10 research outputs found

    Распределение значений локальной кривизны как структурный признак для off-line верификации рукописной подписи

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    In the paper, a new feature for describing a digital image of a handwritten signature based on the frequency distribution of the values of the local curvature of the signature contours, is proposed. The calculation of this feature on the binary image of a signature is described in detail. A normalized histogram of distributions of local curvature values for 40 bins is formed. The frequency values recorded as a 40-dimensional vector are called the local curvature code of the signature.During verification, the proximity of signature pairs is determined by correlation between curvature codes and LBP codes described by the authors in [23]. To perform the signature verification procedure, a two-dimensional feature space is constructed containing images of the proximity of signature pairs. When verifying a signature with N authentic signatures of the same person, N(N-1)/2 patterns of the proximity of pairs of genuine signatures and N images of pairs of proximity of the analyzed signature with genuine signatures are presented in the feature space. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as a classifier.Experimental studies were carried out on digitized images of genuine and fake signatures from two databases. The accuracy of automatic verification of signatures on the publicly available CEDAR database was 99,77 % and on TUIT was 88,62 %.В работе предложен новый признак описания цифрового изображения рукописной подписи на базе частотного распределения значений локальной кривизны контуров этой подписи. Подробно описывается вычисление этого признака на бинарном изображении подписи. Формируется нормализованная гистограмма распределений значений локальной кривизны для 40 интервалов. Частотные значения, записанные в виде 40-мерного вектора, названы кодом локальной кривизны подписи.При верификации близость двух подписей определяется корреляцией между кодами кривизны и LBP-кодами, описанными авторами в работе [23]. Для выполнения процедуры верификации подписи строится двумерное признаковое пространство, содержащее образы корреляционной близости пар подписей. При верификации подписи с N подлинными подписями этого же человека в признаковом пространстве представлено N(N-1)/2 образов близости пар подлинных подписей и N образов пар близости анализируемой подписи с подлинными. В качестве классификатора используется машина опорных векторов (SVM).Экспериментальные исследования выполнены на оцифрованных изображениях подлинных и фальшивых подписей из двух баз. Точность автоматической верификации подписей на общедоступной базе CEDAR составила 99,77 %, а на базе TUIT 88,62 %

    Распределение значений локальной кривизны как структурный признак для off-line верификации рукописной подписи

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    В работе предложен новый признак описания цифрового изображения рукописной подписи на базе частотного распределения значений локальной кривизны контуров этой подписи. Подробно описывается вычисление этого признака на бинарном изображении подписи. Формируется нормализованная гистограмма распределений значений локальной кривизны для 40 интервалов. Частотные значения, записанные в виде 40-мерного вектора, названы кодом локальной кривизны подписи. При верификации близость двух подписей определяется корреляцией между кодами кривизны и LBP-кодами, описанными авторами в работе [23]. Для выполнения процедуры верификации подписи строится двумерное признаковое пространство, содержащее образы корреляционной близости пар подписей. При верификации подписи с N подлинными подписями этого же человека в признаковом пространстве представлено N(N-1)/2 образов близости пар подлинных подписей и N образов пар близости анализируемой подписи с подлинными. В качестве классификатора используется машина опорных векторов (SVM). Экспериментальные исследования выполнены на оцифрованных изображениях подлинных и фальшивых подписей из двух баз. Точность автоматической верификации подписей на общедоступной базе CEDAR составила 99,77 %, а на базе TUIT 88,62 %

    Adaptive Pseudo Dilation for Gestalt Edge Grouping and Contour Detection

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    Exploitation d'indices visuels liés au mouvement pour l'interprétation du contenu des séquences vidéos

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    L'interprétation du contenu des séquences vidéo est un des principaux domaines de recherche en vision artificielle. Dans le but d'enrichir l'information provenant des indices visuels qui sont propres à une seule image, on peut se servir d'indices découlant du mouvement entre les images. Ce mouvement peut être causé par un changement d'orientation ou de position du système d'acquisition, par un déplacement des objets dans la scène, et par bien d'autres facteurs. Je me suis intéressé à deux phénomènes découlant du mouvement dans les séquences vidéo. Premièrement, le mouvement causé par la caméra, et comment il est possible de l'interpréter par une combinaison du mouvement apparent entre les images, et du déplacement de points de fuite dans ces images. Puis, je me suis intéressé à la détection et la classification du phénomène d'occultation, qui est causé par le mouvement dans une scène complexe, grâce à un modèle géométrique dans le volume spatio-temporel. Ces deux travaux sont présentés par le biais de deux articles soumis pour publication dans des revues scientifiques

