142 research outputs found

    ISBIS 2016: Meeting on Statistics in Business and Industry

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    This Book includes the abstracts of the talks presented at the 2016 International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, held at Barcelona, June 8-10, 2016, hosted at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona TECH, by the Department of Statistics and Operations Research. The location of the meeting was at ETSEIB Building (Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial) at Avda Diagonal 647. The meeting organizers celebrated the continued success of ISBIS and ENBIS society, and the meeting draw together the international community of statisticians, both academics and industry professionals, who share the goal of making statistics the foundation for decision making in business and related applications. The Scientific Program Committee was constituted by: David Banks, Duke University Amílcar Oliveira, DCeT - Universidade Aberta and CEAUL Teresa A. Oliveira, DCeT - Universidade Aberta and CEAUL Nalini Ravishankar, University of Connecticut Xavier Tort Martorell, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona TECH Martina Vandebroek, KU Leuven Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, ESSEC Business Schoo

    Spare parts planning and control for maintenance operations

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    This paper presents a framework for planning and control of the spare parts supply chain inorganizations that use and maintain high-value capital assets. Decisions in the framework aredecomposed hierarchically and interfaces are described. We provide relevant literature to aiddecision making and identify open research topics. The framework can be used to increasethe e¿ciency, consistency and sustainability of decisions on how to plan and control a spareparts supply chain. This point is illustrated by applying it in a case-study. Applicability of theframework in di¿erent environments is also investigated

    State space exploration in Markov Models

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    Performance and dependability analysis is usually based on Markov models. One of the main problems faced by the analyst is the large state space cardinality of the Markov chain associated with the model, which precludes not only the model solution, but also the generation of the transition rate matrix. However, in many real system models, most of the probability mass is concentred in a small number of states in comparison with the whole state space. Therefore, performability measures may be accurately evaluated from these "high probable" states. In this paper, we present as algorithm to generate the most probable state the is more efficient than previous algorithms in the literature. We also address the problem of calculating measures of interest and show how bounds on some measures can b efficiently calculated.Análise de desempenho e dependabilidade baseia-se usualmente em modelos Markovianos. Um dos principais problemas que o analista encontra é a grande cardinalidade do espaço de estados da cadeias de Markov associada ao modelo, o que impede não somente a solução do modelo, mas também a geração da matriz de transição de estados. Entretanto, em muitos modelos de sistemas reais, a maioria da massa de probabilidade está concentrada em um pequeno número de estados em comparação com a totalidade do espaço dos estados. Por conseguinte, medidas de desempenhabilidade ('performability') podem ser avaliadas com precisão a partir desses estados mais prováveis. Neste artigo, apresentamos um algoritmo de geração dos estados mais prováveis que é mais eficiente que algoritmos anteriormente propostos na literatura. Abordaremos também o problema de cálculo das medidas de interesse e mostraremos como limites para algumas medidas podem ser eficientemente calculados

