14,854 research outputs found

    Robust controller design for input-delayed systems using predictive feedback and an uncertainty estimator

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    [EN] This paper deals with the problem of stabilizing a class of input-delayed systems with (possibly) nonlinear uncertainties by using explicit delay compensation. It is well known that plain predictive schemes lack robustness with respect to uncertain model parameters. In this work, an uncertainty estimator is derived for input-delay systems and combined with a modified state predictor, which uses current available information of the estimated uncertainties. Furthermore, based on Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, a computable criterion to check robust stability of the closed-loop is developed and cast into a minimization problem constrained to an LMI. Additionally, for a given input delay, an iterative-LMI algorithm is proposed to design stabilizing tuning parameters. The main results are illustrated and validated using a numerical example with a second-order dynamic system.This work was partially supported by projects PROMETEOII/2013/004, Conselleria d Educació, Generalitat Valenciana, and TIN2014-56158-C4-4-P-AR, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain.Sanz Diaz, R.; García Gil, PJ.; Albertos Pérez, P.; Zhong, Q. (2017). Robust controller design for input-delayed systems using predictive feedback and an uncertainty estimator. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 27(10):1826-1840. https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.3639S182618402710Stability and Stabilization of Systems with Time Delay. (2011). IEEE Control Systems, 31(1), 38-65. doi:10.1109/mcs.2010.939135Normey-Rico, J. E., Bordons, C., & Camacho, E. F. (1997). Improving the robustness of dead-time compensating PI controllers. Control Engineering Practice, 5(6), 801-810. doi:10.1016/s0967-0661(97)00064-6Michiels, W., & Niculescu, S.-I. (2003). On the delay sensitivity of Smith Predictors. International Journal of Systems Science, 34(8-9), 543-551. doi:10.1080/00207720310001609057Normey-Rico, J. E., & Camacho, E. F. (2008). Dead-time compensators: A survey. Control Engineering Practice, 16(4), 407-428. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2007.05.006Guzmán, J. L., García, P., Hägglund, T., Dormido, S., Albertos, P., & Berenguel, M. (2008). Interactive tool for analysis of time-delay systems with dead-time compensators. Control Engineering Practice, 16(7), 824-835. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2007.09.002Manitius, A., & Olbrot, A. (1979). Finite spectrum assignment problem for systems with delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 24(4), 541-552. doi:10.1109/tac.1979.1102124Artstein, Z. (1982). Linear systems with delayed controls: A reduction. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 27(4), 869-879. doi:10.1109/tac.1982.1103023Moon, Y. S., Park, P., & Kwon, W. H. (2001). Robust stabilization of uncertain input-delayed systems using reduction method. Automatica, 37(2), 307-312. doi:10.1016/s0005-1098(00)00145-xYue, D. (2004). Robust stabilization of uncertain systems with unknown input delay. Automatica, 40(2), 331-336. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2003.10.005Yue, D., & Han, Q.-L. (2005). Delayed feedback control of uncertain systems with time-varying input delay. Automatica, 41(2), 233-240. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2004.09.006Lozano, R., Castillo, P., Garcia, P., & Dzul, A. (2004). Robust prediction-based control for unstable delay systems: Application to the yaw control of a mini-helicopter. Automatica, 40(4), 603-612. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2003.10.007Gonzalez, A., Garcia, P., Albertos, P., Castillo, P., & Lozano, R. (2012). Robustness of a discrete-time predictor-based controller for time-varying measurement delay. Control Engineering Practice, 20(2), 102-110. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.09.001Karafyllis, I., & Krstic, M. (2013). Robust predictor feedback for discrete-time systems with input delays. International Journal of Control, 86(9), 1652-1663. doi:10.1080/00207179.2013.792005Krstic, M. (2010). Input Delay Compensation for Forward Complete and Strict-Feedforward Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(2), 287-303. doi:10.1109/tac.2009.2034923Bekiaris-Liberis, N., & Krstic, M. (2011). Compensation of Time-Varying Input and State Delays for Nonlinear Systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 134(1). doi:10.1115/1.4005278Karafyllis, I., Malisoff, M., Mazenc, F., & Pepe, P. (Eds.). (2016). Recent Results on Nonlinear Delay Control Systems. Advances in Delays and Dynamics. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18072-4Cacace, F., Conte, F., Germani, A., & Pepe, P. (2016). Stabilization of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with input delay using closed-loop predictors. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 26(16), 3524-3540. doi:10.1002/rnc.3517Fridman, E., & Shaked, U. (2002). An improved stabilization method for linear time-delay systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(11), 1931-1937. doi:10.1109/tac.2002.804462Fridman, E., & Shaked, U. (2002). A descriptor system approach to H/sub ∞/ control of linear time-delay systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(2), 253-270. doi:10.1109/9.983353Chen, W.-H., & Zheng, W. X. (2006). On improved robust stabilization of uncertain systems with unknown input delay. Automatica, 42(6), 1067-1072. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2006.02.015Krstic, M. (2008). Lyapunov tools for predictor feedbacks for delay systems: Inverse optimality and robustness to delay mismatch. Automatica, 44(11), 2930-2935. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.04.010Léchappé, V., Moulay, E., Plestan, F., Glumineau, A., & Chriette, A. (2015). New predictive scheme for the control of LTI systems with input delay and unknown disturbances. Automatica, 52, 179-184. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2014.11.003Roh, Y.-H., & Oh, J.-H. (1999). Robust stabilization of uncertain input-delay systems by sliding mode control with delay compensation. Automatica, 35(11), 1861-1865. doi:10.1016/s0005-1098(99)00106-5Bresch-Pietri, D., & Krstic, M. (2009). Adaptive trajectory tracking despite unknown input delay and plant parameters. Automatica, 45(9), 2074-2081. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2009.04.027Kamalapurkar, R., Fischer, N., Obuz, S., & Dixon, W. E. (2016). Time-Varying Input and State Delay Compensation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(3), 834-839. doi:10.1109/tac.2015.2451472Chen, W.-H., Ohnishi, K., & Guo, L. (2015). Advances in Disturbance/Uncertainty Estimation and Attenuation [Guest editors’ introduction]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(9), 5758-5762. doi:10.1109/tie.2015.2453347Chen, W.-H., Yang, J., Guo, L., & Li, S. (2016). Disturbance-Observer-Based Control and Related Methods—An Overview. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(2), 1083-1095. doi:10.1109/tie.2015.2478397Sariyildiz E Ohnishi K Design constraints of disturbance observer in the presence of time delay 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM) Vicenza, Italy 2013 69 74Wang, Q.-G., Hang, C. C., & Yang, X.-P. (2001). Single-loop controller design via IMC principles. Automatica, 37(12), 2041-2048. doi:10.1016/s0005-1098(01)00170-4Zheng, Q., & Gao, Z. (2014). Predictive active disturbance rejection control for processes with time delay. ISA Transactions, 53(4), 873-881. doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2013.09.021Chen, M., & Chen, W.-H. (2010). Disturbance-observer-based robust control for time delay uncertain systems. 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    Rejection of mismatched disturbances for systems with input delay via a predictive extended state observer

