6,215 research outputs found

    Evaluation of sales and operations planning in a process industry

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    Cette thèse porte sur la planification des ventes et des opérations (S±&OP) dans une chaîne d'approvisionnements axée sur la demande. L'objectif de la S±&OP, dans un tel contexte, est de tirer profit de l'alignement de la demande des clients avec la capacité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement par la coordination de la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement. Un tel processus de planification exige une collaboration multifonctionnelle profonde ainsi que l'intégration de la planification. Le but étant d'anticiper l'impact des décisions de vente sur les performances de la chaîne logistique , alors que l'influence de la dynamique des marchés est prise en compte pour les décisions concernant la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement. La recherche a été menée dans un environnement logistique manufacturier multi-site et multi-produit, avec un approvisionnement et des ventes régis par des contrats ou le marché. Cette thèse examine deux approches de S±&OP et fournit un support à la décision pour l'implantation de ces méthodes dans une chaîne logistique multi-site de fabrication sur commande. Dans cette thèse, une planification traditionnelle des ventes et de la production basée sur la S±feOP et une planification S±fcOP plus avancée de la chaîne logistique sont tout d'abord caractérisées. Dans le système de chaîne logistique manufacturière multi-site, nous définissons la S±&OP traditionnelle comme un système dans lequel la planification des ventes et de la production est effectuée conjointement et centralement, tandis que la planification de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement est effectuée séparément et localement à chaque emplacement. D'autre part, la S±fcOP avancée de la chaîne logistique consiste en la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement effectuée conjointement et centralement. Basés sur cette classification, des modèles de programmation en nombres entiers et des modèles de simulation sur un horizon roulant sont développés, représentant, respectivement, les approches de S±&OP traditionnelle et avancée, et également, une planification découplée traditionnelle, dans laquelle la planification des ventes est effectuée centralement et la planification de la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement est effectuée séparément et localement par les unités d'affaires. La validation des modèles et l'évaluation pré-implantation sont effectuées à l'aide d'un cas industriel réel utilisant les données d'une compagnie de panneaux de lamelles orientées. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les deux méthodes de S±feOP (traditionnelle et avancée) offrent une performance significativement supérieure à celle de la planification découplée, avec des bénéfices prévus supérieurs de 3,5% et 4,5%, respectivement. Les résultats sont très sensibles aux conditions de marché. Lorsque les prix du marché descendent ou que la demande augmente, de plus grands bénéfices peuvent être réalisés. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, les décisions de vente impliquent des ventes régies par des contrats et le marché. Les décisions de contrat non optimales affectent non seulement les revenus, mais également la performance manufacturière et logistique et les décisions de contrats d'approvisionnement en matière première. Le grand défi est de concevoir et d'offrir les bonnes politiques de contrat aux bons clients de sorte que la satisfaction des clients soit garantie et que l'attribution de la capacité de la compagnie soit optimisée. Également, il faut choisir les bons contrats des bons fournisseurs, de sorte que les approvisionnements en matière première soient garantis et que les objectifs financiers de la compagnie soient atteints. Dans cette thèse, un modèle coordonné d'aide à la décision pour les contrats e développé afin de fournir une aide à l'intégration de la conception de contrats, de l'attribution de capacité et des décisions de contrats d'approvisionnement pour une chaîne logistique multi-site à trois niveaux. En utilisant la programmation stochastique à deux étapes avec recours, les incertitudes liées à l'environnement et au système sont anticipées et des décisions robustes peuvent être obtenues. Les résultats informatiques montrent que l'approche de modélisation proposée fournit des solutions de contrats plus réalistes et plus robustes, avec une performance prévue supérieure d'environ 12% aux solutions fournies par un modèle déterministe