    Failure distance based bounds of dependability measures

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    El tema d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de mètodes de fitació per a una classe de models de confiabilitat basats en cadenes de Markov de temps continu (CMTC) de sistemes tolerants a fallades.Els sistemes considerats a la tesi es conceptualitzen com formats per components (hardware o software) que fallen i, en el cas de sistemes reparables, són reparats. Els components s'agrupen en classes de forma que els components d'una mateixa classe són indistingibles. Per tant, un component és considerat com a una instància d'una classe de components i el sistema inclou un bag de classes de components definit sobre un cert domini. L'estat no fallada/fallada del sistema es determina a partir de l'estat no fallada/fallada dels components mitjançant una funció d'estructura coherent que s'especifica amb un arbre de fallades amb classes d'esdeveniments bàsics. (Una classe d'esdeveniment bàsic és la fallada d'un component d'una classe de components.)La classe de models basats en CMTC considerada a la tesi és força àmplia i permet, per exemple, de modelar el fet que un component pot tenir diversos modes de fallada. També permet de modelar fallades de cobertura mitjançant la introducció de components ficticis que no fallen per ells mateixos i als quals es propaguen les fallades d'altres components. En el cas de sistemes reparables, la classe de models considerada admet polítiques de reparació complexes (per exemple, nombre limitat de reparadors, prioritats, inhibició de reparació) així com reparació en grup (reparació simultània de diversos components). Tanmateix, no és possible de modelar la reparació diferida (és a dir, el fet de diferir la reparació d'un component fins que una certa condició es compleixi).A la tesi es consideren dues mesures de confiabilitat: la no fiabilitat en un instant de temps donat en el cas de sistemes no reparables i la no disponibilitat en règim estacionari en el cas sistemes reparables.Els mètodes de fitació desenvolupats a la tesi es basen en el concepte de "distància a la fallada", que es defineix com el nombre mínim de components que han de fallar a més dels que ja han fallat per fer que el sistema falli.A la tesi es desenvolupen quatre mètodes de fitació. El primer mètode dóna fites per a la no fiabilitat de sistemes no reparables emprant distàncies a la fallada exactes. Aquestes distàncies es calculen usant el conjunt de talls mínims de la funció d'estructura del sistema. El conjunt de talls mínims s'obté amb un algorisme desenvolupat a la tesi que obté els talls mínims per a arbres de fallades amb classes d'esdeveniments bàsics. El segon mètode dóna fites per a la no fiabilitat usant fites inferiors per a les distàncies a la fallada. Aquestes fites inferiors s'obtenen analitzant l'arbre de fallades del sistema, no requereixen de conèixer el conjunt de talls mínims i el seu càlcul és poc costós. El tercer mètode dóna fites per a la no disponibilitat en règim estacionari de sistemes reparables emprant distàncies a la fallada exactes. El quart mètode dóna fites per a la no disponibilitat en règim estacionari emprant les fites inferiors per a les distàncies a la fallada.Finalment, s'il·lustren les prestacions de cada mètode usant diversos exemples. La conclusió és que cada un dels mètodes pot funcionar molt millor que altres mètodes prèviament existents i estendre de forma significativa la complexitat de sistemes tolerants a fallades per als quals és possible de calcular fites ajustades per a la no fiabilitat o la no disponibilitat en règim estacionari.The subject of this dissertation is the development of bounding methods for a class of continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) dependability models of fault-tolerant systems.The systems considered in the dissertation are conceptualized as made up of components (hardware or software) that fail and, for repairable systems, are repaired. Components are grouped into classes, the components of the same class being indistinguishable. Thus, a component is regarded as an instance of some component class and the system includes a bag of component classes defined over a certain domain. The up/down state of the system is determined from the unfailed/failed state of the components through a coherent structure function specified by a fault tree with basic event classes. (A basic event class is the failure of a component of a component class.)The class of CTMC models considered in the dissertation is quite wide and allows, for instance, to model the fact that a component may have different failure modes. It also allows to model coverage failures by means of introducing fictitious components that do not fail by themselves and to which uncovered failures of other components are propagated. In the case of repairable systems, the considered class of models supports very complex repair policies (e.g., limited repairpersons, priorities, repair preemption) as well as group repair (i.e., simultaneous repair of several components). However, deferred repair (i.e., the deferring of repair until some condition is met) is not allowed.Two dependability measures are considered in the dissertation: the unreliability at a given time epoch for non-repairable systems and the steady-state unavailability for repairable systems.The bounding methods developed in the dissertation are based on the concept of "failure distance from a state," which is defined as the minimum number of components that have to fail in addition to those already failed to take the system down.We develop four bounding methods. The first method gives bounds for the unreliability of non-repairable fault-tolerant systems using (exact) failure distances. Those distances are computed using the set of minimal cuts of the structure function of the system. The set of minimal cuts is obtained using an algorithm developed in the dissertation that obtains the minimal cuts for fault trees with basic event classes. The second method gives bounds for the unreliability using easily computable lower bounds for failure distances. Those lower bounds are obtained analyzing the fault tree of the system and do not require the knowledge of the set of minimal cuts. The third method gives bounds for the steady-state unavailability using (exact) failure distances. The fourth method gives bounds for the steady-state unavailability using the lower bounds for failure distances.Finally, the performance of each method is illustrated by means of several large examples. We conclude that the methods can outperform significantly previously existing methods and extend significantly the complexity of the fault-tolerant systems for which tight bounds for the unreliability or steady-state unavailability can be computed

