7 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Virtual Work to Keep Achieving Optimal Performance Amid the Covid-19 Virus Outbreak

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    Currently around the world affected by the covid-19 virus or known as the corona. Virtual work is now important to do besides the outbreak of this virus case. This is a challenge for the company and employees in facing the coronavirus epidemic. The purpose of this study is to find out and explain the effectiveness of virtual working to achieve optimal employee performance amid the covid-19 pandemic. This research is a systematic review (Systematic Review) using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) method which is carried out systematically by following the correct stages or research protocols. Next, we present the results of our analysis in the form of recommendations in the implementation of virtual work activities. we recommend six approaches to support virtual work, namely the first is managerial support, the second is infrastructure, the third is a new policy and new rules, the fourth is scheduling, the fifth is trust, communication, and feedback, the sixth is technology applications, the last is knowledge sharing

    The interest of self-initiated expatriates in working virtually for their country of origin in relation to universal values

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    This article aims to investigate the interest of self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) in working virtually for their country of origin and its relationship to the values of the individual. This research contributes to our understanding of the interest in working virtually for the country of origin and its relationships to universal values. The analysis is based on a quantitative study conducted with 1,970 SIEs from Lithuania. More than half of the respondents were willing to work virtually for their country of origin. Moreover, higher motivation influences the willingness to work virtually. Positive correlations were found between collectivist and individualist values and willingness to work virtually for the country of origin and between individualist values and economic motivation. The study is based solely on self-reports of their subjective values and opinions and refers to the case of expatriates from a single country

    How technological knowledge management capability compliments knowledge‐intensive human resource management practices to enhance team outcomes: A moderated mediation analysis

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    Although research establishes a link between knowledge-intensive human resource (HR) practices (KIHRP) and knowledge-intensive team (KIT) performance, knowledge is limited about the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions that determine this relationship. This study integrates the ability–motivation–opportunity (AMO) framework and theory of team adaptation intoan information processing perspective to present a cohesive model that explains the mediating role of team knowledge sharing and reflexivity processes, and moderation of organization's technological knowledge management (KM) capability to explain the effect of KIHRP on KIT performance. Data were collected in three waves and from three sources consisting of 380 knowledge workers from 123 teams in 74 organizations in Pakistan. The findings indicate that KIHRP relates positively to KIT performance directly as well as via team knowledge sharing and reflexivity processes where the organization's technological KM capability further strengthens this relationshi

    Estudo sobre equipas virtuais póspandemia: evolução sobre a taxonomia de temáticas e o modelo de construtos propostos por Alaiad, Alnsour e Alsharo

