199 research outputs found

    Overview of contextual tracking approaches in information fusion

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    Proceedings of: Geospatial InfoFusion III. 2-3 May 2013 Baltimore, Maryland, United States.Many information fusion solutions work well in the intended scenarios; but the applications, supporting data, and capabilities change over varying contexts. One example is weather data for electro-optical target trackers of which standards have evolved over decades. The operating conditions of: technology changes, sensor/target variations, and the contextual environment can inhibit performance if not included in the initial systems design. In this paper, we seek to define and categorize different types of contextual information. We describe five contextual information categories that support target tracking: (1) domain knowledge from a user to aid the information fusion process through selection, cueing, and analysis, (2) environment-to-hardware processing for sensor management, (3) known distribution of entities for situation/threat assessment, (4) historical traffic behavior for situation awareness patterns of life (POL), and (5) road information for target tracking and identification. Appropriate characterization and representation of contextual information is needed for future high-level information fusion systems design to take advantage of the large data content available for a priori knowledge target tracking algorithm construction, implementation, and application.Publicad

    Modelling of interactions between rail service and travel demand: a passenger-oriented analysis

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    The proposed research is situated in the field of design, management and optimisation in railway network operations. Rail transport has in its favour several specific features which make it a key factor in public transport management, above all in high-density contexts. Indeed, such a system is environmentally friendly (reduced pollutant emissions), high-performing (high travel speeds and low values of headways), competitive (low unitary costs per seat-km or carried passenger-km) and presents a high degree of adaptability to intermodality. However, it manifests high vulnerability in the case of breakdowns. This occurs because a faulty convoy cannot be easily overtaken and, sometimes, cannot be easily removed from the line, especially in the case of isolated systems (i.e. systems which are not integrated into an effective network) or when a breakdown occurs on open tracks. Thus, re-establishing ordinary operational conditions may require excessive amounts of time and, as a consequence, an inevitable increase in inconvenience (user generalised cost) for passengers, who might decide to abandon the system or, if already on board, to exclude the railway system from their choice set for the future. It follows that developing appropriate techniques and decision support tools for optimising rail system management, both in ordinary and disruption conditions, would consent a clear influence of the modal split in favour of public transport and, therefore, encourage an important reduction in the externalities caused by the use of private transport, such as air and noise pollution, traffic congestion and accidents, bringing clear benefits to the quality of life for both transport users and non-users (i.e. individuals who are not system users). Managing to model such a complex context, based on numerous interactions among the various components (i.e. infrastructure, signalling system, rolling stock and timetables) is no mean feat. Moreover, in many cases, a fundamental element, which is the inclusion of the modelling of travel demand features in the simulation of railway operations, is neglected. Railway transport, just as any other transport system, is not finalised to itself, but its task is to move people or goods around, and, therefore, a realistic and accurate cost-benefit analysis cannot ignore involved flows features. In particular, considering travel demand into the analysis framework presents a two-sided effect. Primarily, it leads to introduce elements such as convoy capacity constraints and the assessment of dwell times as flow-dependent factors which make the simulation as close as possible to the reality. Specifically, the former allows to take into account the eventuality that not all passengers can board the first arriving train, but only a part of them, due to overcrowded conditions, with a consequent increase in waiting times. Due consideration of this factor is fundamental because, if it were to be repeated, it would make a further contribution to passengers’ discontent. While, as regards the estimate of dwell times on the basis of flows, it becomes fundamental in the planning phase. In fact, estimating dwell times as fixed values, ideally equal for all runs and all stations, can induce differences between actual and planned operations, with a subsequent deterioration in system performance. Thus, neglecting these aspects, above all in crowded contexts, would render the simulation distorted, both in terms of costs and benefits. The second aspect, on the other hand, concerns the correct assessment of effects of the strategies put in place, both in planning phases (strategic decisions such as the realisation of a new infrastructure, the improvement of the current signalling system or the purchasing of new rolling stock) and in operational phases (operational decisions such as the definition of intervention strategies for addressing disruption conditions). In fact, in the management of failures, to date, there are operational procedures which are based on hypothetical times for re-establishing ordinary conditions, estimated by the train driver or by the staff of the operation centre, who, generally, tend to minimise the impact exclusively from the company’s point of view (minimisation of operational costs), rather than from the standpoint of passengers. Additionally, in the definition of intervention strategies, passenger flow and its variation in time (different temporal intervals) and space (different points in the railway network) are rarely considered. It appears obvious, therefore, how the proposed re-examination of the dispatching and rescheduling tasks in a passenger-orientated perspective, should be accompanied by the development of estimation and forecasting techniques for travel demand, aimed at correctly taking into account the peculiarities of the railway system; as well as by the generation of ad-hoc tools designed to simulate the behaviour of passengers in the various phases of the trip (turnstile access, transfer from the turnstiles to the platform, waiting on platform, boarding and alighting process, etc.). The latest workstream in this present study concerns the analysis of the energy problems associated to rail transport. This is closely linked to what has so far been described. Indeed, in order to implement proper energy saving policies, it is, above all, necessary to obtain a reliable estimate of the involved operational times (recovery times, inversion times, buffer times, etc.). Moreover, as the adoption of eco-driving strategies generates an increase in passenger travel times, with everything that this involves, it is important to investigate the trade-off between energy efficiency and increase in user generalised costs. Within this framework, the present study aims at providing a DSS (Decision Support System) for all phases of planning and management of rail transport systems, from that of timetabling to dispatching and rescheduling, also considering space-time travel demand variability as well as the definition of suitable energy-saving policies, by adopting a passenger-orientated perspective