    Markov and Semi-markov Chains, Processes, Systems and Emerging Related Fields

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    This book covers a broad range of research results in the field of Markov and Semi-Markov chains, processes, systems and related emerging fields. The authors of the included research papers are well-known researchers in their field. The book presents the state-of-the-art and ideas for further research for theorists in the fields. Nonetheless, it also provides straightforwardly applicable results for diverse areas of practitioners

    Towards faster numerical solution of Continuous Time Markov Chains stored by symbolic data structures

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    This work considers different aspects of model-based performance- and dependability analysis. This research area analyses systems (e.g. computer-, telecommunication- or production-systems) in order to quantify their performance and reliability. Such an analysis can be carried out already in the planning phase, without a physically existing system. All aspects treated in this work are based on finite state spaces (i.e. the models only have finitely many states) and a representation of the state graphs by Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams (MTBDDs). Currently, there are many tools that transform high-level model specifications (e.g. process algebra or Petri-Net) to low-level models (e.g. Markov chains). Markov chains can be represented by sparse matrices. For complex models very large state spaces may occur (this phenomenon is called state space explosion in the literature) and accordingly very large matrices representing the state graphs. The problem of building the model from the specification and storing the state graph can be regarded as solved: There are heuristics for compactly storing the state graph by MTBDD or Kronecker data structure and there are efficient algorithms for the model generation and functional analysis. For the quantitative analysis there are still problems due to the size of the underlying state space. This work provides some methods to alleviate the problems in case of MTBDD-based storage of the state graph. It is threefold: 1. For the generation of smaller state graphs in the model generation phase (which usually are easier to solve) a symbolic elimination algorithm is developed. 2. For the calculation of steady-state probabilities of Markov chains a multilevel algorithm is developed which allows for faster solutions. 3. For calculating the most probable paths in a state graph, the mean time to the first failure of a system and related measures, a path-based solver is developed

    Multi-criteria decision methods to support the maintenance management of complex systems

