15 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Dan Kemampuan Lahan Terhadap Rtrw Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Spatial planning is prepared to maintain and support the improvement of environment consider to the limited capacity of the environment and its natural resources. The land use which is uncompatible with the Regional Land Use Plan (RTRW) and tend to support economic growth by relying on its natural resources without putting any efforts to increase their environmental values can cause all living organism in danger. One of the environmental issue is spatial problem at District of Kotabaru. This study aimed to evaluate Kotabaru\u27s spatial plans (RTRW) based on suitability of forest functions, land capability, and landcover. The method used in this study is Geographic Information System (GIS) based for spatial analysis: suitability of forest functions, land capability and identification of land cover. The result showed that there are some inconsistencies against the RTRW of Kotabaru, such as 1). The suitability of forest functions is about 188073,11 Ha (27,66% area of study). The region inconsistency happened mostly in karst area toward annual plantation area; 2) Land capability is about 62967,02 Ha (9,28% area of study). This region inconsistency are happened in some land capability classes such as class II, III, IV and VI; and 3). Landcover is about 61779,31 Ha (9.05 % area of study)

    Aptitud de la tierra y análisis de sensitividad en la planificación del cultivo del manzano en el valle Mala, Perú

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    This study determined the suitable zones for planning apple growing in Mala’s valley, Peru, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. The suitability evaluation involved the analysis of nine criteria organized into four groups (soil, topography, hydro-climate and socioeconomic). Based on key informants assessments relative weights were assigned to each nine criteria using the AHP. A digital GIS database was developed with all the thematic maps. The criteria were reclassified before combination, according to a four-class system for suitability. Then, a summarized process was done by applying the weights to each criterion, followed by a summation of the results to yield a suitability map using GIS. Layer and weight sensitivity methods combined with Kappa analysis were carried out in order to prove the robustness of the suitability model. The results revealed that about 12.57 % (9953 ha) of agricultural area are suitable for apple cultivation and out of which 3.98 % and 3.37 % are highly and moderately suitable, respectively. If farmers in the valley considered growing apple crops in the 3149 ha (highly suitable), the gross profit would have substantial increase. Therefore, the final map can become a useful tool of territorial governance and policy in order to assist in the agricultural expansion process of Mala’s valley.Se determinaron las zonas aptas para la planificación del cultivo del manzano en el valle Mala, en Perú, mediante el uso del proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG). La evaluación de la aptitud implicó el análisis de nueve variables organizadas en cuatro grupos (suelo, topografía, hidro-clima y socioeconómico). El método AHP se aplicó para asignar los pesos relativos a las nueve variables tomando como base las valoraciones de los informantes clave. Antes de combinarlas, las variables, fueron reclasificadas en cuatro clases de aptitud. Seguidamente, se aplicaron los pesos relativos a cada variable y, utilizando un SIG, se sumaron todos los mapas arrojando un mapa integrado de aptitud. La robustez del modelo de aptitud se probó con dos métodos de sensibilidad, uno para las variables y otro para los pesos relativos combinados ambos con el análisis estadístico Kappa. Los resultados expusieron que el 12,57 % (9953 ha) del área de estudio es apta para el cultivo de manzano y dentro de ésta el 3,98 % y el 3,37 % son de clase alta y moderada, respectivamente. Si los agricultores cultivaran las áreas con alta aptitud (3149 ha), el beneficio bruto aumentaría sustancialmente. Así, el mapa final puede convertirse en una herramienta útil para la gobernanza y la política territorial que ayude en la expansión agrícola del cultivo de manzano en el valle de Mala

    Land Suitability and Proposed Land Utilization of Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency for Development Food Crops

