44 research outputs found

    Contribution to Wind Energy Conversion Systems in Urban and Remote Areas

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    Recently, there is a growing interest in the use of wind energy in buildings environment for distributed generation systems. However, the prediction of the wind speed and energy in such environment is difficult, due to the roughness and the frictional effects which reduce the wind speed close to the ground. Moreover, the adjacent buildings affect the wind regime around a specific building in the urban environment. Therefore, a method for appropriate estimating of the wind speed and energy over the buildings’ roofs is required for the initial stages of the wind energy development in the urban environment. This thesis provides a novel method of estimating the wind speed and energy using a wind tunnel. The method has been validated using two case studies, homogeneous and non-homogeneous terrain. The Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) is preferred in small Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) for stand-alone and remote areas. A new technique to control the flux of the PMG for WECS applications has been developed and used in this thesis for voltage regulation purposes. By selecting a suitable value of d-axis current, the terminal voltage of the PM generator can be regulated for variable wind speed. Consequently, the terminal voltage across the load is also regulated. No special mechanical techniques or additional electromagnetic coils are used for this purpose. The effect of the PMG flux control on the reactive power compensating capability for a variable inductive load has also been studied for WECS applications. The case study presented in this thesis shows how the reactive power consumed by the load was compensated using the flux control operation of the system. The controller shows highly effective response during steady state and transient. A flux controller of a permanent magnet variable flux machine (PM-VFM) has also been designed and presented in the thesis for voltage regulation purposes. The controller is designed based on injecting d-axis current pulses for short periods of time. These pulses have negligible losses which reduces the machine losses and increases the machine efficiency

    Accurate rotor speed estimation for low-power wind turbines

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    Small grid-tied wind turbines based on permanent magnet generators often use a cost-effective power converter topology consisting of a passive rectifier, a boost converter, and an H-bridge inverter. Speed or position sensors are rarely used due to cost issues. Model-based estimators relying on electrical magnitudes are used instead. However, such estimators are parameter sensitive, which limit their accuracy. Further concerns arise if these parameters change with the operating condition of the machine, mainly due to temperature. Speed sensorless control using the rectifier voltage ripple is analyzed in this paper. This technique provides good dynamic response and does not depend on machine parameters. Simulations are provided for speed and power tracking comparison with an accurate model-based speed estimation method operating at non-rated parameters. The speed accuracy and power tracking capability of the proposed method are similar to that provided by a speed sensor. This is translated into a 0.9% power increase when the model-based speed estimator shows 9% of error. Experimental results are carried out to test the effect of current and temperature in the estimation, showing temperature insensitivity and some distortion due to fast current transients. A speed estimation accuracy of zero mean error and 1.7% standard error is experimentally obtained in the regular operation of the wind turbin

    Wind power applications of doubly-fed reluctance generators with parameter-free hysteresis control

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    The development and practical implementation aspects of a novel scheme for fast power control of the doubly-fed reluctance generator with a low-cost partially-rated converter, a promising brushless candidate for limited speed ranges of wind turbines, are presented in this paper. The proposed concept is derived from the fundamental dynamic analogies between the controllable and measurable properties of the machine: electro-magnetic torque and electrical power, and flux and reactive power. The algorithm is applied in a stationary reference frame without any knowledge of the machine parameters, including rotor angular position or velocity. It is then structurally simpler, easier to realize in real-time and more tolerant of the system operating uncertainties than model-based or proportional-integral control alternatives. Experimental results have demonstrated the excellent controller response for a variety of speed, load and/or power factor states of a custom-built generator prototype

    Control of a fractional-slot, concentrated-wound interior permanent magnet generator for direct-drive wind generation applications