    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications

    Virtual transshipments and revenue-sharing contracts in supply chain management

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    This dissertation presents the use of virtual transshipments and revenue-sharing contracts for inventory control in a small scale supply chain. The main objective is to maximize the total profit in a centralized supply chain or maximize the supply chain\u27s profit while keeping the individual components\u27 incentives in a decentralized supply chain. First, a centralized supply chain with two capacitated manufacturing plants situated in two distinct geographical regions is considered. Normally, demand in each region is mostly satisfied by the local plant. However, if the local plant is understocked while the remote one is overstocked, some of the newly generated demand can be assigned to be served by the more remote plant. The sources of the above virtual lateral transshipments, unlike the ones involved in real lateral transshipments, do not need to have nonnegative inventory levels throughout the transshipment process. Besides the theoretical analysis for this centralized supply chain, a computational study is conducted in detail to illustrate the ability of virtual lateral transshipments to reduce the total cost. The impacts of the parameters (unit holding cost, production cost, goodwill cost, etc.) on the cost savings that can be achieved by using the transshipment option are also assessed. Then, a supply chain with one supplier and one retailer is considered where a revenue-sharing contract is adopted. In this revenue-sharing contract, the retailer may obtain the product from the supplier at a less-than-production-cost price, but in exchange, the retailer must share the revenue with the supplier at a pre-set revenuesharing rate. The objective is to maximize the overall supply chain\u27s total profit while upholding the individual components\u27 incentives. A two-stage Stackelberg game is used for the analysis. In this game, one player is the leader and the other one is the follower. The analysis reveals that the party who keeps more than half of the revenue should also be the leader of the Stackelberg game. Furthermore, the adoption of a revenue-sharing contract in a supply chain with two suppliers and one retailer under a limited amount of available funds is analyzed. Using the revenue-sharing contract, the retailer pays a transfer cost rate of the production cost per unit when he obtains the items from the suppliers, and shares the revenue with the suppliers at a pre-set revenue-sharing rate. The two suppliers have different transfer cost rates and revenue-sharing rates. The retailer will earn more profit per unit with a higher transfer cost rate. How the retailer orders items from the two suppliers to maximize his expected profit under limited available funds is analyzed next. Conditions are shown under which the optimal way the retailer orders items from the two suppliers exists

    Application of Optimization in Production, Logistics, Inventory, Supply Chain Management and Block Chain

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    The evolution of industrial development since the 18th century is now experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. The effect of the development has propagated into almost every sector of the industry. From inventory to the circular economy, the effectiveness of technology has been fruitful for industry. The recent trends in research, with new ideas and methodologies, are included in this book. Several new ideas and business strategies are developed in the area of the supply chain management, logistics, optimization, and forecasting for the improvement of the economy of the society and the environment. The proposed technologies and ideas are either novel or help modify several other new ideas. Different real life problems with different dimensions are discussed in the book so that readers may connect with the recent issues in society and industry. The collection of the articles provides a glimpse into the new research trends in technology, business, and the environment

    Trade Credit Policies for Supplier, Manufacturer, and Retailer: An Imperfect Production-Inventory System with Rework

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    In this study, we developed a trade credit policy for a three-layer supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer. We propose an optimal production rate and selling price for the manufacturer and the retailer under an imperfect production system. The suggested coordination policy optimizes the profit of each supply chain member. Two models were formulated for two real-life strategies respectively. The first one is a collaborative (integrated) system and the second one is a Stackelberg leadership system. Both strategies were analyzed for various credit periods, respectively offered by the supplier to the manufacturer, by the manufacturer to the retailer, and by the retailer to the customers, by considering price-sensitive demand and a certain replenishment rate. Finally, we concluded which strategy will be better for inventory management under the given restrictions in the form of propositions. The concavity property for the net profit function was established with respect to the selling price and the production rate, which was also described graphically and analyzed by numerical examples

    Trade Credit Policies for Supplier, Manufacturer, and Retailer: An Imperfect Production-Inventory System with Rework