    Computational models for image contour grouping

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    Contours are one dimensional curves which may correspond to meaningful entities such as object boundaries. Accurate contour detection will simplify many vision tasks such as object detection and image recognition. Due to the large variety of image content and contour topology, contours are often detected as edge fragments at first, followed by a second step known as {u0300}{u0300}contour grouping'' to connect them. Due to ambiguities in local image patches, contour grouping is essential for constructing globally coherent contour representation. This thesis aims to group contours so that they are consistent with human perception. We draw inspirations from Gestalt principles, which describe perceptual grouping ability of human vision system. In particular, our work is most relevant to the principles of closure, similarity, and past experiences. The first part of our contribution is a new computational model for contour closure. Most of existing contour grouping methods have focused on pixel-wise detection accuracy and ignored the psychological evidences for topological correctness. This chapter proposes a higher-order CRF model to achieve contour closure in the contour domain. We also propose an efficient inference method which is guaranteed to find integer solutions. Tested on the BSDS benchmark, our method achieves a superior contour grouping performance, comparable precision-recall curves, and more visually pleasant results. Our work makes progresses towards a better computational model of human perceptual grouping. The second part is an energy minimization framework for salient contour detection problem. Region cues such as color/texture homogeneity, and contour cues such as local contrast, are both useful for this task. In order to capture both kinds of cues in a joint energy function, topological consistency between both region and contour labels must be satisfied. Our technique makes use of the topological concept of winding numbers. By using a fast method for winding number computation, we find that a small number of linear constraints are sufficient for label consistency. Our method is instantiated by ratio-based energy functions. Due to cue integration, our method obtains improved results. User interaction can also be incorporated to further improve the results. The third part of our contribution is an efficient category-level image contour detector. The objective is to detect contours which most likely belong to a prescribed category. Our method, which is based on three levels of shape representation and non-parametric Bayesian learning, shows flexibility in learning from either human labeled edge images or unlabelled raw images. In both cases, our experiments obtain better contour detection results than competing methods. In addition, our training process is robust even with a considerable size of training samples. In contrast, state-of-the-art methods require more training samples, and often human interventions are required for new category training. Last but not least, in Chapter 7 we also show how to leverage contour information for symmetry detection. Our method is simple yet effective for detecting the symmetric axes of bilaterally symmetric objects in unsegmented natural scene images. Compared with methods based on feature points, our model can often produce better results for the images containing limited texture

    Robust estimation of adaptive tensors of curvature by tensor voting

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    Although curvature estimation from a given mesh or regularly sampled point set is a well-studied problem, it is still challenging when the input consists of a cloud of unstructured points corrupted by misalignment error and outlier noise. Such input is ubiquitous in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a three-pass tensor voting algorithm to robustly estimate curvature tensors, from which accurate principal curvatures and directions can be calculated. Our quantitative estimation is an improvement over the previous two-pass algorithm, where only qualitative curvature estimation (sign of Gaussian curvature) is performed. To overcome misalignment errors, our improved method automatically corrects input point locations at subvoxel precision, which also rejects outliers that are uncorrectable. To adapt to different scales locally, we define the RadiusHit of a curvature tensor to quantify estimation accuracy and applicability. Our curvature estimation algorithm has been proven with detailed quantitative experiments, performing better in a variety of standard error metrics (percentage error in curvature magnitudes, absolute angle difference in curvature direction) in the presence of a large amount of misalignment noise

