the most complex processing stage. It starts from the identification of the single kernels with the greater computational complexity and using their dataflow description to generate the HDL implementation of a coarse-grained reconfigurable global kernel characterized by theminimumresources in order to reduce the area and the energy dissipation for the fulfilment of the low-power requirements imposed by the application. Results in the best case have revealed a 71%of area saving compared tomore traditional solutions,without any accuracy penalty. With respect to single kernels execution, better latency performance are achievable stillminimizing the number of adopted resources. The performance in terms of latency can also be improved by tuning the implemented parallelismin the light of a defined number of channels and real-time constraints, by using more than one reconfigurable global kernel in order that they can be exploited to perform the same or different kernels at the same time in a parallel way, due to the fact that each one can execute the relative processing only in a sequential way. For this reason, a second FPGA-based prototype has been proposed based on the use of aMulti-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) embedded architecture. This prototype is capable of respecting the real-time constraints posed by the application when clocked at less than 50 MHz, in comparison to 300 MHz of the previous DSP implementation. Considering that the application workload is extremely data dependent and unpredictable due to the sparsity of the neural signals, the architecture has to be dimensioned taking into account critical worst-case operating conditions in order to always ensure the correct functionality. To compensate the resulting overprovisioning of the system architecture, a software-controllable power management based on the use of clock gating techniques has been integrated in order tominimize the dynamic power consumption of the resulting solution. Summarizing, this research work can be considered a sort of proof-of-concept for the proposed techniques considering all the design issues which characterize each stage of the closed-loop system in the perspective of a portable low-power real-time hardware implementation of the neuro-controlled prosthetic device

    Guidage non-intrusif d'un bras robotique à l'aide d'un bracelet myoélectrique à électrode sèche

