6,126 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous component interactions: Sensors integration into multimedia applications

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    Resource-constrained embedded and mobile devices are becoming increasingly common. Since few years, some mobile and ubiquitous devices such as wireless sensor, able to be aware of their physical environment, appeared. Such devices enable proposing applications which adapt to user's need according the context evolution. It implies the collaboration of sensors and software components which differ on their nature and their communication mechanisms. This paper proposes a unified component model in order to easily design applications based on software components and sensors without taking care of their nature. Then it presents a state of the art of communication problems linked to heterogeneous components and proposes an interaction mechanism which ensures information exchanges between wireless sensors and software components

    GRIDKIT: Pluggable overlay networks for Grid computing

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    A `second generation' approach to the provision of Grid middleware is now emerging which is built on service-oriented architecture and web services standards and technologies. However, advanced Grid applications have significant demands that are not addressed by present-day web services platforms. As one prime example, current platforms do not support the rich diversity of communication `interaction types' that are demanded by advanced applications (e.g. publish-subscribe, media streaming, peer-to-peer interaction). In the paper we describe the Gridkit middleware which augments the basic service-oriented architecture to address this particular deficiency. We particularly focus on the communications infrastructure support required to support multiple interaction types in a unified, principled and extensible manner-which we present in terms of the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks

    uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems

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    [EN] A Real-Time Wireless Distributed Embedded System (RTWDES) is formed by a large quantity of small devices with certain computing power, wireless communication and sensing/actuators capabilities. These types of networks have become popular as they have been developed for applications which can carry out a vast quantity of tasks, including home and building monitoring, object tracking, precision agriculture, military applications, disaster recovery, industry applications, among others. For this type of applications a middleware is used in software systems to bridge the gap between the application and the underlying operating system and networks. As a result, a middleware system can facilitate the development of applications and is designed to provide common services to the applications. The development of a middleware for sensor networks presents several challenges due to the limited computational resources and energy of the different nodes. This work is related with the design, implementation and test of a micro middleware for RTWDES; the proposal incorporates characteristics of a message oriented middleware thus allowing the applications to communicate by employing the publish/subscribe model. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed middleware provides a stable and timely service to support different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work was developed as a part of the D2ARS Project supported by CYTED. UNESCO code 120325;330417;120314;120305.González, A.; Mata, W.; Villaseñor, L.; Aquino, R.; Simó Ten, JE.; Chávez, M.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2011). uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 64(3-4):489-503. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-011-9550-zS489503643-4Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Cayirci, E.: A survey on sensor networks. IEEE Commun. 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In: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. San Diego, CA (2003)Mata, W., González, A., Aquino, R., Crespo, A., Ripoll, I., Capel, M.: A wireless networked embedded sistem with a new real-time Kernel PaRTiKle. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2007. ISBN 0-7695-2974-7. Cuernavaca, México (2007)Mata, W., González, A., Crespo, A.: A proposal for real-time middleware for wireless sensor networks. Workshop on Sensor Networks and Applications (WseNA’08). Gramado, Brasil (2008)Mata, W., González, A., Fuentes, G., Fuentes, R., Crespo, A., Carr, D.: Porting jRate(RT-Java) to a POSIX real-time Linux Kernel. Tenth Real-Time Linux Workshop. Colotlán, Jalisco México (2008)MiLAN Project: Available: http://www.futurehealth.rochester.edu/milan (2008)OMG, Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems Version 1.2. 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    Garnet: a middleware architecture for distributing data streams originating in wireless sensor networks

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    We present an architectural framework, Garnet, which provides a data stream centric abstraction to encourage the manipulation and exploitation of data generated in sensor networks. By providing middleware services to allow mutually-unaware applications to manipulate sensor behaviour, a scalable, extensible platform is provided. We focus on sensor networks with transmit and receive capabilities as this combination poses greater challenges for managing and distributing sensed data. Our approach allows simple and sophisticated sensors to coexist, and allows data consumers to be mutually unaware of each other This also promotes the use of middleware services to mediate among consumers with potentially conflicting demands for shared data. Garnet has been implemented in Java, and we report on our progress to date and outline some likely scenarios where the use of our distributed architecture and accompanying middleware support enhances the task of sharing data in sensor network environments

    Publish/subscribe protocol in wireless sensor networks: improved reliability and timeliness

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    The rapidly-evolving demand of applications using wireless sensor networks in several areas such as building and industrial automation or smart cities, among other, makes it necessary to determine and provide QoS support mechanisms which can satisfy the requirements of applications. In this paper we propose a mechanism that establishes different QoS levels, based on Publish/Subscribe model for wireless networks to meet application requirements, to provide reliable delivery of packet and timeliness. The first level delivers packets in a best effort way. The second one intends to provide reliable packet delivery with a novel approach for Retransmission Timeout (RTO) calculation, which adjusts the RTO depending on the subscriber Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). The third one provides the same reliable packet delivery as the second one, but in addition, it provides data aggregation trying to be efficient in terms of energy consumption and the use of network bandwidth. The last one provides timeliness in the packet delivery. We evaluate each QoS Level with several performance metrics such as PDR, Message Delivery Ratio, Duplicated and Retransmitted Packet Ratio and Packet Timeliness Ratio to demonstrate that our proposal provides significant improvements based on the increase of the PDR obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Distributed Sensor Data Search Platform for Internet of Things Environments

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    Recently, the number of devices has grown increasingly and it is hoped that, between 2015 and 2016, 20 billion devices will be connected to the Internet and this market will move around 91.5 billion dollars. The Internet of Things (IoT) is composed of small sensors and actuators embedded in objects with Internet access and will play a key role in solving many challenges faced in today's society. However, the real capacity of IoT concepts is constrained as the current sensor networks usually do not exchange information with other sources. In this paper, we propose the Visual Search for Internet of Things (ViSIoT) platform to help technical and non-technical users to discover and use sensors as a service for different application purposes. As a proof of concept, a real case study is used to generate weather condition reports to support rheumatism patients. This case study was executed in a working prototype and a performance evaluation is presented.Comment: International Journal of Services Computing (ISSN 2330-4472) Vol. 4, No.1, January - March, 201

    A Middleware for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects everyday objects including a vast array of sensors, actuators, and smart devices, referred to as things to the Internet, in an intelligent and pervasive fashion. This connectivity gives rise to the possibility of using the tracking capabilities of things to impinge on the location privacy of users. Most of the existing management and location privacy protection solutions do not consider the low-cost and low-power requirements of things, or, they do not account for the heterogeneity, scalability, or autonomy of communications supported in the IoT. Moreover, these traditional solutions do not consider the case where a user wishes to control the granularity of the disclosed information based on the context of their use (e.g. based on the time or the current location of the user). To fill this gap, a middleware, referred to as the Internet of Things Management Platform (IoT-MP) is proposed in this paper.Comment: 20 pages, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.8, No.2, March 201

    Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: An Outlook

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    In modern distributed computing, applications are rarely built directly atop operating system facilities, e.g., sockets. Higher-level middleware abstractions and systems are often employed to simplify the programmer’s chore or to achieve interoperability. In contrast, real-world wireless sensor network (WSN) applications are almost always developed by relying directly on the operating system. Why is this the case? Does it make sense to include a middleware layer in the design of WSNs? And, if so, is it the same kind of software system as in traditional distributed computing? What are the fundamental concepts, reasonable assumptions, and key criteria guiding its design? What are the main open research challenges, and the potential pitfalls? Most importantly, is it worth pursuing research in this field? This paper provides a (biased) answer to these and other research questions, preceded by a brief account on the state of the art in the field
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