    Automated Extraction of Road Information from Mobile Laser Scanning Data

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    Effective planning and management of transportation infrastructure requires adequate geospatial data. Existing geospatial data acquisition techniques based on conventional route surveys are very time consuming, labor intensive, and costly. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) technology enables a rapid collection of enormous volumes of highly dense, irregularly distributed, accurate geo-referenced point cloud data in the format of three-dimensional (3D) point clouds. Today, more and more commercial MLS systems are available for transportation applications. However, many transportation engineers have neither interest in the 3D point cloud data nor know how to transform such data into their computer-aided model (CAD) formatted geometric road information. Therefore, automated methods and software tools for rapid and accurate extraction of 2D/3D road information from the MLS data are urgently needed. This doctoral dissertation deals with the development and implementation aspects of a novel strategy for the automated extraction of road information from the MLS data. The main features of this strategy include: (1) the extraction of road surfaces from large volumes of MLS point clouds, (2) the generation of 2D geo-referenced feature (GRF) images from the road-surface data, (3) the exploration of point density and intensity of MLS data for road-marking extraction, and (4) the extension of tensor voting (TV) for curvilinear pavement crack extraction. In accordance with this strategy, a RoadModeler prototype with three computerized algorithms was developed. They are: (1) road-surface extraction, (2) road-marking extraction, and (3) pavement-crack extraction. Four main contributions of this development can be summarized as follows. Firstly, a curb-based approach to road surface extraction with assistance of the vehicle’s trajectory is proposed and implemented. The vehicle’s trajectory and the function of curbs that separate road surfaces from sidewalks are used to efficiently separate road-surface points from large volume of MLS data. The accuracy of extracted road surfaces is validated with manually selected reference points. Secondly, the extracted road enables accurate detection of road markings and cracks for transportation-related applications in road traffic safety. To further improve computational efficiency, the extracted 3D road data are converted into 2D image data, termed as a GRF image. The GRF image of the extracted road enables an automated road-marking extraction algorithm and an automated crack detection algorithm, respectively. Thirdly, the automated road-marking extraction algorithm applies a point-density-dependent, multi-thresholding segmentation to the GRF image to overcome unevenly distributed intensity caused by the scanning range, the incidence angle, and the surface characteristics of an illuminated object. The morphological operation is then implemented to deal with the presence of noise and incompleteness of the extracted road markings. Fourthly, the automated crack extraction algorithm applies an iterative tensor voting (ITV) algorithm to the GRF image for crack enhancement. The tensor voting, a perceptual organization method that is capable of extracting curvilinear structures from the noisy and corrupted background, is explored and extended into the field of crack detection. The successful development of three algorithms suggests that the RoadModeler strategy offers a solution to the automated extraction of road information from the MLS data. Recommendations are given for future research and development to be conducted to ensure that this progress goes beyond the prototype stage and towards everyday use

    New contributions in overcomplete image representations inspired from the functional architecture of the primary visual cortex = Nuevas contribuciones en representaciones sobrecompletas de imágenes inspiradas por la arquitectura funcional de la corteza visual primaria

