323 research outputs found

    Validity of telemetric-derived measures of heart rate variability: a systematic review

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a widely accepted indirect measure of autonomic function with widespread application across many settings. Although traditionally measured from the 'gold standard' criterion electrocardiography (ECG), the development of wireless telemetric heart rate monitors (HRMs) extends the scope of the HRV measurement. However, the validity of telemetric-derived data against the criterion ECG data is unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to systematically review the validity of telemetric HRM devices to detect inter-beat intervals and aberrant beats; and (b) to determine the accuracy of HRV parameters computed from HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data against criterion ECG-derived data in healthy adults aged 19 to 62 yrs. A systematic review of research evidence was conducted. Four electronic databases were accessed to obtain relevant articles (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus. Articles published in English between 1996 and 2016 were eligible for inclusion. Outcome measures included temporal and power spectral indices (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). The review confirmed that modern HRMs (Polar® V800™ and Polar® RS800CX™) accurately detected inter-beat interval time-series data. The HRV parameters computed from the HRM-derived time series data were interchangeable with the ECG-derived data. The accuracy of the automatic in-built manufacturer error detection and the HRV algorithms were not established. Notwithstanding acknowledged limitations (a single reviewer, language bias, and the restricted selection of HRV parameters), we conclude that the modern Polar® HRMs offer a valid useful alternative to the ECG for the acquisition of inter-beat interval time series data, and the HRV parameters computed from Polar® HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data accurately reflect ECG-derived HRV metrics, when inter-beat interval data are processed and analyzed using identical protocols, validated algorithms and software, particularly under controlled and stable conditions

    Optimal fiducial points for pulse rate variability analysis from forehead and finger PPG signals

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    Objective: The aim of this work is to evaluate and compare five fiducialpoints for the temporal location of each pulse wave from forehead and fingerphotoplethysmographic pulse waves signals (PPG) to perform pulse rate variability(PRV) analysis as a surrogate of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Approach: Forehead and finger PPG signals were recorded during tilt-table testsimultaneously to the ECG. Artifacts were detected and removed and, five fiducialpoints were computed: apex, middle-amplitude and foot points of the PPG signal,apex point of the first derivative signal and, the intersection point of the tangent tothe PPG waveform at the apex of the derivative PPG signal and the tangent to thefoot of the PPG pulse defined as intersecting tangents method. Pulse period (PP)time intervals series were obtained from both PPG signals and compared to the RRintervals obtained from the ECG. Heart and pulse rate variability signals (HRV andPRV) were estimated and, classical time and frequency domain indices were computed. Main Results: The middle-amplitude point of the PPG signal (nM), the apexpoint of the first derivative (n*A), and the tangents intersection point (nT) are themost suitable fiducial points for PRV analysis, which result in the lowest relativeerrors estimated between PRV and HRV indices, higher correlation coefficients and reliability indexes. Statistically significant differences according to the Wilcoxon testbetween PRV and HRV signals were found for the apex and foot fiducial points ofthe PPG, as well as the lowest agreement between RR and PP series according toBland-Altman analysis. Hence, they have been considered less accurate for variabilityanalysis. In addition, the relative errors are significantly lower fornMandn*Afeaturesby using Friedman statistics with Bonferroni multiple-comparison test and, we proposenMas the most accurate fiducial point. Based on our results, forehead PPG seems toprovide more reliable information for a PRV assessment than finger PPG. Significance: The accuracy of the pulse wave detections depends on the morphologyof the PPG. There is therefore a need to widely define the most accurate fiducial pointto perform a PRV analysis under non-stationary conditions based on different PPGsensor locations and signal acquisition techniques

    Internet source evaluation: The role of implicit associations and psychophysiological self-regulation

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    This study focused on middle school students\u2019 source evaluation skills as a key component of digital literacy. Specifically, it examined the role of two unexplored individual factors that may affect the evaluation of sources providing information about the controversial topic of the health risks associated with the use of mobile phones. The factors were the implicit association of mobile phone with health or no health, and psychophysiological self-regulation as reflected in basal Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Seventy-two seventh graders read six webpages that provided contrasting information on the unsettled topic of the potential health risks related to the use of mobile phones. Then they were asked to rank-order the six websites along the dimension of reliability (source evaluation). Findings revealed that students were able to discriminate between the most and least reliable websites, justifying their ranking in light of different criteria. However, overall, they were little accurate in rank-ordering all six Internet sources. Both implicit associations and HRV correlated with source evaluation. The interaction between the two individual variables was a significant predictor of participants\u2019 performance in rank-ordering the websites for reliability. A slope analysis revealed that when students had an average psychophysiological self-regulation, the stronger their association of the mobile phone with health, the better their performance on source evaluation. Theoretical and educational significances of the study are discussed

    Heart Rate Variability from Wearable Photoplethysmography Systems: Implications in Sleep Studies at High Altitude

