39 research outputs found


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    In this project is presentet how Tourism like activity economic is user of agriculturar products. But also the role of the forest as acttractive value in some areas of Kosova. Agriculturar products consumed from tourists ensure the best market as tourist market as user of these products. Due to agriculturar products consumption by Tourism also agriculture is developed by included a considerable number of workforces which realize their income. All countries which have developed tourist offer are consumpation of agriculturar products. This relases to economic development of the country and rising of social gross product. In this case with emphasis in Republic of Kosova also in acttractive aesthetic enivorments.Keywords: Tourism, Agriculture, Agriculturar products, Consumption, Aesthetic enivorment, Tourist offer

    Community Empowerment as an Effort to Reduce Poverty Level in Palembang City

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    Poverty is a problem faced in every country. One of them is in Indonesia. The poverty level in cities in Indonesia is still quite high. One city that gets enough attention is the City of Palembang. There are around 9.46% of the population of Palembang City below the poverty line. This is something that needs attention. If seen, Palembang has good potential. One potential is that the government proclaims Palembang as an area of sports tourism. This declaration will have a major impact especially on the economic sector. Poverty reduction needs the role of all parties, both government and private. There are several solutions that can be done to alleviate poverty, one of which is community empowerment. Universities can participate in empowerment activities through the activities of Tri Dharma, especially dedication dharma. In this article, two examples of service activities oriented towards community empowerment are discussed. The concept of these two activities is continuous training. The training target is the people who enter open slaughter and have little opportunity to get a job, namely housewives and mothers who already have micro businesses. The training model is tailored to the needs of the community, including training in business management and training in making handicrafts. With this training, it is expected that these mothers can have good insights related to entrepreneurship. And in the end can open a business and help increase household income

    Muslim-Consumers Behaviour in Willingness to Buy Halal Food in Japan

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of religiosity, food ingredients, halal label, knowledge, and income on the willingness of Indonesian Muslim consumers in Japan to buy Halal Food Products. The research method used is a quantitative method, using regression analysis tests. The research questionnaire was distributed to respondents who are Indonesian Muslim in Japan. The finding of this research is religiosity and food ingridients has significant influence on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. Halal label does not have a significant effect on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. Knowledge does not have significant effect on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. income does not strengthen the effect of religiosity on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. Income does not strengthen the influence of Halal label on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. Income does not strengthen the influence of food ingredients on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. That income does not strengthen the influence of knowledge on consumers' willingness to buy halal food products. This is first study of behavior Indonesia Muslim in Japan to be minority. The implication is to improve the development strategy of halal food products industry in Japan and to improve understanding and knowledge of halal food products. Limitations in this study is the number of respondents who are relatively few compared to the total Muslims working in Japan and only limited to Indonesian citizens

    Online Stakeholder Interactions in the Early Stage of a Megaproject

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the network structure of online stakeholder discussions in the planning stage of a UK public mega project, High Speed Rail. By providing new rail connections between London, Birmingham and Manchester, this project is highly complex as it is embedded in a network of stakeholder relationships that may support or oppose the project. Data drawn from Twitter was analyzed using Social Network Analysis and inductive analysis of user profiles and content. Findings indicate that the majority of online stakeholders oppose the project and form stable clusters. Larger clusters within this network may attempt to deploy power directly in the form of a manipulation strategy while smaller clusters may seek to ally themselves with more powerful groups, a pathway strategy. Overall, the methodology is a useful complement to existing methods and may provide real time insights into the complex, evolving discussions around mega projects

    Analysis of Customer Knowledge, Halal Brand, Trust, and Customer Engagement on Customer Loyalty at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang

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    This study aims to analyze the significance effect of Customer Knowledge, Halal Brand, Trust, and Customer Engagement on Customer Loyalty on PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang both simultaneously and partially. The used data is primary data which collected by using questionnaire. Population in this study were all customer PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang, while the sample in this study was 115 participants customer PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang. Sampling is using a purposive sampling technique. The analysis model used in this research is multiple regression analysis, and the analysis technique uses the simultaneously significant test, determination correlation test, and partial significance test with the SPSS 25.00. The results of proving the hypothesis and discussion show that Customer Knowledge, Halal Brand, Trust, and Customer Engagement simultaneously have a significant effect on Customer Loyalty PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang. Customer Knowledge and Trust partially have positive and insignificant effect on Customer Loyalty, whereas Halal Brand and Customer Engagement partially have positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang.Keywords: Customer Loyalty, Customer Knowledge, Halal Brand, Trust, and Customer Engagement

    The role of job embeddedness in new generation migrant workers turnover intention in Guizhou province of China

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    Nowadays, new generation migrant workers have become the major component of migrant workers in China.As an important part of China’s labor force supply, new generation migrant workers’ high voluntary turnover rates have been widely concerned.Identified by the household registration system and land contract system in China, although migrant workers work in non-agricultural sectors, they still hold rural resident household registration.Due to this different social identity with the urban workers, new generation migrant workers usually face identity discrimination (difference between farmers and urban workers) and are difficult to integrate into their working organization.The rural resident household registration acts as a potentially salient social category with which new generation migrant workers can develop identification in their organizations, by which they identify the congruence of values and goals between individual and the organization that contribute to their work enthusiasm and organizational commitment and later lead to frequently job change.Thus, this study seeks to investigate the relationship between organization identification and turnover intentions in the sample of new generation migrant workers, which is mediated by on-the-job embeddedness.Additionally, this study also tests the moderating effect of off-the-job embeddedness on the relationship between on-the-job embeddedness and turnover intention