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    The present thesis aims at investigating parallelisms between the functional architecture of primary visual areas and image processing methods. A first objective is to refine existing models of biological vision on the base of information theory statements and a second is to develop original solutions for image processing inspired from natural vision. The available data on visual systems contains physiological and psychophysical studies, Gestalt psychology and statistics on natural images The thesis is mostly centered in overcomplete representations (i.e. representations increasing the dimensionality of the data) for multiple reasons. First because they allow to overcome existing drawbacks of critically sampled transforms, second because biological vision models appear overcomplete and third because building efficient overcomplete representations raises challenging and actual mathematical problems, in particular the problem of sparse approximation. The thesis proposes first a self-invertible log-Gabor wavelet transformation inspired from the receptive field and multiresolution arrangement of the simple cells in the primary visual cortex (V1). This transform shows promising abilities for noise elimination. Second, interactions observed between V1 cells consisting in lateral inhibition and in facilitation between aligned cells are shown efficient for extracting edges of natural images. As a third point, the redundancy introduced by the overcompleteness is reduced by a dedicated sparse approximation algorithm which builds a sparse representation of the images based on their edge content. For an additional decorrelation of the image information and for improving the image compression performances, edges arranged along continuous contours are coded in a predictive manner through chains of coefficients. This offers then an efficient representation of contours. Fourth, a study on contour completion using the tensor voting framework based on Gestalt psychology is presented. There, the use of iterations and of the curvature information allow to improve the robustness and the perceptual quality of the existing method. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo indagar en algunos paralelismos entre la arquitectura funcional de las áreas visuales primarias y el tratamiento de imágenes. Un primer objetivo consiste en mejorar los modelos existentes de visión biológica basándose en la teoría de la información. Un segundo es el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de tratamiento de imágenes inspirados de la visión natural. Los datos disponibles sobre el sistema visual abarcan estudios fisiológicos y psicofísicos, psicología Gestalt y estadísticas de las imágenes naturales. La tesis se centra principalmente en las representaciones sobrecompletas (i.e. representaciones que incrementan la dimensionalidad de los datos) por las siguientes razones. Primero porque permiten sobrepasar importantes desventajas de las transformaciones ortogonales; segundo porque los modelos de visión biológica necesitan a menudo ser sobrecompletos y tercero porque construir representaciones sobrecompletas eficientes involucra problemas matemáticos relevantes y novedosos, en particular el problema de las aproximaciones dispersas. La tesis propone primero una transformación en ondículas log-Gabor auto-inversible inspirada del campo receptivo y la organización en multiresolución de las células simples del cortex visual primario (V1). Esta transformación ofrece resultados prometedores para la eliminación del ruido. En segundo lugar, las interacciones observadas entre las células de V1 que consisten en la inhibición lateral y en la facilitación entre células alineadas se han mostrado eficientes para extraer los bordes de las imágenes naturales. En tercer lugar, la redundancia introducida por la transformación sobrecompleta se reduce gracias a un algoritmo dedicado de aproximación dispersa el cual construye una representación dispersa de las imágenes sobre la base de sus bordes. Para una decorrelación adicional y para conseguir más altas tasas de compresión, los bordes alineados a lo largo de contornos continuos están codificado de manera predictiva por cadenas de coeficientes, lo que ofrece una representacion eficiente de los contornos. Finalmente se presenta un estudio sobre el cierre de contornos utilizando la metodología de tensor voting. Proponemos el uso de iteraciones y de la información de curvatura para mejorar la robustez y la calidad perceptual de los métodos existentes

