56 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Public Security Personnel Management Information System Based on C/S

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    摘要 随着社会的快速发展,各类信息犹如潮水般向人们的生活涌入,传统的人事管理已经不能满足社会的需求了。为了适应现代管理工作的需要,将人事管理进行信息化,推动人事管理更加科学化与规范化是管理工作的必要选择。公安人事管理信息系统就是在这一大的发展环境中应景而生的。近年来,随着各个单位改革步伐的加快,单位人事管理的内容也在逐步增多,在这样的背景下,利用网络数据库来更好地完成人事管理工作己成为人事工作中不断探索和努力的目标。基于C/S的公安人事管理信息系统的研究与开发正是为了适应这一社会潮流和满足吐鲁番市公安局人事管理的实际发展需要而开发的。 本文主要结合目前管理信息系统的发展现状和人事工作的业务...Abstract Personnel management system and institutions is an integral part of management in modern business unit, is to meet the requirements of modern management system, to promote the necessary conditions for the personnel management to scientific and standardized. In recent years, with the pace of the institution reform to accelerate, personnel management content of institution is also incr...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123075

    Analysis and Design of the New Rural Endowment Information System

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    基本养老保险,是国家根据法律、法规的规定,强制建立和实施的一种社会保险制度。目前,我国农村由于人口老龄化、家庭的小型化等因素使农村传统的依赖土地和家庭养老保障功能大大弱化,农村老年人的基本生活保障问题面临极大挑战,建立农村社会养老保险制度,是我国应对人口老龄化、构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,是解决土地和家庭养老功能弱化的有效途径,是我国的一项最重要、涉及面最广的民生工程。随着改革开放的不断深入,农村养老保险体系的建立已成为时代的需求,改变传统的农村养老保险模式,按照个人缴费、集体补助、政府补贴相结合的方式建立筹资机制,通过计算参保缴费年限,让农民也能实现老有所养。由此需要建立功能强大的系统。...Basic endowment is a mandatory social insurance system established by national law and regulation. Currently, due to aging of population and the one child policy, the traditional means of endowment which rely on land and family have been greatly compromised. Basic life guarantee for senior citizens in rural areas is faced with crucial challenges. Theremore, a rural endowment system is necessary fo...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923046

    Design and Implementation of Based on B / S Structure of The Endowment Insurance Management System

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    随着我国社会主义建设的不断深入,经济的不断发展,社会福利政策日益完善,包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险,其中养老保险随着社会的高度发展逐渐占有重要地位,社会老龄化趋势日益突出,养老问题成了社会必须直面的一个尖锐课题。如今,计算机技术和网络技术不断革新,与之相关的信息管理系统日渐成熟,因此,需要结合国家相关养老保险政策,在新体制的管理模式下,使用计算机网络技术,建立一套公平公正公开的养老保险系统,方便参保人员及管理人员对养老保险信息进行管理查询,通过完善的制度,规范的管理,来提高工作效率,使老有所依、老有所养。 本系统采用的是基于J2EE的B/S/S三层架构,结合O/RMa...With the deepening of China's socialist construction, continuous economic development, social welfare policy has improved, including pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, pension insurance as one of the highly developed society gradually occupies an important position aging society increasingly prominent trend, pension issues h...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223040

    Web services strategy

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    Thesis (S.M.M.O.T.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Management of Technology Program, 2003.June 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 116-123).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Everything is connected to everything. El Aleph (1945), by Jorge Luis Borges[1] This thesis addresses the need to simplify and streamline web service network infrastructure and to identify business models that best leverage Web services technology and industry dynamics to generate positive business results. Web services have evolved from the simple page-display protocol of their origin and now reach beyond the links that simply updated web data dynamically from corporate databases, to where systems can automatically transact. These Web services represent a series of network business technology standards and capabilities that irrevocably change the way in which businesses will do business. In fact, every business today is a networked business and has opportunities to grow using Web services. This study focuses on the implementation challenges in the financial services market, specifically the On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) sector where legacy mainframes interface with multiple tiers of distribution through proprietary EDI links. The OLTP industry operates under stringent regulatory requirements for availability and audit-ability of not only who performed what transaction, but who had access to the information about the information. In this environment organizational demands on network infrastructure including hardware, software and personnel are changing radically, while concurrently Information Technology (IT) budgets are under pressure. The strategic choices for deploying web services in this environment may contain lessons for other industries where cost effective large scale processing, high availability, security, manageability and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are paramount concerns. In this paper we use a systems dynamics model to simulate the impact of market changes on the adoption of innovative technologies and their commoditization on the industry value chain, with the aim of identifying business models and network topologies which best support the growth of an Open Systems network business. From the results of the simulation we will derive strategic recommendations for networked business models and web services integration strategies to meet Line Of Business (LOB) objectives.by Stephen B. Miles.S.M.M.O.T