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    The interest in photoplethysmography (PPG) for sleep monitoring is increasing because PPG may allow assessing heart rate variability (HRV), which is particularly important in breathing disorders. Thus, we aimed to evaluate how PPG wearable systems measure HRV during sleep at high altitudes, where hypobaric hypoxia induces respiratory disturbances. We considered PPG and electrocardiographic recordings in 21 volunteers sleeping at 4554 m a.s.l. (as a model of sleep breathing disorder), and five alpine guides sleeping at sea level, 6000 m and 6800 m a.s.l. Power spectra, multiscale entropy, and self-similarity were calculated for PPG tachograms and electrocardiography R-R intervals (RRI). Results demonstrated that wearable PPG devices provide HRV measures even at extremely high altitudes. However, the comparison between PPG tachograms and RRI showed discrepancies in the faster spectral components and at the shorter scales of self-similarity and entropy. Furthermore, the changes in sleep HRV from sea level to extremely high altitudes quantified by RRI and PPG tachograms in the five alpine guides tended to be different at the faster frequencies and shorter scales. Discrepancies may be explained by modulations of pulse wave velocity and should be considered to interpret correctly autonomic alterations during sleep from HRV analysis

    The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap

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    Photoplethysmography is a key sensing technology which is used in wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. Currently, photoplethysmography sensors are used to monitor physiological parameters including heart rate and heart rhythm, and to track activities like sleep and exercise. Yet, wearable photoplethysmography has potential to provide much more information on health and wellbeing, which could inform clinical decision making. This Roadmap outlines directions for research and development to realise the full potential of wearable photoplethysmography. Experts discuss key topics within the areas of sensor design, signal processing, clinical applications, and research directions. Their perspectives provide valuable guidance to researchers developing wearable photoplethysmography technology

    Conduit Artery Photoplethysmography and its Applications in the Assessment of Hemodynamic Condition

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbā ir izstrādāta maģistrālo artēriju fotopletizmogrāfijas (APPG) metode hemodinamisko parametru novērtējumam. Pretstatot referentām metodēm, demonstrēta iespēja iegūt arteriālo elasticitāti raksturojošus parametrus, izmantojot APPG signāla formas analīzi (atvasinājuma un signāla formas aproksimācijas parametri) un ar APPG iegūtu pulsa izplatīšanās ātrumu unilaterālā gultnē. Izstrādāta APPG reģistrācijas standartizācija, mērījuma laikā nodrošinot optimālo sensora piespiedienu. Šis paņēmiens validēts ārējās ietekmes (sensora piespiediens) un hemodinamisko stāvokļu (perifērā vaskulārā pretestība) izmaiņās femorālā APPG signālā, identificējot būtiskākos faktorus APPG pielietojumos. Veikta APPG validācija asinsrites fizioloģijas un preklīniskā pētījumā demonstrējot APPG potenciālu pētniecībā un diagnostikā. Izstrādāts pulsa formas parametrizācijas paņēmiens, saistot fizioloģiskās un aproksimācijas modeļa komponentes. Atslēgas vārdi: maģistrālā artērija, fotopletizmogrāfija, arteriālā elasticitāte, metodes standartizācija, pulsa formas kvantifikācija, vazomocija, sepseThe doctoral thesis features the development of a conduit artery photoplethysmography technique (APPG) for the evaluation of hemodynamic parameters. Contrasting referent methods, the work demonstrates the possibility to receive parameters characterizing the arterial stiffness by means of APPG waveform analysis (derivation and waveform approximation parameters) and APPG obtained pulse wave velocity in a unilateral vascular bed. In this work APPG standardization technique was developed providing optimal probe contact pressure conditions. It was validated by altering the external factors (probe contact pressure) and hemodynamic conditions (peripheral vascular resistance) on the femoral APPG waveform identifying the key factors in APPG applications. The APPG validation in blood circulation physiology and a pre-clinical trial was performed demonstrating APPG potential in the extension of applications. An arterial waveform parameterization was developed relating the physiological wave to approximation model components. Keywords: conduit artery, photoplethysmography, arterial stiffness, method standardization, waveform parametrization, vasomotion, sepsi

    Validity of Telemetric-Derived Measures of Heart Rate Variability: A Systematic Review

