307 research outputs found

    A fractional representation approach to the robust regulation problem for MIMO systems

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    The aim of this paper is in developing unifying frequency domain theory for robust regulation of MIMO systems. The main theoretical results achieved are a new formulation of the internal model principle, solvability conditions for the robust regulation problem, and a parametrization of all robustly regulating controllers. The main results are formulated with minimal assumptions and without using coprime factorizations thus guaranteeing applicability with a very general class of systems. In addition to theoretical results, the design of robust controllers is addressed. The results are illustrated by two examples involving a delay and a heat equation.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, submitted to International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Contro

    A fractional representation approach to the robust regulation problem for SISO systems

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    The purpose of this article is to develop a new approach to the robust regulation problem for plants which do not necessarily admit coprime factorizations. The approach is purely algebraic and allows us dealing with a very general class of systems in a unique simple framework. We formulate the famous internal model principle in a form suitable for plants defined by fractional representations which are not necessarily coprime factorizations. By using the internal model principle, we are able to give necessary and sufficient solvability conditions for the robust regulation problem and to parameterize all robustly regulating controllers.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Systems & Control Letter

    Linear Control Theory with an ℋ∞ Optimality Criterion

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    This expository paper sets out the principal results in ℋ∞ control theory in the context of continuous-time linear systems. The focus is on the mathematical theory rather than computational methods

    Polynomial solutions to H∞ problems

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    The paper presents a polynomial solution to the standard H∞-optimal control problem. Based on two polynomial J-spectral factorization problems, a parameterization of all suboptimal compensators is obtained. A bound on the McMillan degree of suboptimal compensators is derived and an algorithm is formulated that may be used to solve polynomial J-spectral factorization problems

    Frequency response modeling and control of flexible structures: Computational methods

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    The dynamics of vibrations in flexible structures can be conventiently modeled in terms of frequency response models. For structural control such models capture the distributed parameter dynamics of the elastic structural response as an irrational transfer function. For most flexible structures arising in aerospace applications the irrational transfer functions which arise are of a special class of pseudo-meromorphic functions which have only a finite number of right half place poles. Computational algorithms are demonstrated for design of multiloop control laws for such models based on optimal Wiener-Hopf control of the frequency responses. The algorithms employ a sampled-data representation of irrational transfer functions which is particularly attractive for numerical computation. One key algorithm for the solution of the optimal control problem is the spectral factorization of an irrational transfer function. The basis for the spectral factorization algorithm is highlighted together with associated computational issues arising in optimal regulator design. Options for implementation of wide band vibration control for flexible structures based on the sampled-data frequency response models is also highlighted. A simple flexible structure control example is considered to demonstrate the combined frequency response modeling and control algorithms

    Regulation and robust stabilization: a behavioral approach

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    In this thesis we consider a number of control synthesis problems within the behavioral approach to systems and control. In particular, we consider the problem of regulation, the H! control problem, and the robust stabilization problem. We also study the problems of regular implementability and stabilization with constraints on the input/output structure of the admissible controllers. The systems in this thesis are assumed to be open dynamical systems governed by linear constant coefficient ordinary differential equations. The behavior of such system is the set of all solutions to the differential equations. Given a plant with its to-be-controlled variable and interconnection variable, control of the plant is nothing but restricting the behavior of the to-be-controlled plant variable to a desired subbehavior. This restriction is brought about by interconnecting the plant with a controller (that we design) through the plant interconnection variable. In the interconnected system the plant interconnection variable has to obey the laws of both the plant and the controller. The interconnected system is also called the controlled system, in which the controller is an embedded subsystem. The interconnection of the plant and the controller is said to be regular if the laws governing the interconnection variable are independent from the laws governing the plant. We call a specification regularly implementable if there exists a controller acting on the plant interconnection variable, such that, in the interconnected system, the behavior of the to-becontrolled variable coincides with the specification and the interconnection is regular. Within the framework of regular interconnection we solve the control problems listed in the first paragraph. Solvability conditions for these problems are independent of the particular representations of the plant and the desired behavior.

    A State-Space Approach to Parametrization of Stabilizing Controllers for Nonlinear Systems

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    A state-space approach to Youla-parametrization of stabilizing controllers for linear and nonlinear systems is suggested. The stabilizing controllers (or a class of stabilizing controllers for nonlinear systems) are characterized as (linear/nonlinear) fractional transformations of stable parameters. The main idea behind this approach is to decompose the output feedback stabilization problem into state feedback and state estimation problems. The parametrized output feedback controllers have separation structures. A separation principle follows from the construction. This machinery allows the parametrization of stabilizing controllers to be conducted directly in state space without using coprime-factorization