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    Virtual teams and their use have increased due to globalization, the enlargement of information and communication technologies, in particular computer-mediated communication. This trend was further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This work aims to identify the main themes, concepts analyzed by different researches as well as to notice the gaps and the directions to take in the future. This work, keeping the focus of the study presented in the article “Virtual Teams: Thematic Taxonomy, Constructs Model and Future Research Directions” by Alaid, Alnsour and Alsharo who analyzed the research on virtual teams between 2007 and 2018, extends the analysis to the years from 2019 to 2021 and compares the two investigation periods. Methodologically, a systematic literature review was carried out using the methodology proposed by Ramey and Rao, indicated in the reference article, which resulted in a sample of 21 articles. The data collected show that the most studied topics in the last three years were culture, computer-mediated communication tools, trust, social interaction, leadership, communication, performance and the adoption of this type of teams. The data from this study reveal (a) the interest in new constructs such as cultural intelligence, e-leadership and emotional intelligence, and (b) greater complexity in the published research, namely, mediating (explanatory) variables were identified in addition to the already existing moderators in the previous period and articles with several studies. The main gaps from the point of view of internal and external validity and limitations of the research carried out between 2019 and 2021 are identified. We contributed theoretically through a more detailed methodological presentation than the baseline study. In the proposed model we present the independent, dependent, most studied moderators and mediators, organized in a categorical way, turning the conceptual model for the study of virtual teams more intelligible. Empirically, we contributed to a better understanding of the aspects to be considered in the creation and management of teams.As equipas virtuais e a sua utilização têm aumentado o que se deve à globalização, ao incremento da utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, em particular da comunicação mediada por computador. Esta tendência foi ainda acelerada pela pandemia da COVID-19. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as principais temáticas, conceitos analisados pela investigação e quais as lacunas e direções a tomar em investigação futura. Este trabalho, mantendo o foco do estudo apresentado no artigo “Virtual Teams: Thematic Taxonomy, Constructs Model and Future Research Directions” por Alaid, Alnsour e Alsharo que analisaram a investigação sobre equipas virtuais entre 2007 e 2018 extende a análise para os anos 2019 a 2021 e compara os dois períodos de investigação. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura utilizando a metodologia proposta por Ramey e Rao, indicada no artigo de referência, que resultou numa amostra de 21 artigos. Os dados recolhidos mostram que os temas mais estudados nos últimos três anos foram a cultura, as ferramentas de comunicação mediada por computador, a confiança, a interação social, a liderança, a comunicação, o desempenho e a adoção deste tipo de equipas. Os dados deste estudo revelam (a) o interesse por novos construtos como a inteligência cultural, a e-liderança e a inteligência emocional, e (b) maior complexidade na investigação publicada nomeadamente, foram identificadas variáveis mediadoras (explicativas) além das moderadoras já existentes no período anterior e artigos com vários estudos. Identificam-se as principais lacunas do ponto de vista da validade interna e externa e limitações da pesquisa realizada entre 2019 a 2021. Contribuímos teoricamente através da apresentação metodológica mais detalhada do que do estudo de base, no modelo proposto apresentamos as variáveis independentes, dependentes, moderadoras e mediadoras mais estudadas, organizadas de forma categorial, tornando mais inteligível o modelo conceptual de estudo das equipas virtuais. Empiricamente, contribuímos para a melhor compreensão dos aspetos a considerar na criação e gestão das equipas

    Rol de la gestión de la información en entornos de trabajo virtual

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    El presente trabajo aborda una revisión de literatura para identificar el rol de la gestión de la información en entornos de trabajo virtual. En total se analizaron 123 artículos científicos seleccionados de dos bases de datos académicas: Scopus y Web of Science, con una ventana de tiempo de 15 años (2004 a 2018). De acuerdo con los hallazgos, se pudo identificar que las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), el entorno de trabajo y la seguridad de la información, la implementación de las etapas de la gestión de la información, la confianza, el desarrollo de software, el liderazgo, la selección y capacitación del personal y la comunicación, corresponden a las categorías que tienen mayor incidencia sobre la gestión de la información en los entornos de trabajo virtual de las organizaciones hoy día

    La memoria organizacional como factor de competitividad en la gestión académica en el posgrado – UNMSM

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    El entorno competitivo y globalizado hace que las organizaciones estén en constante cambio para sobrevivir en el mercado. Esta competitividad exige a las organizaciones a buscar estrategias, herramientas o estructuras que les permita lograr sus objetivos organizacionales, y el conocimiento es un activo primordial en la construcción de nuevas estrategias. Por lo cual, la memoria organizacional va a permitir almacenarla, preservarla y entenderla, fortaleciendo la toma de decisiones en la gestión. Este estudio tiene por objetivo diseñar un sistema de memoria organizacional como factor de competitividad en la gestión académica. El estudio se realizó en las unidades de posgrado del área económico-empresariales de la UNMSM y fue de tipo descriptivo y correlacional. El estudio comprobó la relación entre la memoria organizacional como factor de competitividad en la gestión académica, estableciéndose que es importante que las organizaciones implementen estrategias para utilizar el conocimiento de una organización con la finalidad de tomar decisiones con efectividad, una arista importante en la competitividad