317 research outputs found

    Some aspects of current algebras and dispersion sum rules

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    Income distribution and nudity on social media:Attention economics of Instagram stars

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    Social media stars gain star-status with uploads on social media pages like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. One of the most popular platforms is “Instagram” owned by Meta/Facebook. The growing social, cultural, and economic power of so-called influencers raises questions about key drivers of success and, moreover, distribution of income on social media platforms. Instagram has been accused of strategically favoring images with nude content. In order to shed light on this socio-critical aspect, this paper examines the following research questions: Does body exposure drive income success on Instagram? Is there a difference between male and female content in this regard? This paper empirically analyzes 500 top Instagram stars within the categories (1) fashion and beauty, (2) fitness and sports, (3) music, (4) photo and arts, and (5) food and vegan. The data provide information on popularity, posting behavior, and price estimates per post. Using hybrid regression models, the results show indeed positive impact of body exposure on monetary success. Accounts with high level of body exposure achieve higher prices and advertising revenues than accounts with less nudity, regardless of the gender. Regarding gender differences, male content achieves on average higher advertising prices, whereas female accounts provide more branded content and eventually achieve higher advertising revenues.</p

    Income distribution and nudity on social media:Attention economics of Instagram stars

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    Social media stars gain star-status with uploads on social media pages like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. One of the most popular platforms is “Instagram” owned by Meta/Facebook. The growing social, cultural, and economic power of so-called influencers raises questions about key drivers of success and, moreover, distribution of income on social media platforms. Instagram has been accused of strategically favoring images with nude content. In order to shed light on this socio-critical aspect, this paper examines the following research questions: Does body exposure drive income success on Instagram? Is there a difference between male and female content in this regard? This paper empirically analyzes 500 top Instagram stars within the categories (1) fashion and beauty, (2) fitness and sports, (3) music, (4) photo and arts, and (5) food and vegan. The data provide information on popularity, posting behavior, and price estimates per post. Using hybrid regression models, the results show indeed positive impact of body exposure on monetary success. Accounts with high level of body exposure achieve higher prices and advertising revenues than accounts with less nudity, regardless of the gender. Regarding gender differences, male content achieves on average higher advertising prices, whereas female accounts provide more branded content and eventually achieve higher advertising revenues.</p

    A numerical study of laminar flow heat transfer in curved tubes 

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    The Frankfurt School : the crisis of subjectivity and the problem of social change

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    The crisis of subjectivity and the problem of social change is the underground history of the European Revolution of 1917-23. Its final signal in the inter-war years came with the defeat of the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War in the years preceding the Second World War. The defeats of progressive social forces in the inter-war years, leading to the catastrophe of the Second World War and the Holocaust brought the original Western Marxists into a socio-political terrain involving new developments and unexpected setbacks in the struggle for a rational society (socialism). Stalinism and Fascism blocked the route to socialist democracy on an international scale.In the dialectic of hope and despair the Second World War can be understood as representing the great terminus of accumulated defeats of the working class internationally in the inter-war period. For the Frankfurt School the Second World War was not only the lowest point humanity had reached at the height of technical progress, the sheer technological efficiency of the destructiveness it unleashed seemed to foreclose any impetus for optimism. Hope and despair, progress and reaction, became increasingly intertwined and at times impossible to distinguish in the succession of events. For Horkheimer and Adorno this was the dialectic of Enlightenment, the apotheosis of Western rationality dominating and consuming its own progress in an orgy of regression leading to barbarism. Midnight in the twentieth century became, for Horkheimer and Adorno at least, the eclipse of reason itself.The Frankfurt School, it has been argued here, expresses a tendency of Western Marxism and has to be analysed in this context. The notion that Western Marxism and thus the Frankfurt School were a simple product of defeat has been shown to be mistaken and ultimately dismissive of the complex interplay between theory, politics, and history. For the events in the inter-war years did not 'give rise to' the Frankfurt School as if thought were merely a reflection of historical events. The critique of orthodox Marxism must be applied to the sociology of the Frankfurt School: in other words, thought is not an 'affect' propelled by historical laws. The examination of the role of philosophy in the restoration of the subjective factor in ideology critique and the analysis of social change - and hence the reconstruction of the Marxian project - has shown that the Frankfurt School's major contribution to such a reconstruction was in restoring the dynamic concept of subjectivity as pioneered by Marx and Engels in The German Ideology [1845/46].This study has attempted to show the continued relevance of this School of Western Marxism in terms of its contribution to solving the crisis of subjectivity and the problem of social change, and as an important guide in the struggle for a humanist renaissance of Marxian socialism which, it has been argued, forms the essential dimension of this solution

    The relationship of wellness factors to work performance and job satisfaction among managers

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    The purpose of this study was (a) to assess whether components of holistic wellness were more predictive than physical wellness variables in predicting work performance and job satisfaction in managers, and (b) to assess the utility of components of holistic wellness in predicting work performance and job satisfaction in managers. A sample of 161 American managers comprised the sample. Participants were administered the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle-Revised (WELR; Witmer, Sweeney, &amp; Myers, 1995), four scales from the Physical Self-Description Questionairre (PSDQ; Marsh, Richards, Johnson, Roche, &amp; Tremayne, 1994), the Job Satisfaction Blank (Hoppock, 1977), and the Work Performance Scale (WPS) created by the researcher. The WEL-R is designed to measure components of holistic wellness. The four scales from PSDQ (Physical Activity, Endurance, Strength, and Health) measure physical fitness and physical wellness. The JSB measures global job satisfaction. The WPS measures eight managerial job performance functions. All instruments were determined to be useful with this sample after undergoing statistical analysis. Multiple regression analyses of the hypotheses revealed that components of holistic wellness predicted work performance and job satisfaction better than physical wellness variables. Occupational wellness was the best predictor, accounting for 12% of the variance of work performance, and 35% of the variance of job satisfaction. One scale from the WEL-R, "Intellectual Stimulation, Problem-Solving, and Creativity." produced statistically significant beta weights in the regression equation for both dependent variables

    Resources, at the core of mathematics teachers' work

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    International audienceMathematics teachers work with resources in class and out of class. Textbooks, in particular, hold a central place in this material. Nevertheless, the available resources evolve, with an increasing amount of online resources: software, lesson plans, classroom videos etc. This important change led us to propose a study of mathematics teachers documentation. Mathematics teachers select resources, combine them, use them, revise them, amongst others. Teachers' documentation is both this work and its outcome. Teachers' documentation work is central to their professional activity; it influences the professional activity, which evolves along what we call professional geneses. In this conference, I introduce a specific perspective on teachers resources, which enlightens in particular the changes caused by digitalization, and in particular Internet resources

    The Cord Weekly (April 1, 1993)

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    Computational methods for internal flows with emphasis on turbomachinery

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    Current computational methods for analyzing flows in turbomachinery and other related internal propulsion components are presented. The methods are divided into two classes. The inviscid methods deal specifically with turbomachinery applications. Viscous methods, deal with generalized duct flows as well as flows in turbomachinery passages. Inviscid methods are categorized into the potential, stream function, and Euler aproaches. Viscous methods are treated in terms of parabolic, partially parabolic, and elliptic procedures. Various grids used in association with these procedures are also discussed