957 research outputs found

    MWAND: A New Early Termination Algorithm for Fast and Efficient Query Evaluation

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    Nowadays, current information systems are so large and maintain huge amount of data. At every time, they process millions of documents and millions of queries. In order to choose the most important responses from this amount of data, it is well to apply what is so called early termination algorithms. These ones attempt to extract the Top-K documents according to a specified increasing monotone function. The principal idea behind is to reach and score the most significant less number of documents. So, they avoid fully processing the whole documents. WAND algorithm is at the state of the art in this area. Despite it is efficient, it is missing effectiveness and precision. In this paper, we propose two contributions, the principal proposal is a new early termination algorithm based on WAND approach, we call it MWAND (Modified WAND). This one is faster and more precise than the first. It has the ability to avoid unnecessary WAND steps. In this work, we integrate a tree structure as an index into WAND and we add new levels in query processing. In the second contribution, we define new fine metrics to ameliorate the evaluation of the retrieved information. The experimental results on real datasets show that MWAND is more efficient than the WAND approach

    Efficient query processing for scalable web search

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    Search engines are exceptionally important tools for accessing information in today’s world. In satisfying the information needs of millions of users, the effectiveness (the quality of the search results) and the efficiency (the speed at which the results are returned to the users) of a search engine are two goals that form a natural trade-off, as techniques that improve the effectiveness of the search engine can also make it less efficient. Meanwhile, search engines continue to rapidly evolve, with larger indexes, more complex retrieval strategies and growing query volumes. Hence, there is a need for the development of efficient query processing infrastructures that make appropriate sacrifices in effectiveness in order to make gains in efficiency. This survey comprehensively reviews the foundations of search engines, from index layouts to basic term-at-a-time (TAAT) and document-at-a-time (DAAT) query processing strategies, while also providing the latest trends in the literature in efficient query processing, including the coherent and systematic reviews of techniques such as dynamic pruning and impact-sorted posting lists as well as their variants and optimisations. Our explanations of query processing strategies, for instance the WAND and BMW dynamic pruning algorithms, are presented with illustrative figures showing how the processing state changes as the algorithms progress. Moreover, acknowledging the recent trends in applying a cascading infrastructure within search systems, this survey describes techniques for efficiently integrating effective learned models, such as those obtained from learning-to-rank techniques. The survey also covers the selective application of query processing techniques, often achieved by predicting the response times of the search engine (known as query efficiency prediction), and making per-query tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that the required retrieval speed targets can be met. Finally, the survey concludes with a summary of open directions in efficient search infrastructures, namely the use of signatures, real-time, energy-efficient and modern hardware and software architectures

    Visual SLAM with RGB-D cameras based on pose graph optimization

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    En este trabajo abordamos el problema de localización y mapeo simultáneo (SLAM) utilizando únicamente información obtenida mediante una cámara RGB-D. El objetivo principal es desarrollar un sistema SLAM capaz de estimar la trayectoria completa del sensor y generar una representación 3D consistente del entorno en tiempo real. Para lograr este objetivo, el sistema se basa en un método de estimación del movimiento del sensor a partir de información de profundidad densa y en técnicas de reconocimiento de lugares a partir de características visuales. A partir de estos algoritmos, se extraen restricciones espaciales entre fotogramas cuidadosamente seleccionados. Con estas restricciones espaciales se construye un grafo de poses, empleado para inferir la trayectoria más verosímil. El sistema se ha diseñado para ejecutarse en dos hilos paralelos: uno para el seguimiento y el otro para la construcción de la representación consistente. El sistema se evalúa en conjuntos de datos públicamente accesible, alcanzando una precisión comparable a sistemas de SLAM del estado del arte. Además, el hilo de seguimiento se ejecuta a una frecuencia de 60 Hz en un ordenador portátil de prestaciones modestas. También se realizan pruebas en situaciones más realistas, procesando observaciones adquiridas mientras se movía el sensor por dos entornos de interiores distintos

    Emergent relational schemas for RDF

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    MementoMap: A Web Archive Profiling Framework for Efficient Memento Routing

