295 research outputs found

    Dead-Time compensators: A unified approach

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    IFAC Linear Time Delay Systems,Grenoble,France,1998This paper shows how most dead-time compensators can be considered as a particular case ofa proposed general control structure. The proposed structure can be tuned taking into account the performance and robustness ofthe closed-loop. The obtained controller is more general and allows better results than previous algorithms. In order to illustrate the results, some simulation examples are shown

    Prediction for control

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    5th IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control 1998 (SSC'98), Nantes, France, 8-10 JulyThis paper shows that "optimal" controllers based on "optimal" predictor structures are not "optimal" in their closed loop behaviour and that predictors should be designed taking into account closed-loop considerations. This is first illustrated with a first order plant with delay. The ISE index is computed for two typical optimal controllers (minimum variance controller and generalized predictive controller) when a stochastic disturbance is considered. The results are compared to those obtained by the use of a non optimal PI controller that uses a non optimal Smith predictor and performs better than the optimal controllers for the illustrative example. A general structure for predictors is proposed. In order to illustrate the results, some simulation examples are shown.Ce papier montre que des lois de commandes "optimales" basees sur des structures predictives "optimales" ne sont pas "optimales" dans leur comportement en boucle fermee et que la synthese de predicteurs devrait prendre en compte des considerations de boucle fermee. Cela est d'abord illustre avec un systeme du premier ordre a retard. l'index ISE est calcule pour deux lois de commandes optimales typiques (loi de commande a variance minim ale et loi de commande predictive generalisee), quand une perturbation stochastique est consideree. Les resultats sont compares a. ceux obtenus avec un regulateur PI non optimal base sur un predicteur de Smith non optimal et sont, pour l'exemple illustratif, meilleurs que ceux obtenus avec un regulateur optimal. Vne structure generale de predicteur est proposee. Pour illustrer les resultats, des exemples de simulations sont montres

    Robust tuning of a generalized predictor-based controller for integrating and unstable systems with long time-delay

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    In this work, a general structure to control long time-delay plants is proposed and an easy methodology to tune the control parameters is outlined. All the sensitivity transfer functions are delay free. The proposed scheme is equivalent to the Smith predictor but able to cope with any kind of systems, including nonminimum phase, unstable and integrating plants. The controllers are designed based on the delay free model. Contrary to other approaches, other than for the digital implementation, no delay approximation is used. A tuning parameter is provided in order to reach an intuitive tradeoff between performance and robust stability. A comparative analysis with respect to recently successful proposals shows a substantial improvement in the performance/robustness tradeoff as well as in the tuning process.This work has been partially granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education research Grants DPI2011-28507-C02-01 and PAID-06-12. The authors are also grateful to the Associate Editor and anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback and comments.García Gil, PJ.; Albertos Pérez, P. (2013). Robust tuning of a generalized predictor-based controller for integrating and unstable systems with long time-delay. Journal of Process Control. 23(8):1205-1216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprocont.2013.07.008S1205121623

    A Prediction approach to introduce dead-time process control in a basic control course

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    7TH IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN CONTROL EDUCATION. 21/06/2006. MADRIDThis paper presents a methodology to introduce the control of dead-time processes using a simple and intuitive predictive approach. A trivial solutionfor the control of a process with a dead-time is first proposed. From this strategythe idea of the predictor based controller is derived. Open-loop predictors andclosed-loop ones are then used to analyze the obtained solution. A simple tuningof the proposed structure for a first order plus dead-time process together with apolynomial approximation of the dead-time allows to derive apidcontroller. Thus,the approach based on the idea of prediction can be used to interpret the use of apidto control a dead-time process. It is illustrated how the performance of thepidcontroller is limited by the modelling error introduced in the approximation. Thepresented approach gives a measurement of the achievable performance. Severalsimulation examples illustrate the results.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI 2005-0456

    Robust PID tuning. Application to a Mobile Robot Pathtraking problem.

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    IFAC Digital Control: Past,Present and Future of PlO Control.Terrassa.Spain.2000This paper presents a methodology for tuning PIDs considering the nominal performance and the robustness as control specifications. The synthesis procedure is similar to the Ziegler-Nichols method for PID controllers and can be easily used for industrial processes. As a workbench for testing the PID controller a mobile robot has been used. The path tracking problem of a mobile robot has been used as a workbench for testing the PID controller

    Teaching control with Basic Maths: Introduction to Process Control course as a novel educational approach for undergraduate engineering programs

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    In this article, we discuss a novel education approach to control theory in undergraduate engineering programs. In particular, we elaborate on the inclusion of an introductory course on process control during the first years of the program, to appear right after the students undergo basic calculus and physics courses. Our novel teaching proposal comprises debating the basic elements of control theory without requiring any background on advanced mathematical frameworks from the part of the students. The methodology addresses, conceptually, the majority of the steps required for the analysis and design of simple control systems. Herein, we thoroughly detail this educational guideline, as well as tools that can be used in the classroom. Furthermore, we propose a cheap test-bench kit and an open-source numerical simulator that can be used to carry out experiments during the proposed course. Most importantly, we also assess on how the Introduction to process control course has affected the undergraduate program on Control and Automation Engineering at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil). Specifically, we debate the outcomes of implementing our education approach at UFSC from 2016 to 2023, considering students' rates of success in other control courses and perspectives on how the chair helped them throughout the course of their program. Based on randomised interviews, we indicate that our educational approach has had good teaching-learning results: students tend to be more motivated for other control-related subjects, while exhibiting higher rates of success.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figures, Screening at the Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical System

    Advanced control based on MPC ideas for offshore hydrogen production

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    [Abstract] The article deals with the design of a Model Predictive Control strategy in an offshore platform located in the Atlantic Ocean that produces hydrogen from the energy of the wind and the waves. This renewable energy is the energy source that feeds a set of electrolyzers which produce hydrogen, taking into account the energy available and optimizing the operation of the plant. The results of the simulation are presented, showing the correct operation of the platform under the proposed control.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; DPI2014-5430-RJunta de Castilla y León; EDU/1083/2013Brasil.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; 305785/2015-0Brasil.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; 401126/2014-

    A Robust Adaptive Dead-Time Compensator with Application to A Solar Collector Field

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    This paper describes an easy-to-use PI controller with dead-time compensation that presents robust behaviour and can be applied to plants with variable dead-time. The formulation is based on an adaptive Smith predictor structure plus the addition of a filter acting on the error between the output and its prediction in order to improve robustness. The implementation of the control law is straightforward, and the filter needs no adjustment, since it is directly related to the plant dead-time. An application to an experimentally validated nonlinear model of a solar plant shows that this controller can improve the performance of classical PID controllers without the need of complex calculations.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TAP95-37

    21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016

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    This work deals with a ruled-based control strategy to produce hydrogen from wind and wave energy in an offshore platform. These renewable energies feed a set of alkaline electrolyzers that produce H2. The proposed control system allows regulating the operation of the electrolyzers, taking into account the energy available and optimizing the performance of the plant. Simulation results obtained are presented, showing correct operation of the platform under this proposed control.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect DPI2014-54530-R