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    The study was conducted in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency in an area of   32,217 ha. The research objective was to determine the land suitability and proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for development of food crops. The results showed that Selaru Island has a rather suitable (S2) and marginally suitable (S3) for six crops (upland rice, corn, peanuts, mungbeans, sweet potato, and caladium) covering an area of   19,330 ha and not suitable permanent (N2) for the six crops covering an area of   3,905 ha, while the area of   8,982 ha partly classified accordingly (S3) to plant upland rice and calladium and partially classified as not suitable (N1 and N2) for corn, peanuts, mungbeans, and sweet potatoes. The main limiting factor to the primary land use for food crops in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency among others are the temperatures (the average annual temperature is high), rooting medium (soil solum is shallow), nutrient retention (soil pH is rather alkaline to alkaline), erosion hazard level is moderate, and terrain (wave, rocks on the surface of the soil, and rock outcrop).The proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for food crops based on land suitability classes are (1) food crops of upland-1 with the main commodities of corn, mungbeans, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   5,299 ha, (2) food crops of upland-2 with the main commodities of upland rice, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   8,982 ha, and (3) food crops of upland-3 with the main commodities peanuts and mungbean an area of   14,031 ha. Development of food crops in Selaru Island need to consider the priority scale factor, the level of compliance, and social culture of the local community

    A GIS-based multi-criteria analysis on cropland suitability in Bornuur Soum, Mongolia

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    Agriculture is one of the most critical sectors of the Mongolian economy. In Mongolia, land degradation is increasing in the cropland region, especially in a cultivated area. The country has challenges to identify new croplands with sufficient capacity for cultivation, especially for local decision-makers. GIS applications tremendously help science in making land assessments. This study was carried out in Bornuur soum, Mongolia. The goal of this study to estimate that best suitable area for supporting crop production in Bornuur soum, using a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and remote sensing. GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) has been widely used in land suitability analyses in many countries. In this research, the GIS-based spatial MCA among the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has employed. The approach was enhanced for each criterion which as soil, topography and vegetation. The opinions of agronomist experts and a literature review helped in identifying criteria (soil data, topography, water and vegetation data) that are necessary to determine areas suitable for crops. The detailed cropland suitability maps indicate that 46.12 % is highly suitable for cropland, 34.68 % is moderate suitable, 13.64 % is marginal suitable and 5.56 % is not suitable. The MCA and AHP tools play an essential role in the multi-criteria analysis. Therefore, the results of these methods allow us to estimate an appropriate area for cultivation in Bornuur soum, Tuv province. The crop suitability method implies significant decisions on different levels and the result will be used for cropland management plan to make a decision. It is an integral role in agricultural management and land evaluation. Future research should further develop this method by including socio-economic (potential citizens for agriculture, current crop growth, water resource, etc.) and environmental variables (rainfall, vegetation types, permafrost distribution, etc.) to obtain specific results. However, it could be also be applied for a single crop type (mainly barley, wheat and potato) in Mongolia

    Land Suitability and Proposed Land Utilization of Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency for Development Food Crops

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    The study was conducted in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency in an area of   32,217 ha. The research objective was to determine the land suitability and proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for development of food crops. The results showed that Selaru Island has a rather suitable (S2) and marginally suitable (S3) for six crops (upland rice, corn, peanuts, mungbeans, sweet potato, and caladium) covering an area of   19,330 ha and not suitable permanent (N2) for the six crops covering an area of   3,905 ha, while the area of   8,982 ha partly classified accordingly (S3) to plant upland rice and calladium and partially classified as not suitable (N1 and N2) for corn, peanuts, mungbeans, and sweet potatoes. The main limiting factor to the primary land use for food crops in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency among others are the temperatures (the average annual temperature is high), rooting medium (soil solum is shallow), nutrient retention (soil pH is rather alkaline to alkaline), erosion hazard level is moderate, and terrain (wave, rocks on the surface of the soil, and rock outcrop).The proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for food crops based on land suitability classes are (1) food crops of upland-1 with the main commodities of corn, mungbeans, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   5,299 ha, (2) food crops of upland-2 with the main commodities of upland rice, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   8,982 ha, and (3) food crops of upland-3 with the main commodities peanuts and mungbean an area of   14,031 ha. Development of food crops in Selaru Island need to consider the priority scale factor, the level of compliance, and social culture of the local community.Keywords: Food crops, land suitability, limiting factor, proposed land utilization, Selaru Islan