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    In this study, we developed a trade credit policy for a three-layer supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer. We propose an optimal production rate and selling price for the manufacturer and the retailer under an imperfect production system. The suggested coordination policy optimizes the profit of each supply chain member. Two models were formulated for two real-life strategies respectively. The first one is a collaborative (integrated) system and the second one is a Stackelberg leadership system. Both strategies were analyzed for various credit periods, respectively offered by the supplier to the manufacturer, by the manufacturer to the retailer, and by the retailer to the customers, by considering price-sensitive demand and a certain replenishment rate. Finally, we concluded which strategy will be better for inventory management under the given restrictions in the form of propositions. The concavity property for the net profit function was established with respect to the selling price and the production rate, which was also described graphically and analyzed by numerical examples

    Spatial competition of learning agents in agricultural procurement markets

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    Spatially dispersed farmers supply raw milk as the primary input to a small number of large dairy-processing firms. The spatial competition of processing firms has short- to long-term repercussions on farm and processor structure, as it determines the regional demand for raw milk and the resulting raw milk price. A number of recent analytical and empirical contributions in the literature analyse the spatial price competition of processing firms in milk markets. Agent-based models (ABMs) serve by now as computational laboratories in many social science and interdisciplinary fields and are recently also introduced as bottom-up approaches to help understand market outcomes emerging from autonomously deciding and interacting agents. Despite ABMs' strengths, the inclusion of interactive learning by intelligent agents is not sufficiently matured. Although the literature of multi-agent systems (MASs) and multi-agent economic simulation are related fields of research they have progressed along separate paths. This thesis takes us through some basic steps involved in developing a theoretical basis for designing multi-agent learning in spatial economic ABMs. Each of the three main chapters of the thesis investigates a core issue for designing interactive learning systems with the overarching aim of better understanding the emergence of pricing behaviour in real, spatial agricultural markets. An important problem in the competitive spatial economics literature is the lack of a rigorous theoretical explanation for observed collusive behavior in oligopsonistic markets. The first main chapter theoretically derives how the incorporation of foresight in agents' pricing policy in spatial markets might move the system towards cooperative Nash equilibria. It is shown that a basic level of foresight invites competing firms to cease limitless price wars. Introducing the concept of an outside option into the agents' decisions within a dynamic pricing game reveals viihow decreasing returns for increasing strategic thinking correlates with the relevance of transportation costs. In the second main chapter, we introduce a new learning algorithm for rational agents using H-PHC (hierarchical policy hill climbing) in spatial markets. While MASs algorithms are typically just applicable to small problems, we show experimentally how a community of multiple rational agents is able to overcome the coordination problem in a variety of spatial (and non-spatial) market games of rich decision spaces with modest computational effort. The theoretical explanation of emerging price equilibria in spatial markets is much disputed in the literature. The majority of papers attribute the pricing behavior of processing firms (mill price and freight absorption) merely to the spatial structure of markets. Based on a computational approach with interactive learning agents in two-dimensional space, the third main chapter suggests that associating the extent of freight absorption just with the factor space can be ambiguous. In addition, the pricing behavior of agricultural processors – namely the ability to coordinate and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes - also depends on their ability to learn from each other

    Product Service Systems and Sustainability: Opportunities for Sustainable Solutions

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    Given that the concept of PSS is beginning to 'catch on' and gain attention, it is time for UNEP to contribute to, and influence the progress of PSS, to ensure that in concept and application it incorporates the idea of sustainability. In this context its potential is not generally understood by the public and private sectors or civil society. This booklet is intended to contribute to the dissemination and the discussion of the PSS concept as a promising approach to sustainability. The ultimate goal must be to achieve Sustainable Product-Service Systems. This UNEP publication is targeted at industry and government, academia and civil society to explain PSS – their potential benefits and limitations – in the sustainability context – using real company examples. To prepare this booklet, UNEP has drawn on the knowledge and experience of PSS experts to flesh out the concept of a sustainable PSS, to collect case studies of PSS in practice, to begin to document both its benefits and the hurdles which need to be overcome in its application, and to suggest ways forward in its development
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