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    With the proliferation of public web archives, it is becoming more important to better profile their contents, both to understand their immense holdings as well as to support routing of requests in Memento aggregators. A memento is a past version of a web page and a Memento aggregator is a tool or service that aggregates mementos from many different web archives. To save resources, the Memento aggregator should only poll the archives that are likely to have a copy of the requested Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Using the Crawler Index (CDX), we generate profiles of the archives that summarize their holdings and use them to inform routing of the Memento aggregator’s URI requests. Additionally, we use full text search (when available) or sample URI lookups to build an understanding of an archive’s holdings. Previous work in profiling ranged from using full URIs (no false positives, but with large profiles) to using only top-level domains (TLDs) (smaller profiles, but with many false positives). This work explores strategies in between these two extremes. For evaluation we used CDX files from Archive-It, UK Web Archive, Stanford Web Archive Portal, and Arquivo.pt. Moreover, we used web server access log files from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, UK Web Archive, Arquivo.pt, LANL’s Memento Proxy, and ODU’s MemGator Server. In addition, we utilized historical dataset of URIs from DMOZ. In early experiments with various URI-based static profiling policies we successfully identified about 78% of the URIs that were not present in the archive with less than 1% relative cost as compared to the complete knowledge profile and 94% URIs with less than 10% relative cost without any false negatives. In another experiment we found that we can correctly route 80% of the requests while maintaining about 0.9 recall by discovering only 10% of the archive holdings and generating a profile that costs less than 1% of the complete knowledge profile. We created MementoMap, a framework that allows web archives and third parties to express holdings and/or voids of an archive of any size with varying levels of details to fulfil various application needs. Our archive profiling framework enables tools and services to predict and rank archives where mementos of a requested URI are likely to be present. In static profiling policies we predefined the maximum depth of host and path segments of URIs for each policy that are used as URI keys. This gave us a good baseline for evaluation, but was not suitable for merging profiles with different policies. Later, we introduced a more flexible means to represent URI keys that uses wildcard characters to indicate whether a URI key was truncated. Moreover, we developed an algorithm to rollup URI keys dynamically at arbitrary depths when sufficient archiving activity is detected under certain URI prefixes. In an experiment with dynamic profiling of archival holdings we found that a MementoMap of less than 1.5% relative cost can correctly identify the presence or absence of 60% of the lookup URIs in the corresponding archive without any false negatives (i.e., 100% recall). In addition, we separately evaluated archival voids based on the most frequently accessed resources in the access log and found that we could have avoided more than 8% of the false positives without introducing any false negatives. We defined a routing score that can be used for Memento routing. Using a cut-off threshold technique on our routing score we achieved over 96% accuracy if we accept about 89% recall and for a recall of 99% we managed to get about 68% accuracy, which translates to about 72% saving in wasted lookup requests in our Memento aggregator. Moreover, when using top-k archives based on our routing score for routing and choosing only the topmost archive, we missed only about 8% of the sample URIs that are present in at least one archive, but when we selected top-2 archives, we missed less than 2% of these URIs. We also evaluated a machine learning-based routing approach, which resulted in an overall better accuracy, but poorer recall due to low prevalence of the sample lookup URI dataset in different web archives. We contributed various algorithms, such as a space and time efficient approach to ingest large lists of URIs to generate MementoMaps and a Random Searcher Model to discover samples of holdings of web archives. We contributed numerous tools to support various aspects of web archiving and replay, such as MemGator (a Memento aggregator), Inter- Planetary Wayback (a novel archival replay system), Reconstructive (a client-side request rerouting ServiceWorker), and AccessLog Parser. Moreover, this work yielded a file format specification draft called Unified Key Value Store (UKVS) that we use for serialization and dissemination of MementoMaps. It is a flexible and extensible file format that allows easy interactions with Unix text processing tools. UKVS can be used in many applications beyond MementoMaps