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    Depuis plusieurs années la robotique est vue comme une solution clef pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes ayant subi une amputation. Pour créer de nouvelles prothèses intelligentes qui peuvent être facilement intégrées à la vie quotidienne et acceptée par ces personnes, celles-ci doivent être non-intrusives, fiables et peu coûteuses. L’électromyographie de surface fournit une interface intuitive et non intrusive basée sur l’activité musculaire de l’utilisateur permettant d’interagir avec des robots. Cependant, malgré des recherches approfondies dans le domaine de la classification des signaux sEMG, les classificateurs actuels manquent toujours de fiabilité, car ils ne sont pas robustes face au bruit à court terme (par exemple, petit déplacement des électrodes, fatigue musculaire) ou à long terme (par exemple, changement de la masse musculaire et des tissus adipeux) et requiert donc de recalibrer le classifieur de façon périodique. L’objectif de mon projet de recherche est de proposer une interface myoélectrique humain-robot basé sur des algorithmes d’apprentissage par transfert et d’adaptation de domaine afin d’augmenter la fiabilité du système à long-terme, tout en minimisant l’intrusivité (au niveau du temps de préparation) de ce genre de système. L’aspect non intrusif est obtenu en utilisant un bracelet à électrode sèche possédant dix canaux. Ce bracelet (3DC Armband) est de notre (Docteur Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, mes co-directeurs et moi-même) conception et a été réalisé durant mon doctorat. À l’heure d’écrire ces lignes, le 3DC Armband est le bracelet sans fil pour l’enregistrement de signaux sEMG le plus performant disponible. Contrairement aux dispositifs utilisant des électrodes à base de gel qui nécessitent un rasage de l’avant-bras, un nettoyage de la zone de placement et l’application d’un gel conducteur avant l’utilisation, le brassard du 3DC peut simplement être placé sur l’avant-bras sans aucune préparation. Cependant, cette facilité d’utilisation entraîne une diminution de la qualité de l’information du signal. Cette diminution provient du fait que les électrodes sèches obtiennent un signal plus bruité que celle à base de gel. En outre, des méthodes invasives peuvent réduire les déplacements d’électrodes lors de l’utilisation, contrairement au brassard. Pour remédier à cette dégradation de l’information, le projet de recherche s’appuiera sur l’apprentissage profond, et plus précisément sur les réseaux convolutionels. Le projet de recherche a été divisé en trois phases. La première porte sur la conception d’un classifieur permettant la reconnaissance de gestes de la main en temps réel. La deuxième porte sur l’implémentation d’un algorithme d’apprentissage par transfert afin de pouvoir profiter des données provenant d’autres personnes, permettant ainsi d’améliorer la classification des mouvements de la main pour un nouvel individu tout en diminuant le temps de préparation nécessaire pour utiliser le système. La troisième phase consiste en l’élaboration et l’implémentation des algorithmes d’adaptation de domaine et d’apprentissage faiblement supervisé afin de créer un classifieur qui soit robuste au changement à long terme.For several years, robotics has been seen as a key solution to improve the quality of life of people living with upper-limb disabilities. To create new, smart prostheses that can easily be integrated into everyday life, they must be non-intrusive, reliable and inexpensive. Surface electromyography provides an intuitive interface based on a user’s muscle activity to interact with robots. However, despite extensive research in the field of sEMG signal classification, current classifiers still lack reliability due to their lack of robustness to short-term (e.g. small electrode displacement, muscle fatigue) or long-term (e.g. change in muscle mass and adipose tissue) noise. In practice, this mean that to be useful, classifier needs to be periodically re-calibrated, a time consuming process. The goal of my research project is to proposes a human-robot myoelectric interface based on transfer learning and domain adaptation algorithms to increase the reliability of the system in the long term, while at the same time reducing the intrusiveness (in terms of hardware and preparation time) of this kind of systems. The non-intrusive aspect is achieved from a dry-electrode armband featuring ten channels. This armband, named the 3DC Armband is from our (Dr. Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, my co-directors and myself) conception and was realized during my doctorate. At the time of writing, the 3DC Armband offers the best performance for currently available dry-electrodes, surface electromyographic armbands. Unlike gel-based electrodes which require intrusive skin preparation (i.e. shaving, cleaning the skin and applying conductive gel), the 3DC Armband can simply be placed on the forearm without any preparation. However, this ease of use results in a decrease in the quality of information. This decrease is due to the fact that the signal recorded by dry electrodes is inherently noisier than gel-based ones. In addition, other systems use invasive methods (intramuscular electromyography) to capture a cleaner signal and reduce the source of noises (e.g. electrode shift). To remedy this degradation of information resulting from the non-intrusiveness of the armband, this research project will rely on deep learning, and more specifically on convolutional networks. The research project was divided into three phases. The first is the design of a classifier allowing the recognition of hand gestures in real-time. The second is the implementation of a transfer learning algorithm to take advantage of the data recorded across multiple users, thereby improving the system’s accuracy, while decreasing the time required to use the system. The third phase is the development and implementation of a domain adaptation and self-supervised learning to enhance the classifier’s robustness to long-term changes

    From data acquisition to data fusion : a comprehensive review and a roadmap for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices

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    This paper focuses on the research on the state of the art for sensor fusion techniques, applied to the sensors embedded in mobile devices, as a means to help identify the mobile device user’s daily activities. Sensor data fusion techniques are used to consolidate the data collected from several sensors, increasing the reliability of the algorithms for the identification of the different activities. However, mobile devices have several constraints, e.g., low memory, low battery life and low processing power, and some data fusion techniques are not suited to this scenario. The main purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state of the art to identify examples of sensor data fusion techniques that can be applied to the sensors available in mobile devices aiming to identify activities of daily living (ADLs)

    Simulation and implementation of novel deep learning hardware architectures for resource constrained devices

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    Corey Lammie designed mixed signal memristive-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware architectures, which were used to reduce the power and resource requirements of Deep Learning (DL) systems; both during inference and training. Disruptive design methodologies, such as those explored in this thesis, can be used to facilitate the design of next-generation DL systems
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