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    Upaya yang dapat dilakukan pemerintah untuk meminimalkan impor daging sapi yaitu melalui pengembangan peternakan sapi potong pada wilayah-wilayah potensial, salah satunya di Kabupaten Semarang. Pengembangan sektor peternakan harus menerapkan konsep keberlanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis wilayah prioritas untuk peternakan sapi potong berdasar potensi wilayah dan menentukan strategi yang efektif untuk pengembangannya. Metode analisis data yang digunakan antara lain: analisis kesesuaian lahan peternakan sapi potong menggunakan SIG, analisis daya dukung dan indeks daya dukung hijauan makanan ternak, analisis Locationt Quotient (LQ) dan shift share (SS), serta analisis gabungan AHP-SWOT (A’WOT). Sintesis hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini, menjadikan pengembangan peternakan sapi potong berfokus pada 3 wilayah kecamatan yaitu: Bringin, Bancak, dan Banyubiru. Wilayah kecamatan tersebut mempunyai nilai LQ>1 dan SS positif yang berarti merupakan wilayah basis ternak sapi potong dan mengalami pertumbuhan usaha. Daya dukung untuk peternakan sapi potong di Kecamatan Bringin sebesar 15.829 ST, Bancak sebesar 8.457 ST, dan Banyubiru sebesar 6.315 ST. Nilai indeks daya dukung hijauan pada ketiga wilayah kecamatan ini yaitu >2, kategori aman untuk ketersediaan hijauan pakan ternak. Luas kesesuaian lingkungan ekologi peternakan sapi potong, sebagai berikut: Bringin (2.758,86 Ha), Bancak (1.550.08 Ha), dan Banyubiru (1.451,2 Ha). Luas kesesuaian lahan untuk hijauan makanan ternak, sebagai berikut: Bringin (13.049,66 Ha), Bancak (7.615,31 Ha), dan Banyubiru (6.967 Ha). Strategi pengembangan peternakan sapi potong di Kabupaten Semarang berdasarkan hasil analisis A’WOT yaitu: 1) Optimalisasi pemanfaatan hijauan makanan ternak melalui pembuatan silase maupun hay, 2) Optimalisasi penyediaan lahan yang memenuhi persyaratan teknis untuk peternakan sapi potong dilengkapi dengan peta, 3) Optimalisasi kemampuan peternak dalam mengakses modal atau pembiayaan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa wilayah kecamatan yang menjadi prioritas untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong di Kabupaten Semarang yaitu: 1) Bringin, 2) Bancak, dan 3) Banyubiru. Strategi pengembangan peternakan sapi potong yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam menyusun kebijakan sektor peternakan di Kabupaten Semarang. Kata kunci: Sapi potong, potensi wilayah, strategi pengembangan peternakan. Efforts that can be made by the government to minimize beef imports are through the development of beef cattle farms in potential areas, one of which is in Semarang Regency. The development of livestock sector must apply the concept of sustainability. The purpose of this study is to analyze priority areas for beef cattle farms based on regional potential and determine effective strategies for their development. Data analysis methods used include: analysis land suitability of beef cattle farm using GIS, analysis of Location Quotient (LQ) and shift share (SS), and combined analysis of AHP-SWOT (A'WOT). The synthesis results of analysis in this study made the development of beef cattle farms focused on 3 sub-districts, namely: Bringin, Bancak, and Banyubiru. The sub-district area has LQ>1 and SS positive values which means it is a beef cattle base area and experiences business growth. The carrying capacity for beef cattle farms in Bringin District is 15,829 AU, Bancak is 8,457 AU, and Banyubiru is 6,315 AU. Forage index values in the three sub-districts are>2, safe for the availability of forage. The land area of suitability ecological environment for beef cattle farms is as follows: Bringin (2.758,86 Ha), Bancak (1.550.08 Ha), and Banyubiru (1.451,2 Ha). The land area of suitability forage is as follows: Bringin (13.049,66 Ha), Bancak (7.615,31 Ha), and Banyubiru (6.967 Ha). The strategy for developing beef cattle farms in Semarang Regency is based on the results of A'WOT's analysis, namely: 1) Optimizing the utilization of forage through silage and hay making, 2) Optimizing the provision of land that meets the technical requirements for beef cattle farms equipped with maps, 3) Optimizing the ability of farmers to access capital or financing. The conclusion of this study is that the subdistricts are the priority for developing beef cattle farms in Semarang Regency, namely: 1) Bringin, 2) Bancak, and 3) Banyubiru. The strategy for developing beef cattle farms produced can be taken into consideration in developing livestock sector policies in Semarang Regency. Keywords: Beef cattle, regional potential, livestock development strateg