    Robust perceptual organization techniques for analysis of color images

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    Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis robusto de imágenes estrechamente relacionadas con el comportamiento del sistema visual humano. Uno de los pilares de la tesis es la votación tensorial, una técnica robusta que propaga y agrega información codificada en tensores mediante un proceso similar a la convolución. Su robustez y adaptabilidad han sido claves para su uso en esta tesis. Ambas propiedades han sido verificadas en tres nuevas aplicaciones de la votación tensorial: estimación de estructura, detección de bordes y segmentación de imágenes adquiridas mediante estereovisión.El mayor problema de la votación tensorial es su elevado coste computacional. En esta línea, esta tesis propone dos nuevas implementaciones eficientes de la votación tensorial derivadas de un análisis en profundidad de esta técnica.A pesar de su capacidad de adaptación, esta tesis muestra que la formulación original de la votación tensorial (a partir de aquí, votación tensorial clásica) no es adecuada para algunas aplicaciones, dado que las hipótesis en las que se basa no se ajustan a todas ellas. Esto ocurre particularmente en el filtrado de imágenes en color. Así, esta tesis muestra que, más que un método, la votación tensorial es una metodología en la que la codificación y el proceso de votación pueden ser adaptados específicamente para cada aplicación, manteniendo el espíritu de la votación tensorial.En esta línea, esta tesis propone un marco unificado en el que se realiza a la vez el filtrado de imágenes y la detección robusta de bordes. Este marco de trabajo es una extensión de la votación tensorial clásica en la que el color y la probabilidad de encontrar un borde en cada píxel se codifican mediante tensores, y en el que el proceso de votación se basa en un conjunto de criterios perceptuales relacionados con el modo en que el sistema visual humano procesa información. Los avances recientes en la percepción del color han sido esenciales en el diseño de dicho proceso de votación.Este nuevo enfoque ha sido efectivo, obteniendo excelentes resultados en ambas aplicaciones. En concreto, el nuevo método aplicado al filtrado de imágenes tiene un mejor rendimiento que los métodos del estado del arte para ruido real. Esto lo hace más adecuado para aplicaciones reales, donde los algoritmos de filtrado son imprescindibles. Además, el método aplicado a detección de bordes produce resultados más robustos que las técnicas del estado del arte y tiene un rendimiento competitivo con relación a la completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión y rechazo de falsas alarmas.Además, esta tesis demuestra que este nuevo marco de trabajo puede combinarse con otras técnicas para resolver el problema de segmentación robusta de imágenes. Los tensores obtenidos mediante el nuevo método se utilizan para clasificar píxeles como probablemente homogéneos o no homogéneos. Ambos tipos de píxeles se segmentan a continuación por medio de una variante de un algoritmo eficiente de segmentación de imágenes basada en grafos. Los experimentos muestran que el algoritmo propuesto obtiene mejores resultados en tres de las cinco métricas de evaluación aplicadas en comparación con las técnicas del estado del arte, con un coste computacional competitivo.La tesis también propone nuevas técnicas de evaluación en el ámbito del procesamiento de imágenes. En concreto, se proponen dos métricas de filtrado de imágenes con el fin de medir el grado en que un método es capaz de preservar los bordes y evitar la introducción de defectos. Asimismo, se propone una nueva metodología para la evaluación de detectores de bordes que evita posibles sesgos introducidos por el post-procesado. Esta metodología se basa en cinco métricas para estimar completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión, rechazo de falsas alarmas y robustez. Por último, se proponen dos nuevas métricas no paramétricas para estimar el grado de sobre e infrasegmentación producido por los algoritmos de segmentación de imágenes.This thesis focuses on the development of new robust image analysis techniques more closely related to the way the human visual system behaves. One of the pillars of the thesis is the so called tensor voting technique. This is a robust perceptual organization technique that propagates and aggregates information encoded by means of tensors through a convolution like process. Its robustness and adaptability have been one of the key points for using tensor voting in this thesis. These two properties are verified in the thesis by applying tensor voting to three applications where it had not been applied so far: image structure estimation, edge detection and image segmentation of images acquired through stereo vision.The most important drawback of tensor voting is that its usual implementations are highly time consuming. In this line, this thesis proposes two new efficient implementations of tensor voting, both derived from an in depth analysis of this technique.Despite its adaptability, this thesis shows that the original formulation of tensor voting (hereafter, classical tensor voting) is not adequate for some applications, since the hypotheses from which it is based are not suitable for all applications. This is particularly certain for color image denoising. Thus, this thesis shows that, more than a method, tensor voting can be thought of as a methodology in which the encoding and voting process can be tailored for every specific application, while maintaining the tensor voting spirit.By following this reasoning, this thesis proposes a unified framework for both image denoising and robust edge detection.This framework is an extension of the classical tensor voting in which both color and edginess the likelihood of finding an edge at every pixel of the image are encoded through tensors, and where the voting process takes into account a set of plausible perceptual criteria related to the way the human visual system processes visual information. Recent advances in the perception of color have been essential for designing such a voting process.This new approach has been found effective, since it yields excellent results for both applications. In particular, the new method applied to image denoising has a better performance than other state of the art methods for real noise. This makes it more adequate for real applications, in which an image denoiser is indeed required. In addition, the method applied to edge detection yields more robust results than the state of the art techniques and has a competitive performance in recall, discriminability, precision, and false alarm rejection.Moreover, this thesis shows how the results of this new framework can be combined with other techniques to tackle the problem of robust color image segmentation. The tensors obtained by applying the new framework are utilized to classify pixels into likely homogeneous and likely inhomogeneous. Those pixels are then sequentially segmented through a variation of an efficient graph based image segmentation algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed segmentation algorithm yields better scores in three of the five applied evaluation metrics when compared to the state of the art techniques with a competitive computational cost.This thesis also proposes new evaluation techniques in the scope of image processing. First, two new metrics are proposed in the field of image denoising: one to measure how an algorithm is able to preserve edges, and the second to measure how a method is able not to introduce undesirable artifacts. Second, a new methodology for assessing edge detectors that avoids possible bias introduced by post processing is proposed. It consists of five new metrics for assessing recall, discriminability, precision, false alarm rejection and robustness. Finally, two new non parametric metrics are proposed for estimating the degree of over and undersegmentation yielded by image segmentation algorithms