8,374 research outputs found

    Velocity control of ROV using modified integral SMC with optimization tuning based on Lyapunov analysis

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    Remotely Operated Vehicle also known as ROV is a vehicle with high nonlinearity and uncertainty parameters that requires a robust control system to maintain stability. The nonlinearity and uncertainty of ROV are caused by underwater environmental conditions and by the movement of the vehicle. SMC is one of the control systems that can overcome nonlinearity and uncertainty with the given robust system. This work aims to control velocity of the vehicle with proposes the use of modified integral SMC compensate error in ROV and the use of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the adjustment of SMC parameters. The ROV used in this paper has a configuration of six thrusters with five DoF movements that can be controlled. Modified integral sliding mode is used to control all force direction to increase the convergence of speed error. Adjustment optimization techniques with PSO are used to determine four values of sliding control parameters for five DoF. Using Lyapunov stability approach control law of sliding mode is derived and its global stability proved mathematically. Simulation results are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Modified Integral SMC and compared with nonlinear control

    Underwater Robots Part I: Current Systems and Problem Pose

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    International audienceThis paper constitutes the first part of a general overview of underwater robotics. The second part is titled: Underwater Robots Part II: existing solutions and open issues

    Review on auto-depth control system for an unmanned underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using intelligent controller

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    This paper presents a review of auto-depth control system for an Unmanned Underwater Remotely operated Vehicle (ROV), focusing on the Artificial Intelligent Controller Techniques. Specifically, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is utilized in auto-depth control system for the ROV. This review covered recently published documents for auto-depth control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). This paper also describes the control issues in UUV especially for the ROV, which has inspired the authors to develop a new technique for auto-depth control of the ROV, called the SIFLC. This technique was the outcome of an investigation and tuning of two parameters, namely the break point and slope for the piecewise linear or slope for the linear approximation. Hardware comparison of the same concepts of ROV design was also discussed. The ROV design is for smallscale, open frame and lower speed. The review on auto-depth control system for ROV, provides insights for readers to design new techniques and algorithms for auto-depth control

    Design of a remotely piloted vehicle for a low Reynolds number station keeping mission

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    Six teams of senior level Aerospace Engineering undergraduates were given a request for proposal, asking for a design concept for a remotely piloted vehicle (RPV). This RPV was to be designed to fly at a target Reynolds number of 1 times 10(exp 5). The craft was to maximize loiter time and perform an indoor, closed course flight. As part of the proposal, each team was required to construct a prototype and validate their design with a flight demonstration

    Hull Design for ROV with Four Thrusters (X4-ROV)

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    In this research, an X4-ROV consisting of four thrusters is design to develop a small ROV which does not have any rudders for an observation class unmanned underwater vehicle system. Each thruster is arranged at equal intervals to the same plane, and the attitude motions of a roll, a pitch and a yaw, and the translational motion forward are realizable by changing the rotational speeds of four thrusters. In this paper, the construction of an X4-ROV system and the motion method are described, together with the added mass. A torpedo hull shape with four thrusters is draft using solidworks for fabrication of hull (body) shape using a 3d printer. The operator will communicate with ROV via open source platfor

    Single camera depth control in micro class ROV

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    Navigation is one of the main challenges in an underwater vehicle. To measure and sustain the depth in the micro class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) robot is one of the main demands in the underwater robot competition. There are many sensors that can be used to measure the depth; one of the sensors is using a single camera sensor. In this works, camera-based depth control is developed and evaluated for micro class ROV, namely as fitoplankton SAS ROV. Fitoplankton SAS ROV is a micro ROV prototype with six thrusters. To maintain the depth position, a PID control system with a camera-based depth sensor as the input of the setpoint is used. Moreover, the method for the camera to measure the distance is using the triangle similarity method. In this paper, the experimental scenario is using the rectangular marker to measure the distance, and the value of the depth is processing in the ground control station (GCS). The GCS will send the thruster value to control the depth, which depends on the PID control system. The experiment results show an average of depth accuracy of 95.74% to the depth setpoint

    Robust Controller Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Worldwide there has been a surge of interest in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). The ability to operate without human intervention is what makes this technology so appealing. On the other hand, the absence of the human narrows the AUV operation to its control system, computing, and sensing capabilities. Therefore, devising a robust control is mandatory to allow the feasibility of the AUV. Motivated by this fact, this thesis aims to present, discuss and evaluate two linear control solutions being proposed for an AUV developed by a consortium led by CEiiA. To allow the controller design, the dynamic model of this vehicle and respective considerations are firstly addressed. Since the purpose is to enable the vehicle’s operation, devising suitable guidance laws becomes essential. A simple waypoint following and station keeping algorithm, and a path following algorithms are presented. To devise the controllers, a linear version of the dynamic model is derived considering a single operational point. Then, through the decoupling of the linear system into three lightly interactive subsystems, four Proportional Integral Derivative controllers (PIDs) are devised for each Degree Of Freedom (DOF) of the vehicle. A Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design, based on the decoupling of the linear model into longitudinal and lateral subsystems is also devised. To allocate the controller output throughout the actuators, a control allocation law is devised, which improves maneuverability of the vehicle. The results present a solid performance for both control methods, however, in this work, LQR proved to be slightly faster than PID.É visível, a nível mundial, um aumento considerável do interesse em Veículos Autónomos Subaquáticos (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - AUV). O que torna esta tecnologia tão atraente é a capacidade de operar sem intervenção humana. Contudo, a ausência do ser humano restringe a operação do AUV ao seu sistema de controlo, computação e capacidades de detecção. Desta forma, conceber um controlo robusto é obrigatório para viabilizar o AUV. Motivado por este facto, esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar, discutir e avaliar duas soluções de controlo linear, a propor a um AUV desenvolvido por um consórcio liderado pelo CEiiA. Para que o projeto do controlador seja possível, o modelo dinâmico deste veículo e respectivas considerações são primeiramente abordados. Com a finalidade de possibilitar a operação do veículo, torna-se essencial a elaboração de leis de guidance adequadas. Para este efeito são apresentados algorítmos de Waypoint following e Station keeping, e de path following. Para a projeção dos controladores é derivada uma versão linear do modelo dinâmico, considerando um único ponto operacional. Através da separação do modelo linear em três subsistemas são criados quatro controladores Proporcional Integral Derivativo (PID) para cada grau de liberdade (Degree Of Freedom - DOF) do veículo. É também projetado um Regulador Linear Quadrático (LQR), baseado na separação do modelo linear em dois subsistemas, longitudinal e lateral. É ainda apresentada uma lei de alocação de controlo para distribuir o sinal de saída dos controladores pelos diferentes atuadores. Esta provou melhorar a manobrabilidade do veículo. Os resultados finais apresentam um desempenho sólido para ambos os métodos de controlo. No entanto, neste trabalho, o LQR provou ser mais rápido do que o PID