    GIS Based Analysis of Agroclimate Land Suitability for Banana Plants in Bali Province, Indonesia

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    The need for bananas in Bali far exceeds the production. To obtain optimal production according to their genetic potential, the development of banana cultivation should be preceded by a land suitability evaluation study. This study aims to evaluate the land suitability based on agroecological parameters such as rainfall, altitude, dry month, slope, and considering current land use. The results showed that 257.467 ha or 46.16% of the area of Bali Province has the potential to be planted with bananas. Buleleng Regency has the widest area for the development of banana plants, followed by Karangasem, Tabanan, Jembrana and Bangli. Denpasar town has the smallest suitable area. Based on the observed agroclimate parameters, slope is the most severe limiting factor in banana cultivation, while rainfall, altitude, and dry months are not significant limiting factors. Recommended land use for the development of banana plants is garden, grass, rain-fed rice field, scrub, bare land, and moor

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Tanaman Perkebunan di Wilayah Galela, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Propinsi Maluku Utara

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    This study aims to determine land suitability class for of plantation crops, namely, coconut, clove, and cocoa in Galela region, North Halmahera, North Maluku. The determination of land suitability is determined by using the comparison method between the quality of the land on the condition of plant growth, the criteria using two methods, namely Simple Limitation Method (SLM) and Sys Criteria. The result showed the actual land suitability for coconut and clove using SLM system was obtained into two classes, S3 (marginally suitable) and N (unsuitable); whereas the potential land suitability was obtained into three classes i.e S2 (moderately suitable), S3 and N, for cocoa the actual and potential land suitability was obtained into classes N. While,  according to Sys Criteria, the actual land suitability for coconut and clove the obtained two classes i.e. S2 and S3, the potential land suitability for coconut into three classes i.e S1 (very suitable), S2, and S3, for clove into two classes S2, and S3, while for cocoa the actual and potential land suitability was obtained into classes S3. The generally, limiting factors in the cultivation of plantation crops in Galela region, North Halmahera, North Maluku include rooting media, nutrient retention, nutrient availability, erosion hazard, drainage, sodicity, and water availability. The supply of volcanic ash material from Mt. Dokuno positively affect the growth of plantation crops in Galela region. The approach method with Sys Criteria is well suited to determine the suitability of plantation land in the Galela region

    Land Suitability Evaluation Of Liberika Coffee On Sub Optimal Land, Langsa Timur Sub District, Langsa, Aceh