    Design and Implementation of Endowment Insurance Information System

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    在养老保险信息系统建设中,本着“统一规划、统一标准、统一设计、分步实施”的原则和“数据向上集中,服务向下延伸”的指导思想,依据人力资源和社会保障部架构体系,采用基于J2EE的B/S/S三层结构,在数据中心建设、系统联网、软件应用、公共服务等方面,建设模式确定为:省、州地市、县(区)、社区乡镇四级网络贯通,建立全省数据大集中式的养老保险数据中心。即:全省一个数据中心,一个核心技术平台,涵盖社会保险业务应用系统,实现了养老保险参保登记、缴费核定、实收划账、待遇计算、待遇支付等前台业务的信息化处理和业务规范化,实现养老保险业务处理全过程的电子化,并与财务信息系统实现无缝衔接。 首先本文论述了养老保...In the construction of endowment insurance information system ,With the spirit of "unified leadership, unified planning, unified standards and construction, step by step, classification management" principle and the "data set up, service extends down" guiding ideology; according to the structure system of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; based on J2EE B/S/S three-tier structur...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院软件工程系_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223121

    Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Office System for Community

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    由于社区工作内容涉及多个方面,且内容繁杂,在传统以纸质为主的工作模式中,工作周期长,信息更新速率慢,且时效性差,导致人力和物力资源出现极大浪费。据调查,就目前社区工作而言,信息化建设并不完善,虽然大部分的工作已经能借助计算机及其技术完成,然而,分模块的信息化建设并没有真正达到预期的效果,信息的重复录入反而大大增加了原本的工作量。 本文从社区工作的综合管理方面入手,根据目前社区管理信息系统的使用现状和在实际工作中的需求,系统以MapGIS技术为搭建平台,结合.NET技术,以B/S为主,C/S为辅的网络模式,选取SQL数据库存储数据,设计并实现社区综合办公管理系统。 系统从功能上分为两部分,八...Because the community work involves many aspects, and miscellaneous, in the traditional paper based work mode, the work cycle is long, the update rate is slow, and poor timeliness, resulting in human and material resources have a great waste. According to the survey, the informatization construction of the current community work is imperfect, although lots of the work has been done by means of com...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223044

    Implementation of a digital workspace

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    Projecte de final de master realitzat en col.laboració amb l'empresa Bull s.aThis document is the summary of my final assignment project report. In this report, I described my internship, the problems encountered and the solutions chosen. It includes also an analysis of my planning and the budget involved. This project aimed at producing a digital workspace which will provide for all pedagogical and management needs in the educational context. This digital workspace is designed to propose a unique and secure gateway to all on line services offered to the users. It will respect the single authentication principle and each application will manage by itself its own access right to its services. Within the team of developers, I was in charge of the data integration. It included the introduction of new data in the main database through an automated process, the management of data modification and the data forwarding to other application. This central process allows all the application to be synchronized at any moment with the data provided by the government. In the report, I present the functionality expected from the portal, and the requisite express by the client. Then, from a technical point of view, I introduce different portals and explain the reason behind our choice within all available. I also highlight a few technical points about the authentication system and the users management system. In another section of the report, I present my own work related to the data integration. From the extraction by the government to the transfer into the different applications, the data are passed from an application to another through different applications I designed and developed. A presented in-depth analysis of the requisites explains the reason of the design used. In the last part, the Gantt diagram and the budget presentation achieves the presentation of my internship

    Improving the testing of Profit Software's insurance policy database system

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    Profit Software's Profit Life and Pension (PLP) is an investment insurance management system. This means that PLP handles investment insurances from the moment they are sold to when they eventually expire. For a system that handles money, it is important that it can be trusted. Therefore, testing is a required part of PLP's development. This thesis is an investigation into PLP's testing strategy. In this thesis we analyse PLP's current testing strategy to find flaws and impediments. We then offer improvement suggestions to the identified problem areas as well as suggest additions which we found could be beneficial

    Improving the testing of Profit Software's insurance policy database system

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    Profit Software's Profit Life and Pension (PLP) is an investment insurance management system. This means that PLP handles investment insurances from the moment they are sold to when they eventually expire. For a system that handles money, it is important that it can be trusted. Therefore, testing is a required part of PLP's development. This thesis is an investigation into PLP's testing strategy. In this thesis we analyse PLP's current testing strategy to find flaws and impediments. We then offer improvement suggestions to the identified problem areas as well as suggest additions which we found could be beneficial

    Industry Career Guide: IT-BPO

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    Off-shoring describes the relocation by a company of its business processes like manufacturing, operations, and support processes to other countries, particularly in global production networks. Outsourcing involves the contracting of a third party to perform the necessary processes within the company. The recent development of the ability of companies to outsource suppliers outside the nation gave rise to the concept of off-shoring which not only implies foreign inputs to work domestically, but involves cross-country collaborations as well. The Off-shoring and Outsourcing (O&O) Industry is known widely as the IT-BPO (Information Technology – Business Process Outsourcing) industry. The industry is relatively new, but the dynamism it exhibits is great. Global O&O has grown to 15% in 2008, which is the third largest around the world. In 2008, the industry contributes 3.6% of Philippine GDP and 12.36% of exports which is particular in the export of services