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a widely accepted indirect measure of autonomic function with widespread application across many settings. Although traditionally measured from the ‘gold standard’ criterion electrocardiography (ECG), the development of wireless telemetric heart rate monitors (HRMs) extends the scope of the HRV measurement. However, the validity of telemetric-derived data against the criterion ECG data is unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to systematically review the validity of telemetric HRM devices to detect inter-beat intervals and aberrant beats; and (b) to determine the accuracy of HRV parameters computed from HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data against criterion ECG-derived data in healthy adults aged 19 to 62 yrs. A systematic review of research evidence was conducted. Four electronic databases were accessed to obtain relevant articles (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus. Articles published in English between 1996 and 2016 were eligible for inclusion. Outcome measures included temporal and power spectral indices (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). The review confirmed that modern HRMs (Polar® V800™ and Polar® RS800CX™) accurately detected inter-beat interval time-series data. The HRV parameters computed from the HRM-derived time series data were interchangeable with the ECG-derived data. The accuracy of the automatic in-built manufacturer error detection and the HRV algorithms were not established. Notwithstanding acknowledged limitations (a single reviewer, language bias, and the restricted selection of HRV parameters), we conclude that the modern Polar® HRMs offer a valid useful alternative to the ECG for the acquisition of inter-beat interval time series data, and the HRV parameters computed from Polar® HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data accurately reflect ECG-derived HRV metrics, when inter-beat interval data are processed and analyzed using identical protocols, validated algorithms and software, particularly under controlled and stable conditions

    Validity of Telemetric-Derived Measures of Heart Rate Variability : A Systematic Review

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    Validity of Telemetric-Derived Measures of Heart Rate Variability: A Systematic Review. JEPonline 2016;19(6):64-84. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a widely accepted indirect measure of autonomic function with widespread application across many settings. Although traditionally measured from the ‘gold standard’ criterion electrocardiography (ECG), the development of wireless telemetric heart rate monitors (HRMs) extends the scope of the HRV measurement. However, the validity of telemetric-derived data against the criterion ECG data is unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to systematically review the validity of telemetric HRM devices to detect inter-beat intervals and aberrant beats; and (b) to determine the accuracy of HRV parameters computed from HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data against criterion ECG-derived data in healthy adults aged 19 to 62 yrs. A systematic review of research evidence was conducted. Four electronic databases were accessed to obtain relevant articles (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus. Articles published in English between 1996 and 2016 were eligible for inclusion. Outcome measures included temporal and power spectral indices (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). The review confirmed that modern HRMs (Polar® V800™ and Polar® RS800CX™) accurately detected inter-beat interval time-series data. The HRV parameters computed from the HRM-derived time series data were interchangeable with the ECG-derived data. The accuracy of the automatic in-built manufacturer error detection and the HRV algorithms were not established. Notwithstanding acknowledged limitations (a single reviewer, language bias, and the restricted selection of HRV parameters), we conclude that the modern Polar® HRMs offer a valid useful alternative to the ECG for the acquisition of inter-beat interval time series data, and the HRV parameters computed from Polar® HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data accurately reflect ECG-derived HRV metrics, when inter-beat interval data are processed and analyzed using identical protocols, validated algorithms and software, particularly under controlled and stable conditions

    Signal processing techniques for cardiovascular monitoring applications using conventional and video-based photoplethysmography

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG)-based monitoring devices will probably play a decisive role in healthcare environment of the future, which will be preventive, predictive, personalized and participatory. Indeed, this optical technology presents several practical advantages over gold standard methods based on electrocardiography, because PPG wearable devices can be comfortably used for long-term continuous monitoring during daily life activities. Contactless video-based PPG technique, also known as imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG), has also attracted much attention recently. In that case, the cardiac pulse is remotely measured from the subtle skin color changes resulting from the blood circulation, using a simple video camera. PPG/iPPG have a lot of potential for a wide range of cardiovascular applications. Hence, there is a substantial need for signal processing techniques to explore these applications and to improve the reliability of the PPG/iPPG-based parameters. \par A part of the thesis is dedicated to the development of robust processing schemes to estimate heart rate from the PPG/iPPG signals. The proposed approaches were built on adaptive frequency tracking algorithms that were previously developed in our group. These tools, based on adaptive band-pass filters, provide instantaneous frequency estimates of the input signal(s) with a very low time delay, making them suitable for real-time applications. In case of conventional PPG, a prior adaptive noise cancellation step involving the use of accelerometer signals was also necessary to reconstruct clean PPG signals during the regions corrupted by motion artifacts. Regarding iPPG, after comparing different regions of interest on the subject face, we hypothesized that the simultaneous use of different iPPG signal derivation methods (i.e. methods to derive the iPPG time series from the pixel values of the consecutive frames) could be advantageous. Methods to assess signal quality online and to incorporate it into instantaneous frequency estimation were also examined and successfully applied to improve system reliability. \par This thesis also explored different innovative applications involving PPG/iPPG signals. The detection of atrial fibrillation was studied. Novel features derived directly from the PPG waveforms, designed to reflect the morphological changes observed during arrhythmic episodes, were proposed and proven to be successful for atrial fibrillation detection. Arrhythmia detection and robust heart rate estimation approaches were combined in another study aimed at reducing the number of false arrhythmia alarms in the intensive care unit by exploiting signals from independent sources, including PPG. Evaluation on a hidden dataset demonstrated that the number of false alarms was drastically reduced while almost no true alarm was suppressed. Finally, other aspects of the iPPG technology were examined, such as the measurement of pulse rate variability indexes from the iPPG signals and the estimation of respiratory rate from the iPPG interbeat intervals