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    [EN] The problem of output stabilization and disturbance rejection for input-delayed systems is tackled in this work. First, a suitable transformation is introduced to translate mismatched disturbances into an equivalent input disturbance. Then, an extended state observer is combined with a predictive observer structure to obtain a future estimation of both the state and the disturbance. A disturbance model is assumed to be known but attenuation of unmodeled components is also considered. The stabilization is proved via Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, leading to sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities for the closed-loop analysis and parameter tuning. The proposed strategy is illustrated through a numerical example.PROMETEOII/2013/004; Conselleria d'Educacio; Generalitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: TIN2014-56158-C4-4-P-AR; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: FPI-UPV 2014; Universitat Politecnica de ValenciaSanz Diaz, R.; García Gil, PJ.; Fridman, E.; Albertos Pérez, P. (2018). Rejection of mismatched disturbances for systems with input delay via a predictive extended state observer. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 28(6):2457-2467. https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.4027S24572467286Stability and Stabilization of Systems with Time Delay. (2011). IEEE Control Systems, 31(1), 38-65. doi:10.1109/mcs.2010.939135Fridman, E. (2014). Introduction to Time-Delay Systems. Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09393-2Watanabe, K., & Ito, M. (1981). A process-model control for linear systems with delay. 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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 24(4), 541-552. doi:10.1109/tac.1979.1102124Artstein, Z. (1982). Linear systems with delayed controls: A reduction. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 27(4), 869-879. doi:10.1109/tac.1982.1103023Krstic, M. (2008). Lyapunov tools for predictor feedbacks for delay systems: Inverse optimality and robustness to delay mismatch. Automatica, 44(11), 2930-2935. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.04.010Léchappé, V., Moulay, E., Plestan, F., Glumineau, A., & Chriette, A. (2015). New predictive scheme for the control of LTI systems with input delay and unknown disturbances. Automatica, 52, 179-184. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2014.11.003Sanz, R., Garcia, P., & Albertos, P. (2016). Enhanced disturbance rejection for a predictor-based control of LTI systems with input delay. Automatica, 72, 205-208. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2016.05.019Basturk, H. I., & Krstic, M. (2015). Adaptive sinusoidal disturbance cancellation for unknown LTI systems despite input delay. 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Stabilization of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with input delay using closed-loop predictors. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 26(16), 3524-3540. doi:10.1002/rnc.3517Mazenc, F., & Malisoff, M. (2017). Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems Through a New Prediction Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(6), 2908-2915. doi:10.1109/tac.2016.2600500Guo, L., & Chen, W.-H. (2005). Disturbance attenuation and rejection for systems with nonlinearity via DOBC approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 15(3), 109-125. doi:10.1002/rnc.978Fridman, E. (2003). Output regulation of nonlinear systems with delay. Systems & Control Letters, 50(2), 81-93. doi:10.1016/s0167-6911(03)00131-2Isidori, A., & Byrnes, C. I. (1990). Output regulation of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 35(2), 131-140. doi:10.1109/9.45168Ding, Z. (2003). 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    Time-Varying Input and State Delay Compensation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

