70,139 research outputs found

    A Goal-based Framework for Contextual Requirements Modeling and Analysis

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) research often ignores, or presumes a uniform nature of the context in which the system operates. This assumption is no longer valid in emerging computing paradigms, such as ambient, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, where it is essential to monitor and adapt to an inherently varying context. Besides influencing the software, context may influence stakeholders' goals and their choices to meet them. In this paper, we propose a goal-oriented RE modeling and reasoning framework for systems operating in varying contexts. We introduce contextual goal models to relate goals and contexts; context analysis to refine contexts and identify ways to verify them; reasoning techniques to derive requirements reflecting the context and users priorities at runtime; and finally, design time reasoning techniques to derive requirements for a system to be developed at minimum cost and valid in all considered contexts. We illustrate and evaluate our approach through a case study about a museum-guide mobile information system

    Runtime observable and adaptable UML state machines: [email protected] approach

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    n embedded system is a self-contained system that incorporateselements of control logic and real-world interaction. UML State Ma-chines constitute a powerful formalism to model the behaviour ofthese types of systems. In current industrial environments, the soft-ware of these embedded systems have to cope with the increasingcomplexity and robustness requirements at runtime. One way tomanage these requirements is having the software componentā€™sbehaviour model available at runtime ([email protected]). Thus,it is possible to enhance the safety of the software component byenabling verification and adaptation at runtime. In this paper, wepresent a model-driven approach to generate software components(namely, RESCO framework), which are able both to provide theirinternal information in model terms at runtime and adapt their be-haviour automatically when an error or an unexpected situation isdetected. The aforementioned runtime introspection and adaptationabilities are added automatically to the software component and itdoes not require the developer make any extra effort. The solutionhas been tested in the design and implementation of an industrialBurner controller. Results indicate that the software components ge-nerated by the presented solution provides introspection at runtime.Thanks to this introspection ability at runtime, the software com-ponents are able to adapt automatically from their normal-modebehaviour to a safe-mode behaviour which was defined to be usedin erroneous or unexpected situations at runtime. Therefore, it ispossible to enhance the safety of the systems consisting of thesesoftware components

    GODA: A goal-oriented requirements engineering framework for runtime dependability analysis

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    Many modern software systems must deal with changes and uncertainty. Traditional dependability requirements engineering is not equipped for this since it assumes that the context in which a system operates be stable and deterministic, which often leads to failures and recurrent corrective maintenance. The Contextual Goal Model (CGM), a requirements model that proposes the idea of context-dependent goal fulfillment, mitigates the problem by relating alternative strategies for achieving goals to the space of context changes. Additionally, the Runtime Goal Model (RGM) adds behavioral constraints to the fulfillment of goals that may be checked against system execution traces. Objective: This paper proposes GODA (Goal-Oriented Dependability Analysis) and its supporting framework as concrete means for reasoning about the dependability requirements of systems that operate in dynamic contexts. Method: GODA blends the power of CGM, RGM and probabilistic model checking to provide a formal requirements specification and verification solution. At design time, it can help with design and implementation decisions; at runtime it helps the system self-adapt by analyzing the different alternatives and selecting the one with the highest probability for the system to be dependable. GODA is integrated into TAO4ME, a state-of-the-art tool for goal modeling and analysis. Results: GODA has been evaluated against feasibility and scalability on Mobee: a real-life software system that allows people to share live and updated information about public transportation via mobile devices, and on larger goal models. GODA can verify, at runtime, up to two thousand leaf-tasks in less than 35ms, and requires less than 240Ā KB of memory. Conclusion: Presented results show GODA's design-time and runtime verification capabilities, even under limited computational resources, and the scalability of the proposed solution

    Fab forms: customizable objects for fabrication with validity and geometry caching

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    We address the problem of allowing casual users to customize parametric models while maintaining their valid state as 3D-printable functional objects. We define Fab Form as any design representation that lends itself to interactive customization by a novice user, while remaining valid and manufacturable. We propose a method to achieve these Fab Form requirements for general parametric designs tagged with a general set of automated validity tests and a small number of parameters exposed to the casual user. Our solution separates Fab Form evaluation into a precomputation stage and a runtime stage. Parts of the geometry and design validity (such as manufacturability) are evaluated and stored in the precomputation stage by adaptively sampling the design space. At runtime the remainder of the evaluation is performed. This allows interactive navigation in the valid regions of the design space using an automatically generated Web user interface (UI). We evaluate our approach by converting several parametric models into corresponding Fab Forms.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1138967

    On the Role of Primary and Secondary Assets in Adaptive Security: An Application in Smart Grids