    Context Exploitation in Data Fusion

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    Complex and dynamic environments constitute a challenge for existing tracking algorithms. For this reason, modern solutions are trying to utilize any available information which could help to constrain, improve or explain the measurements. So called Context Information (CI) is understood as information that surrounds an element of interest, whose knowledge may help understanding the (estimated) situation and also in reacting to that situation. However, context discovery and exploitation are still largely unexplored research topics. Until now, the context has been extensively exploited as a parameter in system and measurement models which led to the development of numerous approaches for the linear or non-linear constrained estimation and target tracking. More specifically, the spatial or static context is the most common source of the ambient information, i.e. features, utilized for recursive enhancement of the state variables either in the prediction or the measurement update of the filters. In the case of multiple model estimators, context can not only be related to the state but also to a certain mode of the filter. Common practice for multiple model scenarios is to represent states and context as a joint distribution of Gaussian mixtures. These approaches are commonly referred as the join tracking and classification. Alternatively, the usefulness of context was also demonstrated in aiding the measurement data association. Process of formulating a hypothesis, which assigns a particular measurement to the track, is traditionally governed by the empirical knowledge of the noise characteristics of sensors and operating environment, i.e. probability of detection, false alarm, clutter noise, which can be further enhanced by conditioning on context. We believe that interactions between the environment and the object could be classified into actions, activities and intents, and formed into structured graphs with contextual links translated into arcs. By learning the environment model we will be able to make prediction on the target\u2019s future actions based on its past observation. Probability of target future action could be utilized in the fusion process to adjust tracker confidence on measurements. By incorporating contextual knowledge of the environment, in the form of a likelihood function, in the filter measurement update step, we have been able to reduce uncertainties of the tracking solution and improve the consistency of the track. The promising results demonstrate that the fusion of CI brings a significant performance improvement in comparison to the regular tracking approaches