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    A robust controller is developed for uncertain, second-order nonlinear systems subject to simultaneous unknown, time-varying state delays and known, time-varying input delays in addition to additive, sufficiently smooth disturbances. An integral term composed of previous control values facilitates a delay-free open-loop error system and the development of the feedback control structure. A stability analysis based on Lyapunov-Krasovskii (LK) functionals guarantees uniformly ultimately bounded tracking under the assumption that the delays are bounded and slowly varying

    On stabilization of bilinear uncertain time-delay stochastic systems with Markovian jumping parameters

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    Copyright [2002] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, we investigate the stochastic stabilization problem for a class of bilinear continuous time-delay uncertain systems with Markovian jumping parameters. Specifically, the stochastic bilinear jump system under study involves unknown state time-delay, parameter uncertainties, and unknown nonlinear deterministic disturbances. The jumping parameters considered here form a continuous-time discrete-state homogeneous Markov process. The whole system may be regarded as a stochastic bilinear hybrid system that includes both time-evolving and event-driven mechanisms. Our attention is focused on the design of a robust state-feedback controller such that, for all admissible uncertainties as well as nonlinear disturbances, the closed-loop system is stochastically exponentially stable in the mean square, independent of the time delay. Sufficient conditions are established to guarantee the existence of desired robust controllers, which are given in terms of the solutions to a set of either linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), or coupled quadratic matrix inequalities. The developed theory is illustrated by numerical simulatio

    Global Stabilization of Triangular Systems with Time-Delayed Dynamic Input Perturbations

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    A control design approach is developed for a general class of uncertain strict-feedback-like nonlinear systems with dynamic uncertain input nonlinearities with time delays. The system structure considered in this paper includes a nominal uncertain strict-feedback-like subsystem, the input signal to which is generated by an uncertain nonlinear input unmodeled dynamics that is driven by the entire system state (including unmeasured state variables) and is also allowed to depend on time delayed versions of the system state variable and control input signals. The system also includes additive uncertain nonlinear functions, coupled nonlinear appended dynamics, and uncertain dynamic input nonlinearities with time-varying uncertain time delays. The proposed control design approach provides a globally stabilizing delay-independent robust adaptive output-feedback dynamic controller based on a dual dynamic high-gain scaling based structure.Comment: 2017 IEEE International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC

    Memory Resilient Gain-scheduled State-Feedback Control of Uncertain LTI/LPV Systems with Time-Varying Delays

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    The stabilization of uncertain LTI/LPV time delay systems with time varying delays by state-feedback controllers is addressed. At the difference of other works in the literature, the proposed approach allows for the synthesis of resilient controllers with respect to uncertainties on the implemented delay. It is emphasized that such controllers unify memoryless and exact-memory controllers usually considered in the literature. The solutions to the stability and stabilization problems are expressed in terms of LMIs which allow to check the stability of the closed-loop system for a given bound on the knowledge error and even optimize the uncertainty radius under some performance constraints; in this paper, the H\mathcal{H}_\infty performance measure is considered. The interest of the approach is finally illustrated through several examples

    Robust H∞ control for a class of nonlinear discrete time-delay stochastic systems with missing measurements

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link - Copyright 2009 Elsevier LtdThis paper is concerned with the problem of robust H∞ output feedback control for a class of uncertain discrete-time delayed nonlinear stochastic systems with missing measurements. The parameter uncertainties enter into all the system matrices, the time-varying delay is unknown with given low and upper bounds, the nonlinearities satisfy the sector conditions, and the missing measurements are described by a binary switching sequence that obeys a conditional probability distribution. The problem addressed is the design of an output feedback controller such that, for all admissible uncertainties, the resulting closed-loop system is exponentially stable in the mean square for the zero disturbance input and also achieves a prescribed H∞ performance level. By using the Lyapunov method and stochastic analysis techniques, sufficient conditions are first derived to guarantee the existence of the desired controllers, and then the controller parameters are characterized in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A numerical example is exploited to show the usefulness of the results obtained.This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dragan Nešic under the direction of Editor Hassan K. Khalil. This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K. under Grant GR/S27658/01, the City University of Hong Kong under Grant 7001992, the Royal Society of the U.K. under an International Joint Project, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK2007075, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60774073, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany