266 research outputs found

    Estimating the water quality condition of river and lake water in the Midwestern United States from its spectral characteristics

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    This study focuses on developing/calibrating remote sensing algorithms for water quality retrieval in Midwestern rivers and lakes. In the first part of this study, the spectral measurements collected using a hand-held spectrometer as well as water quality observations for the Wabash River and its tributary the Tippecanoe River in Indiana were used to develop empirical models for the retrieval of chlorophyll (chl) and total suspended solids (TSS). A method for removing sky and sun glint from field spectra for turbid inland waters was developed and tested. Empirical models were then developed using a subset of the field measurements with the rest for model validation. Spectral characteristics indicative of waters dominated by different inherent optical properties (IOPs) were identified and used as the basis of selecting bands for empirical model development. The second part of this study focuses on the calibration of an existing bio-geo-optical model for studying the spatial variability of chl, non-algal particles (NAP), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in episodic St. Joseph River plumes in southern Lake Michigan. One set of EO-1 Hyperion imagery and one set of boat-based spectrometer measurements were successfully acquired to capture episodic plume events. Coincident water quality measurements were also collected during these plume events. A database of inherent optical properties (IOPs) measurements and spectral signatures was generated and used to calibrate a bio-geo-optical model. Finally, a comprehensive spectral-biogeochemical database was developed for the Wabash River and its tributaries in Indiana by conducting field sampling of the rivers using a boat platform over different hydrologic conditions during summer 2014. In addition to the various spectral measurements taken by a handheld field spectrometer, this database includes corresponding in situ measurements of water quality parameters (chl, NAP, and CDOM), nutrients (TN, TP, dissolved organic carbon (DOC)), water-column IOPs, water depths, substrate types and bottom reflectance spectra. The temporal variability of water quality parameters and nutrients in the rivers was analyzed and studied. A look-up table (LUT) based spectrum matching methodology was applied to the collected observations in the database to simplify the retrieval of water quality parameters and make the data accessible to a wider range of end users. It was found that the ratio of the reflectance peak at the red edge (704 nm) with the local minimum caused by chlorophyll absorption at 677 nm was a strong predictor of chl concentrations (coefficient of determination ( R2) = 0.95). The reflectance peak at 704 nm was also a good predictor for TSS estimation (R2 = 0.75). In addition, we also found that reflectance within the NIR wavelengths (700–890 nm) all showed strong correlation (0.85–0.91) with TSS concentrations and generated robust models. Field measured concentrations of NAP and CDOM at 67% of the sampled sites in the St Joseph River plume fall within one standard deviation of the retrieved means using the spectrometer measurements and the calibrated bio-geo-optical model. The percentage of sites within one standard deviation (88%) is higher for the estimation of chl concentrations. Despite the dynamic nature of the observed plume and the time lag during field sampling, 77% of sampled sites were found to have field measured chl and NAP concentrations falling within one standard deviation of the Hyperion derived values. The spatial maps of water quality parameters generated from the Hyperion image provided a synoptic view of water quality conditions. Analysis highlights that concentrations of NAP, chl, and CDOM were more than three times higher in conjunction with river outflow and inside the river plumes than in ambient water. It is concluded that the storm-initiated plume is a significant source of sediments, carbon and chl to Lake Michigan. The temporal variability of water quality parameters and nutrients in the Wabash River was closely associated with hydrologic conditions, while no significant correlations existed between these parameters and streamflow for the Tippecanoe River, probably due to the two upstream reservoirs. The poor relationship between CDOM and DOC indicates that most DOC in the rivers was from human sources such as wastewater. It was also found that the source of water (surface runoff or combined sewer overflows (CSO)) to a river, water temperature, and nutrients are important factors controlling instream concentrations of phytoplankton. The LUT retrieved chl and NAP concentrations were in good agreement with field measurements with slopes close to 1.0. The average estimation errors for NAP and chl were within 4.1% and 37.7%, respectively, of independently obtained lab measurements. The CDOM levels were not well estimated and the LUT retrievals for CDOM showed large variability, probably due to the small data range collected in this study and the insensitivity of remote sensing reflectance, Rrs, to CDOM change. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.

    Estimating specific inherent optical properties of tropical coastal waters using bio-optical model inversion and in situ measurements: case of the Berau estuary, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Specific inherent optical properties (SIOP) of the Berau coastal waters were derived from in situ measurements and inversion of an ocean color model. Field measurements of water-leaving reflectance, total suspended matter (TSM), and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations were carried out during the 2007 dry season. The highest values for SIOP were found in the turbid waters, decreasing in value when moving toward offshore waters. The specific backscattering coefficient of TSM varied by an order of magnitude and ranged from 0.003 m2 g-1, for clear open ocean waters, to 0.020 m2 g-1, for turbid waters. On the other hand, the specific absorption coefficient of Chl a was relatively constant over the whole study area and ranged from 0.022 m2 mg-1, for the turbid shallow estuary waters, to 0.027 m2 mg-1, for deeper shelf edge ocean waters. The spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter light absorption was also derived with values ranging from 0.015 to 0.011 nm-1. These original derived values of SIOP in the Berau estuary form a corner stone for future estimation of TSM and Chl a concentration from remote sensing data in tropical equatorial water

    The Observation, Modeling, and Retrieval of Bio-Optical Properties for Coastal Waters of the Southern Chesapeake Bay

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    The primary purpose of this study was to develop an inverse method to retrieve the inherent optical properties (IOPs) and biogeochemical parameters (e.g. chlorophyll a concentration and salinity) appropriate to monitor the water quality and biogeochemical processes from remote sensing of the coastal waters in the southern Chesapeake Bay and coastal Mid-Atlantic Bight region (MAB) dominated by Case 2 waters. For this purpose, knowledge of the relationship between remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) and IOPs and the effect from bottom reflectance on Rrs, is required. A substantial investigation of IOPs has been conducted for the coastal waters of the southern Chesapeake Bay. Although phytoplankton are the dominant contributors to IOPs of oceanic Case 1 waters, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) derived from non-phytoplankton sources and sedimentary particles also play very important roles in coastal Case 2 waters. Strongly influenced by riverine discharge, the shallow coastal waters of the southern Chesapeake Bay provide challenges and opportunities to develop regionally specific IOP retrieval methods from remotely sensed ocean color imagery. A semi-analytical radiative transfer model (PZ06_Ed), based on the analysis of the simulated results of an exact radiative transfer model, HydrolightÂź [Mobley, 1994], was developed to estimate the vertical distribution of downwelling plane irradiance [Ed(z)] from IOPs and sky conditions (e.g. cloud coverage and solar zenith angle). Compared to the significant overestimation of the simple Gordon [1989] model for particle-rich environments, PZ06_Ed agreed with HydrolightÂź with \u3c 6% of the root-mean-square (RMS) error. Field observations from the coastal waters of the southern Chesapeake Bay validated the predictions of PZ06_ Edwith RMS error from 10% to 14%. The SeaWiFS imagery of the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) estimated from PZ06_Ed is significantly improved from the Mueller [2000] model and displays obviously the coastal processes in the lower MAB, including the riverine outflow from the Chesapeake Bay and the mixing of the Gulf Stream with the local waters. The quadratic model (e.g. GSMO1) describing Rrs and IOPs has been widely used in bio-optics to retrieve inherent optical properties (IOPs). In this study, the derived coefficients (l1 and l2) by Gordon et al. [1988] were re-evaluated from HydrolightÂź simulations and incorporated into a semi-analytical radiative transfer model (PZ06_ Rrs) that included bottom effects for optically shallow waters. Compared with HydrolightÂź simulations and field observations in the Chesapeake Light Tower (CLT), Rrs calculated from PZ06_Rrs typically agreed within 5% and about 7% to 13% of RMS, respectively. Hydrolight Âź simulations and field observations also confirmed that PZ06_Rrs improved the retrieval of biogeochemical-related parameters, including [Chl], adg(443), and bbp(443), compared to global ocean color algorithms (e.g. OC3M) and semi-analytic models without considering the bottom effects (e.g. GSM01-CLT). Finally, the relatively successful inverse modeling provides a promising method to study ecosystem-level biogeochemical and physical parameters from remote sensing for coastal waters of southern Chesapeake Bay and even lower MAB

    Optiliste veetĂŒĂŒpide pĂ”hine lĂ€henemine sise- ja rannikuvee veekvaliteedi hindamiseks

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneInimestele on meeldinud ajast aega elada seal, kus maa ja vesi kohtuvad. MistĂ”ttu on jĂ€rvede, jĂ”gede ja rannikualade lĂ€hedal inimtegevuse mĂ”ju suurenenud, mis omakorda pĂ”hjustab veekogude seisundi muutumist ning loob vajaduse veekogude operatiivseks seireks. Enamasti pĂ”hinevad veekogude seireprogrammid veekogudes teostatud punktmÔÔtmistel. See meetod aga ei suuda kajastada kogu veekogu kiiresti muutuvaid omadusi ja reaalset seisundit. SeetĂ”ttu on oluline lisaks punktmÔÔtmistele rakendada veekeskkonna operatiivse jĂ€lgimise meetodeid, millest kaugseire on ĂŒks vĂ”imsamaid. Kaugseire pakub tĂ”husaid viise veekvaliteedi ruumiliste ja ajaliste erinevuste jĂ€lgimiseks. Euroopa Liidu ja Euroopa Kosmoseagentuuri Copernicus programmi raames loodud Sentinel-2 ja Sentinel-3 seeria satelliitide hea ruumilise, ajalise ja spektraalse lahutusega andmete tasuta kĂ€ttesaadavus on loonud reaalse vĂ”imaluse sise- ja rannikuvete seires operatiivselt kasutada tĂ€iendavalt satelliitandmeid. Need andmed vĂ”imaldavad jĂ€lgida kogu veekogu ajalist ja ruumilist muutlikkust ning seirata ka raskesti ligipÀÀsetavaid veekogusid. Sise- ja rannikuveed on optiliselt keerukad, sest vee optilised omadused on mĂ”jutatud sĂ”ltumatult erinevate optiliselt aktiivsete ainete poolt. SeetĂ”ttu standardsed kaugseire algoritmid veekvaliteedi hindamiseks neis veekogudes tihti ei tööta. Doktoritöö tulemusena tutvustati optiliste veetĂŒĂŒpide pĂ”hist lĂ€henemist sise- ja rannikuvete veekvaliteedi parameetrite hindamiseks kaugseireandmete pĂ”hjal. Eelnimetatud meetod vĂ”tab arvesse vee optilisi omadusi ega piiritle ennast konkreetse veekoguga, seetĂ”ttu on tulemused rakendatavad kĂ”igil sarnaste optiliste omadustega veekogudel ĂŒle maailma.Humans have long enjoyed living where land and water meet. At the same time, the impact of human activities close to lakes, rivers, and coastal areas has increased, which has caused the deterioration of water bodies. Therefore, the state of a water body requires constant monitoring to assess the magnitude of the impact of human activity and to respond when needed. Traditional water monitoring programs are mainly based on in situ measurements; however, considering that water bodies are dynamic in nature, this method may not reflect the status of the whole water body. Therefore, in addition to traditional monitoring, it is important to implement methods that allow more operative monitoring of the aquatic environment. Remote sensing offers effective ways to observe spatial and temporal variations in water quality. The free availability of data with high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 family satellites launched under the European Union and the European Space Agency Copernicus programme has created a real opportunity for satellite data being used operationally for additional water quality monitoring for inland and coastal waters. Such waters are optically complex, as they are independently influenced by different optically significant constituents. Therefore, standard remote sensing algorithms to estimate water quality often fail in these waters. As a result of the thesis, an optical water type guided approach to estimate water quality in inland and coastal waters using remote sensing data was presented. The method considers the optical properties of water but does not limit itself to a particular water body. So, results are applicable to all the water bodies with similar optical properties of water.https://www.ester.ee/record=b534022

    An Integrated physics-based approach to demonstrate the potential of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) for monitoring coastal/inland waters

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    Monitoring coastal or inland waters, recognized as case II waters, using the existing Landsat technology is somewhat restricted because of its low Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) as well as its relatively poor radiometric resolution. As a primary task, we introduce a novel technique, which integrates the Landsat-7 data as a surrogate for LDCM with a 3D hydrodynamic model to monitor the dynamics of coastal waters near river discharges as well as in a small lake environment. The proposed approach leverages both the thermal and the reflective Landsat-7 imagery to calibrate the model and to retrieve the concentrations of optically active components of the water. To do so, the model is first calibrated by optimizing its thermal outputs with the surface temperature maps derived from the Landsat-7 data. The constituent retrieval is conducted in the second phase where multiple simulated concentration maps are provided to an in-water radiative transfer code (Hydrolight) to generate modeled surface reflectance maps. Prior to any remote sensing task, one has to ensure that a dataset comes from a well-calibrated imaging system. Although the calibration status of Landsat-7 has been regularly monitored over multiple desert sites, it was desired to evaluate its performance over dark waters relative to a well-calibrated instrument designed specifically for water studies. In the light of this, several Landsat- 7 images were cross-calibrated against the Terra-MODIS data over deep, dark waters whose optical properties remain relatively stable. This study is intended to lay the groundwork and provide a reference point for similar studies planned for the new Landsat. In an independent case study, the potential of the new Landsat sensor was examined using an EO-1 dataset and applying a spectral optimization approach over case II waters. The water constituent maps generated from the EO-1 imagery were compared against those derived from Landsat-7 to fully analyze the improvement levels pertaining to the new Landsat\u27s enhanced features in a water constituent retrieval framework

    Water Quality and Algal Bloom Sensing from Multiple Imaging Platforms

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    Harmful cyanobacteria blooms have been increasing in frequency throughout the world resulting in a greater need for water quality monitoring. Traditional methods of monitoring water quality, such as point sampling, are often resource expensive and time consuming in comparison to remote sensing approaches, however the spatial resolution of established water remote sensing satellites is often too coarse (300 m) to resolve smaller inland waterbodies. The fine scale spatial resolution and improved radiometric sensitivity of Landsat satellites (30 m) can resolve these smaller waterbodies, enabling their capability for cyanobacteria bloom monitoring. In this work, the utility of Landsat to retrieve concentrations of two cyanobacteria bloom pigments, chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin, is assessed. Concentrations of these pigments are retrieved using a spectral Look-Up-Table (LUT) matching process, where an exploration of the effects of LUT design on retrieval accuracy is performed. Potential augmentations to the spectral sampling of Landsat are also tested to determine how it can be improved for waterbody constituent concentration retrieval. Applying the LUT matching process to Landsat 8 imagery determined that concentrations of chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids, and color dissolved organic matter were retrieved with a satisfactory accuracy through appropriate choice of atmospheric compensation and LUT design, in agreement with previously reported implementations of the LUT matching process. Phycocyanin proved to be a greater challenge to this process due to its weak effect on waterbody spectrum, the lack of Landsat spectral sampling over its predominant spectral feature, and error from atmospheric compensation. From testing potential enhancements to Landsat spectral sampling, we determine that additional spectral sampling in the yellow and red edge regions of the visible/near-infrared (VNIR) spectrum can lead to improved concentration retrievals. This performance further improves when sampling is added to both regions, and when Landsat is transitioned to a VNIR imaging spectrometer, though this is dependent on band position and spacing. These results imply that Landsat can be used to monitor cyanobacteria blooms through retrieval of chlorophyll-a, and this retrieval performance can be improved in future Landsat systems, even with minor changes to spectral sampling. This includes improvement in retrieval of phycocyanin when implementing a VNIR imaging spectrometer

    The Use of Landsat 8 for Monitoring of Fresh and Coastal Waters

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    The most interaction between humankind and water occurs in coastal and inland waters (Case 2 waters) at a scale of tens or hundred of meters, but there is not yet an ocean color product (e.g. chlorophyll-a product) at this spatial scale. Landsat 8 could potentially address the remote sensing of these kinds of waters due to its improved features. This work presents an approach to obtain the color producing agents (CPAs) chlorophyll-a, colored dissolved organic material (CDOM) and suspended material (SM) from water bodies using Landsat 8. Adequate atmospheric correction becomes an important first step to accurately retrieving water parameters since the sensor-reaching signal due to water is very small when compared to the signal due to the atmospheric effects. We developed the model-based empirical line method (MoB-ELM) atmospheric correction method. The Mob-ELM employs pseudo invariant feature (PIF) pixels extracted from a reflectance product along with the in-water radiative transfer model HydroLight. We used a look-up-table-based (LUT-based) inversion methodology to simultaneously retrieve CPAs. The LUT of remote-sensing reflectance spectra was created in Hydrolight using inherent optical properties (IOPs) measured in the field. The retrieval algorithm was applied over three Landsat 8 scenes. The CPA concentration maps exhibit expected trends of low concentrations in clear waters and higher concentrations in turbid waters. We estimated a normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) of about 14% for Chlorophyll-a, 11% for the total suspended solid (TSS), and 7% for colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) when compared with in situ data. These results demonstrate that the developed algorithm allows the simultaneous mapping of concentration of all CPAs in Case 2 waters and over areas where the standard algorithms are not available due to spatial resolution. Therefore, this study shows that the Landsat 8 satellite can be utilized over Case 2 waters as long as a careful atmospheric correction is applied and IOPs are known

    Feasibility Study for an Aquatic Ecosystem Earth Observing System Version 1.2.

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    International audienceMany Earth observing sensors have been designed, built and launched with primary objectives of either terrestrial or ocean remote sensing applications. Often the data from these sensors are also used for freshwater, estuarine and coastal water quality observations, bathymetry and benthic mapping. However, such land and ocean specific sensors are not designed for these complex aquatic environments and consequently are not likely to perform as well as a dedicated sensor would. As a CEOS action, CSIRO and DLR have taken the lead on a feasibility assessment to determine the benefits and technological difficulties of designing an Earth observing satellite mission focused on the biogeochemistry of inland, estuarine, deltaic and near coastal waters as well as mapping macrophytes, macro-algae, sea grasses and coral reefs. These environments need higher spatial resolution than current and planned ocean colour sensors offer and need higher spectral resolution than current and planned land Earth observing sensors offer (with the exception of several R&D type imaging spectrometry satellite missions). The results indicate that a dedicated sensor of (non-oceanic) aquatic ecosystems could be a multispectral sensor with ~26 bands in the 380-780 nm wavelength range for retrieving the aquatic ecosystem variables as well as another 15 spectral bands between 360-380 nm and 780-1400 nm for removing atmospheric and air-water interface effects. These requirements are very close to defining an imaging spectrometer with spectral bands between 360 and 1000 nm (suitable for Si based detectors), possibly augmented by a SWIR imaging spectrometer. In that case the spectral bands would ideally have 5 nm spacing and Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM), although it may be necessary to go to 8 nm wide spectral bands (between 380 to 780nm where the fine spectral features occur -mainly due to photosynthetic or accessory pigments) to obtain enough signal to noise. The spatial resolution of such a global mapping mission would be between ~17 and ~33 m enabling imaging of the vast majority of water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, lagoons, estuaries etc.) larger than 0.2 ha and ~25% of river reaches globally (at ~17 m resolution) whilst maintaining sufficient radiometric resolution

    Sensor capability and atmospheric correction in ocean colour remote sensing

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    © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Accurate correction of the corrupting effects of the atmosphere and the water's surface are essential in order to obtain the optical, biological and biogeochemical properties of the water from satellite-based multi-and hyper-spectral sensors. The major challenges now for atmospheric correction are the conditions of turbid coastal and inland waters and areas in which there are strongly-absorbing aerosols. Here, we outline how these issues can be addressed, with a focus on the potential of new sensor technologies and the opportunities for the development of novel algorithms and aerosol models. We review hardware developments, which will provide qualitative and quantitative increases in spectral, spatial, radiometric and temporal data of the Earth, as well as measurements from other sources, such as the Aerosol Robotic Network for Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) stations, bio-optical sensors on Argo (Bio-Argo) floats and polarimeters. We provide an overview of the state of the art in atmospheric correction algorithms, highlight recent advances and discuss the possible potential for hyperspectral data to address the current challenges

    Physics-based satellite-derived bathymetry for nearshore coastal waters in North America

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    Accurate bathymetric information is fundamental to safe maritime navigation and infrastructure development in the coastal zone, but is expensive to acquire with traditional methods. Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) has the potential to produce bathymetric maps at dramatically reduced cost per unit area and physics-based radiative transfer model inversion methods have been developed for this purpose. This thesis demonstrates the potential of physics-based SDB in North American coastal waters. First the utility of Landsat-8 data for SDB in Canadian waters was demonstrated. Given the need for precise atmospheric correction (AC) for deriving robust ocean color products such as bathymetry, the performances of different AC algorithms were then evaluated to determine the most appropriate AC algorithm for deriving ocean colour products such as bathymetry. Subsequently, an approach to minimize AC error was demonstrated for SDB in a coastal environment in Florida Keys, USA. Finally, an ensemble approach based on multiple images, with acquisitions ranging from optimal to sub-optimal conditions, was demonstrated. Based on the findings of this thesis, it was concluded that: (1) Landsat-8 data hold great promise for physics-based SDB in coastal environments, (2) the problem posed by imprecise AC can be minimized by assessing and quantifying bias as a function of environmental factors, and then removing that bias in the atmospherically corrected images, from which bathymetry is estimated, and (3) an ensemble approach to SDB can produce results that are very similar to those obtained with the best individual image, but can be used to reduce time spent on pre-screening and filtering of scenes
