9,947 research outputs found

    A Case Study on Formal Verification of Self-Adaptive Behaviors in a Decentralized System

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    Self-adaptation is a promising approach to manage the complexity of modern software systems. A self-adaptive system is able to adapt autonomously to internal dynamics and changing conditions in the environment to achieve particular quality goals. Our particular interest is in decentralized self-adaptive systems, in which central control of adaptation is not an option. One important challenge in self-adaptive systems, in particular those with decentralized control of adaptation, is to provide guarantees about the intended runtime qualities. In this paper, we present a case study in which we use model checking to verify behavioral properties of a decentralized self-adaptive system. Concretely, we contribute with a formalized architecture model of a decentralized traffic monitoring system and prove a number of self-adaptation properties for flexibility and robustness. To model the main processes in the system we use timed automata, and for the specification of the required properties we use timed computation tree logic. We use the Uppaal tool to specify the system and verify the flexibility and robustness properties.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    From RT-LOTOS to Time Petri Nets new foundations for a verification platform

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    The formal description technique RT-LOTOS has been selected as intermediate language to add formality to a real-time UML profile named TURTLE. For this sake, an RT-LOTOS verification platform has been developed for early detection of design errors in real-time system models. The paper discusses an extension of the platform by inclusion of verification tools developed for Time Petri Nets. The starting point is the definition of RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns. In particular, we introduce the concept of components embedding Time Petri Nets. The translation patterns are implemented in a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN in the format admitted by the TINA tool. The efficiency of the proposed solution has been demonstrated on various case studies

    Complexity without chaos: Plasticity within random recurrent networks generates robust timing and motor control

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    It is widely accepted that the complex dynamics characteristic of recurrent neural circuits contributes in a fundamental manner to brain function. Progress has been slow in understanding and exploiting the computational power of recurrent dynamics for two main reasons: nonlinear recurrent networks often exhibit chaotic behavior and most known learning rules do not work in robust fashion in recurrent networks. Here we address both these problems by demonstrating how random recurrent networks (RRN) that initially exhibit chaotic dynamics can be tuned through a supervised learning rule to generate locally stable neural patterns of activity that are both complex and robust to noise. The outcome is a novel neural network regime that exhibits both transiently stable and chaotic trajectories. We further show that the recurrent learning rule dramatically increases the ability of RRNs to generate complex spatiotemporal motor patterns, and accounts for recent experimental data showing a decrease in neural variability in response to stimulus onset

    Mapping RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri Nets

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    RT-LOTOS is a timed process algebra which enables compact and abstract specification of real-time systems. This paper proposes and illustrates a structural translation of RT-LOTOS terms into behaviorally equivalent (timed bisimilar) finite Time Petri nets. It is therefore possible to apply Time Petri nets verification techniques to the profit of RT-LOTOS. Our approach has been implemented in RTL2TPN, a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN. The latter is verified using TINA, a TPN analyzer developed by LAAS-CNRS. The toolkit made of RTL2TPN and TINA has been positively benchmarked against previously developed RT-LOTOS verification tool

    Quantitative testing

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    We investigate the problem of specification based testing with dense sets of inputs and outputs, in particular with imprecision as they might occur due to errors in measurements, numerical instability or noisy channels. Using quantitative transition systems to describe implementations and specifications, we introduce implementation relations that capture a notion of correctness ā€œup to Īµā€, allowing deviations of implementation from the specification of at most Īµ. These quantitative implementation relations are described as Hausdorff distances between certain sets of traces. They are conservative extensions of the well-known ioco relation. We develop an on-line and an off-line algorithm to generate test cases from a requirement specification, modeled as a quantitative transition system. Both algorithms are shown to be sound and complete with respect to the quantitative implementation relations introduced
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