    Perception and intelligent localization for autonomous driving

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaVisão por computador e fusão sensorial são temas relativamente recentes, no entanto largamente adoptados no desenvolvimento de robôs autónomos que exigem adaptabilidade ao seu ambiente envolvente. Esta dissertação foca-se numa abordagem a estes dois temas para alcançar percepção no contexto de condução autónoma. O uso de câmaras para atingir este fim é um processo bastante complexo. Ao contrário dos meios sensoriais clássicos que fornecem sempre o mesmo tipo de informação precisa e atingida de forma determinística, as sucessivas imagens adquiridas por uma câmara estão repletas da mais variada informação e toda esta ambígua e extremamente difícil de extrair. A utilização de câmaras como meio sensorial em robótica é o mais próximo que chegamos na semelhança com aquele que é o de maior importância no processo de percepção humana, o sistema de visão. Visão por computador é uma disciplina científica que engloba àreas como: processamento de sinal, inteligência artificial, matemática, teoria de controlo, neurobiologia e física. A plataforma de suporte ao estudo desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação é o ROTA (RObô Triciclo Autónomo) e todos os elementos que consistem o seu ambiente. No contexto deste, são descritas abordagens que foram introduzidas com fim de desenvolver soluções para todos os desafios que o robô enfrenta no seu ambiente: detecção de linhas de estrada e consequente percepção desta, detecção de obstáculos, semáforos, zona da passadeira e zona de obras. É também descrito um sistema de calibração e aplicação da remoção da perspectiva da imagem, desenvolvido de modo a mapear os elementos percepcionados em distâncias reais. Em consequência do sistema de percepção, é ainda abordado o desenvolvimento de auto-localização integrado numa arquitectura distribuída incluindo navegação com planeamento inteligente. Todo o trabalho desenvolvido no decurso da dissertação é essencialmente centrado no desenvolvimento de percepção robótica no contexto de condução autónoma.Computer vision and sensor fusion are subjects that are quite recent, however widely adopted in the development of autonomous robots that require adaptability to their surrounding environment. This thesis gives an approach on both in order to achieve perception in the scope of autonomous driving. The use of cameras to achieve this goal is a rather complex subject. Unlike the classic sensorial devices that provide the same type of information with precision and achieve this in a deterministic way, the successive images acquired by a camera are replete with the most varied information, that this ambiguous and extremely dificult to extract. The use of cameras for robotic sensing is the closest we got within the similarities with what is of most importance in the process of human perception, the vision system. Computer vision is a scientific discipline that encompasses areas such as signal processing, artificial intelligence, mathematics, control theory, neurobiology and physics. The support platform in which the study within this thesis was developed, includes ROTA (RObô Triciclo Autónomo) and all elements comprising its environment. In its context, are described approaches that introduced in the platform in order to develop solutions for all the challenges facing the robot in its environment: detection of lane markings and its consequent perception, obstacle detection, trafic lights, crosswalk and road maintenance area. It is also described a calibration system and implementation for the removal of the image perspective, developed in order to map the elements perceived in actual real world distances. As a result of the perception system development, it is also addressed self-localization integrated in a distributed architecture that allows navigation with long term planning. All the work developed in the course of this work is essentially focused on robotic perception in the context of autonomous driving

    Feasible, Robust and Reliable Automation and Control for Autonomous Systems

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    The Special Issue book focuses on highlighting current research and developments in the automation and control field for autonomous systems as well as showcasing state-of-the-art control strategy approaches for autonomous platforms. The book is co-edited by distinguished international control system experts currently based in Sweden, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, with contributions from reputable researchers from China, Austria, France, the United States of America, Poland, and Hungary, among many others. The editors believe the ten articles published within this Special Issue will be highly appealing to control-systems-related researchers in applications typified in the fields of ground, aerial, maritime vehicles, and robotics as well as industrial audiences