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    This thesis assesses improvements to two types of control for a novel interior permanent magnet (PM) synchronous generator with fractional-slot, concentrated-wound stator designed for direct-drive wind energy conversion. The two control techniques assessed are a) field oriented control using a back-to-back converter arrangement and b) a current controller with a rectifier-connected boost converter. These were chosen to understand the potential and the limitations of the generator and its control. Modifications to the control techniques are proposed to improve the generator efficiency, the dynamic performance in the flux-weakening range and the torque ripple performance. The adequacy of the distributed-wound PM synchronous machine model for steady-state and dynamic control of this generator was experimentally validated under field oriented control using a back-to-back converter connected to the grid. The effectiveness of the existing current trajectory controls on the efficiency of the new generator was evaluated. A new flux-prioritized maximum torque per ampere technique which is independent of speed-dependent predefined trajectories was introduced, and a similar efficiency improvement was gained as the conventional loss minimization method in the partial load range. Thus, the control model validation and efficiency imrpovement of the new generator are the primary contributions. The dynamic performance of the generator, directly driven by a non-pitchable wind turbine emulator was investigated from cut-in speed to cut-out speed using maximum power point tracking and then constant power control above rated speed. A significant contribution was done in the power control above base wind speed that was achieved by utilizing the extended flux-weakening capability of the machine with its wide constant power-speed range. High torque ripple was observed when operated with a rectifier and boost converter using boost converter inductor current control. A new direct torque control technique using a machine rotor position based torque estimator was proposed to minimize this torque ripple. Eventhough the reduced torque ripple is still higher than that with back-to-back converter, the achieved ripple reduction is significant. The control of generator speed under each method is also demonstrated. Although the new method gives a faster speed dynamics than the conventional method, it shows slower speed response than that of back-to-back converter control. However, the significance of the study using a diode rectifier-connected boost converter control is highlighted with the achieved torque ripple minimization and performance enhancement of the generator. This study is expected to open new investigations in flux-weakening control of the PM generators using rectifier-connected boost converter. In this thesis, back to back converter control is demonstrated in order to optimally control the novel generator under the field oriented control, energy efficient current control and power control together with voltage control operating above rated speed. Torque ripple minimization of the generator is also presented when used with a diode rectifier-connected boost converter control

    Microgrid Energy Management

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    In IEEE Standards, a Microgrid is defined as a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources with clearly defined electrical boundaries, which acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island modes. This Special Issue focuses on innovative strategies for the management of the Microgrids and, in response to the call for papers, six high-quality papers were accepted for publication. Consistent with the instructions in the call for papers and with the feedback received from the reviewers, four papers dealt with different types of supervisory energy management systems of Microgrids (i.e., adaptive neuro-fuzzy wavelet-based controls, cost-efficient power-sharing techniques, and two-level hierarchical energy management systems); the proposed energy management systems are of quite general purpose and aim to reduce energy usages and monetary costs. In the last two papers, the authors concentrate their research efforts on the management of specific cases, i.e., Microgrids with electric vehicle charging stations and for all-electric ships

    Multi-function power electronic interface for hybrid mini-grid systems

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    In the past five years, global interest regarding the development of renewable energy technologies has significantly increased. The conventional electric power generation methods sourced from fossil fuels is now problematic, from both the supply and emission points of view. Fossil fuels are non-renewable limited resources that have taken millions of years to form; eventually they will be exhausted and the current cost of automotive fuel is evidence of them becoming diminished. The carbon dioxide emissions created through the energy conversion process are causing an increase in the overall atmospheric concentrations, which through global warming may have serious consequences for humanity.Natural sources of energy production can be derived from the Sun through the use of solar and wind generation methods. Converting these sources to electricity requires the technology of power electronics, the central area of research for this dissertation. Solar energy can most easily be harnessed through the photo-electric effect which creates DC electricity. However, the majority of electric loads and transmission require AC electricity. The inverter is the electronic device required for this power conversion. Wind turbines usually create variable voltage and frequency AC that is rectified to DC and then converted to grid type AC through an inverter.Voltage source inverters, their topologies and control are investigated within this dissertation. Voltage control methods are adopted for both stand-alone and grid connected techniques where control of active and reactive power is required. Current control techniques in the form of PI and hysteresis are applied to allow novel interfaces between generation sources to be achieved. Accurate control of the power electronics allows an enhancement in the power production from the renewable energy source. The power electronic device of the DC-DC converter, either buck or boost is controlled to allow the renewable resource to operate at its optimum power point. The control aspects and algorithms of these converters are central to this research. The solar algorithms of perturb and observe, and incremental conductance are developed with the latter being more favourable to changing levels of irradiation. The author draws a parallel between rapidly changing solar conditions with normally changing wind states. This analogy with an understanding of the mechanics of PMSG allows a novel wind MPPT algorithm to be developed which is simulated in PSIM. Methods to analyse the usefulness of the algorithm are developed and general conclusions are drawn.Another aim central to the research is the efficient combination of renewable energy sources into a single reliable power system. This forms the multi-function aspect of the research. The interconnection of the sources on the AC or DC sides is investigated for both stand-alone and grid connected topologies. A requirement of the stand-alone system is to provide power when no renewable resources are available causing some form of energy storage to be utilised. Conventional batteries are used, causing the VC-VSI to become bi-directional allowing charging. This is simulated in PSIM and demonstrated as part of the Denmark and Eco Beach projects. Many differing topologies of stand alone, grid connected and edge of grid systems are developed, simulated and some are demonstrated.While investigating the currently used topologies the author invents the novel complimentary hybrid system concept. This idea allows a single inverter to be used to feed energy from either the wind or solar resource. With careful engineering of the PV array and wind turbine characteristics only a small loss of energy is caused, deemed the crossover loss. This original concept is mathematically modelled, simulated and demonstrated with results presented from the Denmark project. The strength of this idea is from the quite complimentary nature of wind and solar resources, for only a small proportion of the year are high solar and strong wind conditions occurring simultaneously.Compared to a solar resource, the wind resource is much more complicated to model. An analysis of readily available wind source data is presented with a statistical analysis of the scaling methods; a novel box and whiskers plot is used to convey this information. New software is presented to allow a more accurate and digital model of a power curve to be recreated, allowing a more precise annual energy generation calculation. For various wind turbines a capacity factor analysis is presented with its disadvantages explained. To overcome these issues the concepts of economic efficiency and conversion efficiency are explained. These prevent some of the typical methods to enhance the standard capacity factor expression. The combination of these three methods allows selection of the most suitable wind turbine for a site.The concept of a mini-grid is an isolated power generation and distribution system, which can have its renewable energy sources, centralised or decentralised. The methods used to coalesce conventional generation with renewable energy technology forms another key piece of this research. A design methodology for the development of a hybrid power system is created with examples used from projects attributed to the author. The harmonising of the renewable energy sources with the conventional generation while providing a stable and robust grid is explained in detail with respect to the generator loading and control. The careful control of the renewable resource output is shown to allow a greater overall penetration of renewable energy into the network while continuing network stability. The concept of frequency shift control is presented, simulated and demonstrated with reference to the Eco Beach project. This project epitomises much of the research that has been presented in this dissertation. It combines centralised and decentralised inverters, with battery storage and the control of diesel generators. An overall controller dictates the optimum times to charge or draw from the battery based upon the local environmental and time of day variables. Finally, the monitoring aspects of this project are representative of a future smart grid where loads may be shed on demand through under frequency or direct control

