5,173 research outputs found

    3D Face tracking and gaze estimation using a monocular camera

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    Estimating a user’s gaze direction, one of the main novel user interaction technologies, will eventually be used for numerous applications where current methods are becoming less effective. In this paper, a new method is presented for estimating the gaze direction using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), which finds a linear relationship between two datasets defining the face pose and the corresponding facial appearance changes. Afterwards, iris tracking is performed by blob detection using a 4-connected component labeling algorithm. Finally, a gaze vector is calculated based on gathered eye properties. Results obtained from datasets and real-time input confirm the robustness of this metho

    Eye center localization and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction

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    © 2016 Optical Society of America. This paper introduces an unsupervised modular approach for accurate and real-time eye center localization in images and videos, thus allowing a coarse-to-fine, global-to-regional scheme. The trajectories of eye centers in consecutive frames, i.e., gaze gestures, are further analyzed, recognized, and employed to boost the human-computer interaction (HCI) experience. This modular approach makes use of isophote and gradient features to estimate the eye center locations. A selective oriented gradient filter has been specifically designed to remove strong gradients from eyebrows, eye corners, and shadows, which sabotage most eye center localization methods. A real-world implementation utilizing these algorithms has been designed in the form of an interactive advertising billboard to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for HCI. The eye center localization algorithm has been compared with 10 other algorithms on the BioID database and six other algorithms on the GI4E database. It outperforms all the other algorithms in comparison in terms of localization accuracy. Further tests on the extended Yale Face Database b and self-collected data have proved this algorithm to be robust against moderate head poses and poor illumination conditions. The interactive advertising billboard has manifested outstanding usability and effectiveness in our tests and shows great potential for benefiting a wide range of real-world HCI applications

    Eye centre localisation: An unsupervised modular approach

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    © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose - This paper aims to introduce an unsupervised modular approach for eye centre localisation in images and videos following a coarse-to-fine, global-to-regional scheme. The design of the algorithm aims at excellent accuracy, robustness and real-time performance for use in real-world applications. Design/methodology/approach - A modular approach has been designed that makes use of isophote and gradient features to estimate eye centre locations. This approach embraces two main modalities that progressively reduce global facial features to local levels for more precise inspections. A novel selective oriented gradient (SOG) filter has been specifically designed to remove strong gradients from eyebrows, eye corners and self-shadows, which sabotage most eye centre localisation methods. The proposed algorithm, tested on the BioID database, has shown superior accuracy. Findings - The eye centre localisation algorithm has been compared with 11 other methods on the BioID database and six other methods on the GI4E database. The proposed algorithm has outperformed all the other algorithms in comparison in terms of localisation accuracy while exhibiting excellent real-time performance. This method is also inherently robust against head poses, partial eye occlusions and shadows. Originality/value - The eye centre localisation method uses two mutually complementary modalities as a novel, fast, accurate and robust approach. In addition, other than assisting eye centre localisation, the SOG filter is able to resolve general tasks regarding the detection of curved shapes. From an applied point of view, the proposed method has great potentials in benefiting a wide range of real-world human-computer interaction (HCI) applications

    Implementation of Real Time Image Processing for a Human Eye Computer Interaction System

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    People with physical disabilities cannot fully enjoy the benefits provided by computer System. This is because the conventional mouse and keyboard were designed to be used by those who are able bodied. A number of barriers have stood in the way of the integration of eye tracking into everyday applications, including the intrusiveness, robustness, availability, and price of eye-tracking systems. Due to reducing the communication barriers between man and machine human eye computer interaction is important. The goal of this thesis is to lower these barriers so that eye tracking can be used to enhance current human computer interfaces.The main aim of this proposed system is to design and implement a human computer interaction system that tracks the direction of the human gaze. The pupil detection and tracking is an important step for developing a human-computer interaction system. To identify the gaze direction of the user’s eye (right, left, up and down).This work can develop a human computer interaction system that is based on iris tracking.A novel idea to control computer mouse cursor movement with human eyes it controls mouse-moving by automatically affecting the position where eyesight focuses on, and simulates mouse-click by affecting blinking action

    Machine Analysis of Facial Expressions

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    Face recognition technologies for evidential evaluation of video traces

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    Human recognition from video traces is an important task in forensic investigations and evidence evaluations. Compared with other biometric traits, face is one of the most popularly used modalities for human recognition due to the fact that its collection is non-intrusive and requires less cooperation from the subjects. Moreover, face images taken at a long distance can still provide reasonable resolution, while most biometric modalities, such as iris and fingerprint, do not have this merit. In this chapter, we discuss automatic face recognition technologies for evidential evaluations of video traces. We first introduce the general concepts in both forensic and automatic face recognition , then analyse the difficulties in face recognition from videos . We summarise and categorise the approaches for handling different uncontrollable factors in difficult recognition conditions. Finally we discuss some challenges and trends in face recognition research in both forensics and biometrics . Given its merits tested in many deployed systems and great potential in other emerging applications, considerable research and development efforts are expected to be devoted in face recognition in the near future

    A Review on Implementation of Real Time Image Processing for a Human Eye Computer Interaction System

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    People with physical disabilities cannot fully enjoy the benefits provided by computer System .This is because the conventional mouse and keyboard were designed to be used by those who are able bodied. Due to reducing the communication barriers between man and machine human eye computer interaction is important. The main aim of this proposed system is to design and implement a human computer interaction system that tracks the direction of the human gaze. The pupil detection and tracking is an important step for developing a human-computer interaction system. To identify the gaze direction of the user’s eye (right, left, up and down). Human eye uses contactless type devices. This work can develop a human computer interaction system that is based on iris tracking. The iris is widely used as the starting point for detection and tracking. It is an important eye feature that is circular in shape and that can be detected easily

    Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors

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    In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for precise eye detection. First, a couple of AdaBoost classifiers trained with Haar-like features are used to preselect possible eye locations. Then, a Support Vector Machine machine that uses Histograms of Oriented Gradients descriptors is used to obtain the best pair of eyes among all possible combinations of preselected eyes. Finally, we compare the eye detection results with three state-of-the-art works and a commercial software. The results show that our algorithm achieves the highest accuracy on the FERET and FRGCv1 databases, which is the most complete comparative presented so far. © Springer-Verlag 2010.This work has been partially supported by the grant TEC2009-09146 of the Spanish Government.Monzó Ferrer, D.; Albiol Colomer, A.; Sastre, J.; Albiol Colomer, AJ. (2011). Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors. 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