416 research outputs found

    Recovery modeling in MPLS networks

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    Transmission of QoS based traffic over packet switched network typically requires resource reservation or differentiated treatment to guarantee an acceptable level of performance. But it is also essential to bound the disruption caused by failure of nodes or links for a real time traffic to a limit that is acceptable by the application. In this paper, a simulation platform models the impact of the MPLS recovery/protection schemes on the QoS traffic parameters including disruption time and number of out of order packets arriving at the destination. The simulation considers measures to alleviate drawbacks caused by recovery process

    Comparison Analysis Of Recovery Mechanism At Mpls Network

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    Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS) has become an attractive technology of choice for Internet backbone service providers.  MPLS features the ability to perform traffic engineering and provides support for Quality of Service traffic provisioning. To deliver reliable service, MPLS requires a set of procedures to provide protection for the traffic carried on Label Switched Paths (LSP). In this case Lable Switched Routers (LSRS) supports recovery mechanism when failure happened in the network.This paper studied about performance from usage of different techniques that can be used to reroute traffic faster then  the current IP rerouting methods in the case of a failure in a network. Local rerouting, fast reroute one to one backs up, Haskin, PSL oriented path protection and 1+1 path protection recovery mechanism was compared by given of aggregate traffic which has self-similarity character. Packet drop, rejection probability, recovery time, service disruption time and pre-reserved resources backup will be made as comparator parameter with various bitrate and different position of link failure. Packet loss, rejection probability, recovery time and service disruption time at five recovery mechanisms influenced by position of link failure to ingress. 1+1 path protection mechanism has least packet drop, but costliest way to do recovery in the case of usage resources, as traffic is sent simultaneously in two paths which disjoint. Fast reroute one to one backup is quickest way to operate protection switching recovery after 1+1 path protection mechanism. Keywords: MPLS, recovery, rerouting, self-similar traffic, protection switchingDOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.8

    Real-time bandwidth encapsulation for IP/MPLS Protection Switching

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    Bandwidth reservation and bandwidth allocation are needed to guarantee the protection of voice traffic during network failure. Since voice calls have a time constraint of 50 ms within which the traffic must be recovered, a real-time bandwidth management scheme is required. Such bandwidth allocation scheme that prioritizes voice traffic will ensure that the voice traffic is guaranteed the necessary bandwidth during the network failure. Additionally, a mechanism is also required to provide the bandwidth to voice traffic when the reserved bandwidth is insufficient to accommodate voice traffic. This mechanism must be able to utilise the working bandwidth or bandwidth reserved for lower priority applications and allocate it to the voice traffic when a network failure occurs

    Openflow Path Fast Failover Fast Convergence Mechanism

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    Whenever there is a link failure in the network, OpenFlow controller can react by computing a new backup path and provide the information to the affected node or the node can switch to backup path locally using the predefined backup path table provided by the OpenFlow controller. Setting predefined backup paths, results in a faster network rerouting time compared to backup path that establish on demand. However, it may lead to the use of sub-optimal backup path. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient failover mechanism for redirecting traffic flows to more optimal backup path when there is a link failure or congestion problem. We introduce a switch flow entry expiry mechanism to immediately reroute traffic to backup path to reduce the network restoration time. To update the switch with more optimal path information, the controller require a round trip to the network and this can introduce to slow network convergence. We proposed a local pre-calculated path dataset mechanism in Openflow controller to allow fast network convergence

    The Design and Implementation of a PCIe-based LESS Label Switch

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    With the explosion of the Internet of Things, the number of smart, embedded devices has grown exponentially in the last decade, with growth projected at a commiserate rate. These devices create strain on the existing infrastructure of the Internet, creating challenges with scalability of routing tables and reliability of packet delivery. Various schemes based on Location-Based Forwarding and ID-based routing have been proposed to solve the aforementioned problems, but thus far, no solution has completely been achieved. This thesis seeks to improve current proposed LORIF routers by designing, implementing, and testing and a PCIe-based LESS switch to process unrouteable packets under the current LESS forwarding engine

    IP Restoration vs. WDM Protection: Is There an Optimal choice?

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    An Efficient Routing Method for Protection Data Flow in the MPLS Network

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    تقدم هذه الورقة طريقة فعالة لإعادة توجيه حركة المرور في شبكة الMPLS  وذلك عندما يحدث خطأ في المسار الناقل. و قد تم تصميم هذه الطريقة لمعالجة كل من الأخطاء الفردية والمتعددة استنادا إلى تقنيات الحماية وإعادة التوجيه.  حيث تؤدي الطريقة المقترحة إلى خسارة أقل للحزم (decrease packet loss)، ولها نسبة توصيل أفضل للخدمة (PDR)، وتحسين في الإنتاجية (Throughput)، وتحسين في وصول حزم البيانات بشكل منتظم (packet order). تم محاكاة الطريقة المقترحة باستخدام محاكي الشبكة (NS2) الإصدار 2.34 وقد أظهرت نتائج المحاكاة أن الطريقة المقترحة  تحسن  بشكل كبير من أداء الشبكة بالمقارنة مع الأساليب و الطرق الموجودة في الأبحاث العلمية المشابهة. الكلمات المفتاحية: شبكة الـ MPLS, عمل الـ Link, حماية البديل, إعادة التوجيه, محاكاه الشبكة.This paper presents an efficient method for rerouting traffic in the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) network, when a fault occurs in the working link. The method has been designed to handle both single and multiple faults based on the protection switching and rerouting techniques. The proposed method leads to less packets loss, has better Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), good throughput and eliminates packet disorder. The proposed method has been simulated using the Network Simulator (NS2) version 2.34 and the simulation results have shown that the proposed method significantly improves the network performance in comparison to similar existing methods. Keywords: MPLS network, Working link, Protection switching, Rerouting, Network simulator

    MPLS based recovery mechanisms

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    Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) integrates the label swapping forwarding paradigm with network layer routing. To deliver reliable service, MPLS requires a set of procedures to provide protection of the traffic carried on different paths. This requires that the label switching routers (LSRs) support fault detection, fault notification, and fault recovery mechanisms, and that MPLS signaling supports the configuration of recovery. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the different recovery mechanisms proposed by the IETF, by literature study and simulation experiments

    Foutbestendige toekomstige internetarchitecturen

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