    Turnover intention among new generation rural migrant workers in China: the role of job embeddedness

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    The new generation rural migrant workers have played a significant role in China’s economic development as these workers are a vital labor supply of China’s industrial workers. Even so, a recent recruitment trend has revealed that most of these rural migrant workers demonstrate short-term employment and exhibit a high turnover rate which subsequently threatens the industrial labor supply as well as the social development in China. This study aims at addressing the turnover issue of the migrant workers in China by proposing an empirical research model aimed at reducing the turnover intention of these migrant workers. The proposing theoretical framework is underpinned by the triadic reciprocal of the social cognitive theory which suggests that interpersonal factors, along with elements of job embededdness, influence one’s turnover intention. Individuals who have high community embeddedness may strengthen the embeddedness into the organization and then mitigate their turnover intention.The model was tested by means of PLS-SEM using data that was collected from 379 new generation rural migrant workers in the manufacturing sector in Guizhou Province, China. The results indicated that organizational identification, remuneration, organization embeddedness, and community embeddedness are negatively related to turnover intention; while work overload was positively associated with turnover intention. Organization embeddedness has significant mediating effects on the relationships among the organizational identification, remuneration, and career adaptability on turnover intention; whereas community embeddedness has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between organization embeddedness and turnover intention. This study contributes to managers in the manufacturing industry and government policymakers in China to disseminate the potential discrimination on the new generation rural migrant workers and concern on their well-being to prevent high turnover intention

    The role of tourism promotor for the development of tourism destinations

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    Početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća počeo se razvijati pojam destinacije kakvim ju danas smatramo. Razvojem pojma destinacije počela su i istraživanja vezana za turizam poglavito ona vezana za tijekove između emitivnih i receptivnih područja. Destinacija je postajala sve više istoznačnica za turistički lokalitet, zonu, regiju, zemlju, skupinu zemalja, pa čak i kontinent. Turizam kao jedan od najmasovnijih, najdinamičnijih i najsloženijih društveno-ekonomskih pojava suvremenog društva iznimno je složen gospodarski sustav različitih gospodarskih grana i djelatnosti svih sektora nacionalnog gospodarstva. Tako se već dugi niz godina promatra multidisciplinarno, kao specifičan fenomen interakcije gospodarskih, socijalnih i kulturnih čimbenika, koji dugoročno povezuje privatne interese s interesima javnih institucija, fokusirajući se jednako na dobrobit ljudi koji putuju kao i onih ljudi i zajednica te prirodnog, društvenog i kulturnog bogatstva i naslijeđa radi kojih ih se posjećuje. Turizam, kao iznimno snažan generator općeg gospodarskog rasta i razvoja, zahtijeva visoki stupanj fragmentiranosti i disperziranosti upravo radi svoje kompleksne strukture i složenog pristupa. Promotori turizma zapravo znače gospodarski napredak destinacije i brendiranje destinacije temeljenim na inovativnosti, ulaganjima, partnerstvu, praćenju trendova na tržištu i diverzifikaciji ponude. U ovom radu objašnjava se implementacija turističkih promotora te se naglašava njihova izuzetno važna interpretacija u turističkim destinacijama za unapređenje turizma i turističke ponude. Nužnost uzimanja u obzir svih sastavnica posljedica je istraživanja literature te praćenja trendova s aspekta kretanja turističke ponude na domaćem turističkom tržištu. Nadalje, u radu su navedeni promotori turizma koji su neophodni za razvoj turizma i turističke ponude u destinaciji. Promotori su opisani te su pojedinačno navedene njihove uloge koje su od važnosti za razvijanje turizma.At the beginning of the seventies of the last century, the concept of the destination we are considering today is beginning to develop. Development of the concept of destination has also begun research related to tourism, especially those related to the flows between the emitting and receptive areas. The destination has become increasingly similar to the tourist location, zone, region, country, group of countries, and even the continent. Tourism as one of the most massive, most dynamic and most complex socio-economic aspects of modern society is an extremely complex economic system of different economic sectors and activities of all sectors of the national economy. For many years now, multidisciplinary is seen as a specific phenomenon of interaction between economic, social and cultural factors, which in the long term links private interests to the interests of public institutions, focusing equally on the welfare of people traveling as well as on those people and communities and the natural, social and cultural wealth and heritage for which it is visited. Tourism, as an extremely powerful generator of general economic growth and development, requires a high degree of fragmentation and dispersion precisely because of its complex structure and complex approach.Tourism promoters actually mean the economic advancement of destination and branding destinations based on innovations, investments, partnerships, market trends and diversification of offer. This paper explains the implementation of tourist promotors and emphasizes their extremely important interpretation in tourist destinations for the promotion of tourism and tourist offer. The necessity to take into account all components is the result of research the literature and the follow-up of trends by the author from the aspect of the movement of tourist offers on the domestic tourism market. Furthermore, the paper lists the promotors of tourism that are necessary for the development of tourism and tourist offer in the destination. Promotors are described and for each one of them are listed roles that have importance for the development of tourism