    Holistic Physics-of-Failure Approach to Wind Turbine Power Converter Reliability

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    As the cost of wind energy becomes of increasing importance to the global surge of clean and green energy sources, the reliability-critical power converter is a target for vast improvements in availability through dedicated research. To this end, this thesis concentrates on providing a new holistic approach to converter reliability research to facilitate reliability increasing, cost reducing innovations unique to the wind industry. This holistic approach combines both computational and physical experimentation to provide a test bench for detailed reliability analysis of the converter power modules under the unique operating conditions of the wind turbine. The computational models include a detailed permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbine with a power loss and thermal model representing the machine side converter power module response to varying wind turbine conditions. The supporting experimental test rig consists of an inexpensive, precise and extremely fast temperature measurement approach using a PbSe photoconductive infra-red sensor unique in the wind turbine reliability literature. This is used to measure spot temperatures on a modified power module to determine the junction temperature swings experienced during current cycling. A number of key conclusions have been made from this holistic approach. -Physics-of-failure analysis (and indeed any wind turbine power converter based reliability analysis) requires realistic wind speed data as the temporal changes in wind speed have a significant impact on the thermal loading on the devices. -The use of drive train modelling showed that the current throughput of the power converter is decoupled from the incoming wind speed due to drive train dynamics and control. Therefore, the power converter loading cannot be directly derived from the wind speed input without this modelling. -The minimum wind speed data frequency required for sufficiently accurate temperature profiles was determined, and the use of SCADA data for physics-of failure reliability studies was subsequently shown to be entirely inadequate. -The experimental emulation of the power converter validated a number of the aspects of the simulation work including the increase in temperature with wind speed and the detectability of temperature variations due to the current's fundamental frequency. Most importantly, this holistic approach provides an ideal test bench for optimising power converter designs for wind turbine, or for other industries with stochastic loading, conditions whilst maintaining or exceeding present reliability levels to reduce wind turbine's cost of energy, and therefore, society

    Inductively Coupled CMOS Power Receiver For Embedded Microsensors

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    Inductively coupled power transfer can extend the lifetime of embedded microsensors that save costs, energy, and lives. To expand the microsensors' functionality, the transferred power needs to be maximized. Plus, the power receiver needs to handle wide coupling variations in real applications. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a power receiver that outputs the highest power for the widest coupling range. This research proposes a switched resonant half-bridge power stage that adjusts both energy transfer frequency and duration so the output power is maximally high. A maximum power point (MPP) theory is also developed to predict the optimal settings of the power stage with 98.6% accuracy. Finally, this research addresses the system integration challenges such as synchronization and over-voltage protection. The fabricated self-synchronized prototype outputs up to 89% of the available power across 0.067%~7.9% coupling range. The output power (in percentage of available power) and coupling range are 1.3× and 13× higher than the comparable state of the arts.Ph.D