296 research outputs found

    The Cantor Trilogy

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    The Cantor trilogy is a mathematical dystopia featuring JHM as an important part of that world... at least to humans

    Židovski identiteti u Hrvatskoj ā€“ socioloÅ”ko-psiholoÅ”ki aspekt

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    The present study focuses on the way in which Zagreb Jews make sense of themselves and their world. It investigates how historical and socio-political changes have influenced transformations in Jewish identities, and how three generations of Croatian Jews living in Zagreb, the eldest (aged 70+), middle (aged 40ā€“55) and younger (aged 20ā€“30) generation, respond to changes in their social milieu. The study hinges on the premise that identity cannot be formed in isolation, but its emergence and development can only be achieved through social interaction. Embedded in a historical and social context, identity is treated as a product of the interaction between an individual and his environment, in which an individual is an active participant. This qualitative research, based on individual interviews (with the older and middle generation) and group interviews (with the younger generation) demonstrates that the Jews of Zagreb are active participants in their identity construction. Influenced by external factors, especially the Holocaust, the communist regime and the rise in Croatian national consciousness, Jews negotiate a sense of continuity via their own self-narratives, relating it to the self-narratives of others in their environment. A sense of self as a Jew develops from social interactions and meaningful relationships.TežiÅ”te ovog rada je na načinu na koji zagrebački Židovi gledaju na sebe i svoj svijet. U radu se istražuje kako su povijesne i druÅ”tveno-političke promjene utjecale na transformacije u židovskim identitetima te kako tri naraÅ”taja hrvatskih Židova koji žive u Zagrebu, stariji (70 godina i stariji), srednji (starosti 40ā€“55 godina) i mladi (u dobi od 20ā€“30 godina) reagiraju na promjene u svom druÅ”tvenom okruženju. Istraživanje počiva na premisi da se identitet ne može oblikovati u izolaciji, nego se njegova pojava i razvoj mogu postići jedino putem socijalnih interakcija. Usađen u povijesni i socijalni kontekst, identitet se tretira kao rezulat interakcije između pojedinca i njegove okoline u kojoj je pojedinac aktivni sudionik. Ovo kvalitativno istraživanje, temeljeno na individualnim intervjuima (sa starijim i srednjim naraÅ”tajem) i grupnim intervjuima (s mladim naraÅ”tajem) pokazuje da zagrebački Židovi aktivno sudjeluju u stvaranju svojega indentiteta. Pod utjecajem vanjskih činilaca, poglavito holokausta, komunističkog režima i uspona hrvatske nacionalne svijesti, Židovi raspravljaju o osjećaju identiteta preko svojih vlastitih priča povezujući ih s pričama drugih u svom okruženju. Osjećaj samoga sebe kao Židova razvija se iz socijalne interakcije i sadržajnih odnosa

    Gender Justice and Islam: For Male Two and For Female One Qurban. Why?

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    Excerpt: The question we have to ask today as believing Muslims is this: how is it that, in the 21st century, Muslims would rather use a hadith that prefers boys over girls than the actual practice of the Prophet Muhammad? If the Prophet treated his children equally, and showed public affection for his daughter Fatima with the specific gesture of standing up to welcome her every time she came to visit, and if he constantly warned believers to take care of their daughters, how have Muslims ended up cultivating this naming tradition that sends a clear message to daughters that they are not as equally valued as sons

    Hagia Sophia: Holy Wisdom is Feminine Wisdom

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    Hagia Sophia: could it be a mosque on Fridays, a synagogue on Saturdays, a church on Sundays, and a museum during the week

    A novel approach to Hurst analysis of motor vibration data in aging processes

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    Determining age in motors and rotating machinery in general is a serious question. Using the vibration signals collected during motor aging is challenging due to nonlinear and non-stationary nature of these signals. This paper presents a study on applicability of Hurst analysis in motor vibration data collected in an artificial aging process, which at first seems to suggest inapplicability of Hurst Exponents in motor age determinations. Conclusions drawn from the straightforward application of Hurst exponent calculation are used to propose a novel method for Hurst analysis of such signals, named Higuchi-Hurst-Hilbert Vibration Decomposition (HĀ³VD), using Higuchiā€™s algorithm for Hurst exponent calculation and Feldmanā€™s Hilbert Vibration Decomposition overcoming the shortcomings of the original approach and delivering results that were expected based on previous research on frequency domain features of motor vibration in artificial aging processes. Features of this approach have been presented on both Fractional Gaussian noise model and the real vibration data. Non-accelerated bearing aging vibration data was used to demonstrate practical applicability of this new method

    Landauova igra

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    U ovom radu dan je pregled pravila Landauove igre s automobilskim tablicama, kao i postojećih općih rjeÅ”enja. Predstavljeno je jedno moguće novo rjeÅ”enje, kao i računalna verzija ove igre. Također je upozoreno na vezu Landauove igre s jednim zadatkom s natjecanja. Natjecatelji su se možda već susreli sa sljedećim problemom: Zadatak 1 (USAMO 1995/2, [1]) Na pokvarenom džepnom kalkulatoru funkcioniraju samo tipke koje odgovaraju sinusu, kosinusu, tangensu i njima inverznim operacijama. Na zaslonu kalkulatora u početnom se trenutku nalazi 0. Pokazati da se pritiskom na tipke kalkulatora konačan broj puta može dobiti bilo koji pozitivan racionalan broj (Argumenti funkcija su u radijanima, pretpostavka je da kalkulator računa s beskonačnom preciznoŔću)

    Afine transformacije ravnine

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    U ovom tekstu pokuÅ”at ćemo sistematično izložiti teoriju afinih transformacija u ravnini, prilagođenu srednjoÅ”kolskom nivou, te kroz niz ilustrativnih primjera pokazati njihovu primjenu pri rjeÅ”avanju različitih geometrijskih problema. Afine transformacije nalaze se negdje između sintetičkih i nesintetičkih metoda: ne pretvaraju geometrijski problem u algebarski (kao Å”to to čine analitičke metode), ali su neodvojivo povezane s vektorima, vektorskim prostorima i koordinatnim sustavima. Primjeri i zadaci su izabrani tako da pokažu standardne metode rjeÅ”avanja planimetrijskih problema uz pomoć afinih transformacija i omoguće zainteresiranom čitatelju rjeÅ”avanje problema za samostalan rad navedenih na kraju članka


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    Autor prezentira osnovne informacije o inverziji u planimetriji
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