    Efficient Processing of Ranking Queries in Novel Applications

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    Ranking queries, which return only a subset of results matching a user query, have been studied extensively in the past decade due to their importance in a wide range of applications. In this thesis, we study ranking queries in novel environments and settings where they have not been considered so far. With the advancements in sensor technologies, these small devices are today present in all corners of human life. Millions of them are deployed in various places and are sending data on a continuous basis. These sensors which before mainly monitored environmental phenomena or production chains, have now found their way into our daily lives as well; health monitoring being a plausible example of how much we rely on continuous observation of measurements. As the Web technology evolves and facilitates data stream transmissions, sensors do not remain the sole producers of data in form of streams. The Web 2.0 has escalated the production of user-generated content which appear in form of annotated posts in a Weblog (blog), pictures and videos, or small textual snippets reflecting the current activity or status of users and can be regarded as natural items of a temporal stream. A major part of this thesis is devoted to developing novel methods which assist in keeping track of this ever increasing flow of information with continuous monitoring of ranking queries over them, particularly when traditional approaches fail to meet the newly raised requirements. We consider the ranking problem when the information flow is not synchronized among its sources. This is a recurring situation, since sensors are run by different organizations, measure moving entities, or are simply represented by users which are inherently not synchronizable. Our methods are in particular designed for handling unsynchronized streams, calculating an object's score based on both its currently observed contribution to the registered queries as well as the contribution it might have in future. While this uncertainty in score calculation causes linear growth in the space necessary for providing exact results, we are able to define criteria which allows for evicting unpromising objects as early as possible. We also leverage statistical properties that reflect the correlation between multiple streams to predict the future to provide better bounds for the best possible contribution of an object, consequently limiting the necessary storage dramatically. To achieve this, we make use of small statistical synopses that are periodically refreshed during runtime. Furthermore, we consider user generated queries in the context of Web 2.0 applications which aim at filtering data streams in forms of textual documents, based on personal interests. In this case, the dimensionality of the data, the large cardinality of the subscribed queries, as well as the desire for consuming recent information, raise new challenges. We develop new approaches which efficiently filter the information and provide real-time updates to the user subscribed queries. Our methods rely on a novel ordering of user queries in traditional inverted lists which allows the system to effectively prune those queries for which a new piece of information is of no interest. Finally, we investigate high quality search in user generated content in Web 2.0 applications in form of images or videos. These resources are inherently dispersed all over the globe, therefore can be best managed in a purely distributed peer-to-peer network which eliminates single points of failure. Search in such a huge repository of high dimensional data involves evaluating ranking queries in form of nearest neighbor queries. Therefore, we study ranking queries in high dimensional spaces, where the index of the objects is maintained in a purely distributed fashion. Our solution meets the two major requirements of a viable solution in distributing the index and evaluating ranking queries: the underlying peer-to-peer network remains load balanced, and efficient query evaluation is feasible as similar objects are assigned to nearby peers

    Scene Segmentation and Object Classification for Place Recognition

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    This dissertation tries to solve the place recognition and loop closing problem in a way similar to human visual system. First, a novel image segmentation algorithm is developed. The image segmentation algorithm is based on a Perceptual Organization model, which allows the image segmentation algorithm to ‘perceive’ the special structural relations among the constituent parts of an unknown object and hence to group them together without object-specific knowledge. Then a new object recognition method is developed. Based on the fairly accurate segmentations generated by the image segmentation algorithm, an informative object description that includes not only the appearance (colors and textures), but also the parts layout and shape information is built. Then a novel feature selection algorithm is developed. The feature selection method can select a subset of features that best describes the characteristics of an object class. Classifiers trained with the selected features can classify objects with high accuracy. In next step, a subset of the salient objects in a scene is selected as landmark objects to label the place. The landmark objects are highly distinctive and widely visible. Each landmark object is represented by a list of SIFT descriptors extracted from the object surface. This object representation allows us to reliably recognize an object under certain viewpoint changes. To achieve efficient scene-matching, an indexing structure is developed. Both texture feature and color feature of objects are used as indexing features. The texture feature and the color feature are viewpoint-invariant and hence can be used to effectively find the candidate objects with similar surface characteristics to a query object. Experimental results show that the object-based place recognition and loop detection method can efficiently recognize a place in a large complex outdoor environment

    A Sketch-Based Educational System for Learning Chinese Handwriting

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    Learning Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) is a difficult task for students in English-speaking countries due to the large symbol set and complicated writing techniques. Traditional classroom methods of teaching Chinese handwriting have major drawbacks due to human experts’ bias and the lack of assessment on writing techniques. In this work, we propose a sketch-based educational system to help CSL students learn Chinese handwriting faster and better in a novel way. Our system allows students to draw freehand symbols to answer questions, and uses sketch recognition and AI techniques to recognize, assess, and provide feedback in real time. Results have shown that the system reaches a recognition accuracy of 86% on novice learners’ inputs, higher than 95% detection rate for mistakes in writing techniques, and 80.3% F-measure on the classification between expert and novice handwriting inputs
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