10 research outputs found

    Is this blended-learning, or another thing?

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    Today there are many forms of online use to support training, education and information dissemination. There's been a lot of confusion about the concept of online learning and we may not be able to get a definitive definition of it but hopefully, we can clarify concepts and the objective of this presentation is to be able to have a satisfying definition to understand the way our institution uses online content for our undergraduate students. Online learning in higher education is often pointed out as a good alternative, in the planning and organization of teaching/learning activities. Although there is resistance to its adherence by older or traditionalist teachers, because they do not master the tools and pedagogical innovation with digital technologies and also some resistance to the format, as it seconds the role of the teacher, shifting the axis of learning towards the student. Our University uses currently a platform for online learning, where there are small online courses that are additinally for some of the mandatory or optative curricular courses for the first year of the Undergraduate Programme. The structure of the online courses is normally of videos in varying number, followed by quizzes to assess the knowledge retained by the viewer of the video. It requires a minimum percentage of result to proceed to the next video. This model for training and education gives both the student and the teacher the opportunity of enrichment if, on the one hand, the student creates some autonomy, on the other hand, does not lose contact with teacher presence.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The implantation of innovative technologies in China`s school system

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    Тези присвічено проблемі інноваційних технологій в освітньому середовищі, зокрема охарактеризовано процес поширення інформаційно-комунікативних технологій в загальній системі освіти.The thesis highlights the problem of innovative technologies in the educational environment, in particular the process of dissemination of information and communication technologies in the general education system is described

    Developing Global Literacy: Best Practices for Teaching Technical Communication Internationally

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    The teaching of technical communication has been expanding beyond English-speaking borders for several decades. U.S. educators often teach technical communication internationally through workshops, faculty exchanges, and e-collaborations. This paper discusses challenges, solutions, and best practices for U.S. educators teaching internationally, especially those teaching in China. By understanding current theory and practice in international technical communication education, learning from the missteps and successes of their colleagues, and incorporating globally appropriate recommendations into their classrooms, U.S. educators will be better prepared to deliver instruction abroad and develop mutually beneficial collaborations across cultures

    An Exploration of China-Africa Cooperation in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Open Distance Learning

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    Cognisant of the wide range of cooperation between China and Africa and the existing strong Sino-African relationship, this article explores the international cooperation between Africa and China in the higher education domain, especially in the field of Open Distance Learning (ODL). The study employed data triangulation relying on both secondary and primary sources to address the main research questions. It sheds light on the development of ODL in Chinese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with a focus on professional development of university teachers. The article argues that ODL is crucial for emerging economies’ sustainable development. Key factors such as political, technological and socio-cultural features play a crucial role in the development and effective implementation of ODL. By exploring the potential opportunities and identifying related challenges, this article contributes to an understanding of how mutually beneficial partnerships between African universities and Chinese HEIs can be developed within the wider framework of Sino-African relationship

    An exploration of China-Africa cooperation in Higher Education: opportunities and challenges in Open Distance Learning

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    Cognisant of the wide range of cooperation between China and Africa and the existing strong Sino-African relationship, this article explores the international cooperation between Africa and China in the higher education domain, especially in the field of Open Distance Learning (ODL). The study employed data triangulation relying on both secondary and primary sources to address the main research questions. It sheds light on the development of ODL in Chinese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with a focus on professional development of university teachers. The article argues that ODL is crucial for emerging economies’ sustainable development. Key factors such as political, technological and socio-cultural features play a crucial role in the development and effective implementation of ODL. By exploring the potential opportunities and identifying related challenges, this article contributes to an understanding of how mutually beneficial partnerships between African universities and Chinese HEIs can be developed within the wider framework of Sino-African relationship

    O que devemos ter em conta para definir corretamente os termos distance learning, e-learning e m-learning?

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    A investigação agregada ao ensino a distância encontra dificuldades quando se pretende comparar estudos sobre definições, visto que, amplas, estão associadas a diferentes contextos e interesses de alguns autores, muitas vezes incompletas e com falta de rigor. Portanto, essas definições devem ser clarificadas, ordenadas e definidas corretamente. Analisei mais de 60 artigos que envolvem os três conceitos e encontrei uma forma para ter em conta ao construi-los corretamente. Identifiquei um conjunto de características e subcaracterísticas que recomendo a todos os interessados para a construção correta das definições distance learning, e-learning e m-learning

    Explore the role of psychic distance in order to understand the challenges of managing remote foreign teachers in China’s English-language training firms

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    The lack of foreign teachers makes effective management of remote foreign teachers be necessary for Chinese language training companies. The aim of this research is to explore the role of psychic distance and identify the challenges related to psychic distance in remote foreign teacher management in order to understand the challenges being faced in a more comprehensive way. To meet the research aims, this dissertation was based on an extensive review of relevant literature and the implementation of empirical research that was conducted through a case study strategy by using semi-structured interviews with remote foreign teachers and Chinese managers. This research generated a number of findings: the mechanism by which psychic distance plays its role in the remote management of foreign teachers lies in the effective communication between teachers and managers; Foreign teachers and Chinese managers have different views on cultural distance and its influence; Chinese government policies in the administrative distance are vague in terms of remote foreign teacher management; Time difference and network problems are the predominant challenges caused by geography; high human resource cost is not the leading challenge associated with economic distance. The main conclusions drawn from this study include: both managers’ and team members’ perception are important; although both managers and teachers realize the existence of cultural differences, managers haven’t paid adequate attention to them in management; administrative distance with changing Chinese government policies which could directly affect online foreign teacher management which is uncontrollable; Geographic distance challenged managers more than foreign teachers; economic distance caused high operating costs for companies. This dissertation recommends that a sound communication mechanism should be established internally; taking culture-related training as a part of work in daily management; managers need to pay attention to government policies and update relevant news with foreign teachers; remote foreign teachers should be managed as a team, and should start with recruiting suitable candidates and establishing a reasonable promotion system to control operating costs