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    Quality seeds can be met if during their growth can take place well and produce healthy plants. One of the obstacles in maintenance activities is the recovery of seedling growth after a severe attack of leaf spot disease at the age of 5-6 months in the main nursery. The way that can be done is to test the effectiveness of nitrogen and magnesium fertilization on the recovery of seedling growth. This study aims to obtain the best concentration of nitrogen fertilizer and magnesium fertilizer in optimizing the growth of oil palm seedlings that have been attacked by diseases in the main nursery. The research will be carried out at the Lampung State Polytechnic's Oil Palm Nursery Unit. The experimental design used was a factorial randomized design (RAF) 2 x 3 with 5 replications. The first factor of treatment was KNO3 fertilization and the second factor was kieserite fertilization. The first factor is KNO3 fertilization with a concentration of 1% and 2%. The second factor is kieserite fertilization which consists of doses of 0 g, 5 g, and 10 g. The observed variables were seedling height, seedling diameter, number of midribs, level of greenness of leaves and leaf area of ​​tillers. Observational data will be analyzed by F test at level = 5%. If the results of the analysis of variance are significant, it will be continued with the further test of the smallest significant difference (BNT) at the level of = 5%. The results showed that the application of 2% KNO3 fertilizer with the addition of 10 g of kieserite was able to produce the best growth recovery on all observed variables


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    This study determined the suitable zones for planning apple growing in Mala's valley, Peru, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. The suitability evaluation involved the analysis of nine criteria organized into four groups (soil, topography, hydro-climate and socioeconomic). Based on key informants assessments relative weights were assigned to each nine criteria using the AHP. A digital GIS database was developed with all the thematic maps. The criteria were reclassified before combination, according to a four-class system for suitability. Then, a summarized process was done by applying the weights to each criterion, followed by a summation of the results to yield a suitability map using GIS. Layer and weight sensitivity methods combined with Kappa analysis were carried out in order to prove the robustness of the suitability model. The results revealed that about 12.57 % (9953 ha) of agricultural area are suitable for apple cultivation and out of which 3.98 % and 3.37 % are highly and moderately suitable, respectively. If farmers in the valley considered growing apple crops in the 3149 ha (highly suitable), the gross profit would have substantial increase. Therefore, the final map can become a useful tool of territorial governance and policy in order to assist in the agricultural expansion process of Mala's valley. Additional key words: Analytical hierarchy process, geographic information system, Kappa analysis, Malus domestica, multicriteria decision making. RESUMEN Se determinaron las zonas aptas para la planificaci\uf3n del cultivo del manzano en el valle Mala, en Per\ufa, mediante el uso del proceso anal\uedtico jer\ue1rquico (AHP) en un sistema de informaci\uf3n geogr\ue1fica (SIG). La evaluaci\uf3n de la aptitud implic\uf3 el an\ue1lisis de nueve variables organizadas en cuatro grupos (suelo, topograf\ueda, hidro-clima y socioecon\uf3mico). El m\ue9todo AHP se aplic\uf3 para asignar los pesos relativos a las nueve variables tomando como base las valoraciones de los informantes clave. Antes de combinarlas, las variables, fueron reclasificadas en cuatro clases de aptitud. Seguidamente, se aplicaron los pesos relativos a cada variable y, utilizando un SIG, se sumaron todos los mapas arrojando un mapa integrado de aptitud. La robustez del modelo de aptitud se prob\uf3 con dos m\ue9todos de sensibilidad, uno para las variables y otro para los pesos relativos combinados ambos con el an\ue1lisis estad\uedstico Kappa. Los resultados expusieron que el 12,57 % (9953 ha) del \ue1rea de estudio es apta para el cultivo de manzano y dentro de \ue9sta el 3,98 % y el 3,37 % son de clase alta y moderada, respectivamente. Si los agricultores cultivaran las \ue1reas con alta aptitud (3149 ha), el beneficio bruto aumentar\ueda sustancialmente. As\ued, el mapa final puede convertirse en una herramienta \ufatil para la gobernanza y la pol\uedtica territorial que ayude en la expansi\uf3n agr\uedcola del cultivo de manzano en el valle de Mala. Palabras clave adicionales: An\ue1lisis Kappa, evaluaci\uf3n multi-variable, Malus domestica, proceso anal\uedtico jer\ue1rquico, sistema de informaci\uf3n geogr\ue1fica. <br