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    peer-reviewedAdaptive security aims to protect valuable assets managed by a system, by applying a varying set of security controls. Engineering adaptive security is not an easy task. A set of effective security countermeasures should be identified. These countermeasures should not only be applied to (primary) assets that customers desire to protect, but also to other (secondary) assets that can be exploited by attackers to harm the primary assets. Another challenge arises when assets vary dynamically at runtime. To accommodate these variabilities, it is necessary to monitor changes in assets, and apply the most appropriate countermeasures at runtime. The paper provides three main contributions for engineering adaptive security. First, it proposes a modeling notation to represent primary and secondary assets, along with their variability. Second, it describes how to use the extended models in engineering security requirements and designing required monitoring functions. Third, the paper illustrates our approach through a set of adaptive security scenarios in the customer domain of a smart grid. We suggest that modeling secondary assets aids the deployment of countermeasures, and, in combination with a representation of assets variability, facilitates the design of monitoring function

    Requirements-driven design and configuration management of business processes

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    The success of a business process (BP) depends on whether it meets its business goal as well as non-functional requirements associated with it. BP specifications frequently need to accommodate changing business priorities, varying client preferences, etc. However, since business process goals and preferences are rarely captured explicitly in the dominant BP modeling approaches, adapting business processes proves difficult. We propose a systematic requirements-driven approach for BP design and configuration management that uses requirements goal models to capture alternative process configurations and provides the ability to tailor deployed processes to changing business priorities or customer preferences (i.e., non-functional constraints) by configuring their corresponding goal models at the goal level. A set of design time and runtime tools for configuring business processes implemented using WS-BPEL is provided, allowing to easily change the behaviour of deployed BP instances at a high level, based on business priorities and stakeholder preferences

    Fastaer det: Fast aerial embedded real-time detection

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    Automated detection of objects in aerial imagery is the basis for many applications, such as search and rescue operations, activity monitoring or mapping. However, in many cases it is beneficial to employ a detector on-board of the aerial platform in order to avoid latencies, make basic decisions within the platform and save transmission bandwidth. In this work, we address the task of designing such an on-board aerial object detector, which meets certain requirements in accuracy, inference speed and power consumption. For this, we first outline a generally applicable design process for such on-board methods and then follow this process to develop our own set of models for the task. Specifically, we first optimize a baseline model with regards to accuracy while not increasing runtime. We then propose a fast detection head to significantly improve runtime at little cost in accuracy. Finally, we discuss several aspects to consider during deployment and in the runtime environment. Our resulting four models that operate at 15, 30, 60 and 90 FPS on an embedded Jetson AGX device are published for future benchmarking and comparison by the community

    Synthesis of Probabilistic Models for Quality-of-Service Software Engineering

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    An increasingly used method for the engineering of software systems with strict quality-of-service (QoS) requirements involves the synthesis and verification of probabilistic models for many alternative architectures and instantiations of system parameters. Using manual trial-and-error or simple heuristics for this task often produces suboptimal models, while the exhaustive synthesis of all possible models is typically intractable. The EvoChecker search-based software engineering approach presented in our paper addresses these limitations by employing evolutionary algorithms to automate the model synthesis process and to significantly improve its outcome. EvoChecker can be used to synthesise the Pareto-optimal set of probabilistic models associated with the QoS requirements of a system under design, and to support the selection of a suitable system architecture and configuration. EvoChecker can also be used at runtime, to drive the efficient reconfiguration of a self-adaptive software system. We evaluate EvoChecker on several variants of three systems from different application domains, and show its effectiveness and applicability

    Mitigating the obsolescence of quality specifications models in service-based systems

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    Requirements-aware systems address the need to reason about uncertainty at runtime to support adaptation decisions, by representing quality of services (QoS) requirements for service-based systems (SBS) with precise values in run-time queryable model specification. However, current approaches do not support updating of the specification to reflect changes in the service market, like newly available services or improved QoS of existing ones. Thus, even if the specification models reflect design-time acceptable requirements they may become obsolete and miss opportunities for system improvement by self-adaptation. This articles proposes to distinguish "abstract" and "concrete" specification models: the former consists of linguistic variables (e.g. "fast") agreed upon at design time, and the latter consists of precise numeric values (e.g. "2ms") that are dynamically calculated at run-time, thus incorporating up-to-date QoS information. If and when freshly calculated concrete specifications are not satisfied anymore by the current service configuration, an adaptation is triggered. The approach was validated using four simulated SBS that use services from a previously published, real-world dataset; in all cases, the system was able to detect unsatisfied requirements at run-time and trigger suitable adaptations. Ongoing work focuses on policies to determine recalculation of specifications. This approach will allow engineers to build SBS that can be protected against market-caused obsolescence of their requirements specifications
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