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    [ES] Esta tesis doctoral propone el uso de métodos de toma de decisiones multi-criterio (MCDM, por sus iniciales en inglés) como herramienta estratégica para apoyar la gestión del mantenimiento de sistemas complejos. El desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de un acuerdo de cotutela entre la Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA) y la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), dentro de sus respectivos programas de doctorado en 'Ingeniería de Innovación Tecnológica' y 'Matemáticas'. Estos programas están estrechamente vinculados a través del tópico MCDM, ya que proporciona herramientas cruciales para gestionar el mantenimiento de sistemas complejos reales utilizando análisis matemáticos serios. El propósito de esta sinergia es tener en cuenta de forma sólida la incertidumbre al atribuir evaluaciones subjetivas, recopilar y sintetizar juicios atribuidos por varios responsables de la toma de decisiones, y tratar con conjuntos grandes de esos elementos. El tema principal del presente trabajo de doctorado es el gestionamiento de las actividades de mantenimiento para aumentar los niveles de innovación tecnológica y el rendimiento de los sistemas complejos. Cualquier sistema puede ser considerado objeto de estudio, incluidos los sistemas de producción y los de prestación de servicios, entre otros, mediante la evaluación de sus contextos reales. Esta tesis doctoral propone afrontar la gestión del mantenimiento a través del desarrollo de tres líneas principales de investigación estrechamente vinculadas. ¿ La primera es el núcleo, e ilustra la mayoría de los aspectos metodológicos de la tesis. Se refiere al uso de métodos MCDM para apoyar decisiones estratégicas de mantenimiento, y para hacer frente a la incertidumbre que afecta a los datos/evaluaciones, incluso cuando están involucrados varios responsables (expertos en mantenimiento) en la toma de decisiones. ¿ La segunda línea desarrolla análisis de fiabilidad para sistemas complejos reales (también en términos de fiabilidad humana) sobre cuya base se debe implementar cualquier actividad de mantenimiento. Estos análisis consideran la configuración de fiabilidad de los componentes del sistema en estudio y las características específicas del entorno operativo. ¿ La tercera línea de investigación aborda aspectos metodológicos importantes de la gestión de mantenimiento y enfatiza la necesidad de monitorizar el funcionamiento de las actividades de mantenimiento y de evaluar su efectividad utilizando indicadores adecuados. Se ha elaborado una amplia gama de casos de estudio del mundo real para evaluar la eficacia de los métodos MCDM en el mantenimiento y así probar la utilidad del enfoque propuesto.[CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa l'ús de mètodes de presa de decisions multi-criteri (MCDM, per les seves inicials en anglès) com a eina estratègica per donar suport a la gestió del manteniment de sistemes complexos. El desenvolupament d'aquesta tesi doctoral s'emmarca dins d'un acord de cotutela entre la Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA) i la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), dins dels seus respectius programes de doctorat en 'Enginyeria d'Innovació Tecnològica' i ' Matemàtiques '. Aquests programes estan estretament vinculats a través del tòpic MCDM, ja que proporciona eines crucials per gestionar el manteniment de sistemes complexos reals utilitzant anàlisis matemàtics profunds. El propòsit d'aquesta sinergia és tenir en compte de forma sòlida la incertesa en atribuir avaluacions subjectius, recopilar i sintetitzar judicis atribuïts per diversos responsables de la presa de decisions, i tractar amb conjunts grans d'aquests elements en els problemes plantejats. El tema principal del present treball de doctorat es la gestió de les activitats de manteniment per augmentar els nivells d'innovació tecnològica i el rendiment dels sistemes complexos. Qualsevol sistema pot ser considerat objecte d'estudi, inclosos els sistemes de producció i els de prestació de serveis, entre d'altres, mitjançant l'avaluació dels seus contextos reals. Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa afrontar la gestió del manteniment mitjançant el desenvolupament de tres línies principals d'investigació estretament vinculades. ¿ La primera és el nucli, i il·lustra la majoria dels aspectes metodològics de la tesi. Es refereix a l'ús de mètodes MCDM per donar suport a decisions estratègiques de manteniment, i per fer front a la incertesa que afecta les dades/avaluacions, fins i tot quan estan involucrats diversos responsables (experts en manteniment) en la presa de decisions. ¿ La segona línia desenvolupa anàlisis de fiabilitat per a sistemes complexos reals (també en termes de fiabilitat humana) sobre la qual base s'ha d'implementar qualsevol activitat de manteniment. Aquestes anàlisis consideren la configuració de fiabilitat dels components del sistema en estudi i les característiques específiques de l'entorn operatiu. ¿ La tercera línia d'investigació aborda aspectes metodològics importants de la gestió de manteniment i emfatitza la necessitat de monitoritzar el funcionament de les activitats de manteniment i d'avaluar la seva efectivitat utilitzant indicadors adequats. S'ha elaborat una àmplia gamma de casos d'estudi del món real per avaluar l'eficàcia dels mètodes MCDM en el manteniment i així provar la utilitat de l'enfocament proposat.[EN] This doctoral thesis proposes using multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods as a strategic tool to support maintenance management of complex systems. The development of this doctoral thesis is framed within a cotutelle (co-tutoring) agreement between the Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA) and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), within their respective programmes of doctorates in 'Technological Innovation Engineering' and 'Mathematics'. Regarding this thesis, these programmes are closely linked through the topic of MCDM, providing crucial tools to manage maintenance of real complex systems by applying in-depth mathematical analyses. The purpose of this connection is to robustly take into account uncertainty in attributing subjective evaluations, collecting and synthetizing judgments attributed by various decision makers, and dealing with large sets of elements characterising the faced issue. The main topic of the present doctoral work is the management of maintenance activities to increase the levels of technological innovation and performance of the analysed complex systems. All kinds of systems can be considered as objects of study, including production systems and service delivery systems, among others, by evaluating their real contexts. Thus, this doctoral thesis proposes facing maintenance management through the development of three tightly linked main research lines. ¿ The first is the core and illustrates most of the methodological aspects of the thesis. It refers to the use of MCDM methods for supporting strategic maintenance decisions, and dealing with uncertainty affecting data/evaluations even when several decision makers are involved (experts in maintenance). ¿ The second line develops reliability analyses for real complex systems (also in terms of human reliability analysis) on the basis of which any maintenance activity must be implemented. These analyses are approached by considering the reliability configuration of both the components belonging to the system under study and the specific features of the operational environment. ¿ The third research line focuses on important methodological aspects to support maintenance management, and emphasises the need to monitor the performance of maintenance activities and evaluate their effectiveness using suitable indicators. A wide range of real real-world case studies has been faced to evaluate the effectiveness of MCDM methods in maintenance and then prove the usefulness of the proposed approach.Carpitella, S. (2019). Multi-criteria decision methods to support the maintenance management of complex systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11911