    Research on the System Safety Management in Urban Railway

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    Nowadays, rail transport has become one of the most widely utilised forms of transport thanks to its high safety level, large capacity, and cost-effectiveness. With the railway network's continuous development, including urban rail transit, one of the major areas of increasing attention and demand is ensuring safety or risk management in operation long-term remains for the whole life cycle by scientific tools, management of railway operation (Martani 2017), specifically in developed and developing countries like Vietnam. The situation in Vietnam demonstrates that the national mainline railway network has been built and operated entirely in a single narrow gauge (1000mm) since the previous century, with very few updates of manual operating technology. This significantly highlights that up to now, the conventional technique for managing the safety operation in general, and collision in particular, of the current Vietnamese railway system, including its subsystems, is only accident statistics which is not a scientific-based tool as the others like risk identify and analyse methods, risk mitigation…, that are already available in many countries. Accident management of Vietnam Railways is limited and responsible for accident statistics analysis to avoid and minimise the harm caused by phenomena that occur only after an accident. Statistical analysis of train accident case studies in Vietnam railway demonstrates that, because hazards and failures that could result in serious system occurrences (accidents and incidents) have not been identified, recorded, and evaluated to conduct safety-driven risk analysis using a well-suited assessment methodology, risk prevention and control cannot be achieved. Not only is it hard to forecast and avoid events, but it may also raise the chance and amount of danger, as well as the severity of the later effects. As a result, Vietnam's railway system has a high number of accidents and failure rates. For example, Vietnam Rail-ways' mainline network accounted for approximately 200 railway accidents in 2018, a 3% increase over the previous year, including 163 collisions between trains and road vehicles/persons, resulting in more than 100 fatalities and more than 150 casualties; 16 accidents, including almost derailments, the signal passed at danger… without fatality or casual-ty, but significant damage to rolling stock and track infrastructure (VR 2021). Focusing and developing a new standardised framework for safety management and availability of railway operation in Vietnam is required in view of the rapid development of rail urban transport in the country in recent years (VmoT 2016; VmoT 2018). UMRT Line HN2A in southwest Hanoi is the country's first elevated light rail transit line, which was completed and officially put into revenue service in November 2021. This greatly highlights that up to the current date, the UMRT Line HN2A is the first and only railway line in Vietnam with operational safety assessment launched for the first time and long-term remains for the whole life cycle. The fact that the UMRT Hanoi has a large capacity, more complicated rolling stock and infrastructure equipment, as well as a modern communica-tion-based train control (CBTC) signalling system and automatic train driving without the need for operator intervention (Lindqvist 2006), are all advantages. Developing a compatible and integrated safety management system (SMS) for adaption to the safety operating requirements of this UMRT is an important major point of concern, and this should be proven. In actuality, the system acceptance and safety certification phase for Metro Line HN2A prolonged up to 2.5 years owing to the identification of difficulties with noncompliance to safety requirements resulting from inadequate SMS documents and risk assessment. These faults and hazards have developed during the manufacturing and execution of the project; it is impossible to go back in time to correct them, and it is also impossible to ignore the project without assuming responsibility for its management. At the time of completion, the HN2A metro line will have required an expenditure of up to $868 million, thus it is vital to create measures to prevent system failure and assure passenger safety. This dissertation has reviewed the methods to solve the aforementioned challenges and presented a solution blueprint to attain the European standard level of system safety in three-phase as in the following: • Phase 1: applicable for lines that are currently in operation, such as Metro Line HN2A. Focused on operational and maintenance procedures, as well as a training plan for railway personnel, in order to enhance human performance. Complete and update the risk assessment framework for Metro Line HN2A. The dissertation's findings are described in these applications. • Phase 2: applicable for lines that are currently in construction and manufacturing, such as Metro Line HN3, Line HN2, HCMC Line 1 and Line 2. Continue refining and enhancing engineering management methods introduced during Phase 1. On the basis of the risk assessment by manufacturers (Line HN3, HCMC Line 2 with European manufacturers) and the risk assessment framework described in Chapter 4, a risk management plan for each line will be developed. Building Accident database for risk assessment research and development. • Phase 3: applicable for lines that are currently in planning. Enhance safety requirements and life-cycle management. Building a proactive Safety Culture step by step for the railway industry. This material is implemented gradually throughout all three phases, beginning with the creation of the concept and concluding with an improvement in the attitude of railway personnel on the HN2A line. In addition to this overview, Chapters 4 through Chapter 9 of the dissertation include particular solutions for Risk assessment, Vehicle and Infrastructure Maintenance methods, Inci-dent Management procedures, and Safety Culture installation. This document focuses on constructing a system safety concept for railway personnel, providing stringent and scientific management practises to assure proper engineering conditions, to manage effectively the metro line system, and ensuring passenger safety in Hanoi's metro operatio

    Advances in Automated Driving Systems

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    Electrification, automation of vehicle control, digitalization and new mobility are the mega-trends in automotive engineering, and they are strongly connected. While many demonstrations for highly automated vehicles have been made worldwide, many challenges remain in bringing automated vehicles to the market for private and commercial use. The main challenges are as follows: reliable machine perception; accepted standards for vehicle-type approval and homologation; verification and validation of the functional safety, especially at SAE level 3+ systems; legal and ethical implications; acceptance of vehicle automation by occupants and society; interaction between automated and human-controlled vehicles in mixed traffic; human–machine interaction and usability; manipulation, misuse and cyber-security; the system costs of hard- and software and development efforts. This Special Issue was prepared in the years 2021 and 2022 and includes 15 papers with original research related to recent advances in the aforementioned challenges. The topics of this Special Issue cover: Machine perception for SAE L3+ driving automation; Trajectory planning and decision-making in complex traffic situations; X-by-Wire system components; Verification and validation of SAE L3+ systems; Misuse, manipulation and cybersecurity; Human–machine interactions, driver monitoring and driver-intention recognition; Road infrastructure measures for the introduction of SAE L3+ systems; Solutions for interactions between human- and machine-controlled vehicles in mixed traffic

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data
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