    Práticas de eLearning em Instituições de Ensino Superior da Região Administrativa de Macau

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    O século XXI tem sido pautado por várias transformações. A evolução tecnológica, a mais evidente, tem vindo a ser utilizada para aperfeiçoar vários domínios sociais, mas em particular, as experiências pedagógicas contemporâneas. Novos fundamentos sobre as pedagogias, em conformidade com as teorias construtivistas, são explorados e adoptados em instituições de ensino superior (IES) numa tentativa de desenvolver práticas pedagógicas relevantes, inclusivas e amplamente holísticas. Esta é uma tendência que se verifica à escala universal. Com este estudo pretende-se explorar o panorama real do uso de práticas e dinâmicas pedagógicas em eLearning e das pedagogias emergentes em duas instituições de ensino superior da Região Administrativa de Macau (RAEM). O estudo explora os padrões de integração das tecnologias digitais no processo de ensino- aprendizagem, o seu impacto nas experiências educativas, práticas e competências digitais actuais dos docentes da região das duas intituições, bem como as metodologias para a sua adopção no quadro do ensino superior. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que Macau não apresenta um registo vinculado de iniciativas emergentes na educação, caracterizando-se, em oposição, por modelos e práticas pedagógicas mais tradicionais. Por outro lado, apesar das instituições analisadas reunirem condições ao dispor da comunidade académica, a maioria dos docentes possuem fragilidades para a utilização e integração de ferramentas digitais mais complexas. Verifica-se também que as tecnologias digitais utilizadas nas IES estudadas da RAEM alude-se ao apoio das práticas pedagógicas, não sendo incorporada de forma significativa, assim como, o apoio institucional a tais práticas não é eficiente. Neste panorama pedagógico, quer as competências digitais dos docentes, as suas práticas de eLearning bem como a compreensão e adopção do conceito de abertura são encontram-se em estádios pouco desenvolvidos. O estudo contribui para a delineação de resoluções e para a criação de uma cultura pedagógica mais direccionada para o conceito de “openness” em Macau.The twenty-first century has been marked by several transformations. Technological evolution, the most obvious one, has been used to improve various social domains, but in particular contemporary pedagogical experiences. New fundamentals on pedagogies, in harmony with constructivist theories, are explored and adopted in higher education institutions in an attempt to develop relevant, inclusive and largely holistic pedagogical practices. This is a trend that takes place on a universal scale. The purpose of this study is to outline an authentic representation of the dynamics and pedagogical practices of eLearning and emerging pedagogies in two institutions of higher education (IHE) in the Macau Administrative Region (MSAR). The study explores the patterns of technological integration in the teaching-learning process, its impact on current educational experiences, practices and digital skills of teachers of this region, as well as the methodologies developed for technological adoption in the context of higher education. The results show that Macao does not present a firm record of emerging initiatives in local education, being the last characterized, in opposition, by traditional pedagogical models and practices; and although the represented institutions entail technological conditions accessible to its academic community, most of the teaching staff manifests significant weaknesses in the use and integration of more complex digital instruments. It appears that the technology currently used in higher education of the MSAR alludes to the support of pedagogical practices, but is not incorporated in a significant way, and the institutional support of such practices are inefficient. Both the practices, competencies, and concepts of openness in this open pedagogical panorama are, therefore, underdeveloped. The study contributes to the delimitation of resolutions for the creation of a pedagogical culture engaged to the concept of "openness" in Macao

    Trends in school education in the EU, USA and China: a monograph

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    Монографію присвячено проблемі трансформацій в освіті в країнах ЄС, США та КНР. Авторами обґрунтувано сутність тенденції як наукової категорії педагогічної компаративістики, так і феномену, який характеризує розвиток сучасної освіти; розкрито стратегічні орієнтири міжнародних організацій щодо розвитку освіти в умовах глобалізації та європеїзації; виявлено тенденції розвитку шкільної освіти в країнах зарубіжжя (ФРН, Республіці Польща, Сполученому Королівстві Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії, США, КНР) в контексті реформи загальної середньої освіти в Україні. Для освітян, розробників освітньої політики, науковців і докторантів, викладачів і студентів закладів вищої освіти.The monograph is devoted to the problem of transformations in education in the EU, USA and China. The authors substantiate the essence of the trend of both the scientific category of pedagogical comparative studies and the phenomenon that characterizes the development of modern education; the strategic orientations of international organizations on the development of education in the conditions of globalization and Europeanization are revealed; Trends in the development of school education in foreign countries (Germany, the Republic of Poland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States, China) in the context of the reform of general secondary education in Ukraine. For educators, educational policy developers, researchers and doctoral students, teachers and students of higher education institutions