    Nonparametric estimation of first passage time distributions in flowgraph models

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    Statistical flowgraphs represent multistate semi-Markov processes using integral transforms of transition time distributions between adjacent states; these are combined algebraically and inverted to derive parametric estimates for first passage time distributions between nonadjacent states. This dissertation extends previous work in the field by developing estimation methods for flowgraphs using empirical transforms based on sample data, with no assumption of specific parametric probability models for transition times. We prove strong convergence of empirical flowgraph results to the exact parametric results; develop alternatives for numerical inversion of empirical transforms and compare them in terms of computational complexity, accuracy, and ability to determine error bounds; discuss (with examples) the difficulties of determining confidence bands for distribution estimates obtained in this way; develop confidence intervals for moment-based quantities such as the mean; and show how methods based on empirical transforms can be modified to accommodate censored data. Several applications of the nonparametric method, based on reliability and survival data, are presented in detail

    Bi-Directional Testing for Change Point Detection in Poisson Processes

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    Point processes often serve as a natural language to chronicle an event\u27s temporal evolution, and significant changes in the flow, synonymous with non-stationarity, are usually triggered by assignable and frequently preventable causes, often heralding devastating ramifications. Examples include amplified restlessness of a volcano, increased frequencies of airplane crashes, hurricanes, mining mishaps, among others. Guessing these time points of changes, therefore, merits utmost care. Switching the way time traditionally propagates, we posit a new genre of bidirectional tests which, despite a frugal construct, prove to be exceedingly efficient in culling out non-stationarity under a wide spectrum of environments. A journey surveying a lavish class of intensities, ranging from the tralatitious power laws to the deucedly germane rough steps, tracks the established unidirectional forward and backward test\u27s evolution into a p-value induced dual bidirectional test, the best member of the proffered category. Niched within a hospitable Poissonian framework, this dissertation, through a prudent harnessing of the bidirectional category\u27s classification prowess, incites a refreshing alternative to estimating changes plaguing a soporific flow, by conducting a sequence of tests. Validation tools, predominantly graphical, rid the structure of forbidding technicalities, aggrandizing the swath of applicability. Extensive simulations, conducted especially under hostile premises of hard non-stationarity detection, document minimal estimation error and reveal the algorithm\u27s obstinate versatility at its most unerring